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7.17 BOOL pglGrabFrontBitmap(hab,phps, phbitmap)

BOOL pglGrabFrontBitmap(hab,phps, phbitmap)


This subroutine queries the HPS and HBITMAP which contain the bit- map representation of the front buffer of the current OpenGL window. While the bitmap is locked, the application will NOT receive WM_SIZE or WM_ADJUSTPOSITION messages in the current OpenGL hwnd, and the current window will NOT be sizeable. An implicit glFlush() occurs before this call completes. Applications must call pglReleaseFrontBitmap when they are done with the HBITMAP. The HBITMAP is only valid between pglGrabFrontBitmap and pglRe- leaseFrontBitmap, the HPS will be valid until the current window is unbound by calling pglMakeCurrent.

HAB hab Handle to Anchor Block 
HPS *phps Pointer returning HPS with phbitmap set in it 
HBITMAP *phbitmap Pointer returning HBITMAP containing OpenGL rendering

Return Values:
BOOL True: Bitmap was grabbed

False: No Current window exists for this process


Applications should not destroy the HPS or HBITMAP. Applica- tions should not use GpiSetPalette to modify the HPS's color palette. Applications should not disassociate HPS from it's DC, or unset the bitmap from HPS.Applications should not set any PS size, units and format using GpiSetPS. In other words, "Look, but don't touch!"

See pglWaitPM and pglWaitGL for integrating OpenGL andGpi drawing.

Applications should call pglReleaseFrontBitmap as soon as possi- ble after locking the bitmap with this call. 

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