═══ 1. Introduction ═══ Thank you for trying PMD. About PMD PM Designer(PMD) is a visual application development environment for OS/2 Presentation Manager that supports the graphical creation of GUI applications, using your choice of compiler and class library. This is the demo version of PMD 2.0. It is distributed solely for the purpose of demonstrating the retail version of PMD. As such, it is not fully functional. You can design forms and attach code to events and code sections, but you cannot generate code using this version. Otherwise, it is the same as the retail version. There are 2 retail versions of PMD available. They are: Base version The Base version of PMD contains everything you need to start designing applications visually. It, like the Professional version, requires the presence of at least one of the IBM, Borland, Watcom, or MetaWare compilers and toolsets, and includes the following components:  The PMD design environment.  VacNat Interface Classes(VIC) class library.  The full set of CUA '91 PM controls, plus a Timer control.  Full support for custom controls, and "plug in" code generators.  Online documentation.  Example programs and source code. Professional version The Professional version of PMD includes everything in the Base version, plus the following components:  Control Designer and CTL development tools.  A toolkit for creating code generator DLL modules.  VIC class library source code.  Bitmap library.  Icon library.  Resource import tools, which are used to make PMD forms out of existing RC files. Note: In both of the above packages, the documentation for PMD and the VIC class library is provided online. You can order printed manuals separately. Please see the pricing information below. Where to get a copy of PMD PMD is available from OS/2 retailers such as Indelible Blue, Inc. You can also order PMD direct from VacNat Software. If you wish to order PMD from an online source, you can connect to the OS/2 Shareware BBS, and download the retail version in the form of executable files that create installation diskette images. Look for CTL files and other generators in the OS2USER and OS2DF2 forums on Compuserve and on the OS/2 Shareware BBS, or check the VacNat Web page at http://www.tyrell.net/~jkelly. More items, as well as improvements to PMD itself, are being developed all the time, so you should check these sites every few weeks. Pricing Information The various components of PMD can be purchased separately. Prices for the separate components are as follows:  PMD Design Environment $100 US  VIC Class library (no source code) $100 US  VIC Class library (incl. source code) $175 US  CTL and Generator Development Kits $60 US The prices for the two combined packages are:  PMD Base Edition (described above) $120 US  PMD Pro Edition (described above) $200 US  Printed manuals $45 US For a limited time... Until December 31, 1995, you can order the Base version of PMD, and get all of the components included in the Professional version for free. After that time, users of the Base edition can order an upgrade package directly from VacNat Software, to upgrade the Base edition to the Professional Edition. Example programs The example programs included in this package demonstrate the various features of PMD and the VacNat Interface Classes library. To get an overview of what each example program is for, start the example program, and press the F1 key. License Agreement Please see the included LICENSE.TXT file included with this package. Contacting VacNat Software We would like to hear any suggestions you may have regarding possible improvements to PMD. If you have any questions or suggestions for us regarding PMD, send us an e-mail at jkelly@tyrell.net, or 70572,1247 on CompuServe. If you are interested in developing a code generator or CTL control library for PMD, contact us at one of the above places. We will be glad to assist you in your efforts. Problem Reporting If, during your evaluation of this product, you find any problems with it's operation, use the file PMDPROB.TXT in the \DOC subdirectory under PMD's base directory. We will attempt to rectify the problem as soon as possible, and notify you of a fix for it.