
Some small parts of the Prolog code of SWI-Prolog are modified versions of the corresponding Edinburgh C-Prolog code: grammar rule compilation and writef/2. Also some of the C-code originates from C-Prolog: finding the path of the currently running executable and the code underlying absolute_file_name/2. Ideas on programming style and techniques originate from C-Prolog and Richard O'Keefe's thief editor. An important source of inspiration are the programming techniques introduced by Anjo Anjewierden in PCE version 1 and 2.

I also would like to thank those who had the fade of using the early versions of this system, suggested extensions or reported bugs. Among them are Anjo Anjewierden, Huub Knops, Bob Wielinga, Wouter Jansweijer, Luc Peerdeman, Eric Nombden, Frank van Harmelen, Bert Rengel.