Built-in Module jpeg


The module jpeg provides access to the jpeg compressor and decompressor written by the Independent JPEG Group. JPEG is a (draft?) standard for compressing pictures. For details on jpeg or the Indepent JPEG Group software refer to the JPEG standard or the documentation provided with the software.

The jpeg module defines these functions:

\begin{funcdesc}{compress}{data\, w\, h\, b}
Treat data as a pixmap of width w a...
...ns a string that contains the
compressed picture, in JFIF format.

Data is a string containing a picture in JFIF...
Again, the data is suitable to pass to lrectwrite.

\begin{funcdesc}{setoption}{name\, value}
Set various options. Subsequent compre...
... useful for
low-quality images. Decompress only.

Compress and uncompress raise the error jpeg.error in case of errors.