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7.14 BOOL pglUseFont(hab, hps,fatAttrs,llcid,first,count,listbase)

BOOL pglUseFont(hab, hps,fatAttrs,llcid,first,count,listbase)


This function will create the specified number (count) of OpenGL dis- play lists containing bitmaps of the named logical character set identi- fier (llcid) specified. An OS/2 logical font should be created by the user using the specified hps, llcid, and fatAttrs before calling pglUseFont(). Each bitmap will consist of a single glBitmap command. These display lists will be numbered listbase through listbase + count -1. The param- eters to glBitmap for display list listbase+i are derived from bitmap first+i in the logical font. OpenGL might delay glBitmap creation until a font glyph is accessed.

HAB hab Handle to anchor block 
HPS hps Handle to PS that the logical font was created with 
FATTRS fattrs Font Attributes (was used in GpiCreateLogFont) 
LONG llcid Logical Set ID for created Logical Font 
int first index of first glyph to be taken 
int count number of glyphs to be taken 
int listbase index of first display list to be created.

Return Values:
NULL Error occured. 
Non NULL Bitmap display lists were successfully created.


Empty display lists are created for all glyphs requested but not defined in the logical font specified by id.

No display lists wil be created if there is no current OpenGL con- text. 

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