═══ 1. Product information ═══ Select this menu choice to display the ownership and version of the program. ═══ Cancel ═══ Select this push button to ignore the information contained in a window and close it. If the window contains changed information, those changes are not saved before the window is closed. ═══ Change ═══ Select this push button to present the selected object in its current state and to change certain parameters or other fields associated with the object. ═══ Create ═══ Select this push button to create a new instance of the object type selected. ═══ Delete ═══ Select this choice to remove a selected object. ═══ Display ═══ Select this menu choice to display the selected object for viewing only. No changes can be made. ═══ General Help ═══ Select this menu choice to display additional information about the objects and actions in the current window. ═══ File ═══ Select this menu-bar choice to display menu choices for working with objects or with data storage devices, such as disks or diskettes. ═══ Help ═══ Select this menu-bar choice to display menu choices for the help facility. For example, the help facility can include choices for a Help index, general information about objects, general information about the help facility, and information about the product. ═══ Using the Help Facility ═══ Help is available when you do any one of the following: o Select the Help choice from the menu of an object, the menu bar of a window, or the title bar icon of a window. o Select the Help pushbutton in a window. o Press F1 in a window that has a Help choice on a menu bar or a Help push button. The help you get is determined by what is highlighted when you request help. For example, if you request help while a menu bar choice is highlighted, you get specific information about that choice. If you are in a window, you get general or specific information that is related to that window. If you are in the help window, you get general information about the menu-bar choices and menus that are available in the help facility. Every help window has a menu bar that contains Services, Options, and Help choices. ═══ Help Index ═══ Select this menu choice to display an alphabetic listing of help topics. You also can display the help index by pressing F11 while any help window is open. Double-click on an index entry to display the help information. To search for a topic in the help index: 1. Select Search from the Services menu-bar choice. 2. In the Search for field, type the word or phrase you want to search for. 3. Select Index. 4. Select Search. ═══ Keys Help ═══ Select this menu choice to list all the key assignments for an object or a product. You can use keys or key combinations to perform many tasks. The plus sign (+) between key names indicates that you must press and hold the keys in the order shown and then release them together. To select a choice displayed on a menu bar, in a menu, or on a push button, type the letter that is underlined in the choice that you want. ═══ More ═══ More indicates that additional information is available, but is not currently displayed in the window. Scroll the window to view the additional information. ═══ New ═══ Select this choice to create another object. The new object displays in the existing window. ═══ No ═══ Select this push button if you do not want to perform the action described in the window. ═══ OK ═══ Select this push button to accept the information contained in a window and close it. If changes have been made to the information in the window, those changes are applied before the window is closed. ═══ Open ═══ Select this choice to open a new window for an object or to gain access to other choices that open a new window for an object. ═══ Save ═══ Select this push button to store an object onto a storage device, such as a disk or diskette. ═══ Save As ═══ Select this push button to create a new object from an existing object and leave the existing object unchanged. ═══ Save and Repeat ═══ Select this push button to save the current operation and perform the operation again from the beginning. ═══ Scroll ═══ Select the scroll buttons in the scroll bar to move the viewable information in the window up, down, left, or right. ═══ Stop ═══ Select this push button to stop the current process. ═══ Tutorial ═══ Select this menu choice to display educational information. ═══ Yes ═══ Select this push button to perform the action described in the window. ═══ Information Line ═══ Select this menu choice to hide or display the information line that contains additional information about the field that has the cursor emphasis. ═══ Direct Manipulation ═══ The direct manipulation operation is a copy request to an entry field. This request has the following results: o Any selected text in the control is deleted. o The text being dropped is inserted into the control at the cursor position. o The cursor is placed following the dropped text. o The source of the dropped text is not changed. ═══ Direct Manipulation ═══ The direct manipulation operation is a move request to an entry field. This request has the following results: o Any selected text in the control is deleted. o The text being dropped is inserted into the control at the cursor position. o The cursor is placed following the dropped text. o The dropped text is deleted from the source. ═══ Direct Manipulation ═══ The direct manipulation operation is a copy request to a list. This request has the following results: o If the list is a sorted list, the dropped text is inserted into the list in the sorted order. o If the list is an unsorted list, the dropped text is inserted into the list following the list item the mouse pointer is over when the drop is made. o The source of the dropped text is not changed. ═══ Direct Manipulation ═══ The direct manipulation operation is a move request to a list. This request has the following results: o If the list is a sorted list, the dropped text is inserted into the list in the sorted order. o If the list is an unsorted list, the dropped text is inserted into the list following the list item the mouse pointer is over when the drop is made. o The dropped text is deleted from the source. ═══ Direct Manipulation ═══ The direct manipulation operation requested is invalid. Pressing and holding a key when the drop is made determines the type of operation as follows: No key Performs a copy operation. This is the default. Ctrl key Performs a copy operation. Shift key Performs a move operation for OS/2 2.0, invalid for OS/2 1.X. Alt key Performs a move operation for OS/2 1.X, invalid for OS/2 2.0. Two or more keys This is an invalid operation. ═══ Continue ═══ Select this choice to resume the interrupted or stopped process. ═══ Help ═══ Select this push button to display general help. ═══ Reset ═══ Select this choice to return the values of changed settings choices to their last saved state. ═══ Retry ═══ Select this choice to rerun a process after you attempt to correct the condition that interrupted the process. ═══ Undo ═══ Select this choice to return the settings to their last saved state. ═══ Close ═══ Select this menu choice to remove an active window or a selected (highlighted) icon. The Close menu choice works as follows: o If you close a program window or its icon, the program is ended. o If you close a group window or its icon, the group is closed. o If you close an online document or its icon, the document is closed. o If you close a window, you return to the active program or online document. To close an icon, display the menu for the object, select the arrow to the right of Window, and then select Close from the pop-up menu. ═══ Resume ═══ Select this push button to continue a process that was paused. ═══ Apply ═══ Select this push button to save changes made to settings choices without removing the window where the changes were made. ═══ Pause ═══ Select this push button to suspend a process temporarily. ═══ Close ═══ Select this push button to remove the window. ═══ Next ═══ Select this push button to search forward in the container for an object that matches the current Search string. ═══ Previous ═══ Select this push button to search backward in the container for an object that matches the current Search string. ═══ Case Sensitive Search ═══ Select this check box to make the search case sensitive. ═══ Search Column ═══ Select the column to be searched by clicking on the down arrow to display the column headings for the details view of the container and select one. Note: Only text-based columns can be searched. Column headings for non-text-based columns are displayed in the list but are disabled and non-selectable. ═══ Search String ═══ Type the string that identifies the object to be located. The object that matches the string is selected as each character is typed. ═══ Search ═══ Use this window to perform a multi-character dynamic search of the objects in the container based on the icon title text. The search is based on the leading characters of the icon title, and is made as each character is typed into the Search string field. If the current object matches the search string, that object remains selected. If the current object does not match the search string, the next object in the container, that matches, becomes selected and is scrolled into view. A beep sounds if no match is found. Note: If the container is opened into details view, the user can select which text-based column to use for the search. For more information, select from the following: Settings o Search string o Search column (if in details view) o Case sensitive search Push Buttons o Next o Previous o Cancel o Help ═══ Search ═══ Select this menu choice to use a multi-character text string to locate an object in this container. ═══ Input Validation Error ═══ Cause: Certain characters are not acceptable in this entry field. At least one character has been entered that is not acceptable in this field. Action: Refer to your application documentation to determine which character is invalid, and then provide a valid entry. ═══ Range Error ═══ Cause: Only certain numbers are acceptable in this entry field. The specified number is outside of the range of acceptable numbers. Action: Refer to your application documentation to determine the valid range, and then provide a valid entry. ═══ Required-Entry Error ═══ Cause: This field requires an entry. Action: Enter some data in the field before selecting an action. ═══ Required-Fill Error ═══ Cause: This entry field must be filled completely. Action: Fill the field before selecting an action. ═══ Default ═══ Select this push button to change the settings to those that were active when you installed the system. ═══ Set ═══ Select this push button to establish the changed settings values and close the notebook. Note: To establish the changes but keep the notebook open, select the Apply push button instead of the Set push button. ═══ DSS00102 ═══ Cause: No object has been selected for this action. Action: This action requires you to select an object. Related Information Selecting an object ═══ DSS00103 ═══ Cause: The new icon cannot be used until the file name is updated. Action: Update the file name by pressing the Set or Apply push button. ═══ DSS00104 ═══ Cause: A folder has been selected for deletion. Action: Do one of the following: o Select OK to delete the folder and all of its contents. o Select Cancel to cancel this action. ═══ DSS00201 ═══ Cause: The .INI file cannot be accessed because the path for the .INI file must be included in the CONFIG.SYS file. Action: Do the following: o Verify that X:\XXX\BIN (where X: is the drive where the application is installed) is included in the PATH statement in the CONFIG.SYS file. Also ensure that, if necessary, the environment contains a XXX.XXXXX PATH = X:\XXX statement. o Contact your support representative for this application. ═══ DSS00202 ═══ Cause: The .INI file cannot be accessed for one of several reasons: o The file must be a valid .INI file. o The .INI file is locked, or a device error has occurred. o The system has insufficient memory available to access the .INI file. Action: Do the following: 1. Verify that X:\XXX\BIN (where X: is the drive where the application is installed) is included in the PATH statement in the CONFIG.SYS file. Also ensure that, if necessary, the environment contains a XXX.XXXXX PATH = X:\XXX statement. 2. Check the remaining system memory and free system resources if necessary. 3. Contact your support representative for this system or application. ═══ DSS00203 ═══ Cause: The .INI file cannot be accessed for one or several reasons: o The .INI file is locked, or a device error has occurred. o The system has insufficient memory available to access the .INI file. Action: Do the following: 1. Check the remaining system memory and free system resources if necessary. 2. Contact your support representative for this system or application. ═══ DSS00204 ═══ Cause: The .INI file cannot be accessed for one of several reasons: o The .INI file is locked, or a device error has occurred. o The system has insufficient memory available to access the .INI file. Action: Do the following: 1. Check the remaining system memory and free system resources if necessary. 2. Contact your support representative for this system or application. ═══ DSS00205 ═══ Cause: The .INI file cannot be accessed for one of several reasons: o The .INI file is locked, or a device error has occurred. o The system has insufficient memory available to access the .INI file. Action: Do the following: 1. Check the remaining system memory and free system resources if necessary. 2. Contact your support representative for this system or application. ═══ DSS00206 ═══ Cause: The .INI file cannot be accessed for one of several reasons: o The .INI file is locked, or a device error has occurred. o The system has insufficient memory available to access the .INI file. Action: Do the following: 1. Check the remaining system memory and free system resources if necessary. 2. Contact your support representative for this system or application. ═══ DSS00207 ═══ Cause: The icon file cannot be accessed for one of several reasons: o The path and file names are not entered correctly. o The icon file must be valid. Action: Do the following: 1. Verify the path and file name for the icon. 2. Contact your support representative for this application. ═══ DSS00208 ═══ Cause: The icon editor cannot be accessed because the path for the ICONEDIT.EXE file must be included in the PATH variable in the CONFIG.SYS file. Action: Do the following: 1. Verify that X:\OS2 (where X: is the drive where the ICONEDIT.EXE file is installed) is included in the PATH variable in the CONFIG.SYS file. 2. Contact your support representative for this application. ═══ DSS00209 ═══ Cause: The icon file cannot be accessed for one of several reasons: o The file must be a valid icon file. o The icon file is locked, or a device error has occurred. o The system has insufficient memory available to access the icon file. Action: Do the following: 1. Verify the correct path and file name for the icon. 2. Verify that the icon can be accessed successfully, for example, by using Icon Editor. 3. Check the remaining system memory and free system resources if necessary. 4. Contact your support representative for this system or application. ═══ DSS00214 ═══ Cause: An overlay status icon could not be loaded because a system or resource is not in a normal state. o The icon file is missing. o The system has insufficient memory available to access the icon file. Action: Do the following: 1. Check the remaining system memory and free the system resources if necessary. 2. Contact your support representative for this system or application. ═══ DSS00215 ═══ Cause: The Log file cannot be accessed for one of several reasons: o The path and file name of the Log file may be incorrect. o The Log file is locked, or a device error has occurred. o The system has insufficient memory available to access the Log file. Action: Do the following: 1. Verify the path and file name. 2. Verify that the Log file can be accessed successfully using the text editor. 3. Check the remaining system memory and free the system resources if necessary. 4. Contact your support representative for this system or application. ═══ DSS00216 ═══ Cause: The menu item defined in the registration file was incorrect. Check the menu ID or the parent ID in the .REG file. Action: Do the following: 1. Verify the menu item ID in the .REG file. 2. Verify the menu item instance PARENTID in the .REG file. 3. Contact your support representative for this application. ═══ DSS00217 ═══ Cause: No objects were found that match the specified find criteria. Action: Do the following: 1. Verify the name that was entered for the search. 2. Contact your support representative for this application. ═══ DSS00301 ═══ Cause: An object name must be specified before the selected action can be completed. This is required since this application uses the name to uniquely identify its objects. Action: Do one of the following: 1. Type a unique object name in the required entry field and select the action again. 2. To cancel the creation of this object select the Cancel push button. ═══ DSS00302 ═══ Cause: An unique object name must be specified before the selected action can be completed. A name has been entered that already exists in the system. A unique name is required because this application uses the name to uniquely identify its objects. Action: Do one of the following: 1. Type a unique object name in the required entry field and select the action again. 2. To cancel the creation of this object, select the Cancel push button. ═══ DSS00303 ═══ Cause: The bit map file was not accessed for one of the following reasons: o The file must be a valid bit map file. o The bit map file is locked, or a device error has occurred. o The system has insufficient memory available to access the bit map file. Action: Do the following: 1. Verify the path and file name for the bit map. 2. Verify that X:\XXX\BIN (where X: is the drive where the application is installed) is included in the PATH statement in the CONFIG.SYS file. Also ensure that, if necessary, the environment contains a XXX.XXXXX PATH = X:\XXX statement. 3. Check the remaining system memory and free the system resources if necessary. 4. Contact your support representative for this system or application. ═══ DSS00304 ═══ Cause: The bit map file cannot be accessed for one of the following reasons: o The file must be a valid bit map file. o The bit map file is locked, or a device error has occurred. o The system has insufficient memory available to access the bit map file. Action: Do the following: 1. Verify the path and file name for the bit map. 2. Verify that X:\XXX\BIN (where X: is the drive where the application is installed) is included in the PATH statement in the CONFIG.SYS file. Also ensure that, if necessary, the environment contains a XXX.XXXXX PATH = X:\XXX statement. 3. Check the remaining system memory and free system resources if necessary. 4. Contact your support representative for this system or application. ═══ DSS00305 ═══ Cause: The font cannot be accessed for one of the following reasons: o The font must be valid. o The font is locked, or a device error has occurred. o The system has insufficient memory available to access the font file. Action: Do the following: 1. Verify the font name. 2. Verify the CONFIG.SYS file path information. 3. Use a different font. 4. Check the remaining system memory and free system resources if necessary. ═══ DSS00306 ═══ Cause: The object that was chosen is not found in this folder for one of several reasons: o The name was entered incorrectly. o The object does not exist in this folder. Action: Do one of the following: 1. Verify that the information in the fields is entered correctly using the appropriate information and case. Access the help for the fields to determine the correct format for the entries. 2. Select the Cancel push button to cancel this action. ═══ DSS00307 ═══ Cause: The selected view type or color cannot be accessed. Action: Contact your system support representative for this application. ═══ DSS00308 ═══ Cause: A font or color attribute cannot be accessed. Action: Contact your support representative for this application. ═══ DSS00309 ═══ Cause: The selected control type cannot be accessed. Action: Contact your support representative for this application. ═══ DSS00310 ═══ Cause: The requested action cannot be completed at this time because another process is in progress for this object. Action: Do the following: 1. Determine what other action for this object is currently in progress and complete or cancel the action. 2. Then select this action again. ═══ DSS00311 ═══ Cause: The selected object has the same name as an object that already exists in the target folder. The target folder cannot contain more than one object with the same name. Action: Do the following: o Select a different location for the object. ═══ DSS00312 ═══ Cause: The original object cannot be located for one of the following reasons: o The original object was deleted. o The user does not have the authority to locate the original. o Connections to the object are temporarily disabled. Action: Do one of the following: o Delete the shadow o Leave the shadow for use when the original is available. Note: This shadow is in the orphaned state until the original can be accessed. ═══ DSS00313 ═══ Cause: The move or copy operation will not proceed because the object already exists in the specified target container. Action: Do one of the following: o Select another target container. o Select a different object to move or copy. ═══ DSS00401 ═══ Cause: The application invoked from this application ended. Action: Do the following: 1. For additional information, refer to the FFST/2 message log. 2. Refer to the specific application documentation for additional information. ═══ DSS00501 ═══ Cause: Unknown Action: Do the following: 1. Refer to the specific application documentation for additional information. ═══ DSS00888 ═══ Cause: The path for the application's .HLP help file must be included in the DPATH statement in the CONFIG.SYS file. Action: Do the following: 1. Verify that X:\XXX\HELP (where X: is the drive where the application is installed) is included in the PATH statement in the CONFIG.SYS file. Also ensure that the environment contains a HELP = X:\XXX\HELP statement. 2. Contact your support representative for this system or application. ═══ DSS00991 ═══ Cause: The class cannot be accessed for one or more reasons: o The class file is locked, or a device error has occurred. o The system has insufficient memory available to access the class. Action: Do the following: 1. Check the remaining system memory and free system resources if necessary. 2. Contact your support representative for this system or application. ═══ DSS00992 ═══ Cause: The program cannot be accessed for one of several reasons: o The file name that is registered with this application was incorrectly entered. o The program is in a non-executable format. o The system has insufficient memory available to access the program. Action: Do the following: 1. Verify that the program name is registered correctly. For more information about registering specific system management applications, refer to the application's developers guide. 2. Verify that the program is a valid executable program. 3. Check the remaining system memory and free system resources if necessary. 4. Contact your support representative for this specific system management application or this system. ═══ DSS00993 ═══ Cause: An assertion attempt has failed. An application error has occurred. Action: Contact your support representative for this application. ═══ DSS00994 ═══ Cause: An error was encountered in the display function. Action: Contact your support representative for this system or application. ═══ DSS00995 ═══ Cause: A SOM error has occurred. Action: Do the following: 1. Refer to the FFST/2 message log for additional information. 2. Contact your support representative for this application. ═══ DSS00997 ═══ Cause: The system has insufficient memory to continue. Action: Do the following: 1. Check the remaining system memory and free system resources if necessary. 2. Contact your support representative for this system or application. ═══ DSS00998 ═══ Cause: The function is not accessible for this application. Action: Contact your support representative for this application. ═══ DSS00999 ═══ Cause: The task that is running may stop processing. Action: Do the following: 1. Try to continue running the task. 2. Contact your support representative for this task or system. ═══ Close ═══ Select this menu choice to remove the window. If you have the settings for an object opened, any changes will be saved. Otherwise, the Close menu choice does not save changes. ═══ Sort ═══ Select this menu choice to sort the contents the folder. ═══ Object ═══ Select this menu-bar choice to display menu choices that affect the object represented by this window. ═══ Refresh Now ═══ Select this push button to update the contents of the window. ═══ Selected ═══ Select this menu-bar choice to display menu choices that affect a selected object. ═══ Edit ═══ Select this menu-bar choice to display menu choices that enable you to select, deselect, and delete objects. ═══ View ═══ Select this menu-bar choice to display menu choices to change the currently opened object (such as a program object or folder object) to another view. For example, for a folder you can select the Settings or Icon menu choices. Settings enables you to display or change the current settings of the object. Icon displays the objects in a previously determined order, such as flowed, non-flowed, or non-grid. ═══ Arrange ═══ Select this menu choice to organize the objects in a previously determined order, such as flowed, non-flowed, or non-grid. To change the arrange order, select View in the notebook. This choice is available only if the folder was opened in icon view. For more information, select the following: Related Information o Opening an object ═══ Create Another ═══ Select this menu choice to create an object. Any default settings and data are displayed in the notebook for the new object. These default settings can be changed. This choice is similar to that of dragging a template to open a notebook. For more information, select the following: Related Information o Changing titles of objects ═══ Create Shadow ═══ Select this menu choice to create a shadow of this existing object in another collection on the desktop. Shadowed objects are used for convenient access to frequently used objects. They have all the properties of the original object except that deleting the shadow does not delete the original object. ═══ Deselect All ═══ Select this menu choice to deselect every object in the folder or cancel the Select all choice. For more information, select from the following: Related Information o Selecting an object o Selecting more than one object ═══ Find ═══ Select this menu choice to search for a particular object in the folders on the desktop. ═══ Open ═══ Select this menu choice to open an object (such as a program object or folder object) and to either start the program or display its contents. Selecting Open is the same as opening the object in the default view. If you select the arrow to the right of Open, a cascaded menu is displayed that enables you to choose the way in which the view details of the object are displayed. For example, for a folder you can select Settings or Icon view. Settings enables you to display or change the current settings of the object. Icon displays the objects in a previously determined order, such as flowed, non-flowed, or non-grid. ═══ Icon ═══ Select this menu choice to display the objects in a previously determined order, such as flowed, non-flowed, or non-grid. To display or change the way the icons are displayed, select View in the notebook. ═══ Settings ═══ Select this menu choice to display or change the current settings of the object. ═══ Details ═══ Select this menu choice to display the details of the objects in this folder. To display or change the details that are displayed, select View in the notebook. ═══ Tree ═══ Select this menu choice to display objects in a hierarchical format. To view or change the way the tree is displayed, select View in the notebook. ═══ Refresh Now ═══ Select this menu choice to update changed folder information to its current status. This choice is available for folders with contents that can change independently. ═══ Select ═══ Select this menu choice to display a cascaded menu from which you can either select every object in the folder or deselect every object in the folder. For more information, select from the following: Related Information o Selecting an object o Selecting more than one object ═══ Select All ═══ Select this menu choice to select every object in the folder. For more information, select from the following: Related Information o Selecting an object o Selecting more than one object ═══ Open Parent ═══ Select this menu choice to open the parent of the selected object. ═══ Window ═══ Select this menu choice to display a pop-up menu of the choices you have to manage the size and location of the window or to close it. ═══ Locate Original ═══ Select this menu choice to locate the original object from which this object is shadowed. ═══ Contents ═══ Select this menu choice to display the number of icons in the folder. The list contains the class name and number of instances of each class. ═══ Cut ═══ Select this menu choice to remove the selected information to the clipboard. ═══ Copy ═══ Select this menu choice to place a copy of what you have selected onto the clipboard. ═══ Paste ═══ Select this menu choice to move the contents of the clipboard to the location that you have selected. ═══ Include ═══ Select this menu choice to include the selected objects. ═══ Expand All ═══ Select this menu choice to expand all of the objects, which are currently collapsed, to display the full hierarchy. ═══ Collapse All ═══ Select this menu choice to collapse all of the objects, which are currently expanded, to display a reduced hierarchy. ═══ Refresh Off ═══ Select this menu choice to disable a timed refresh. ═══ Services ═══ Select this menu-bar choice to display menu choices to search for, print, or copy help information. You can also search for a word or phrase in some or all of the help topics of the programs that were installed with the operating system or with any program you installed later that contained helps using Marked libraries or All libraries. You can view more than one help topic at a time by opening a new window. ═══ Options ═══ Select this menu-bar choice to display menu choices to: o Manage the display of the table of contents. o Display the table of contents (titles of all help topics) for the active program. o Display a list of topics you have viewed since you started the active program. o Display a list of help libraries (files that contain the help topics of one or more programs). You can look for a word or phrase in one or all of the libraries. o Display the previous topic. The table of contents for help topics might have only one level of topics. If there are no other levels of topics, the text of the choices at the top of the Options menu are gray and cannot be selected. ═══ View (Icon Page) ═══ Use this notebook page to display or change how the icons in the folder are displayed (or arranged). For more information, select from the following: Settings o Format o Icon display o Font Push Buttons o Change font o Undo o Default o Help Related Information o View concepts o Viewing notebook pages Select the right arrow at the bottom of the window to see the next View page. ═══ Change Font ═══ Select this push button to display the Font window and change the fonts. ═══ Format ═══ Select one radio button to determine how icons are displayed: Flowed Arranges icons in columns across the screen. Non-flowed Arranges icons in a column from the top of the screen to the bottom. Non-grid Locates icons randomly about the screen without any ordered arrangement. This is the default setting. If you select Flowed or Non-flowed, an icon cannot be moved in the folder by dragging it. For more information, select the following: Related Information o Dragging an object ═══ Icon Display ═══ Select one radio button to determine the size of the icons or specify that you do not want icons to display: Normal size Displays icons at the default size Small size Displays icons smaller than the default size Invisible Does not display icons (icon text is displayed) ═══ Font ═══ This field displays the current font used for the icons or any of the objects in the Details View of the folder. To change the font, select the Change font push button. For more information, select the following: Push Button o Change font ═══ Sort Page ═══ Use this notebook page to determine whether or not the objects in the container are sorted when the container is opened or refreshed. For more information, select from the following: Settings o Always maintain sort order Push Buttons o Undo o Default o Help Related Information o Sorting o Viewing notebook pages ═══ Sort by Attribute ═══ This list contains the sort attributes for the currently selected object type. Select one or more attributes to add them to the Sort cascaded menu, which can be accessed from the title-bar-icon menu and from which you can specify the sort order for a container. ═══ Default Sort Attribute ═══ Initially this list displays the default sort attribute used for the object. To change the default sort: 1. Click on the down arrow to display a list of valid sort defaults. 2. Select an entry from the list. Objects are sorted in ascending order. ═══ Always Maintain Sort Order ═══ Select this check box to sort the objects each time you open a container. If you add an object to the container, it is also sorted as it is added. The container may take longer to open if you select this option. ═══ Object Type ═══ This list contains the object types that can be sorted. Select an object type to be sorted. When you specify an object type to be sorted, the specific attributes of that object type are displayed in the Sort by attribute list. ═══ Background Page ═══ Use this notebook page to add or change the background for a container. You can have different images in different containers displayed at the same time. For example, the OS/2 logo in this operating system is an image. You also can choose to display a color in the background of your containers. For more information, select from the following: Settings o Background type o Image Push Buttons o Create another o Edit o Find o Undo o Default o Help Related Information o Viewing notebook pages ═══ Background Type ═══ Select one radio button to determine whether an image or a color displays in the background. Image Displays an image in the background Color Displays a color in the background For more information, select the following: Related Information o Changing the color ═══ Image ═══ When you select the Image radio button, you can select or modify the image that is used for the background of the container. For more information, select from the following: Settings o File Push Buttons o Create another o Edit o Find ═══ File ═══ Type the name of the file for the image that displays in the background of the container. When typing a path for the image, use a fully qualified path, for example: C:\OS2\BITMAP\OS2LOGO.BMP Some examples of background bitmaps are stored in the OS2\BITMAP directory. If you enter a new image file name, it is displayed immediately. ═══ Create Another ═══ Select this push button to display the Icon Editor, a program you can use to create images or icons. When you choose to use images for the background, this push button becomes available for use. Select Help in the Icon Editor window for help in creating an image or icon. ═══ Edit ═══ Select this push button to edit images or icons with the Icon Editor. Select Help in the Icon Editor window for help in editing. ═══ Find ═══ Select this push button to display a window that enables you to search for an image. For additional help, select the Help push button after the window is displayed. ═══ Window Page ═══ Use this notebook page to change the way a window for an object is displayed. You also can change what happens when you select an object that is open. By default, the window for the object is redisplayed with its current view (the way the window was when you removed it from the screen). You can change the default so that you can open a new window and display the current view each time you select the icon for the object. For more information, select from the following: Settings o Object open behavior Push Buttons o Undo o Default o Help Related Information o Displaying window list o Restoring a minimized object o Viewing notebook pages ═══ View (Tree Page) ═══ Use this notebook page to display or change how the directory tree structure for this folder is to be displayed. For more information, select from the following: Settings o Format o Icon display o Font Push Buttons o Change font o Undo o Default o Help Related Information o View concepts o Viewing notebook pages Select the right arrow at the bottom of the window to see the next View page or select the left arrow at the bottom of the window to see the previous View page. ═══ Format ═══ Select one radio button to determine the way you want the tree structure displayed. Lines Displays the tree structure with connecting lines No lines Displays the tree structure without connecting lines ═══ Object Open Behavior ═══ Select one radio button to specify how a window is displayed when an object is opened. Display existing window Displays the window as it looked before it was minimized, hidden, or covered up (its current view). Create new window Creates a new window like the current window. You then have two windows with the same view. You can use each window independently of the other without opening multiple objects. Note: When you create new windows in this way, the new windows are available only temporarily. When you close the windows or select Shut down the operating system, the system saves only the last view you saved before you created the multiple windows. ═══ View (Details Page) ═══ Use this notebook page to display or change which details you want displayed for the currently selected object. To determine the details to be displayed: 1. Select an object type. Note: All of the available objects are displayed in the list. You are modifying the object whose settings you have open at this time. 2. Select each category of detailed information in the Details to display field. 3. To change the font, select the Change font push button. For more information, select from the following: Settings o Object type o Details to display o Font Push Buttons o Change font o Undo o Default o Help Related Information o View concepts o Viewing notebook pages Select the left arrow at the bottom of the window to see the previous View pages. ═══ Object Type ═══ This list contains the objects that are currently available. When you select an object, the details available for that object are displayed in the Details to display list. ═══ Details to Display ═══ This list contains the displayable details for the currently-selected object type. Select one or more entries from the list of details. For example, if description is one of the entries in the list and you want to display the description for the object, select that entry from this list. ═══ General Page ═══ Use this notebook page to add or change the icon information for an object. You also can make the object a template. Each time you drag a copy from the object, you create a new object that has the same settings as the original object. For more information, select from the following: Settings o Title o Information area text o Current icon o Icon file name o Template o Menu bar enabled Push Buttons o Create another o Edit o Find o Undo o Default o Help Related Information o Viewing notebook pages ═══ General Page ═══ Use this notebook page to add or change the icon information for an object. For more information, select from the following: Settings o Title o Information area text o Current icon o Icon file name o Menu bar enabled Push Buttons o Create another o Edit o Find o Undo o Default o Help Related Information o Viewing notebook pages ═══ Menu Bar Enabled ═══ Select this check box to activate a menu bar for this object. ═══ Title ═══ Optional: If you want to specify the title for the object icon, type the title in this field. Note: If you do not type a title, the icon uses the object unique name. Your new title is displayed one or more lines below the icon. Press the Enter key as you type a new title to indicate the start of a new line. You can use any characters, including spaces, except the backslash (\). You also can change the title of the object by typing a new title below the icon. A good title makes finding the object among several similar objects an easier process. Note: If you select the Default push button, the title is removed and replaced with the name of the object type, for example, Folder, Program, or Data File. For more information, select the following: Related Information o Changing titles of objects ═══ Current Icon ═══ This field shows the icon that is being displayed for this object. To change the current icon or select a different icon, use the push buttons to the right of this field. Optionally: Type the file name of the icon in the Icon file name field. Initially the icon is determined by the operating system or a program. For more information, select from the following: Push Buttons o Create another o Edit o Find ═══ Template ═══ Select this check box to make this object a template. A check mark in the check box indicates the choice is selected. After you set the template option, you can create new objects with the same settings by dragging a copy of the object and dropping it in an open area of the folder. The notebook for the new object is displayed, so you can give the object a title. For more information, select from the following: Related Information o Changing titles of objects o Dragging an object ═══ Information Area Text ═══ Optional: To have information displayed at the bottom of the window when this icon is selected, type the information in this field. ═══ Icon File Name ═══ Optional: To change the icon that is displayed, type the new name of the file for the icon for this object. When typing a path for the icon, use a fully qualified path, for example: C:\IBMLAN\NETPROG\NET.ICO ═══ Filter Page ═══ Use this notebook page to select one or more filters from the collection. This includes objects that you want in your folder and excludes objects that you don't want in your folder. Note: The objects that you choose to exclude are still in existence. They are simply not visible. To view all objects in the folder, deselect all filters. Additional filters can be created by selecting Create another from the filter object's pop-up menu. Existing filter attributes can be modified from the Attributes page in the filter object's Settings notebook. For more information, select from the following: o Attributes Push Buttons o Undo o Default o Help Related Information o Viewing notebook pages ═══ Attributes Page ═══ Use this notebook page to define the filter attribute criteria that is being used to include objects in a folder. To add any additional attributes, select the Add push button. A window is displayed that allows you to add new filter attribute criteria. To change a filter attribute, select the entry from the list, then select the Change push button. A window is displayed that allows you to change the filter attribute criteria selected. To remove a filter attribute, select the entry from the list, then select the Delete push button. For more information, select from the following: Settings o Criteria o Attributes Push Buttons o Add o Change o Delete o Undo o Default o Help Related Information o Viewing notebook pages ═══ Criteria System ═══ This list contains the attributes that are currently available to be used as the filter criteria. ═══ Attributes ═══ Select one radio button to choose the filtering rules applied. Object matches all criteria Each object visible in the collection possesses all of the attributes listed in the Criteria system list. For example: To include objects in a folder whose names start with the letter 'h' and which were created after 9/1/95, select this radio button. This will include all objects that meet both of these criteria. Object matches at least one criterion Each object in the collection possesses at least one of the attributes listed in the Criteria system list. For example: To include objects in a folder whose names start with the letter 'h' or which were created after 9/1/95, select this radio button. This will include all objects that meet either of these criteria. For more information, select the following: Push Buttons o Add o Change o Delete ═══ Identifying a Filter ═══ Enter a unique name into the Name entry field. This name is used to identitfy this particular filter object. This name cannot be changed once the filter object has been created. Related Information o Viewing notebook pages ═══ Name ═══ Type the name of objects you want to include with the open view of the folder contents in the Name field. You can include an asterisk (*), a global file-name character, to represent any character or characters in the name. For example, if you type clock* you include only the selected object types that have clock as the first five letters of their names. For more information, select the following: Related Information o Global file-name characters ═══ Applications ═══ Use this window to display the list of all applications available for the selected object. To add applications to the list, select the Add push button. The Applications - Add window is displayed. To configure the applications in the list, select the OK push button. If any applications have been added to the list, the settings notebook is displayed. Use this notebook to specify any additional information required by the new application. To close the window without changing the configured applications, select the Cancel push button. For more information, select from the following: Push Buttons o Add o OK o Cancel o Help ═══ Add ═══ Select this push button to select additional applications to configure for the object. ═══ OK ═══ Select this push button to add the applications to the configuration for the object. ═══ Applications - Add ═══ Use this window to select applications you want to configure for the object. The list contains all applications that are available in the system. To add an application: 1. Select one or more applications from the list. Note: To select more than one application, press the Ctrl key while selecting additional applications. 2. Select OK to add the application to the list in the Applications window and close the window. To close the window without adding an application, select the Cancel push button. For more information, select from the following: Push Buttons o OK o Cancel o Help ═══ OK ═══ Select this push button to add the selected applications to the list in the Applications window and close this window. ═══ Applications - Remove ═══ Use this window to remove the selected applications from the configuration of the object. The list contains all applications configured for the selected object. To remove a configured application: 1. Select one or more applications from the list. Note: To select more than one application, press the Ctrl key while selecting additional applications. 2. Select Remove to remove the applications from the list. 3. Select OK to remove the application from the configuration for the object and close the window. To close the window without removing any applications, select the Cancel push button. For more information, select from the following: Push Buttons o Remove o OK o Cancel o Help ═══ Remove ═══ Select this push button to remove the selected applications from the list. ═══ OK ═══ Select this push button to accept the modified list of applications configured for the object. ═══ Change Configuration ═══ Select this menu choice to display a cascaded menu from which you can either add or remove applications configured for the selected object. Note: This menu choice is not available if no system applications are registered. ═══ Add Applications ═══ Select this menu choice to configure applications for the selected object. Note: This menu choice is not available if no additional applications can be configured for the selected object. ═══ Remove Applications ═══ Select this menu choice to remove configured applications from the selected object. Note: This menu choice is not available if there are no configured applications for the selected object. ═══ Displaying the Composition of an Object ═══ Use the Composition page to display applications configured for the selected object. Note: When an object has configured applications, additional settings may be needed. This may result in pages being added to the settings notebook. To add or remove applications configured for an object: o Select Cancel to close the notebook o Select the Change configuration menu choice o Then select either the Add applications or the Remove applications menu choice. For more information, select from the following: Push Buttons o Help ═══ Displaying the Composition of an Object ═══ Use the Composition page to display applications configured for the new object. Note: When an object has configured applications, additional settings may be needed. This may result in pages being added to the settings notebook. To add or remove applications configured for an object: o Select Create to save the settings and close the notebook o Select the Change configuration menu choice o Then select either the Add applications or the Remove applications menu choice. For more information, select from the following: Push Buttons o Help ═══ Criteria ═══ Use this window to add, change, or delete search criteria. You can view the current criteria in the Criteria list. To add or change criteria, select the Add or Change push button to display a window that enables you to carry out the desired action. To delete criteria, select the Delete push button that automatically removes any selected criteria. For more information, select from the following: Settings o Criteria system Push Buttons o Add o Change o Delete o OK o Help Related Information o Extended attributes ═══ Criteria System ═══ This list contains the criteria that is being used to include objects in a search. To change the criteria, select an entry and use the push buttons below the list. For more information, select from the following: Push Buttons o Add o Change o Delete ═══ Add ═══ Select this push button to display the Add Criteria window where you can specify criteria to be added for objects. ═══ Change ═══ Select this push button to display the Change Criteria window where you can specify criteria to be changed for objects. ═══ Delete ═══ Select this push button to remove criteria that you have selected from the Criteria system field. ═══ Add or Change Criteria ═══ Use this window to add or change object criteria. 1. Select an attribute in the Property to be compared list. 2. Select a comparison type from the Comparison type list. 3. Select a comparison value from the Comparison value list. 4. Select a radio button in the Use of criteria field. 5. Select OK or Cancel. For example, if you want to include all data files that were created before January 1, 1992, you would do the following: 1. Select Creation date from the Property to be compared list. 2. Select less than from the Comparison type list. 3. Select the arrows on the Year, Month, and Day spin buttons until the date you want is displayed. 4. Select the And radio button to indicate that files in the search must have these criteria. 5. Select OK. For more information, select from the following: Settings o Criteria o Use of criteria Push Buttons o OK o Cancel o Help Related Information o Extended attributes o Viewing notebook pages ═══ Criteria ═══ Use this group box to select the criteria you want to add or change for objects. 1. Select an object attribute from the Property to be compared list. 2. Select the arrow to the right of Comparison type to display a list of comparison types. The possible comparisons are equal to, greater than or equal to, greater than, less than or equal to, and less than. 3. Select a comparison value to display the exact value you want. For example, the date and time can be set by selecting the spin buttons until the desired date or time is displayed. ═══ Use of Criteria ═══ Select one radio button to determine if some or all of the specified criteria must be true for objects to be found or included. AND Includes objects that have all the specified criteria. OR Includes objects that have one or more of the specified criteria. ═══ Font ═══ Use this window to change the settings of the fonts currently available on your system, as well as change the size, style, and emphasis of a font. To change a font: 1. Select the arrow to the right of the field you want to change or select a check box in the Emphasis field. 2. Select a new font, style, size, or emphasis or any combination of fields you want. The Sample field displays a sample of the font, style, and emphasis you selected. Note: Some countries require that the size and contrast of characters on a display screen meet Standard 9241 Part 3 of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the German DIN 66234 Standard. Fonts specified in these standards produce characters that are easy to read. If you select an OS/2 font that does not comply with these standards, a message is displayed in the window. To comply with these standards, select a font that does not cause the message to be displayed. For more information, select from the following: Settings o Name o Style o Size o Emphasis o Sample Push Buttons o Undo o Help ═══ Name ═══ This list contains the fonts currently available on your system. To change the font: 1. Click on the down arrow to display a list of the fonts. 2. Select an entry from the list. ═══ Size ═══ This list contains the point size of the current font. To change the value: 1. Click on the down arrow to display a list of point sizes. The larger the number, the larger the point size. 2. Select an entry from the list. ═══ Style ═══ This list contains the style of the current font. To change the style: 1. Click on the down arrow to display a list of styles. 2. Select an entry from the list. ═══ Emphasis ═══ Select one or more of these check boxes to change the way a font is emphasized. Outline Displays an outline around each character of the font Underline Underlines the characters Strikeout Strikes a line through the characters ═══ Sample ═══ This field displays the font you choose, along with any special characteristics. ═══ Fonts ═══ A particular style (shape), size, slant, and weight, defined for an entire character set; for example, 9-point Helvetica italic bold. When applied to outline or scalable character sets, which can be scaled to any size, font refers to style, slant, and weight, but not to size. ═══ Move ═══ Use this window to move an object into another folder. 1. Select a folder into which you want the object moved. 2. Select Move. For more information, select from the following: Push Buttons o Move o Cancel o Help Related Information o Moving an object ═══ Move ═══ Select this push button to relocate the selected object to another folder. ═══ Find ═══ Use this window to search for objects. One of the following events occur when the search is completed: o If you selected Search just this folder, a Find Results folder containing the objects found in this folder is created and opened automatically. o If you selected Search all subfolders, a Find Results folder is displayed that includes objects in all subfolders. o If the search was unsuccessful, a message is displayed informing you that no objects matching the specified criteria were found. For more information, select from the following: Settings o Path o Search just this folder o Search all subfolders Push Buttons o Find o Cancel o Help Related Information o Viewing notebook pages ═══ Path ═══ Type the path of the directory you want to search in the Path field. ═══ Search Just This Folder ═══ Select this radio button to create and open a Find Results folder containing the objects found in this folder. ═══ Search All Subfolders ═══ Select this radio button to display a Find Results folder containing objects found in all subfolders. ═══ Find ═══ Select this push button to find the selected object and open a Find Results folder. If the search was unsuccessful, a message is displayed informing you that no objects matching the specified criteria were found. ═══ Delete ═══ This window displays the objects that have been selected for deletion. Select the Confirm on delete check box, to receive a confirmation when the objects are deleted. Push Buttons o Delete o Cancel o Help ═══ Contents ═══ Use this window to display statistics about the objects in the folder, including the number of icons in the folder. The list contains the class name and number of instances in each class. ═══ Create Shadow ═══ Use this window to select the folder to contain the shadow when it is created. ═══ Find Objects ═══ Use this window to search for objects that are registered with this application. For more information, select from the following: Settings o Name o Options Push Buttons o More o Cancel o Help ═══ More ═══ Select this push button to specify one or more criteria for Find. ═══ Options ═══ Select one or more of these check boxes to specify the search options to use for the objects. Search all subfolders Select the Search All Subfolders check box to search all the objects found in all subfolders. Save results Select the Save Results checkbox to create a folder that contains shadows (copies) of the objects found. Each time you use Find and select the Save Results check box, a new folder is created and opened automatically. Note: If the Save Results check box is not selected, a window that contains the actual objects found will be created. If you delete an object in this window, you will be deleting the original object from your system. ═══ Find Results ═══ This window displays the objects found as a result of a search operation. For more information, select from the following: Push Buttons o Close o Return o Help ═══ Return ═══ Select this push button to return to the previous window. ═══ Find Results ═══ This window displays the objects found as a result of a search operation. Select an object from the list and then select OK For more information, select from the following: Push Buttons o OK o Cancel o Help ═══ OK ═══ Select this push button to use the selected object. ═══ Add or Change Criteria ═══ Use this window to add or change criteria for finding objects, based on the indicated criteria. 1. Select an attribute in the Attribute list. 2. Select a comparison type from the Comparison type list. 3. Select a comparison value from the Comparison value list. 4. Select Add or Cancel. For example, if you want to include all objects that were created before January 1, 1995, you would do the following: 1. Select Creation date from the Attribute list. 2. Select less than from the Comparison type list. 3. Select 95/06/21 from the Comparison value list. 4. Select Add. For more information, select from the following: Settings o Attribute o Comparison type o Comparison value Push Buttons o Add o Cancel o Help Related Information o Extended attributes ═══ Attribute ═══ Use this field to select an attribute that will be used as one of your criteria. Select the arrow to the right of the field to display a list of attributes. ═══ Comparison Type ═══ Use this field to select a comparison type that will be used as one of your criteria. Select the arrow to the right of the field to display a list of comparison types. The entries in this field are automatically generated based on your selection in the Attribute field. ═══ Comparison Value ═══ Use this field to select a comparison value that will be used as one of your criteria. Select the arrow to the right of the field to display a list of comparison values. The entries in this field are automatically generated based on your selection in the Attribute field. ═══ Add ═══ Select this push button to display the criteria that you have added in this window. ═══ Menu Page ═══ Use this notebook page to add, delete, and change the menu items in a pop-up menu for a selected object. For example, if you want to add an item to the primary menu: 1. Select Primary menu from the Available menus field. 2. Select the Create another push button. For more information, select from the following: Settings o Available menus o Actions on menu Push Buttons o Create another (Available menus) o Settings (Available menus) o Delete (Available menus) o Create another (Actions on menu) o Settings (Actions on menu) o Delete (Actions on menu) o Undo o Help Related Information o Viewing notebook pages ═══ Available Menus ═══ This list contains the menus you can modify for the selected object. For example, on the pop-up menu for the desktop, you can modify that primary menu or the Open menu. To add a menu, change the settings of a menu (its name or menu type), or delete a menu, use the Create another, Settings, or Delete push buttons to the right of this list. When you select a menu in this list, a list is displayed in the Actions on menu list. It contains the menu items you can modify for the menu that is selected in the Available menus list. For example, in the settings notebook for the desktop, select Open in the Available menus list. The menu items for the Open menu (Settings, Icon view, Tree view, and Details view) are displayed in the Actions on menu list. You can use the push buttons to the right of the Actions on menu list to delete a menu item, add a new item, or change the settings of an item (its name or the program it is associated with). For more information, select from the following: Push Buttons o Create another o Settings o Delete ═══ Actions on Menu ═══ This list contains a list of the menu items you can modify for the menu that is selected in the Available menus list. To add a menu item, change the settings of an item (its name or the program it is associated with), or delete a menu item, use the Create another, Settings, or Delete push buttons. Note: Make sure the menu selected in the Available menus list is the menu you want to modify. You can add a menu item to a pop-up and associate its name with a program. Then when you select the menu item, the program is started. For example, you can add the name of your favorite editor to a pop-up menu and associate it with the editing program. Then when you select the pop-up item name for the editor, the program starts. Use the Create another push button to modify the actions on the menu. Note: When you add a program name to a pop-up menu, the desktop considers the name of the program as a parameter. When you select the program name from the menu, the desktop sends the name of the program to the program as a parameter. Some programs, such as CMD.EXE, COMMAND.COM, and DOS and OS/2 sessions, cannot accept their own names as a parameter. When the name is passed to the program, the program does not start, and an error message is displayed. To enable the program to start from the pop-up menu, you can stop the name of the program from being sent to the program by doing the following: 1. Display the pop-up menu for the program object or program-file object that you named when you added the program association to the pop-up menu. For example, if you have a program object named "My Favorite Editor," display the pop-up menu for that object. 2. Select Open. 3. Select Settings. 4. Select the program. 5. Type the following in the Parameters field: % 6. Close the notebook. For more information, select from the following: Push Buttons o Create another o Settings o Delete ═══ Create Another ═══ Select this push button to add a menu for the selected object. ═══ Settings ═══ Select this push button to change the settings of a menu (its name or menu type) for the selected object. ═══ Delete ═══ Select this push button to remove the currently selected menu item from the menu. System-added entries cannot be deleted. ═══ Create Another ═══ Select this push button to create a new menu item. The fields in the secondary window are empty when you select Create another for a user-defined menu item. This enables you add a new menu item to the pop-up menu for the currently selected object. ═══ Settings ═══ Select this push button to display or change the settings for the currently selected menu item. ═══ Delete ═══ Select this push button to remove the currently selected menu item from the menu. System-added entries cannot be deleted. ═══ Menu Settings ═══ If you selected Settings, this window displays the settings for the currently selected pop-up menu item. You can change the name and menu type for the menu item displayed in the Menu name field, unless it is a system defined menu. You can change the default action. If you selected Create another, the fields will be blank. You can enter the name and default and select the menu type. For more information, select from the following: Settings o Menu name o Menu type Push Buttons o OK o Cancel o Help ═══ Menu Name ═══ This field displays the name of a pop-up menu if you selected the Settings push button. To change or enter the name of the menu item, type a name in the Menu name field. ═══ Menu Type ═══ Select one radio button to determine the characteristics for a pop-up menu item. Cascade menu Specifies that the item in the Menu name field is to be a cascaded-menu item. Conditional cascade Specifies that the item in the Menu name field is to have an arrow button that displays its own cascaded menu. Select an action from the Default action field to change the default action for the current conditional cascade. A check mark beside an action indicates that action is the default action. ═══ Menu Item Settings ═══ If you selected Settings, this window displays the settings for the currently selected cascaded-menu item. You can change the name and program function for the menu item displayed in the Menu item name field, unless it is a system defined menu. If you selected Create another, the fields in this window are blank. You can enter the menu item name and program name. For more information, select from the following: Settings o Menu item name o Program Push Buttons o Find program o OK o Cancel o Help ═══ Menu Item Name ═══ This field displays the name of a cascaded-menu item if you selected the Settings push button. To change or enter the name of the menu item, type a name in the Menu item name field. ═══ Program ═══ Type the name in the Name field of the program for a cascaded-menu item. You can then view or change the program function associated with the currently selected, cascaded-menu item. Select Find program to locate the program references available in the system. For more information, select the following: Push Button o Find program ═══ Find Program ═══ Select this push button to locate the program references available in the system. ═══ No Help Available ═══ There is no additional help available for this item. ═══ Changing Titles of Objects ═══ To change the titles of folders and objects: 1. Move the mouse pointer to the text (title) under the folder or object that you want to change. 2. Press and hold the Alt key; then click mouse button 1 on the title. 3. Type your changes and use the Backspace key or the Delete key to erase the previous name. 4. Move the pointer away from the name and click mouse button 1 again. Or 1. Display the menu of an object. 2. Select the arrow to the right of Open. 3. Select Settings. 4. Select General. ═══ Changing the Color ═══ To change the color, drag a color from the OS/2 Color Palette and drop the color into the object folder. The color that you drag and drop is saved for this object. ═══ Displaying a Window List ═══ The Window List can be used to switch to an active program, to tile or cascade open program windows, to show hidden windows, or to close a program. To display the Window List: 1. Move the mouse pointer to an area of the screen that is outside all windows and objects. 2. Press and hold mouse buttons 1 and 2 at the same time. Note: If you have the work-area folder in the Window List, any action that occurs to the folder applies to the objects within it. ═══ Displaying Pop-Up Menus ═══ Every object has a pop-up menu that contains actions that are currently applicable. To display the pop-up menu for any object: 1. Move the mouse pointer to the object. 2. Click mouse button 2. If the object (for example, a folder) is open, you also can display the menu by clicking mouse button 2 on a blank space in the folder or by clicking on the icon in the upper-left corner. To display the pop-up menu for the Desktop folder, click mouse button 2 on an area not covered by any objects or windows. To display a pop-up menu that is applicable for a group of objects, select all the objects; then display their menu. Note: Arrows to the right of a menu choice indicate that there are additional choices available. A button-like arrow indicates that a cascaded choice is preselected (has a check mark next to it) and is the default action when you select the main choice. A flat arrow indicates that selecting the main choice opens another menu. For more information, select the following: Related Information o Selecting more than one object ═══ Dragging an Object ═══ To drag an object: 1. Move the mouse pointer to the object you want to drag. 2. Press and hold mouse button 2. 3. Move the object by moving the mouse. 4. Position the object where you want it (for example, on the Desktop folder or in another folder). If the cannot-drop symbol is displayed during a drag operation, you cannot drop the object at that location. 5. Release mouse button 2. To select multiple objects to drag: 1. Move the mouse pointer to the first object you want to select. 2. Press and hold mouse button 1; then move the pointer over the other objects you want. 3. Release the mouse button. The selected objects are highlighted. 4. Position the pointer on any of the highlighted objects; then drag the group to a new folder. For more information, select the following: Related Information o Selecting more than one object ═══ Moving an Object ═══ When you move an object, you can relocate it within the current folder or to another folder. To move an object: 1. Select the object you want to move. 2. Press and hold mouse button 2. 3. Drag the object to another open or closed folder. (If you do not know how to drag an object, select that topic.) 4. Release mouse button 2. Note: Some objects cannot be moved unless you press and hold the Shift key while dragging the object (for example, to move the Templates folder, you must press the Shift key or the default action of Create another occurs instead). You can also use a menu method: 1. Display the pop-up menu for the object by moving the mouse pointer to it; then click mouse button 2. 2. Select Move. For additional help, select the Help push button after the window is displayed. For more information, select from the following: Related Information o Displaying pop-up menus o Dragging an object o Opening an object o Opening a folder o Selecting more than one object ═══ Opening a Folder ═══ To open a folder and display the contents in its default view, move the mouse pointer to the folder; then double-click mouse button 1. You can also use a menu method (for example, to display a different view): 1. Display the pop-up menu for the folder by moving the mouse pointer to it; then click mouse button 2. (To display the pop-up menu for the Desktop folder, click mouse button 2 on an area away from all objects.) 2. Select Open You can select Icon, Settings, Tree, or Details. Icon Displays the objects in a previously determined order, such as flowed, non-flowed, or non-grid. Settings Enables you to display or change the current properties of the object. Tree Displays the objects in a hierarchical order. Details Displays the properties of the objects (for example, the date and time created, the full name, and any special attributes). For more information, select from the following: Related Information o Changing titles of objects o Displaying pop-up menus ═══ Opening an Object ═══ To open an object, move the mouse pointer to the object and double-click. You can also use a menu method: 1. Display the pop-up menu for the object by moving the mouse pointer to it; then click mouse button 2. 2. Select Open When this choice is selected, the resulting action depends on the type of object that is opened. A program object starts the program. A device object displays the settings or current view. A data-file object is displayed in the program object it is associated with. A folder object opens and displays its contents in a view. You can change the view by selecting the arrow to the right of Open. For more information, select from the following: Related Information o Displaying pop-up menus o Opening a folder ═══ Restoring a Minimized Object ═══ To restore a minimized object: 1. Move the mouse pointer to an area of the screen that is outside all windows and objects. 2. Press and hold mouse buttons 1 and 2 at the same time. The Window List is displayed. 3. Double-click on the object you want to restore. ═══ Selecting an Object ═══ Move the mouse pointer to the object and click on the object to highlight it. Double-click mouse button 1 to open the object. For more information, select from the following: Related Information o Dragging an object o Moving an object o Opening an object o Opening a folder o Selecting more than one object ═══ Selecting More Than One Object ═══ Selecting more than one object enables you to move a group of objects all at one time. To select several objects: 1. Move the mouse pointer to the first object you want to select. 2. Press and hold mouse button 1; then move the pointer over the objects to be selected. 3. Release the mouse button to highlight the selected objects. Or 1. Move the mouse pointer to the first object you want to select. 2. Press and hold the Ctrl key; then click mouse button 1. 3. Move the pointer over the objects to be selected. Or 1. Display the pop-up menu for an object. 2. Select the arrow to the right of Select. A pop-up menu is displayed that enables you to choose the type of selection you want. Select all selects (highlights) every object in the folder; Deselect all cancels the Select all choice or deselects every object in the folder. Note: If you want to change common settings for a group of objects, you must first select all the objects you want to change. For more information about changing common settings for objects, refer to IBM OS/2 Using the Operating System. For more information, select from the following: Related Information o Displaying pop-up menus o Dragging an object o Moving an object o Opening an object o Opening a folder o Selecting an object ═══ Sorting ═══ Sorting determines the order of objects within a container or folder. Use a sort criteria that presents objects to your advantage. For example, you can sort objects by name to provide a view of objects in alphanumeric order. ═══ View ═══ A view describes the presentation of an object. It is an alternate representation of details of an object, such as the contents of an object, object properties, and object composition. ═══ Viewing Notebook Pages ═══ To see additional pages of a notebook, select either a tab at the right edge of the page or an arrow in the lower-right corner of the page. ═══ Extended Attributes ═══ Extended attributes are additional information that the system or a program associates with a file, such as comments, history, or an author. The system or program then uses this information to recognize the file. You can use one or more extended attributes when you want to find or view objects with those attributes. Extended attributes include the following: Comments Any notes about the object Key phrases Words that identify the object History The record of an object as provided by the operating system or program Subject A summary of the contents of the object Date information The dates and times the object was created, last changed, and last accessed Size The number of bytes the object has, the number of bytes for all the extended attributes, or the number of objects in a folder and the total number of bytes for all the objects. ═══ Global File-Name Characters ═══ The global file-name characters * and ? are used to represent file name characters. An * in a file name indicates that any character can occupy that position and all remaining positions. A ? in a file name indicates that any character can occupy that position only. For example, to rename the files BOOKAJV1.TXT and BOOKAJV2.TXT to a DOC extension, type: rename bookajv*.txt bookajv*.doc Or rename bookajv?.txt bookajv?.doc Another example would be if you want to copy more than one file beginning with the prefix BOOK to a directory named EDIT, type: copy book*.* c:\edit Or copy book*.??? c:\edit ═══ Icon ═══ An icon is a pictorial representation of a choice for you to select. Icons can represent items on which you want to work (such as a document or file) or actions you want to perform (such as printing or erasing). ═══ Instance ═══ An instance is a single, specific existence or occurrence of an object. It is represented by taking a class definition and supplying values to the attributes to represent a specific occurrence of the class. For example, Disk 01 and Disk02 each would be an instance of Disk. ═══ Notebook ═══ A notebook is a graphical representation that resembles a bound notebook that contains pages separated into sections by tabbed divider pages. A user can turn the pages of a notebook to move from one section to another. ═══ Object ═══ An object is: o A software abstraction consisting of private data and public and private routines that operate on the private data. Users can interact with an object only through calls to the public routines of the object. o A visual component of a user interface that a user can work with to perform a task. An object can appear as text or an icon. o An abstract representation of some entity, which exposes the important characteristics of the entity and hides its unimportant details. The entity may be a physical resource, such as a computer, modem, or gateway; or it may be a logical resource such as data or operations that can be performed. ═══ Menu Bar ═══ The menu bar is the area of a window that contains choices currently available in the application program that the user is running. The menu bar also provides access to other menus or functions. The menu bar is near the top of the window, below the title bar, and above the rest of the window.