Description |
XDDE supports "dynamic data exchange". An instance of XDDE can be server or client, it should be possible to create two or more XDDE∩s for one window. See OS/2 documentation for details.
AdviseRequested |
char * itemName | the name of the requested item |
SHORT format | format of the data |
OOL_WINDOWHANDLE | handle of the client |
Informs a server that an advise is requested. Override this function if you need this information.
Connected |
OOL_WINDOWHANDLE handle of the client
Informs a server that a client has been connected. Override this function if you need this information.
DataReceived |
ULONG size | size of the data |
void * data | buffer which holds the data |
char * itemName | item name |
SHORT format | format of the data |
Informs that datas has been received. Override this function if you need this information.
DataRequested |
char * itemName | item name |
SHORT format | format of the data |
OOL_WINDOWHANDLE | the clients handle |
Informs a server that datas are needed. Override this function if you need this information.
DisConnected |
Informs that the xdde-instance has no more connections. Override this function if you need this information.
InitPossible |
char * appName applivcation name of the possible server
char * toppicname toppic-name that the possible server supports
BOOL connect
Informs the application that a server is ready for a DDE connect. Return TRUE for a connect, otherwise return FALSE. On default this function returns allways TRUE, you must override this function to code the behaviour you want.
Init |
BOOL success
Initiates a connection from a client to a server.
Terminate |
Terminates the dde-connection
XWindow * owner | the window to handle dde for. If you have set a control as a client for a framewindow with SetClient() you must give the control as the owner of the XDDE instance, not the frame window! |
char * appName | application name:
server: the appname to distribute |
char * topicName | topic name:
server: the topic to distribute |
BOOL isServer | TRUE = server is generated, FALSE = client is generated (default is FALSE). If a server is generated XDDE will handle all events automaticaly, for clients you must call XDDE::Init() to get a connection to a server |
Constructs a XDDE instance
The destructor of an instance is not called automaticaly, so don∩t forget to call this function. If a connection is established, XDDE::Terminate() is called automaticaly
Advise |
char * itemName the name of the requested item
SHORT format needed format of data
Calls the server to establish a continous data-exchange
GetData |
char * itemName the name of the requested item
SHORT format needed format of data
Calls the server send data one time
PokeData |
OOL_WINDOWHANDLE | handle of the receiver |
char * itemName | the name of the requested item |
void * data | buffer which holds data |
ULONG size | size of the buffer |
SHORT format | format of the data (default is DDEF_TEXT) |
Poke data
SendCommand |
char * itemName the name of the requested item
char * command command to execute
Send a command
SendData |
OOL_WINDOWHANDLE | handle of the receiver |
char * itemName | the name of the requested item |
void * data | buffer which holds data |
ULONG size | size of the buffer |
SHORT format | format of the data (default is DDEF_TEXT) |
Send data to a client
UnAdvise |
char * itemName the name of the requested item
BOOL success
Calls the server to stop continous data-exchange
IsConnected |
BOOL connected
Returns if a connection is established or not
QueryOwner |
XWindow * the owner
Returns a pointer to the owner window