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7.7 BOOL pglCopyContext(hab, hgc_src, hgc_dst, attrib_mask)

BOOL pglCopyContext(hab, hgc_src, hgc_dst, attrib_mask)


This call will copy some portion of state from hgc_src to hgc_dst. The attrib_mask parameter determines what group(s) of state variables will be copied. attrib_mask must contain the bitwise OR of the same sym- bolic names that can be passed to glPushAttrib. Set attrib_mask to GL_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS to copy the max amount of state. This copy can be done only if hgc_src and hgc_dst were created in the same pro- cess.

HAB hab Handle to Anchor Block 
HGC hgc_src Source OpenGL context 
HGC hgc_dst Destination OpenGL context 
GLuint attrib_mask Specifies which portions of hgc_src are to be copied to hgc_dst

Return Values:
True Context state was successfully copied from hgc_src to hgc_dst 
False Error occured.


If hgc_src is not current to the thread issuing the request, then the state of hgc_src is undefined.

Not all values of OpenGL state can be copied. For example, pixel pack and pixel unpack state, render mode state, select and feedback state are not copied. The state that can be copied by this command is exactly the same state that can be manipulated by the OpenGL command glPush- Attrib. 

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