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Some OpenDoc Definitions

OpenDoc extension: A class derived from ODExtension that defines a set of logically related behaviors implemented as methods. When attached to any other OpenDoc object, an extension serves to extend the capabilities of the base object. An OpenDoc extension is itself an object that can be reused, modified, inherited from, and so-on. Also called an interface extension.

OpenDoc base object: Any OpenDoc object that uses an extension. Base objects must implement the HasExtension, AcquireExtension, and ReleaseExtension APIs in order to communicate to other objects that an extension is attached and available.

Shell plug-in: An entry point into the OpenDoc document instantiation process. A shell plug-in is invoked by the document shell prior to the instantiation of any OpenDoc part. Shell plug-ins can contain any logic, including (but not limited to) the implementation of OpenDoc extensions.

Part: An OpenDoc component. A part consists of methods and data. The methods are collectively called a "part handler;" the data refers to part content. For example, an instance of a text-processing part comprises the text-processing application code (part handler) and the text being manipulated (the data).

Part handler: Often used interchangeably with "part" but actually denotes the application code that handles the instance content of a part.

Document shell: The run-time instantiation of an OpenDoc document. The document shell owns the process associated with the document and provides run-time services, including initialization of the document's session and the invocation of shell plug-ins. Also called "docshell."

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