═══ 1. Introducing OpenDoc ═══ ═══ Bitmap ═══ ═══ Text ═══ OpenDoc is an exciting, new feature of the OS/2 operating system. It lets you "plug and play" different components (such as movies, sounds, and text) together in a single document (called the "root"). OpenDoc is also object-oriented. This means you only have to focus on the appearance and contents of the document, not the underlying formats of its many components. When OpenDoc has been succesfully installed on your system, you will see the following folders on your Desktop: Available components for use in OpenDoc for OS/2 include:  Page Layout  Text  Graphics  Multimedia Audio Editor  Video Editor  Image Viewer  MIDI Editor To begin using these components, locate their objects in the OpenDoc Templates folder. Double-click on a topic listed here for information on OpenDoc:  Learning OpenDoc Terminology  Working within a Root Document  Creating a Root Document  Saving Documents  Understanding Standard Components  Finding Help for OpenDoc Tasks ═══ 2. Learning OpenDoc Terminology ═══ Following is a list of basic glossary terms that will help you to better understand OpenDoc concepts and commands.  activate  component  component category  component kind  drafts  embed  linking  root component  select ═══ 2.1. activate ═══ Activating "awakens" a component that is embedded within your document. It is important to note that each time you activate a component within a document, the menu-bar choices change to provide functions needed for that specific component. To activate a component, click mouse button 1 within the component area. You must click on the component itself and not on the border area around it. Only one component at a time can be active within your document. When a component is active, a highlighted frame appears around it. Clicking on a component frame causes the component to become selected Once selected, the frame changes appearance and is called a selection border. Note: You must first click within the component area to activate the component and cause the frame to become visible. Clicking on the area surrounding the component where the frame appears does not activate the component. ═══ 2.2. component ═══ Components are the building blocks for documents. To begin using a component, copy its template from the OpenDoc Templates folder onto the Desktop or into an existing OpenDoc document. When active, each component updates the Edit, View and Help menu bar choices to provide specific functions for its own use. For example, a Page Layout component includes Margin and Page choices that are not provided in the Graphics component. ═══ 2.3. component category ═══ Component category refers to the general type of file that is generated by a particular component. For example, the component category for files created by different Graphics components would be graphics. See component Kind for related information. ═══ 2.4. component kind ═══ Component kind refers to the specific data format created in a particular component, such as 2D Graphics 1.0. Component kind determines which component is used to edit the data. The "kind" is also the name of the component's preferred editor. Also, you can change the kind for a part to another compatible (same-category and capable of translating the current) editor by resetting the editor preferences. ═══ 2.5. drafts ═══ Drafts keep track of document revisions and serve as an "editing history" of a document. Drafts are created by choosing Create draft from the Drafts menu choice. OpenDoc does not create drafts automatically. The Draft History window displays basic information on all the drafts you have created for a document. A draft history does not include the current document. You cannot edit drafts, but can copy a draft to another location and use it as the basis of a new document. Component editing is always done in the current draft. Previous levels of drafts are read only. ═══ 2.6. embedding ═══ Embedding is the process by which compound documents are constructed. It is not mandatory that every OpenDoc document contain embedded parts. Also, parts can be embedded using the Paste or Paste as... menu choices, as an alternative to dragging and dropping parts. Templates typically are not embedded into documents, but components, which may have been created from templates, are embedded. In addition to being embeddable into documents, components may be embedded into other embedded components. For example, a Graphics object may be embedded into a Text component that is embedded into a Page Layout. ═══ 2.7. linking ═══ A link is a relationship between multiple versions of the same component in which an update to a link source is also made in the link target. For example, a Graphics component embedded in one document and a Graphics root component of another document could be linked so that making a change in the root component would create the same change in the embedded component. One link source can have more than one link target, but a single link target cannot have more than one link source. You can designate whether you want these changes to be updated automatically or manually. Linking is done much like a copying or cutting and pasting. You must choose the component or embed you want to link (the link source) , and paste it into a destination component or document (the link target.) The result is that changes to the link source are reflected in the link target without repeated use of a cut-and-paste operation. To use clipboard linking: 1. Select the link source component or data. 2. Choose Copy from the Edit menu or from a pop-up menu. 3. Click mouse button one to activate the container into which you would like to place the link target. 4. Choose Paste as... from the Edit menu or from a pop-up menu. A window appears which prompts you to specify options for the link. 1. Click on the Paste Link push button. 2. Select the desired choices from the Paste as... window. Note: The Break links choice on the Edit menu of the link source breaks all links originating at the selected source. The Break link choice on the Edit menu of the link target breaks the link between the selected target and its source. The Break links choice on the links page of the Properties notebook of the link source part breaks the links originating at the source specified in the Link Source drop-down list box. The Break link choice on the Link Target Properties notebook page breaks the link between the target and its source. ═══ 2.8. root component ═══ A root component is the foundation of the OpenDoc document you are creating. Choosing the component to use as a root is essential component to the process of creating an OpenDoc document. Root components control features such as the number of consecutive pages which can be in your final document and the way your completed document is printed and presented on your screen. ═══ 2.9. selection ═══ Selection allows you to manipulate an embedded component within your document. It also allows you to work with components embedded within other components, for example a graphic object within a text block. A selected component has a highlighted selection border used for moving and resizing. Besides being used with components, selection is also used to specify data within components that you wish to edit. For example, you must select data to cut, copy or paste it. You may have multiple components selected at one time, but only if they are contained within the same "container" component. Selection and activation are different functions. When a component is active, its frame is displayed and its particular functions are presented in the menu bar. When a component is selected, View menu bar items become available and selected contents may be moved, rotated, scaled or resized. To select a component: 1. Press and hold Shift. 2. Click on the component area. 3. Release Shift. To select multiple components: 1. Press and hold Shift. 2. Click on one component area. 3. Continue to hold Shift and click on additional components. To select an active component: 1. Position the pointer on the highlighted component border. 2. Press mouse button 1. Note: Press Ctrl and mouse button one to make multiple selections. ═══ 3. Creating Documents ═══ Creating a root component is the first step in building any new OpenDoc document. The root serves as the foundation of your document, and also controls several aspects of the document. For example, printing options, page length and embedding capability are controlled by the root component. To start OpenDoc, you must open an OpenDoc component template or document from the Desktop or any folder on your Desktop. OpenDoc templates function like other templates within OS/2. They are "copies" of OpenDoc components that can be dragged to the Desktop and renamed. Use the templates to both create documents and to embed components into existing documents. To use OpenDoc templates, double-click on the OpenDoc Templates folder. Using mouse button 2, drag a component template icon to the Desktop (or a folder on your Desktop). To create a root component: 1. Double-click on the OpenDoc Templates folder object. 2. Select the root component template using mouse button 1. 3. Click on the template using mouse button 2. 4. Drag the template to the Desktop. 5. Double-click on the new object icon to open the component. The icon you have placed on your Desktop is a copy of the component itself. This copy is now ready to be given a file name and to be used as the root of your document. Double-click on this object to open it into a document. To change the name of a root component document from the default template name to a document name, press and hold ALT and click on the icon text with mouse button 1. This activates the text beneath the object and you may edit the text. ═══ Embedding into Documents ═══ Embedding is the drag-and-drop process by which components become resident in a document. To embed a component: 1. Open the OpenDoc Templates folder. 2. Click on a template of the component you want to embed. 3. Drag the template to your document. 4. Release the mouse button to drop the template into your document. Once embedded, the component can be edited and moved within the document. ═══ 4. Working within Documents ═══ Working within an OpenDoc document is similar to editing and creating data within OS/2. Keyboard commands, clipboard commands and drag-and-drop functions are present in both OpenDoc and OS/2. OpenDoc is different from other applications in one important way; whenever a component is active certain menu bar choices automatically change to accommodate its needs. In the following example, the Page Layout root component is active and its functions are present in the menu bar. In this example, the embedded Graphics component is active and its functions are present in the menu bar. Use the following commands while working within your document. These commands are a component of the document menu bar and do not vary depending on which component is active or selected. For information on menu choices not listed here, see Saving Documents and Learning OpenDoc Terminology.  Document Properties Use to open the Properties notebook for the root component of your document. Properties allows you to change settings and view information for the root component. Print Document The Print Document command sends the document to be printed. The printing parameters are controlled by the root component.  Undo Use Undo to reverse errors or unwanted changes and return your original document version. Selecting Undo several times in succession reverses multiple actions. Redo Use Redo to reverse the effect of the most recent Undo actions. Redo replaces the data changes that was eliminated through using Undo. Redo does not function independently of Undo. It is only presented as a menu bar choice if Undo was previously selected. Delete Selection Delete Selection acts as the delete function within OpenDoc. The term selection refers to any embed or data within your document that has been selected. For example, you may select an embedded text component and delete it from your document in its entirety, or you may highlight a line of text within the embedded text component and delete it. Note: This is only available if it is supported by the active component. Open Selection Open Selection opens a selected embedded component into a window-sized view. Your component displays on top of your current document, and contains the menu bar choices needed for that particular component. Open Selection is only available for entire embeds that have been selected. This choice is not available for selected data within a component. Note: This is only available if it is supported by the active component. Selection Properties Selection Properties opens the Properties notebook for a selected component within your document. If you have more than one embed selected at a time, a properties notebook opens for each one. Note: This is only available if it is supported by the active component. Show Selection As Show Selection As changes the type of view for a selected component. Components can be shown as a large icon, small icon, thumbnail icon, or frame view. Note: This is only available if it is supported by the active component.  View Properties Use the Properties choice from the View menu to open the Properties notebook for an active area within your document. Properties allows you to change settings and view information for the active component. Show Links Show Links highlights any data in an active component which is either a link source or link target. Hide Links must be selected from the View menu to reverse the Show Links command. Note: This is only available if it is supported by the active component. ═══ 5. Saving Documents ═══ Use the Save a copy and Save document choices to save your OpenDoc document. Save document saves your document as it currently stands. You may not change the file name or save your document to a new directory using Save document. Save a copy, however, presents a window which allows you to create a duplicate of your document and specify both a name and directory location. See Drafts and Linking for information on tasks related to saving documents. To use Save document, click on Document from the menu bar and select Save document. OpenDoc automatically saves the document in its current state. To use Save a copy: 1. Click on the Document menu bar choice. 2. Select Save a copy. 3. Type the new file name and directory in the appropriate fields. OpenDoc saves a renamed copy of your current document in the directory you have chosen. Save a copy is the only menu choice which allows you to change the name and directory for a document. These changes are normally done from the OS/2 Desktop. Use Revert to saved to cancel any changes you have made to your document. This function saves and closes your document, ignoring any updates you have made since the last time you used the Save Document function. To use Revert to saved, click on Document from the menu bar and select Revert to saved. If there are no changes to be undone, this choice is grayed out. ═══ 6. Understanding Standard components ═══ Understanding the uses of each component helps you make the most of OpenDoc and each component within your document. This section describes each of the IBM standard components that were pre-installed on your system. Other components may not fit these exact specifications. Double-click on one of the following for a description of the component:  Using the Page Layout Component  Using the Text Component  Using the Graphics Component  Using the Multimedia Components ═══ 6.1. Using the Page Layout Component ═══ The Page Layout component provides a drawing-board type of organization for a document. It allows you to set margin width, page orientation, page numbering, and headers and footers. It also serves a base for a multiple-page document by flowing components from page to page. Use a Page Layout as your root component if your document is longer than one page and needs to have consecutive page numbering. The following are descriptions of the basic settings required when using Page Layout to organize a document. These functions are located within the Properties notebook under the headings shown here. They are also available from the menu bar on the toolbar.  Rulers - Show Rulers allows you to have both the horizontal and vertical rulers displayed on your screen, or you may display only one at a time. You may also deselect both rulers if you do not want to have either displayed. Show Rulers displays the Page Layout rulers on your screen. Select Horizontal to display a ruler across the top and bottom of the Page Layout screen. Select Vertical to display a ruler across the left and right sides of the Page Layout screen. You may choose to display both horizontal and vertical rulers, only one of the two, or none at all. Make your choice by clicking on one, both or neither of the ruler selections. - Unit of Measure allows you to select the type of measure in which your rulers are presented. English measures in inches and Metric measures in centimeters. Note: Rulers are not component of your document, but are component of the Page Layout component. To change measurements within your document, use either the Margins or Grid pages in the Properties notebook.  Page - Use Page Number Location to select the placement of page numbers within your document. Select a page number placement by scrolling through the box provided. Click on the appropriate choice. Only one page number placement may be chosen at a time. - Use Start on Page to choose a particular page on which you want to begin using page numbers. To select a Start on Page choice: 1. Click on the Start on Page scroll box arrows. 2. Move up or down the scale until you find the page number you want 3. Click on the page number you have chosen. - Use Start With to choose a particular page number from which page numbering should begin. Select new page numbering by: 1. Clicking on the Start With scroll box arrows. 2. Moving up or down the scale until you find the appropriate page number. 3. Clicking again on the page number you have chosen. Start With does not change the actual page on which your first page number appears. To begin the page numbering on a page of your document other than the first, select Start on Page from the Properties notebook. - Use Page Size to change the size of the paper on which your document is displayed and printed. You may choose from a Standard group of paper sizes or enter your own Non-Standard size. To select a Standard paper size: 1. Click on Standard paper choice 2. Click on the Paper Size scroll box arrow buttons 3. Click again on appropriate size choice. To select a Non-Standard paper size: 1. Click on Non-Standard paper choice 2. Click on the Unit of Measure scroll box arrow buttons 3. Click again on appropriate measurement choice 4. Next select the correct Height and Width from the scroll boxes.  Margins - Use Margin Line to change the way the margins appear on the screen. Select Margin Line choice by scrolling through the box provided. Select Show to display top and bottom horizontal margins on your screen. Deselect this choice if you do not want the margins to be visible. - Use Edit Color to select the color in which you want to see your margins and grid lines displayed. Select Edit Color to view the Change Color Dialog grid. The Change Color Dialog presents a grid of color boxes from which to choose a display color. You may edit the colors in the grid. Once you have chosen a color, click on OK to accept the new color. - Use Headers and Footers to create and edit single lines of text in the top and/or bottom line of a page. To create a page header or footer: 1. Click on the Footer Text window. 2. Begin typing text when blinking cursor appears. Only one line of text may be included in a footer. To view your formatted footer, select Page from the Properties notebook. To begin headers and/or footers on a specific page of your document: 1. Click on the Start Headers and Footers on page window. 2. Type the page number on which the header and/or footer should first appear. Use the scroll buttons to choose other page numbers.  Grid - Use Spacing to change the amount of space between the grid lines. Select proper Spacing choice by scrolling through the box provided. - Select Show Grid to display the grid lines on the screen. Deselect Show Grid if you do not want the grid to be visible on the screen. - Select Snap to Grid to force document text or graphics to be placed directly along the Page Layout grid lines. Deselect Snap to Grid if you do not want to place document text or graphics directly along displayed grid lines.  Colors - Use Page Color to change the screen color of the page on which you are creating your document. Select the color you want by using the Edit Color choice. This color only prints as component of your document if you select Print Page Color from the Properties notebook. ═══ Using the Text component ═══ The Text component is a word-processing application which allows you to create simple text documents within OpenDoc. Its primary content type is ASCII text, but it supports two formats: plain text (ASCII) and MS-Write RTF format. Two formats are provided so that the content may be read by other OpenDoc components which do not understand RTF-format text. The text created in Text component can also be exported to a file, in ASCII or RTF mode using the Options menu. The Text component provides simple layout functions that allow it to maintaining components embedded within itself. The Text component wraps text around the shape of an embedded components such as the Graphics component. If an embedded component is moved, the text is re-formatted automatically. Also, you may resize the component at any time to allow more space for embeds or creating text. While working within the Text component, you may edit features such as:  Font type  Font size  Alignment  Indentation. You can perform the following editing functions within the Text part:  Cut, copy and paste. paste as  Drag and drop The Text component does not allow you to change features such as:  Page numbering  Headers  Footers  Page rulers  Page orientation These functions are controlled by the Page Layout component For documents longer than 1 page which need to have consecutive page numbering, you must use Page Layout as your root document. The Text component does not automatically flow text from page to page. Use the following menu bar items customize your text: Font Name option specifies the font you want to use in your document or for specific sections of text. You may select any font supported by your system. Style changes the appearance of the text in your document. Style options are highlight, underline, bold, italic, bold italic, strikeout and outline. Text Color alters the color of the text. A menu of colors will pop up from which you can choose a color. Back Color alters the background color inside the Text component window. A menu of colors will pop up from which you can specify the color. Alignment lines up text on either the left margin, right margin, or in the center of the window. Spacing adjusts the spaces in a text block, both between characters and between lines. Use Before to specify additional space be placed before the selected characters or text block. Use After to specify additional space be placed after the selected characters or text block. Use Line Spacing to adjust the space between lines of text. Options are:  Single  1.5 Lines  Double Use Import to bring an external file into the Text component. Specify which file to import from the pop-up menu box which will appear. To import a file: 1. Select Import from the Options menu. 2. Enter the file data in the Import popup window. 3. Click OK. Use Export to save information in the Text component to a new file. In the pop-up menu box, specify the new file name and where it is to be saved. To export a file: 1. Select Export from the Options pulldown menu. 2. Click either ASCII or RTF 3. Enter the file data in the Save As popup window. 4. Click OK. Use Indentation to indent the first line of a paragraph or to indent an entire paragraph to the right or left. Use First Line Indent to indent only the first line of a text block. Use Left Indent to indent an entire text block a chosen distance from the left margin. Use Right Indent to indent an entire text block a chosen distance from the right margin. The Text component uses the standard OpenDoc printing command. To print Text component as root document choose Print document from the Document pulldown menu. Use Background Color to change the color of the Page Layout areas displayed around your document pages. Select the color you want by clicking on the Background Color box and scrolling through the color bars shown. Use Foreground Color to change the color of the text displayed within your document pages. Foreground Color provides a contrast between the color of your page and the color of your text. Select the color you want by clicking on the Foreground Color check box and scrolling through the color bars shown. ═══ Using the Graphics component ═══ The Graphics component allows you to design line drawings, shaded areas, and various types of bar graphs. The component supports the use of a status line. Use the status line to display prompts during steps in the creation of new content objects from the Toolbar. There are three ways to work within the component: 1. Toolbar The Toolbar provides the actual functions needed to create new designs. It is automatically visible when the Graphics component is active, but can be hidden from display. Use Hide Toolbar from the View menu pulldown to remove it from the Graphics component display window. The Toolbar options are:  Select The Select pointer acts as a "stop" button when using tools from the Toolbar. After you have completed a drawing, click on Select to change your mouse pointer from the drawing mode to its original functions.  Line A line is defined by two endpoints. To draw a line object: a) Click on the Line icon on theToolbar. b) Click mouse button 2 at any point in your document to set the first endpoint. c) Drag the mouse pointer the desired length of your line. d) Click mouse button 2 again to set the second endpoint. Lines are created with a default set of characteristics such as line color, line style, line width, and shadow style. Note: Holding the SHIFT key down while positioning the second endpoint will constrain the line to be vertical or horizontal (depending on where the cursor is placed).  Polyline A polyline is a set of connected points. The first point may or may not be even with the endpoint, making the finished polyline shape a closed polygon. Polyline appears on the Toolbar as three connected line segments. Polyines are created with a default set of characteristics including line color, line style, line width, fill color, fill style, and shadow style. To create a polyline: a) Click on the Polyline icon on the Toolbar. b) Click mouse button 2 at any point in your document. c) Drag the mouse pointer the desired length of a side of the shape. d) Click mouse button 2 again to set the second endpoint. e) Repeat the click-and-drag action until you have drawn the shape you want. f) Double-click mouse button 2 to end drawing. Note: Specifying a fill style for a non-closed polyline does not cause a line to automatically be drawn connecting the first and last points of your shape.  Rectangle A rectangle is a four-sided, closed polygon. The Rectangle tool appears as on the Toolbar as a hollow box. When initially created, a rectangle's edges are horizontal and vertical, but the shape can be changed using the Rotate and Scale functions. The rectangle is created with a default set of characteristics including line color, line style, line width, fill color, fill style, and shadow style. To create a rectangle: a) Click on the Rectangle icon on the Toolbar. b) Click mouse button 2 to set the first corner. c) Drag the mouse pointer to the desired rectangular shape. d) Click mouse button 2 to set the second corner. Note: Holding the SHIFT key down while positioning the second corner forces the new rectangle shape to be a square.  Box A box is identical to a rectangle, except that it includes a solid fill, rounded corners, and a shadow. The box is created with a default set of characteristics including line color, line style, line width, fill color, fill style, and shadow style. To create a box: a) Click on the Box icon on the Toolbar. b) Click mouse button 2 to set the first corner. c) Drag the mouse pointer to the desired box shape. d) Click mouse button 2 to set the second corner.  Ellipse An ellipse is an oval or circle. The Ellipse icon appears on the Toolbar as a hollow oval. The ellipse is created with a default set of characteristics, including line color, line style, line width, fill color, fill style, and shadow style. When initially created, an ellipse's axes are horizontal and vertical, but the shape can be changed using the Rotate and Scale functions. To create an ellipse: a) Click on the Ellipse icon on the Toolbar. b) Click mouse button 2 to set the center point of your shape. c) Drag the mouse pointer to the desired elliptical shape. d) Click mouse button 2 to set the end point. Note: Holding the SHIFT key down while positioning the second point forces the new ellipse shape to be a circle.  Arc An arc is a section of an ellipse or circle. When initially created, it is a section of a circle, but the shape can be changed using the Rotate and Scale functions. The Arc tool appears as the semi-circle shape on the Tollbar. An arc is created with a default set of characteristics include line color, line style, line width, fill color, fill style, shadow style, and arc closing. To create an arc: a) Click on the Arc icon on the Toolbar. b) Click mouse button 2 to set the center point of your shape. c) Drag the mouse pointer to the desired width of the arc shape. d) Click mouse button 2 to set the first end point. e) Drag the mouse pointer to the desired angle of the arc. f) Click mouse button 2 to set the second end point. Note: If Arc Closing is set to None and a fill pattern is specified, a pie shape is filled but the straight pie sides are not drawn in (for pie charts, for example). 2. Pulldown Menu The Graphics component main menu bar contains the standard OpenDoc options, in addition to new actions added under View and Selected menu items. The Pulldown menu options are:  Document - Document properties displays a Properties notebook for the Graphics component if it is a root component. - Print Document will print your Graphics component if it is a root component.  View - Hide Toolbar will hide the Tool Palette if it is currently displayed. This option becomes Show Toolbar if the Tool Palette is not currently displayed. - Background color changes the color of the area within your Graphics component. Choosing this option presents the component background color dialog box. - Refresh causes the component's frame to be invalidated and repainted.  Selected - Selected menu actions are enabled only when there is selected content within the Graphics component. - Alignment forces a selected object within the Graphics part to be flush against a margin. Choose Left to put the object flush against the left side of the Graphics part area. - Grouping groups all Graphics part objects together. Editing on these objects must then be done as if they were a single object. Choose Form Group to create a grouping of objects. Choose Dissolve Group to undo a grouping of objects. - Embed backgrounds determines how an object's background is refreshed within the system. Opaque causes the background to be shown on the screen each time the part is opened. Transparent causes the background to be invisible when a part is opened. - Layering creates the effect of depth among multiple objects within a Graphics part. Choose Move To Front to move a selected object on top of all other objects in the window. Choose Move To Back to move a selected object behind all other objects in the window. - Freeze makes a selected object or Graphics embed unavailable for editing or moving within a Graphics part. Once frozen, an object will not be disturbed by editing and moving of objects around it. Choose Freeze Objects to freeze an object in place. Choose Un-Freeze Objects to make a frozen object available for editing and moving. 3. Popup Menus When using direct manipulation or pop-up menus, the objects that are affected by an action depend on the cursor position. If the cursor is within the selection area (dashed line surrounding all selected objects), the action will affect all selected objects for which the action is appropriate. If there is no selection or if the cursor is over an object outside the selection area, the editing action is performed only on the top object under the cursor. Editing actions initiated from the main menu bar or accelerator keys always act on the set of selected objects. There are two Graphics component popup menus. One is displayed by clicking on the active Graphics component background. This pop-up contains three menu items:  Background color... which changes the component's background color. The following options are found in a second popup menu which is displayed when no elements are active. Using the right mouse button, click on any space within the Graphics area to display the following options. - Background Color changes the background color of the Graphics component window to a color that will enhance the contrast with the embedded components. To change background color: a) Select Background Color from the View pulldown menu. b) Double-click on a color from the Color Dialog pop-up box. c) Click on OK - Show/Hide Toolbar which controls whether the Toolbar is visible on the screen. - Properties which displays the Properties notebook for the Graphics component. The second popup menu appears when you click on a selected graphics object or within a selected embed. This popup menu contains: - Delete Causes all selected data to be removed. - Rotate Turns a selected object to different angles. When using Rotate, a dashed circle is displayed on your screen (centered in the middle of the selection) with handles at the center and right arms of the circle. The center handle can be dragged to change the center of rotation. Dragging on the center handle actually rotates the selection (shadow images are shown during this operation). - Line Allows you to choose the Line Color, Line Style and Line Width for the lines used in a graphics element. These options are presented as cascade menus after you click on the Line. - Fill Gives your graphics element a color or shading style in order to contrast with the document background. Choose either Fill Color or Fill Style from the A list of options is presented as a cascade menu after you click on Fill. - Shadow Gives your graphics element a pattern in order to contrast with the document background. A list of Shadow Style options is presented as a cascade menu after you click on Shadow. - Arc Closing Allows you to designate the type of arc you construct using the Graphics toolbar. You can choose either None, Pie or Chord after you click on Arc Closing. Note: This option only affects the Arc function on the Tool Palette. ═══ 6.2. Using the Multimedia Component ═══ Embedded multimedia components can be edited using an associated editor. Audio, video, MIDI and image hardware are used within OpenDoc to add sound files, video clips, and bit maps to your documents. The multimedia editors and viewers have been OpenDoc-enabled for this release. Each multimedia component has additional functions available through a window or an OpenDoc menu bar. Multimedia components can be embedded into any component within OpenDoc, but cannot have other components embedded within them. For example, it isn't possible to embed page layout into a video or sound file, but you can embed both sound and video into a page layout. For information on using the Multimedia components, refer to the Multimedia book located in the Information folder. Also refer to the Master Help Index to view help screens associated with specific multimedia tasks. Note: You cannot use the OpenDoc Multimedia functions if you do not have the proper sound or audio cards installed on your computer. ═══ 7. Getting Help for OpenDoc Tasks ═══ OpenDoc provides Help prompts as do other OS/2 programs. If you need help completing a task in OpenDoc, select any menu bar choice and press the F1 key. A window displays help information about the action you are performing. Further instruction for completing OpenDoc tasks can be found in the help panels associated with all functions within the Properties notebook. The Help menu bar choice provides you with two more help functions; the Help Index and General Help ═══ 7.1. Using Help Index ═══ The Help Index is a comprehensive listing of help topics available within OpenDoc. To use the Help Index: 1. Click on the Help menu bar choice. 2. Double-click on Help Index. 3. Scroll through the list of topics using the side scroll bar. 4. Click on any topic you wish to see. ═══ 7.2. Using General Help ═══ General Help provides a brief description of OpenDoc and the currently active component. To use General Help, click on the Help menu bar choice and select General Help. ═══ 8. Using the OpenDoc for OS/2 Folder ═══ The OpenDoc for OS/2 folder is located on your Desktop along with the OpenDoc Templates and OpenDoc Shell Plug-Ins folders. The OpenDoc for OS/2 folder contains three icons:  Script Editor and Recorder  Part Editor Preferences  Part Registration ═══ 8.1. Script Editor and Recorder ═══ Script Editor and Recorder provides the capability of sending OSA events by writing a script. The editor will use an installed scripting component (currently only Object REXX is available) to translate the script into OSA Events which can drive applications or OpenDoc parts that support OSA. The Script Editor and Recorder is based on on the EPM system editor located in OS/2. The available menu functions for the script editor are:  Play a script This function will play the script that is currently displayed in the edit window. The script commands are translated into OSA events by the scripting component.  Stop playing/recording a script This function will terminate the playing or recording of a script.  Record a script This function will start recording script commands into the edit window. As you interact with applications or parts that support OSA and have implemented recordability, the actions that are recordable will be displayed in the edit window in the language of the scripting component that is currently selected.  Select a scripting language This function will let you choose the scripting language you would like to use in writing or recording scripts.  Syntax check This function will highlight keywords that are recognized for the scripting language that is currently selected. The following editing options are available under the OSA menu:  Compile a script This function is an intermediate step that is done automatically when play is selected. You can use this function to see whether the scripting component detects any syntax errors in your script.  Dictionary This function will list all the OSA aware applications and parts that are available on your system. You can select an application or part from the list to display its terminology resource. This resource describes the types of events (ie, Open, Print, Quit) and objects (i.e., window, word, font) that the application or part understands.  Show results This function will display a window that shows the final result after playing a script. ═══ 8.2. Part Editor Preferences ═══ The Part Editor Preferences function allows you to select a particular kind and category of a component to be used when creating documents. For example, if you choose the OpenDoc standard Page Layout Kind within this page you will automatically get the standard Page Layout part when you open a Page Layout template. As of this release, only IBM OpenDoc standard and sample part kinds are available. If other vendors' components were available on your system, you would use Part Editor Preferences to designate them as your default component. ═══ 8.3. Part Registration ═══ The Part Registration function is part of the OpenDoc installation process. You should use this function if you are missing component objects on your Desktop (within the OpenDoc Templates folder) or if you want to add OpenDoc components to your system. ═══ 9. Notices ═══ First Edition (December 1995) The following paragraph does not apply to the United Kingdom or any country where such provisions are inconsistent with local law: INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION PROVIDES THIS PUBLICATION AS IS WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Some states do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warranties in certain transactions, therefore, this statement may not apply to you. This publication could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of the publication. IBM may make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this publication at any time. It is possible that this publication may contain reference to, or information about, IBM products (machines and programs), programming, or services that are not announced in your country. Such references or information must not be construed to mean that IBM intends to announce such IBM products, programming, or services in your country. for technical information about IBM products should be made to your IBM reseller or IBM marketing representative. Copyright Notices Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1995. All rights reserved. Note to U.S. Government Users - Documentation related to restricted rights - Use, duplication or disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. ═══ 10. Disclaimers ═══ References in this publication to IBM products, programs, or services do not imply that IBM intends to make these available in all countries in which IBM operates. Any reference to an IBM product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only that IBM product, program, or service may be used. Subject to IBM's valid intellectual property or other legally protectable rights, any functionally equivalent product, program, or service may be used instead of the IBM product, program, or service. The evaluation and verification of operation in conjunction with other products, except those expressly designated by IBM, are the responsibility of the user. IBM may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter in this document. The furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents. You can send license inquiries, in writing, to: IBM Director of Licensing IBM Corporation 500 Columbus Avenue Thornwood, NY 10594 U.S.A. ═══ 10.1. Trademarks ═══ The following terms are trademarks of the IBM Corporation in the United States or other countries or both: IBM OS/2 The following terms are trademarks of other companies: Trademark Owner OpenDoc Apple Computer, Inc. Other company, product, and service names, which may be denoted by a double asterisk (**), may be trademarks or service marks of others.