Readme file for the OPEN OBJECT LIBRARY 1. What is the OPEN OBJECT LIBRARY? =================================== The Open Object Library (OOL) is a C++ class library for Warp 3 or higher. It contains classes for - controls, menus, dialogs and other types of windows - files, (named) pipes, DDE - graphic objects and printer-support - semaphores and other useful things like interfaces to Java, WebExplorer, REXX and DIVE. The OOL works with following compilers: - IBM Visual Age C++ 3.0 - EMX/GCC 0.9b or higher - Watcom C/C++ 10.0 Import librarys and DLLs for this compilers are delivered with this package. The OOL contains HTML-documentation for most of the classes (Netscape or any other browser required which supports frames). The OOL is copyrighted freeware. 2. How to install the OOL ========================= To install the OOL you need a drive wich allows long filenames (if you don't need the HTML-documentation you can install it on a FAT-drive). Copy the zipped file to a place you want o and unzip the file: >unzip For the begining you should read OOL.HTM (directory OOL\DOC, no frames) where you find detailed instructions how to work with the OOL.