
Include file: xhandler.h


Events like mouse-moving, keyboard input) are typicaly send in the OOL in the form of XEvent and derived classes. Except XControlEvent (see XWindow::DoControl()) this events must be caught with classes derived from XHandler, each of this handlers is corresponding to a special event-class, eg. to catch a XKeyboardEvent you need a XKeyboardHandler.

To catch these event you must attach the needed handler to the window from which the events should be caught (see the constructors of the handlers for details). Therefor you have to derive a class from the needed handler and override the member-function HandleEvent(). With your overridden function you catch the events and handle it.

Usualy the method HandleEvent() must return a boolean value. The return value indicates if the event can be processed by the operating system (return TRUE) or if the event should not be processed (return FALSE). You can install:




XEvent * event the event-class, in derived classes of XHandler there will be usualy caught events derived from XEvent.


BOOL TRUE=let the OS handle the event, FALSE=dont let the OS handle the event


Constructor of XItemDrawHandler

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