18.11 Extension modules

bsddbmodule.c - Interface to the Berkeley DB interface (yet another dbm clone).

cursesmodule.c - Curses interface.

dbhashmodule.c - Obsolete; this functionality is now provided by bsddbmodule.c.

dlmodule.c - A highly experimental and dangerous device for calling arbitrary C functions in arbitrary shared libraries.

newmodule.c - Tommy Burnette's `new' module (creates new empty objects of certain kinds) - dangerous.

nismodule.c - NIS (a.k.a. Sun's Yellow Pages) interface.

timingmodule.c - Measure time intervals to high resolution (obsolete - use time.clock() instead).

resource.c - Interface to getrusage() and friends.

stdwinmodule.c - Interface to STDWIN (an old, unsupported platform-independent GUI package). Obsolete; use Tkinter for a platform-independent GUI instead.

The following are SGI specific:

clmodule.c - Interface to the SGI compression library.

svmodule.c - Interface to the ``simple video'' board on SGI Indigo (obsolete hardware).
