═══ 1. Overview ═══ PartMeister is a tool for generating OpenDoc part source code, allowing rapid creation of new components based on templates. Note: For technical information about PartMeister and creating templates, see the OpenDoc Programming Guide. The PartMeister notebook is made up of the following pages:  Template  Part  Symbols ═══ 2. Template ═══ The template determines what files are generated and the content of the files. Templates use the information provided by the user to create custom components based on the values entered. Selecting an item in the Template list causes a description of the template function to be displayed in the Description box. Note: For information on creating your own templates, see the OpenDoc Programming Guide. For more information, select from the following:  Template  Description ═══ Template ═══ Select the down-arrow on the right-hand side of the Template field to display a list of templates. From the list, you can select the template on which to base the generated part. When you select a template from the list, a description of what the generated part will do is displayed in the Description box. ═══ Description ═══ The Description box displays a description of the template selected from the Template drop-down list. The description explains what the part derived from the template will do. ═══ 3. Part ═══ Use the Part page to specify additional information about the part you are generating. For more information, select from the following:  Class name  Short name  Desktop display name  Category  Category display name  Kind  Kind display name ═══ Class Name ═══ Use the Class name field to specify a class name for the part you are generating. The class name is used as the SOM class name for the component. ═══ Short Name ═══ Use the Short name field to specify a short name to use when generating the part. A short name of 1 to 8 characters (a limitation imposed by the FAT file system) is required for generating file names. Only valid characters for a file name may be used (spaces are not allowed). ═══ Desktop Display Name ═══ Use the Desktop display name to specify a name for the part you are generating. This is the name used to label the icon on the Desktop after the part is generated. During registration, OpenDoc requests a display name from the part. This name will be returned. ═══ Category ═══ Use the Category field to indicate the general data type for a part. Categories are defined by CI-Labs or created by the part developer. Specify the category by performing one of the following actions:  Select the down-arrow on the right-hand side of the field to display the list of supplied categories, and then select a category.  Specify your own category by typing the category into the field. ═══ Category Display Name ═══ Use the Category display name field to specify a readable name for the category. ═══ Kind ═══ Use the Kind field to specify the specific data type of the part. For example, the kind could refer to the format of data for a specific word processor. A common format for kind is Company:Kind:ClassName for unique data types. For example: IBM:Kind:MyPart ═══ Kind Display Name ═══ Use the Kind display name to specify a readable name for specified kind. ═══ 4. Symbols ═══ Use the Symbols page to display information about the symbols that have been defined for the selected template. The list is empty if there are no additional symbols defined for the template. For more information, select from the following:  Symbol  Value ═══ Symbol ═══ Select the down-arrow on the right-hand side of the Symbol field to display a list of additional symbols defined for the template from which you can select. When you select a symbol, its value is displayed in the Value box. Note: Not all templates have additional symbols defined. If no symbols are defined, the list is empty. ═══ Value ═══ The Value box displays the value associated with the symbol selected from the Symbol list. You can view or change the value. Note: Not all templates have additional symbols defined. If no symbols are defined, the list is empty. ═══ 5. Part ═══ Select the Part menu to display a menu of actions related to the creation of parts, including source code generation and settings related to the generation processing. The following menu items are available from the Part menu:  New  Generate  Settings ═══ 5.1. New ═══ Select the New menu item to clear all entry fields and reset initial values where applicable. ═══ 5.2. Generate ═══ Select the Generate menu item to generate an OpenDoc part based on the currently specified values and settings information. ═══ 5.3. Settings ═══ Select the Settings menu item to open a notebook in which you can specify the settings for copyright information, directories, and platform-specific generation directives. ═══ 6. Help ═══ Select the Help menu to display a menu of information that can assist you in learning and using PartMeister. The following menu items are available from the Help menu:  Help index  General help  Using help  Product information ═══ 6.1. Help Index ═══ Select the Help index menu item to display a window containing the PartMeister help index listing. Use the index to select a help topic to view. ═══ 6.2. General Help ═══ Select the General help menu item to display an overview of PartMeister and its functions. ═══ 6.3. Using Help ═══ Select the Using help menu item do display information about using the help facility. ═══ 6.4. Product Information ═══ Select the Product information menu item to view a panel giving the release date and version number for your version of PartMeister. This panel does not connect to any further function. Select the OK push button after noting the information you need. ═══ 7. Copyright ═══ Use the Copyright page to specify general information to include in the header information for each source file created using PartMeister. For more information, select from the following:  Author  Company  Years ═══ Author ═══ Use the Author field to specify a name representing the creator of the file. The name you specify becomes the Author line in the header information of each source file. If you leave this field blank, the author name is not included in the header. ═══ Company ═══ Use the Company field to specify the name of your company for copyright purposes. The company name you specify becomes part of the copyright line included in the header information of each source file. For example: Copyright (c) 1996, ABC Inc. Where ABC Inc. represents the company name you specify. ═══ Years ═══ Use the Years field to specify the current year and other years in which the files are copyrighted. The years you specify become part of the copyright line included in the header information of each source file. For example: Copyright (c) 1995, 1996, ABC Inc. Where 1995, 1996 represents the company name you specify. ═══ 8. Directory ═══ Use the Directory page to specify directory and location information for the source files. For more information, select from the following:  Runtime  Public files  Output ═══ Runtime ═══ Use the Runtime field to specify the location of the OpenDoc runtime (the user runtime). The makefiles included with PartMeister copy the DLL generated to this directory of the runtime after a successful build. ═══ Public Files ═══ Use the Public files field to specify the location (public directory) where all files that are used by more than one component are stored. For example, any part that may be used as a superclass should have its IDL, XH, and LIB files stored in the public directory. You should create a new public directory in a directory that is created specifically for creating OpenDoc parts. For example: C:\ODPARTS\PUBLIC ═══ Output ═══ Use the Output field to specify the directory in which the generated source files will be stored. When a part is generated, a subdirectory is created inside this directory (using the short name). All source files generated are created inside the new subdirectory. You should create a new directory specifically for creating OpenDoc parts, and specify that directory here. For example: C:\ODPARTS ═══ Product Info ═══ Displays application, copyright, and support information. Select the Close push button to close the dialog.