MKMSGF !5"v" *e*P+ .F/:SOFTWARE INSTALLER 5621-434 (C) COPYRIGHT IBM CORP 1989, 1995. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. LICENSED MATERIALS - PROPERTY OF IBM. :(%4) Line %1: EPFIE100: '%2' is not a valid Entry type. :(%4) Line %1: EPFIE101: '%2' is not a valid keyword. :(%4) Line %1: EPFIE102: '%3' is not a valid value for the '%2' keyword. :(%4) Line %1: EPFIE103: Missing a keyword. :(%4) Line %1: EPFIF104: Out of memory. :(%4) Line %1: EPFIE105: Attempt to define the '%2' keyword more than once within the '%3' Entry Type. :Line %1: EPFIE106: Syntax Error: %2. :EPFIE107: The package file '%4' cannot be found or cannot be opened. :(%4) Line %1: EPFIE108: Unable to close the package file ('%4'). :(%4) Line %1: EPFIE109: A %2 keyword declaration is required for the %3 Entry Type. :(%4): EPFIE110: The included package file '%2' could not be found or could not be opened. :EPFIE111: Unable to connect to host session '%1'. Make sure the session exists and is not in use. :EPFIE112: Unable to transfer %3 - the file is in use or locked. :EPFIE113: The host is not responding. Switch to the host session and make sure that the host is in a ready state. :EPFIE114: '%2' cannot be found. :EPFIE115: The backup package file '%1' was not found. The installation and maintenance utility was unable to delete or restore the product. If a delete is being performed, all installation records of the product will be deleted. :EPFIE116: Cannot delete or restore the last service level. Package file errors were found. :(%4) Line %1: EPFIE117: An error occurred while reading the package file. :(%4) Line %1: EPFIE118: Missing the '=' after the '%2' keyword. :(%4) Line %1: EPFIE119: Unexpected ',' found. :(%4) Line %1: EPFIE120: A keyword value exceeded the maximum allowable length of 1024 characters. :(%4) Line %1: EPFIE121: End of File found in a string. :(%4) Line %1: EPFIE122: Entry type expected. :(%4) Line %1: EPFIE123: Missing a ',' at the end of a keyword value. :EPFIW124: Cannot delete %1. File not found. :EPFIQ125: You have cancelled during installation. Your current version of the product will not work properly. Would you like to delete the files already transferred? :(%4) Line %1: EPFIE126: The maximum number of COMPONENT entries has been exceeded. A package can contain a maximum of %2 COMPONENT entries. :EPFIW127: %1 cannot be deleted because the disk specified is not formatted. :EPFIW128: Cannot delete %1. File in use. :EPFIE129: Out of hard disk space. :EPFIE130: %3 cannot be accessed because the disk specified is not formatted correctly. :EPFIE131: Cannot access %1. File in use. :EPFIE132: An error occurred while attempting to create the %1 directory. :EPFIQ133: Cancelling the delete or restore operation might leave the product in an unstable state. Are you sure you want to cancel the operation? :EPFIE134: Cannot access the %1 profile file. :The requested components of %2 are successfully installed. Elapsed time was %1. %3 :%2 is successfully updated. Elapsed time was %1. %3 :EPFIE137: An error occurred while attempting to back up the file '%1' (Dos Return Code: %2). :EPFIW138: Unable to update the date and time of '%1'. :EPFIQ139: '%1' already exists on the workstation. Do you want to replace the file? :EPFIE140: '%1' is not a valid path. :EPFIW141: Cannot update the file mode of '%1'. :EPFIE142: An error occurred while copying installation control files. :%1 is successfully restored to the previous service level. %3 :EPFIE144: An error occurred while attempting to load the DLL '%1'. :EPFIE145: Function '%1' was not found within the DLL '%2'. Unable to execute the function. :EPFIW146: %1 is already running. :EPFIE147: The path '%1' does not specify a hard drive. :EPFIE148: The path '%1' does not specify a valid hard drive. :EPFIE149: The path '%1' cannot contain any global characters ('*' or '?'). :EPFIE150: Cannot transfer %3. Directory overflow occurred. :EPFIE151: A communication error (%4) occurred while transferring '%2'. :EPFIE152: '%1' is not a valid host session. :EPFIE153: Session '%1' is busy. Another application is using this host session. :EPFIE154: No Help is available. The installation help file is missing or your system is not configured for help. :EPFIE155: An error occurred on the host while accessing the file '%2'. :EPFIE156: Host session '%1' is disconnected. Check the host window and workstation/host cable connections. :EPFIE157: Cannot add '%1' to the CONFIG.SYS file. :EPFIE158: Cannot add the '%1' group to the desktop. :EPFIE159: Cannot add the '%1' program to the desktop. :EPFIQ160: The product on your workstation is already at the most recent service level. Do you want to continue? :EPFIE161: Incorrect host session or host operating system specified. :EPFIE162: You do not have network write access to the path '%1'. :EPFIF163: Out of memory. To release memory, end programs or allow memory paging to your fixed disk. :EPFIE164: Help error (return code: %1). :EPFIE165: Cannot execute %1 (DOS return code: %2). :EPFIE166: The catalog file ('%2') contains too many PACKAGE entries. Contact your system administrator. :EPFIE167: The catalog file ('%4') cannot be found. :EPFIE168: The catalog file ('%1') is not valid. :EPFIF169: Cannot transfer '%3'. There are too many workstation files open. :The selected components of %1 have been successfully deleted. %3 :EPFIE171: A data transfer error occurred. :EPFIE172: The host session is locked. Switch to the host session and issue a reset. :EPFIQ173: You have cancelled during an update. Your current version of the product will not work properly. Would you like to restore the previous service level? :EPFIQ174: Do you want to exit %1? :EPFIF175: Out of semaphore resources. To release resources, end unneeded programs that use semaphores. :EPFIE176: Insufficient resources to proceed with operation. :EPFIW177: The action you requested has completed. You must restart your operating system. :EPFIW178: The action you requested has stopped. You must restart your operating system and retry the action. :EPFIE180: An error occurred while transferring the product description file '%2'. :EPFIQ181: You will not be able to restore the product to the previous service level because you did not select the 'Save a backup version' option. Do you want to continue? :EPFII182: A description is not available for this package. :EPFIE183: An error was found in the parameters of a user exit. The exit parameters were: %1. :EPFIQ184: Installation of the '%1' component requires that the '%2' component also be installed. Do you want to install the '%2'? :EPFIQ185: Drive '%1' does not contain enough disk space to install the product. Do you want to continue? :EPFIQ186: Your CONFIG.SYS file will not be automatically updated. After the installation or update is complete, you should manually update your CONFIG.SYS file with the information found in the CONFIG.ADD file. Do you want to continue? :EPFIE187: A product-specific installation error occurred while executing the '%2' exit routine. The return code is %1. :EPFIE188: The file ('%2') is in use and cannot be accessed, or cannot be found. :EPFIE189: Cancelling the update has left the product in an unstable state. After cancelling this message, you should either update the product again or delete the product. :EPFIE190: An error occurred while attempting to access the workstation printer. :EPFIE191: Drive '%1' is not ready. :EPFII192: Insert a disk in drive '%1'. Select OK when ready. :EPFIE193: The filename ('%2') is not valid. :The first '%1' installation disk. :EPFIE195: A cyclic redundancy check (CRC) error occurred while transferring '%2'. :EPFIE196: An error occurred while executing %1. :EPFIE197: An error occurred while unpacking '%3' (return code: %2). The unpack command used was '%1'. :EPFIE198: '%1' could not be found within the specified PACK file. :EPFIE199: A PACKFILE entry that corresponds to the PACKID ('%1') was not found. :EPFIE200: The PACKFILE ('%3') could not be found. :EPFIE201: The opened catalog contains only updates to products that are not currently installed. You must install the products before these updates can be applied. :(%4): EPFIE202: More than one PACKAGE entry for product '%2' was found within the catalog file. :EPFIE203: An incorrect value was specified for the '%1' command line option. :EPFIE204: An incorrect command line option (%1) was specified. :EPFIE205: %1 has already been installed. You cannot install a product twice. :EPFIE206: An incorrect response file parameter was found on line %3 of %2. :EPFIE207: An incorrect value for a response file parameter was found on line %3 of %2. :EPFIE208: The response file contains more than 100 component specifications. :EPFIE210: The product name specified with the /p parameter ('%1') could not be found within the product list. :EPFIE211: A product name is required to perform the requested action. Specify a product name. :EPFIE212: The requested action could not be performed unattended. Specify additional command line options or response file information. :EPFIE213: %1 cannot be updated because it is not installed. :EPFIE214: %1 cannot be deleted because it is not installed. :EPFIE215: %1 cannot be restored. This might be because the product has not been installed and updated. :EPFIQ216: If you delete '%1', you must also delete '%2'. Do you want to delete '%2'? :The requested backup versions of %1 have been deleted. :EPFIE218: The requested action cannot be performed because a Communications Manager DLL cannot be found. :EPFIE219: A package or catalog file has been included by another catalog or package file more than once. :EPFIE220: A /O command line option must be specified. :%1 %2 %3 :EPFIE222: An error occurred while attempting to convert the '%1' INI file to the new format. Products installed using a previous release of the installation and maintenance utility might not be recognized. :EPFIE223: The requested operation could not be performed because the installation and maintenance utility is missing information about the selected product. :EPFIE224: Only a drive can be entered for the '%1' entry. :EPFIE225: The temporary directory for deferred installation files could not be created. (%1) :EPFIE226: An error occurred writing information to the deferred installation command file. (%1) :EPFIE227: An error occurred completing the deferred installation preparation. :EPFIW228: The requested components of %2 have been installed. Elapsed time was %1. Some files could not be installed because they are in use. Shut down your system now and the files will be installed when the system is restarted. :EPFIW229: %2 has been updated. Elapsed time was %1. Some files could not be updated because they are in use. Shut down your system now and the files will be updated when the system is restarted. :EPFIW230: %1 has been restored to the previous service level. Some files could not be restored because they are in use. Shut down your system now and the files will be restored when the system is restarted. :EPFIW231: The selected components of %1 have been deleted. Some files could not be deleted because they are in use. Shut down your system now and the files will be deleted when the system is restarted. :EPFIE232: The syntax of an expression within the package file is incorrect. The expression in error is: '%1'. :EPFIE233: An expression within the package file contains an operand type confict. One or more of the operands within the following expression do not have the same type: '%1'. :EPFIE234: Cannot create the '%1' object on the Workplace Shell. The setup string parameter was '%2'. :EPFIW235: A back-level version of the operating system has been detected.