Readme file for the OPEN OBJECT LIBRARY 1.0 1. What is the OPEN OBJECT LIBRARY? =================================== The Open Object Library (OOL) is a C++ class library for Warp 3 or higher. It contains classes for - control-windows, menus, dialogs and other types of windows - files, (named) pipes, DDE, sockets - graphic primitives and printer-support - semaphores and other useful things like interfaces to Java (TM), REXX and DIVE. The OOL works with following compilers: - IBM Visual Age C++ 3.0 - EMX/GCC 0.9b or higher - Watcom C/C++ 10.0 (Currently we have some problems with Watcom 10.x so the librarys and DLLs for this compiler are not distributed, the makefiles for the compiler are part of the package so you are able to build these files yourself). The OOL is copyrighted freeware. 2. Files of the OOL =================== The OOL is shipped in four packages: OOL_MAIN.ZIP source, header-files, samples, course, documentation in INF-format OOL_GLIB.ZIP modules to rebuild the graphic import libarary of the OOL OOL_EMX.ZIP DLLs and import librarys for EMX 0.9b (or higher) OOL_IBM.ZIP DLLs and import librarys for Visual Age C++ 3. How to install the OOL ========================= To install the OOL you need a drive wich supports long filenames (if you don't need the HTML-documentation you can install it on a FAT-drive). Copy the zipped file to a place you want to and unzip the file: >unzip For the first step you should read OOL.INF (directory OOL\DOC) where you find detailed instructions how to work with the OOL.