
Include file: xcntevnt.h

Parent class: XEvent


Events in a container generate a XContainerEvent, if you want to catch these events you must generate a XContainerHandler. Possible event-IDs are:
CON_BEGINEDIT the user start to edit a field
CON_COLLAPSTREE in tree-view the tree or a part of it is collapsed
CON_CONTEXTMENU a context-menu is requested
CON_DRAGOVER one or more objects fly over the container
CON_DROP one or more objects are dropped
CON_EMPHASIS the emphasis of an item has changed
CON_ENDEDIT the user stopped to edit a field
CON_ENTER ENTER was pressed
CON_EXPANDTREE in tree-view the tree or a part of it is expanded
CON_INITDRAG a drag-operation is requested
CON_PAINTBACKGOUND the background of the container must be redrawn
CON_REALLOC the user edited text and memory must be reallocated

which you can get with XEvent::GetEventID(). In the cases of CON_BEGINEDIT, CON_ENDEDIT and CON_REALLOC a event of the Type XContainerEditEvent is posted, in the case od CON_DROP and CON_DRAGOVER a XContainerDragEvent is posted, you can simple typecast to them.




XContainerObject * theObject
XContainerObject * the Object (can be NULL)


Query the object which belongs to the event.
Returns the object which posted the event

This document was generated by Jens von Pilgrim's Autodoc