
Include file: xcntrevn.h

Parent class: XEvent


The XControlEvent is send to a XFrameWindow when the user has performed some interaction with a client window of the frame window. If you have caught the XControlEvent by overriding XFrameWindow::DoControl you can get information about the sending window and the type (ID) of the event. Valid event-ID∩s are:
WIN_CHANGED the content of the client has changed
WIN_DBLCLICK the user double-clicked on the window
WIN_PAINT the window will be redrawn
WIN_ENTER the user pressed ENTER
WIN_SELECTED an item of the window was selected
WIN_VSCROLL the window scrolls it contents
WIN_HSCROLL the window scrolls it contents
WIN_SETFOCUS the window recieves the focus
WIN_KILLFOCUS the window lost the focus
WIN_SHOWLIST the list of a XComboBox will be displayed
WIN_TRACK the user tracks the window (in XSlider)
WIN_ENDTRACK the user stopped tracking (in XSlider)
WIN_UPARROW the user pressed the arrow "up" (in XSpinButton)
WIN_DOWNARROW the user pressed the arrow "down" (in XSpinButton)
MEDIA_PLAYED a media-window has completed playing a file
MEDIA_PAUSED a media-window paused playing a file
MEDIA_REWINDED a media-window completed rewinding a file




LONG id the id of the event, see XControlEvent.


Returns a pointer to the window which has send the event



XWindow * thePointer the pointer of the sending window, if you know the window type, you can typecast to the needed class


Returns a pointer to the window which has send the event



LONG theWindowID the ID of the sending window


Returns the ID of the window which has send the event

This document was generated by Jens von Pilgrim's Autodoc