Built-in Module amoeba

amoeba This module provides some object types and operations useful for Amoeba applications. It is only available on systems that support Amoeba operations. RPC errors and other Amoeba errors are reported as the exception amoeba.error = 'amoeba.error'.

The module amoeba defines the following items:

\begin{funcdesc}{name_append}{path\, cap}
Stores a capability in the Amoeba dire...
...bility (a capability
object as returned by

Deletes a capability from the Amoeba directory tree.
Argument is the pathname.

Looks up a capability.
Argument is the pathn...
..., to which various interesting operations apply, described below.

\begin{funcdesc}{name_replace}{path\, cap}
Replaces a capability in the Amoeba d...
...ror while
allows it, as its name suggests.)

A table representing the capability environment at the ti...
... of your root directory, similar to
in C.

The exception raised when an Amoeba function returns an e...
...responding string, as returned by the C function

Sets the transaction timeout, in milliseconds.
...ially, the timeout is set to 2 seconds by the Python interpreter.
