Demonstration Disk Requires: 640K VGA or better video DOS 3.1 or higher 4-6 Meg of Hard Drive Space Will run in DOS or OS/2 Full Screen To Run: Type VIP at the DOS prompt KASE:VIP for OS/2 Presentation Manager Client/Server Application Development * Visual interface design and code generation in standard 3GL languages that protect your application development investment. * Enhances the power of your applications by utilizing OS/2 2.0's 32-bit architecture. * Allows developers to build client/server applications targeting Sybase, Database Manager, and DB2/2. * Generates graphical user interface and database source code in standard 3GL language. * Saves you money by eliminating runtimes and royalties. * Allows you to take advantage of new CUA '91 OS/2 features such as Notebooks, Containers and Drag-and-Drop. * Supports PM client/server application development by letting you design, animate, generate, compile and run applications. * Monitors compliance with CUA '91 guidelines. * WYSIWYG application prototyping and design that lets you test your interface with users before generating code. ******************* KASE:VIP for Presentation Manager ********************* Gives you the Power to Design and Generate All the Components of an OS/2 Presentation Manager Application. *************************************************************************** ================ For Demonstration Only - Not for Resale ==================