6.2 Built-in Module time


  This module provides various time-related functions. It is always available.

An explanation of some terminology and conventions is in order.

The module defines the following functions and data items:

The offset of the local DST timezone, in seconds west of the 0th meridian, if one is defined. Negative if the local DST timezone is east of the 0th meridian (as in Western Europe, including the UK). Only use this if daylight is nonzero.

asctime (tuple)
Convert a tuple representing a time as returned by gmtime() or localtime() to a 24-character string of the following form: 'Sun Jun 20 23:21:05 1993'. Note: unlike the C function of the same name, there is no trailing newline.

clock ()
Return the current CPU time as a floating point number expressed in seconds. The precision, and in fact the very definiton of the meaning of ``CPU time'', depends on that of the C function of the same name, but in any case, this is the function to use for benchmarking Python or timing algorithms.

ctime (secs)
Convert a time expressed in seconds since the epoch to a string representing local time. ctime(t) is equivalent to asctime(localtime(t)).

Nonzero if a DST timezone is defined.

gmtime (secs)
Convert a time expressed in seconds since the epoch to a time tuple in UTC in which the dst flag is always zero. Fractions of a second are ignored.

localtime (secs)
Like gmtime but converts to local time. The dst flag is set to 1 when DST applies to the given time.

mktime (tuple)
This is the inverse function of localtime. Its argument is the full 9-tuple (since the dst flag is needed -- pass -1 as the dst flag if it is unknown) which expresses the time in local time, not UTC. It returns a floating point number, for compatibility with time.time(). If the input value can't be represented as a valid time, OverflowError is raised.

sleep (secs)
Suspend execution for the given number of seconds. The argument may be a floating point number to indicate a more precise sleep time.

strftime (format, tuple)
Convert a tuple representing a time as returned by gmtime() or localtime() to a string as specified by the format argument.

The following directives, shown without the optional field width and precision specification, are replaced by the indicated characters:


Additional directives may be supported on certain platforms, but only the ones listed here have a meaning standardized by ANSI C.

On some platforms, an optional field width and precision specification can immediately follow the initial % of a directive in the following order; this is also not portable. The field width is normally 2 except for %j where it is 3.

time ()
Return the time as a floating point number expressed in seconds since the epoch, in UTC. Note that even though the time is always returned as a floating point number, not all systems provide time with a better precision than 1 second.

The offset of the local (non-DST) timezone, in seconds west of the 0th meridian (i.e. negative in most of Western Europe, positive in the US, zero in the UK).

A tuple of two strings: the first is the name of the local non-DST timezone, the second is the name of the local DST timezone. If no DST timezone is defined, the second string should not be used.
