
Section: Perl Programmers Reference Guide (3)
Updated: perl 5.004, patch 55
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getopt - Process single-character switches with switch clustering

getopts - Process single-character switches with switch clustering  


    use Getopt::Std;

    getopt('oDI');    # -o, -D & -I take arg.  Sets opt_* as a side effect.
    getopt('oDI', \%opts);    # -o, -D & -I take arg.  Values in %opts
    getopts('oif:');  # -o & -i are boolean flags, -f takes an argument
                      # Sets opt_* as a side effect.
    getopts('oif:', \%opts);  # options as above. Values in %opts



The getopt() functions processes single-character switches with switch clustering. Pass one argument which is a string containing all switches that take an argument. For each switch found, sets $opt_x (where x is the switch name) to the value of the argument, or 1 if no argument. Switches which take an argument don't care whether there is a space between the switch and the argument.

For those of you who don't like additional variables being created, getopt() and getopts() will also accept a hash reference as an optional second argument. Hash keys will be x (where x is the switch name) with key values the value of the argument or 1 if no argument is specified.




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