Section: PCCTS Manual Pages (1)
Updated: August 1993
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PCCTS - The Purdue Compiler Construction Tool Set  


PCCTS is a set of public domain software tools designed to facilitate the implementation of compilers and other translation systems. These tools currently include antlr, dlg and support code. In many ways, PCCTS is similar to a highly integrated version of YACC [Joh78] and LEX [Les75]; where antlr (ANother Tool for Language Recognition) corresponds to YACC and dlg (DFA-based Lexical analyzer Generator) functions like LEX. However, PCCTS has many additional features which make it easier to use for a wider range of translation problems.

PCCTS grammars contain specifications for lexical and syntactic analysis, intermediate-form construction and error reporting. Rules may employ Extended Backus Naur Form (EBNF) grammar constructs and may define parameters, return values and local variables. Languages described in PCCTS are recognized via Strong LL(k) parsers constructed in pure, human-readable, C code. As a result, standard debugging tools can be used to trace and debug PCCTS parsers. Breakpoints can be set so that parser execution stops before or after grammar fragments of interest have been recognized.

PCCTS grammars may contain predicates which allow parsing to be a function of semantics as well as syntax --- context-sensitive grammars. Backtracking can also be specified to recognized non-LL(k) and non-LALR(k) constructs. In addition, PCCTS supports intermediate-form (such as expression-trees) construction via a flexible Abstract-Syntax Tree (AST) mechanism which allows trees to be built explicitly or automatically. The user explicitly creates trees via a LISP-like tree constructor or directs the automatic tree construction facility via simple grammar directives. AST nodes are user-defined and are generally a function of attributes. A default transformation from attributes ($-variables) to AST nodes can be specified. Alternatively, each tree node can be defined explicitly via an AST node constructor.  


PCCTS includes a number of different programs and examples in the software release package---most of which like to live in their own directories. The install script will build a standard hierarchy. The PCCTS executables (antlr, dlg) may be placed anywhere the user wishes but the install script places them in the bin directory created during installation.

To begin installation, the user should create a directory (usually called pccts) where the PCCTS source subtree is to be created. If you have the pccts.tar file, then simply place it into the subdirectory and untar with:

tar xvf pccts.tar

Then say make. If you have the pccts.bag as sent via email by our mail server, place it and the install script into the subdirectory. To install PCCTS, simply type

sh install

which will build the standard PCCTS directory hierarchy (under the directory where you ran the install script), unbag all of the files and build executable versions of antlr and dlg.

The examples associated with PCCTS have makefile variables called ANTLR, DLG etc... which must be set according to your personal directory structure before make'ing. Some variables point to the PCCTS executables if the PATH environment variable does not include your bin directory. Also, there are variables that point to PCCTS include directories and must be changed if you deviate from the standard PCCTS installation hierarchy. antlr and dlg can be built without executable versions of themselves (antlr and dlg are written in themselves).  


A C program called genmk.c is available in the support directory of the PCCTS release which has the following usage:

genmk project f1.g f2.g ... fn.g

It generates a makefile that creates an executable, project, from a set of grammar files. Typing make will create the executable once the makefile has been modified to indicate where the antlr and dlg executables reside.  


dlg(1), antlr(1)




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