16.4.3 FORMS Objects

Besides methods specific to particular kinds of FORMS objects, all FORMS objects also have the following methods:

set_call_back (function, argument)
Set the object's callback function and argument. When the object needs interaction, the callback function will be called with two arguments: the object, and the callback argument. (FORMS objects without a callback function are returned by fl.do_forms() or fl.check_forms() when they need interaction.) Call this method without arguments to remove the callback function.

delete_object ()
Delete the object.

show_object ()
Show the object.

hide_object ()
Hide the object.

redraw_object ()
Redraw the object.

freeze_object ()
Freeze the object.

unfreeze_object ()
Unfreeze the object.

FORMS objects have these data attributes; see the FORMS documentation:

