Built-in Module audio


Note: This module is obsolete, since the hardware to which it interfaces is obsolete. For audio on the Indigo or 4D/35, see built-in module al above.

This module provides rudimentary access to the audio I/O device /dev/audio on the Silicon Graphics Personal IRIS 4D/25; see audio(7). It supports the following operations:

Sets the output gain.
\code{0 <= \var{n} < 256}.
$0 \leq \var{n} < 256$.

Returns the output gain.

Sets the sampling rate: \code{1} = 32K/sec, \code{2} = 16K/sec,
\code{3} = 8K/sec.

Sets the \lq sound duration' in units of 1/100 seconds.

Reads a chunk of
sampled bytes from the audio ...
...n be converted to numbers using \code{chr2num()} described

Writes a chunk of samples to the audio output (speaker).

These operations support asynchronous audio I/O:

Starts a second thread (a process with shar...
...tes from the audio device.
The main thread immediately continues.

Waits for the second thread to finish and returns the data read.

Makes the second thread stop reading as soon as possible.
Returns the data read so far.

Returns true if the second thread has finishe...
\code{wait_recording()} would return the data without delay).

...mber of bytes actually played (not very

The following operations do not affect the audio device but are implemented in C for efficiency:

\begin{funcdesc}{amplify}{buf\, f1\, f2}
Amplifies a chunk of samples by a varia...
...Resulting values that are to large to fit in a byte are clipped.

Returns a chunk of samples backwards.

\begin{funcdesc}{add}{buf1\, buf2}
Bytewise adds two chunks of samples.
Bytes th...
If one buffer is shorter, it is assumed to be padded with zeros.

Converts a string of sampled bytes as returned by...
...read()} into
a list containing the numeric values of the samples.

Converts a list as returned by...
back to a buffer acceptable by