Built-in Module posix


This module provides access to operating system functionality that is standardized by the C Standard and the POSIX standard (a thinly diguised interface). It is available in all Python versions except on the Macintosh; the MS-DOS version does not support certain functions. The descriptions below are very terse; refer to the corresponding manual entry for more information.

Errors are reported as exceptions; the usual exceptions are given for type errors, while errors reported by the system calls raise posix.error, described below.

Module posix defines the following data items:

A dictionary representing the string environment at th...
... your home directory, equivalent to
in C.

This exception is raised when an POSIX function returns a...
...ing string, as would be printed by the C function

It defines the following functions:

Change the current working directory to \var{path}.

\begin{funcdesc}{chmod}{path\, mode}
Change the mode of \var{path} to the numeric \var{mode}.

Close file descriptor \var{fd}.

Return a duplicate of file descriptor \var{fd}.

\begin{funcdesc}{dup2}{fd\, fd2}
Duplicate file descriptor \var{fd} to \var{fd2}, closing the latter
first if necessary. Return \code{None}.

\begin{funcdesc}{execv}{path\, args}
Execute the executable \var{path} with argu...
...argument list may be a tuple or list of strings.
(Not on MS-DOS.)

\begin{funcdesc}{execve}{path\, args\, env}
Execute the executable \var{path} wi...
...must be a dictionary mapping strings to strings.
(Not on MS-DOS.)

Exit to the system with status \var{n}, without calli...
...normally only be used in the child process
after a \code{fork()}.

\begin{funcdesc}{fdopen}{fd\, mode}
Return an open file object connected to the ...
...s the \var{mode} argument to the built-in
\code{open()} function.

Fork a child process. Return 0 in the child, the child's process id
in the parent.
(Not on MS-DOS.)

Return status for file descriptor \var{fd}, like \code{stat()}.

Return a string representing the current working directory.

Return the current process's effective group id.
(Not on MS-DOS.)

Return the current process's effective user id.
(Not on MS-DOS.)

Return the current process's group id.
(Not on MS-DOS.)

Return the current process id.
(Not on MS-DOS.)

Return the parent's process id.
(Not on MS-DOS.)

Return the current process's user id.
(Not on MS-DOS.)

\begin{funcdesc}{kill}{pid\, sig}
Kill the process \var{pid} with signal \var{sig}.
(Not on MS-DOS.)

\begin{funcdesc}{link}{src\, dst}
Create a hard link pointing to \var{src} named \var{dst}.
(Not on MS-DOS.)

Return a list containing the names of the entrie...
\code{'.'} and \code{'..'} if they are present in the directory.

\begin{funcdesc}{lseek}{fd\, pos\, how}
Set the current position of file descrip...
...he current
position; 2 to set it relative to the end of the file.

Like \code{stat()}, but do not follow symbolic lin...
without symbolic links, this is identical to \code{posix.stat}.)

\begin{funcdesc}{mkdir}{path\, mode}
Create a directory named \var{path} with numeric mode \var{mode}.

Add \var{incr} to the process' \lq\lq niceness''. Return the new niceness.
(Not on MS-DOS.)

\begin{funcdesc}{open}{file\, flags\, mode}
Open the file \var{file} and set var...
Return the file descriptor for the newly opened file.

Create a pipe. Return a pair of file descriptors \code{...
usable for reading and writing, respectively.
(Not on MS-DOS.)

\begin{funcdesc}{popen}{command\, mode}
Open a pipe to or from \var{command}. Th...
... whether \var{mode} is \code{'r'} or \code{'w'}.
(Not on MS-DOS.)

\begin{funcdesc}{read}{fd\, n}
Read at most \var{n} bytes from file descriptor \var{fd}.
Return a string containing the bytes read.

Return a string representing the path to which ...
...s without symbolic links, this always raises

\begin{funcdesc}{rename}{src\, dst}
Rename the file or directory \var{src} to \var{dst}.

Remove the directory \var{path}.

Set the current process's group id.
(Not on MS-DOS.)

Set the current process's user id.
(Not on MS-DOS.)

Perform a {\em stat} system call on the given path....
...that are useful for extracting information from a stat structure.

\begin{funcdesc}{symlink}{src\, dst}
Create a symbolic link pointing to \var{src...
...s without symbolic links, this always raises

Execute the command (a string) in a subshell. ...
... status of the process as returned by Standard C

Return a 4-tuple of floating point numbers indicating ...
...der. See the \UNIX{}
manual page {\it times}(2). (Not on MS-DOS.)

Set the current numeric umask and returns the previous umask.
(Not on MS-DOS.)

Return a 5-tuple containing information identifying th...
...et.gethostname()}. (Not on MS-DOS, nor on older
\UNIX{} systems.)

Unlink \var{path}.

\begin{funcdesc}{utime}{path\, \(atime\, mtime\)}
Set the access and modified ti...
... the given values.
(The second argument is a tuple of two items.)

Wait for completion of a child process, and return a tu...
... exit status indication (encoded as by \UNIX{}).
(Not on MS-DOS.)

\begin{funcdesc}{waitpid}{pid\, options}
Wait for completion of a child process ...
...waitpid(), this always raises
\code{posix.error}. Not on MS-DOS.)

\begin{funcdesc}{write}{fd\, str}
Write the string \var{str} to file descriptor \var{fd}.
Return the number of bytes actually written.