What this is: B.I.L.L. is a simple Pascal interpreter which I wrote for my compiler class at university. Note that this interpreter does *NOT* support the full Turbo Pascal set (as opposed to Virtual Pascal and Speed Pascal which do). Regardless of the shortcomings, I thought it may come in handy for someone who might want a tokenizer and didn't want to start from scratch, etc... =========================================================================== HOW TO USE THESE FILES The directories are as follows: 1) bill -> contains the file that has main() 2) exitcode -> has the functions which deal with error messages 3) global -> global definitions used throughout the project, such as the level of debugging output to include when compiling, etc 4) lexical -> tokenizer (configured for Pascal, but could be easily changed) 5) parser ->parser for a limited subset of standard Pascal 6) pcode -> routines to handle to generation of pcode 7) stackman -> stack machine which executes the pcode (this module was created as an independent unit so it could be made as a "run-time library" used to execute Pascal pcode files) 8) symtable -> symble-table routines (used with CONST and VAR) =========================================================================== That's about it. Send me mail for more info! St‚phane Charette, 95Oct29. =========================================================================== St‚phane Charette 95 Oxford, Apt. 102 Lennoxville, Qu‚bec J1M 2G3 (819) 820-7522 ch930116@arus.ubishops.ca -or- root@cyniska.ubishops.ca (one of the above address, phone number or email addresses should work...)