═══ Document ═══ Use the choices in the Document menu to select actions that can be performed with your file. ═══ Open document as ═══ Use Open document as to open your document into either an Icons, Tree, or Details view. ═══ Icons, Tree, and Details view ═══ Use an Icons, Tree or Details select a particular display view for your document. Icon view presents your document as a single small icon on the Desktop. Tree view displays your document as a small icon shown within a hierarchical icon arrangement of all objects on the Desktop. Details view displays your document as an entry within a table listing properties for all objects on the Desktop. ═══ Document properties ═══ Use Document properties to open the Properties notebook for your root component. Properties allows you to change settings and view information for the root component. ═══ Drafts ═══ Select the Drafts option from the Document menu in order to edit or create a draft of your OpenDoc document. ═══ Create draft ═══ Use Create draft to enter a name for a new draft. You can also enter any comments about a draft, which may help distinguish it from other drafts of a document.  Creator  Comments  Create ═══ Create ═══ Create allows you to create multiple versions of the same document by duplicating a draft currently in the Draft History. To use Create: 1. Select Drafts from the Document menu. 2. Click on Create draft. 3. Click on the Create push button. ═══ Creator ═══ Use the Creator field to enter the name of the person creating a draft document. No default name is present in the system. ═══ Comments ═══ Use the Comments field to record any details about a draft which may distinguish it from other drafts of a document. ═══ Create ═══ Use the Create push button to save your current document as a new draft in the Draft history listing. The information in the Create draft dialog boxes is then added to the top of the draft history. The new draft becomes "locked" allowing no further modifications. ═══ Draft history ═══ Use Draft history to display information on previous draft versions of your document. Draft history allows you to open documents, create new drafts and delete drafts. The current document is not included in Draft history. ═══ History ═══ Use the choices in the History menu to select functions that can be performed on the Drafts dialog box. ═══ Properties ═══ Use Properties from the History menu to open the Properties notebook for the Drafts option. Properties allows you to change settings within the Draft option. Note: This function does not show settings for a particular document. ═══ Print draft history ═══ Use Print to print the contents of the Drafts window. ═══ Print draft ═══ Use Print draft to print the content of the selected draft or drafts. ═══ Save a copy ═══ Use Save a copy to save a selected document as a new draft in the Draft history. ═══ Edit ═══ Use the choices in the Edit menu to select clipboard actions and edit functions that can performed on your draft. ═══ Selection properties ═══ Use Selection properties to open the Properties notebook for a selected document draft. Properties allows you to change settings and view information for the document draft. ═══ Delete ═══ Use Delete to remove the selected draft or drafts. ═══ Select all ═══ Use Select all select all drafts in the view. ═══ Deselect all ═══ Use Deselect all to deselect all drafts in the view. ═══ Open selection ═══ Use Open selection to open the selected draft into its original document. ═══ View ═══ Use the choices on the View menu to select different views for a draft. Note: Details view is the default setting. ═══ Icons ═══ Use Icons to display each recorded draft within the Draft history window. ═══ Details ═══ Use Details to display the Draft history window as a listing of certain information on all recorded drafts. ═══ Drafts ═══ The Draft history window shows all the drafts you have created for a document and the following information for each draft:  Icon view of document.  Title of draft document.  Draft version number.  Name of draft creator.  Date draft was created.  Time draft was created.  Comments about draft. Note: The above information will only be displayed when the dialog is in Details view. The dialog will display an icon for each document only if you have selected Icons from View menu. ═══ Save document ═══ Use Save document to save the current document and all of its embedded parts as they currently exist. ═══ Save a copy ═══ Use Save a copy to save a renamed copy of the current document. ═══ Revert to saved ═══ Use Revert to saved to retrieve the most recently saved version of your document and its embedded parts. Revert to Saved causes the most recently saved version to become the current version. This action will ignore any changes made since the last time you saved the document. You cannot reverse this action using Undo. ═══ Print document ═══ Use Print document to print a version of your root component and its embedded components. ═══ Edit ═══ Use the choices in the Edit menu to perform clipboard actions and data edits within your document. ═══ Undo ═══ Use Undo to reverse errors or unwanted changes. Clicking once on Undo. will reverse the most recent action made within your document. Multiple levels of Undo are available. For example, if you select Undo three times in succession, then the last three "undoable" actions are undone in order. ═══ Redo ═══ Use Redo to reverse the effect of the most recent Undo action. ═══ Select all ═══ Use Select all to highlight all content within the active component. ═══ Deselect all ═══ Use Deselect all to undo a Select all on data content within the active component. ═══ Open selection ═══ Use Open selection to open a selected embedded component into a window-sized view. The component will display on top of your current document, and will contain the menu bar choices needed for that particular component. Note: Open selection is only available for entire embeds which have been selected. This option is not available for selected data within a component. ═══ 1. Create ═══ Use Create to paste a new version of an OpenDoc component onto the Clipboard. This new version will only be a shell, and will not contain any of the content included in a current document. To use Create: 1. Select the component you wish to use. 2. Click Create from the Edit menu. 3. Choose a Destination name from the scroll box. 4. Click on Paste from the Edit menu. ═══ Copy ═══ Use Copy to duplicate selected content within a document onto the clipboard. Copying an embedded component will cause all of its current content to be duplicated. To use Copy : 1. Select the desired content. 2. Click on Copy from the Edit menu. 3. Click mouse pointer on the destination component. 4. Click on Paste from the Edit menu. ═══ Delete selection ═══ Use Delete to remove content from your document. You may choose to remove parts of your document content or all current content. To use Delete: 1. Highlight content to be removed. 2. Click Delete from the Edit menu. ═══ Cut ═══ Use Cut to remove selected content from your document and place it on the clipboard. To use Cut: 1. Highlight content to be removed. 2. Click Cut from the Edit menu. Content can now be placed into a new document or component using the Paste option from the Edit menu. ═══ Break link ═══ Use Break link to delete a link between a link target and a link source. Break link can only be selected if you are currently using a document which contains a link target. Note: The Break link action is controlled by each component and cannot be reversed using Undo. from the Edit pulldown menu. ═══ Paste link ═══ Use Paste link to create a link between two components. The data within the current document, which you are using to initiate the Paste link, becomes the link source. To paste a link: 1. Select an object or component to be linked (link source.) 2. Choose Paste from the Edit menu. 3. Place mouse pointer in destination component (link target.) 4. Choose Paste link from the Paste options. ═══ Paste ═══ Use Paste to place items from the clipboard into a document. Paste works as the second step in the Cut and Copy procedures. To paste an item: 1. Perform either a Cut or Copy function. 2. Place your mouse pointer in a destination component. 3. Click on Paste from the Edit menu. ═══ Paste as ═══ Use Paste As to create links between OpenDoc documents. The following are explanations of Paste As functions:  Get Updates  Kind  Merge with Contents  Embed as  Paste with Link  Paste  Description  Editor ═══ Kind ═══ Select Kind to choose the file format for the data you want to paste. For example, a file kind would be RTF, ASCII, TIFF, PICT, etc... If you know the Kind you want to use, enter the name in the window provided. ═══ Get Updates ═══ Select Automatically or Manually to specify how often changes made to the link source are updated in the link target. Select Automatically for the system to update the link target each time a change is made in the link source. This is the default setting. Select Manually to update the link target each time the Update Now function is chosen. Manually requires that you press Update Now each time you want the link target to reflect the most recent changes to the link source. ═══ Merge with Contents ═══ Select Merge with Contents to translate the data you are embedding into the specific data Kind used by the component into which you are placing the data. This option will force content to be merged into a document, even if some data may be lost from the link target document. Note: If the data you are embedding is of a Kind that the target component cannot handle, Merge with Contents with not be an available choice. Instead, Embed as will be the available merge option. ═══ Embed as ═══ Select Embed as to choose either frame, large icon, small icon, or thumbnail view as the display size for your embedded file. Use Embed as to ensure that an embed appears as a separate part once its been embedded. Note: If your document allows only certain kinds of parts to be embedded in it, the Embed as option may not be available. ═══ Paste with Link ═══ Select Paste with Link to choose between regular paste function and pasting a link. Paste with Link creates a link between the current component and a designated target. Note: Paste with Link is not available unless link source and link target documents are open. ═══ Paste ═══ Select the Paste pushbutton after you made your selections within the Paste As pop-up box. ═══ Description ═══ Use the Description window to enter information about the content you are pasting as a link. This content will become your link source, therefore the information you enter here will also become part of the Link Source properties page. ═══ Editor ═══ Use Editor to view the type of editor that is being used by the content you are pasting as a link. The information in this window varies depending upon the content Kind. ═══ Selection properties ═══ Use Selection properties to open the Properties notebook for the currently selected component. Properties allows you to change settings and view information for the component. ═══ Show selection as ═══ Use Show selection as to choose a display size in which to view a selected component. Embeds can be displayed as a large icon, small icon, thumbnail view, or frame view. ═══ View ═══ Use the choices in the View menu to select different views for an active component. ═══ Open as ═══ Use Open as to display the active component in either an Icon, Tree, or Details or Window view. ═══ Icons, Tree, Details, Window ═══ Select Icons, Tree, Details, Window views to find certain information about the active component as it resides on the Desktop. These views will not display the component so that you can edit or work with it. Icon view presents the component as a single small icon within your document. Tree view displays the component as a small icon shown within a hierarchical icon arrangement of all documents within OpenDoc. Details view displays the component as an entry within a table listing properties for all documents within OpenDoc. Window view displays the active component as a window-sized view. The component will display on top of your current document, and will contain the menu bar choices needed for the particular component. Window view is only available for embedded components which are active. This option is not available for a root component. ═══ Properties ═══ Use the View menu Properties option to open the Properties notebook for the currently active component. Properties allows you to change settings and view information for the component. ═══ Show as ═══ Use Show as to choose a screen display size for the currently active component. Components can be displayed as large icon, small icon, thumbnail view, or frame view. ═══ Frame view ═══ Select Frame to display the normal representation of an opened object as a window on your screen. ═══ Large icon view ═══ Select Large icon to display an object as a 32 x 32 pixel OpenDoc icon on your Desktop. The document name is displayed underneath the icon. ═══ Small icon view ═══ Select Small Icon to display an object as a 16 x16 pixel OpenDoc icon on your Desktop. The document name is displayed underneath the icon. ═══ Thumbnail view ═══ Select Thumbnail to display an object as a 64 x 64 pixel OpenDoc icon on your Desktop. The document name is displayed underneath the view. This view is larger than the Large icon, and is a size unique to OpenDoc. ═══ Show links ═══ Select Show links to display the source of link. If both link source and link target are in the current document, a highlighted border will appear around both linked components. The Show links highlighting remains visible until Hide links is selected from the View menu. Note: Show Links becomes an available menu option only when you have activated a component containing a link. ═══ Hide links ═══ Select Hide links to hide any Show links highlighting which may be visible in an active document. Hide links must be selected from the View menu in order to reverse the Show links command. ═══ Help ═══ Use the choices in the Help menu to find sources of Help information related to OpenDoc tasks. ═══ 2. OpenDoc General Help ═══ The program called OpenDoc allows you to build single documents from more than one type of component without switching between the component programs. Within OpenDoc, you may use a word processing function, a desktop publishing function, a graphics function and multimedia functions for working with sound and video files. Double-click on any OpenDoc document object to begin using the program. Documents created in OpenDoc will be accessible only through the OpenDoc program. You can do all printing and editing that is necessary from within the program. For more detailed information, please refer to the following sources:  OS/2 Master Help Index  OpenDoc Help Index  Using OpenDoc online user's guide ═══ 3. OpenDoc information ═══ Select OpenDoc information to view a panel giving the release date and version number for your version of OpenDoc. This panel does not connect to any further function. Click on the OK button once you have noted the information you need. ═══ 4. Link Source ═══ Use OpenDoc - Properties Link Source page to view information on the sources of links with which you are working. Link Source also allows you to change the method of sending data change updates from link sources to link targets. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below:  Link Sources  Kind  Created  Edited  Select a Link Source  Send Updates  Break Link  Show Link Source  Break All Links  Edit Description  Links  Get Remote Data  Connection Data  Connected Links  Undo ═══ 5. Linking items ═══ Use Linking Items to create a relationship between two versions of the same component item, with each located in a different document. For example, if a bar graph located in one document is linked to a spreadsheet located in another, then making a change in the spreadsheet will create the same change in the bar graph. A linked copy can be updated every time the original item changes. To use Linking: 1. Select the desired content. 2. Select Copy from the Edit menu. 3. Place mouse pointer in destination file. 4. Select Paste As from the Edit menu. 5. Click on the Paste Link push button. 6. Specify file options in the Paste As dialog box. ═══ 6. Edit Description ═══ Use Edit Description to edit the description of the link source that was entered into the Paste as window. ═══ 7. Connected Links ═══ Use Connected Links to view a descriptive listing of target files to which the current document serves as a link source. ═══ 8. Link Source ═══ Use Link Source scroll box to display a listing of all files which currently act as the source of a link between two components or documents. This function controls the information displayed in the remainder of the Link Source Properties notebook page. The file you choose from the Select a Link Source dialog box is the file which will be described in the Updated, Description and Send Updates entries. Note: You will not be able to enter a document name in the Link Source scroll box. The system will present a list of all available sources. ═══ 9. Updated ═══ Updated lists the date and time the most recent changes were made to a link source file. Note: This may not be the same date and time when the link target was most recently updated. See Send Updates for information on link target updates. ═══ 10. Select a Link Source ═══ Use Select a Link Source to view information such as the component and data type for the current link source file. The information given in the Select a Link Source field is generated by OpenDoc, and cannot be changed by the user. The file you choose from the Select a Link Source dialog box is the file which will be described in the Updated, Description and Send Updates entries. Note: You will not be able to enter a document name in the Link Source scroll box. The system will present a list of all available sources. ═══ 11. Send Updates ═══ Send Updates controls how often a link target file is updated to reflect changes made to a link source file. Select Automatically for the system to update the link target each time a change is made in the link source. This is the default setting. Select On Save for the system to update the link target each time the link source is saved. Select Manually for the link target to only be updated when you select Send Updates from the Properties notebook. .* ═══ 12. Break Link ═══ Use theBreak Link push button to view the popup window which allows you to break links between the link source file chosen in Link Source scroll box and a selected link target file associated with it. Break Link will remove the link between the selected link source and one chosen link target. Break All Links will remove all links associated with the selected link source. ═══ 13. Show Link Source ═══ Use the Show Link Source pushbutton to display the link source component. ═══ 14. Break All Links ═══ Use the Break All Links to push button to view the popup windown which allows you to break all links existing between the current link source document and its targets. Once you exit the Properties notebook, the breaks will take effect. ═══ 15. Connection Data ═══ Use Connection Data to view the directory and file name of the document containing the link source data. ═══ 16. Kind ═══ The Kind field indicates the file format of the data in the selected link source file. For example, a file kind would be RTF, ASCII, TIFF, PICT, etc... Note: You will not be able to enter a file kind in the Kind field. The system will display the appropriate kind. ═══ 17. Created ═══ Use Created to list the date and time the most recent link was created between the file selected in the Link Target dialog box and another OpenDoc file. Note: You will not be able to enter a date and time in the Link Created field. The system will display the most recent date and time. ═══ 18. Edited ═══ Use Edited to list the date and time the current link was last edited. Note: You will not be able to enter a date and time in the Edited field. ═══ 19. Link Target ═══ Use OpenDoc - Properties Link Target page to view information on the destination, or target links within the document with which you are working. Link Target also allows you to change the method of updating link targets to reflect changes in the link source file. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below:  Link Target  Kind  Created  Updated  Show Link Source  Description of Link Source  Break Link  Edit Description  Show Link  Get Remote Data  Get Updates  Update Now  Link Target Selection  Undo ═══ 20. Link Target ═══ The Link Target scroll box displays a listing of all files which currently act as the target, or destination, of a linking between two components or documents. This function controls the information displayed in the remainder of the Link Target Properties notebook page. The file you choose from the Link Target dialog box is the file which will be described in the Kind, Link Created, Updated, Description, Link Source and Description of Link Source entries. Note: You will not be able to enter a document name in the Link Target scroll box. The system will present a list of all available targets. ═══ 21. Select a Link Target ═══ Use Select a Link Target to view information such as the component and data type for the current link target file. The information given in the Select a Link Target field is generated by OpenDoc, and cannot be changed by the user. The file you choose from the Select a Link Target dialog box is the file which will be described in the Updated, Description and Send Updates entries. Note: You will not be able to enter a document name in the Link Target scroll box. The system will present a list of all available sources. ═══ 22. Kind ═══ Use Kind to view the file format of the data in the selected link target file. For example, a file kind would be RTF, ASCII, TIFF, PICT, etc... Note: You will not be able to enter a file kind in the Kind field. The system will display the appropriate kind. ═══ 23. Created ═══ Use Created to list the date and time the most recent link was created between the file selected in the Link Target dialog box and another OpenDoc file. Note: You will not be able to enter a date and time in the Link Created field. The system will display the most recent date and time. ═══ 24. Updated ═══ Use Updated to view the date and time the most recent changes made to a link source file were reflected in a link target file. Note: This may not be the same date and time when the link source was most recently updated. See Get Updates for information on link target updates. ═══ 25. Show Link Source ═══ Use Show Link Source to display the file which currently acts as the source of the link component or document selected in the Select a Link Target scroll box. ═══ 26. Connected Link Source ═══ Use Connected Link Source to give information such as the component and data type for the source of the link target file chosen in the Link Target scroll box. The information given in the Description of Link Source field is generated by OpenDoc, and cannot be changed by the user. ═══ 27. Get Updates ═══ Use Get Updates to control how often a link target file is updated to reflect changes made to its link source. Select Automatically for the system to update the link target each time a change is made in the link source. This is the default setting. Select Manually for the link target to only be updated when Update Now is updated from the Properties notebook. ═══ 28. Break Link ═══ Use the Break Link push button to break a link between the link target file chosen in Link Target scroll box and a chosen link source associated with it. ═══ 29. Show Link ═══ Use Show Link to display the currently selected link target within its root component. ═══ 30. Get Remote Info ═══ Use Get Remote Info to display information on the document containing the link source. If the source is the current document, the Get Remote Info optionwill not be available. ═══ 31. Update Now ═══ Use Update Now to manually update a link target. This option is not available if you have selected Automatically from the Get Updates option. ═══ 32. Undo ═══ Use Undo to cancel any changes made within the Link Target properties page. Note: Updates made to link targets using Update Now cannot be reversed using Undo. ═══ 33. Type ═══ Use OpenDoc - Properties Type page to view the category of document with which you are working. You may also change the document kind and system editor associated with your root document. The system will detect the category of files you are currently using. The options shown in the Kind and Editor scroll boxes depend upon the Category of your document. You will not be able to change the Category. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below:  Category  Kind  Editor  Undo  Default ═══ Category ═══ Category is a general label describing the type of data contained in an OpenDoc component. For example, data created in the OpenDoc Text component would be in the text category. Category groups similar types of data according to basic characteristics. You are not able to change the Category. ═══ Kind ═══ Kind refers to the specific type of data contained in an OpenDoc component. This is a more specialized classification than Category. For example, a document within OpenDoc could be OpenDoc Text 1.0 or OpenDoc Graphics 1.5. You are able to change the document Kind from the Properties notebook by selecting from the scroll box provided. ═══ Editor ═══ Use the Editor option to select a specific editor for the type of data with which you are working. Functions that are supported by the editor you select will be added to the Properties notebook and can accessed or changed from there. You are able to change the editor from the Properties notebook by selecting from the scroll box provided. ═══ Undo ═══ The Undo option within the Properties notebook pages allows you to cancel changes you have made to a Properties selection. Undo options apply only to the functions available on the Properties page you are viewing. Note: Selecting Undo from a Properties notebook page will not allow you to reverse an action within the text or layout of your document. To reverse changes within a document, you must select Undo from the Edit pulldown menu. ═══ Default ═══ Select Default to use the System Default choices for the function with which you are working. System Defaults are the settings that have been programmed into the system as the best choice settings for a particular option. For example, if you are unsure of which component editor you want to use for your current document, selecting Default will set the editor to the component that the system can most easily handle. ═══ 34. View - Show Part ═══ Use OpenDoc - Properties View-Show this Part as settings to select a size in which to display your component on your screen. Select Frame to display the normal representation of a document as a window on your screen. Select Large Icon to display your document as a 32 x 32 pixel OpenDoc icon on your Desktop. The document name is displayed underneath the icon. Select Small Icon to display your document as a 16 x16 pixel OpenDoc icon on your Desktop. The document name is displayed underneath the icon. Select Thumbnail to display your document as a 64 x 64 pixel OpenDoc view on your Desktop. The document name is displayed underneath the view. This view is larger than the Large Icon, and is a size unique to OpenDoc. The Bundled radio button causes all embedded frame areas within your root document to be treated as one single frame. For example, if the Bundled option is selected then each embedded component can neither be selected nor modified individually. They can only be viewed as part of a single bundled frame. Bundled can be selected for frame or icon views. ═══ 35. View - Icon View ═══ Use OpenDoc - Properties, View - Icons to select how icons and their text are displayed. Use the Format field to select the positioning of icons on the Desktop or in the open folder window. Use the Icon display field to select the size of the icons. Use the Icon text field to select the font size and style for the text that appears below or beside an icon. You can also choose to display the icons with or without text. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below:  Format  Icon display  Icon text  Undo  Default  Change Font ═══ Format (Icon) ═══ Use this field to select the positioning of icons on the Desktop or in the open folder window.  Select Flowed if you want the icons arranged in columns across the screen.  Select Non-flowed if you want the icons arranged in a column from the top to the bottom of the screen.  Select Non-grid if you want the icons displayed without columns. This is the default setting. If you drag an icon to a new position on the Desktop and you have selected Flowed or Non-flowed, a line is displayed. This line points to the location in the column where the icon will be placed. The line moves with your icon as you drag it. ═══ Icon Display ═══ Use this field to select the size of the icons when they are displayed on your screen. Select Normal size to display icons as the default size. Select Small size for icons to be displayed smaller than the default size. Select Invisible for no icons to be displayed on your screen. ═══ Icon Text ═══ Use this field to change the text that appears below or beside an icon. Select Change font to display the Edit Font window which enables you to specify the font and size of the icon text. Select Visible to display text below or beside the icons. If this check box is not selected, then icons will be displayed without text. Note: The Visible check box is greyed out when Invisible is selected in the Icon display field. ═══ 36. View - Tree View ═══ Use OpenDoc - Properties View- Tree to select how icons and their text are displayed in a Tree View (instead of Icon View or Details View). Use the Format field to select the positioning of icons on the Desktop or in the open folder window. Use the Icon display field to select the size of the icons, or to make them invisible. Use the Tree text field to select the size and font style for the text that appears in the Tree View. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below:  Format  Icon display  Tree text  Undo  Default  Change Font ═══ Format (Tree) ═══ Use this field to select the positioning of icons on the Desktop or in the open folder window.  Select Flowed if you want the icons arranged in columns across the screen.  Select Non-flowed if you want the icons arranged in a column from the top to the bottom of the screen.  Select Non-grid if you want the icons displayed without columns. This is the default setting. If you drag an icon to a new position on the Desktop and you have selected Flowed or Non-flowed, a line is displayed. This line points to the location in the column where the icon will be placed. The line moves with your icon as you drag it. ═══ Tree text ═══ Use this field to change the text that appears below or beside an icon. Select Change font to display the Edit Font window that enables you to specify the font of the icon text. Note: The font or size you select is immediately shown in the sample text box. Select Visible to display text below or beside the icons. When this check box is not selected, the icons are displayed without text. Note: The Visible check box is greyed out when Invisible is selected in the Icon display field. ═══ 37. View - Details View ═══ Use OpenDoc - Properties View-Details settings to add, delete or change certain features of your document that can be displayed when your document is seen in a Details View outline (as opposed to an Icon View or Tree View.) Details View allows you to determine the type of information you by which your files will be categorized. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below:  Object type  Details to display  Details text  Undo  Default  Change Font ═══ Change Font ═══ Use the Change Font window to specify the size and style of text characters. You can specify such fonts as Helvetica, Times New Roman, or any other font supported by your system. You may also change the size of text characters and the stylistic emphasis placed on them. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below:  Name  Style  Size  Display  Sample  Emphasis ═══ Name ═══ Use the Name option to select the font you want to use in your Icon, Tree or Details view. You may select any font supported by your system. ═══ 38. Style ═══ Use Style to change the appearance of the text in your Icon, Tree or Details view. Choose a style from the scroll box provided. ═══ 39. Emphasis ═══ Use Emphasis options to change the appearance of text used in your Icon, Tree or Details view in order to bring attention to selected words. Use Underline to add a line underneath the word specified. Use Strikeout to add a line through the middle of the word specified. Use Outline to add a shadow around the word specified. ═══ 40. Size ═══ This option sets the size of the typeface used in your Icon, Tree or Details view. The size selections work together with the font you have chosen in the Name option to determine how large or how small characters will appear in your text. Select a font size using the scroll box provided. ═══ 41. Display ═══ Use the Display radio button to show or hide the text in an Icon, Tree or Details view. ═══ 42. Sample ═══ The Sample box is used to view an example of the font style, size and emphasis that you have selected. ═══ Object Type ═══ Use Object Type to change the object classification of the file with which you are working. Only certain object classifications can be changed within the OS/2 system. ═══ Details to display ═══ Use Details to display to select the type of information you want to include in the Details View format. The following are the types of information you can choose to display:  Category  Kind  Create Date  Create Time  Last Modify ═══ Details text ═══ Use this field to change the text that appears below or beside an icon. Select Change Font to display the Edit Font window that enables you to specify the font of the icon text. ═══ File ═══ You can view the size of the object and the dates it was created, modified, and last used. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below:  Date/Time  Size ═══ Date and Time ═══ The Created, Last changed, and Last accessed fields contain date and time information that is provided by the operating system. You cannot change this information. The date and time information is part of the extended attributes for the object. ═══ Size ═══ The Size field contains information that is provided by the operating system. Contents indicates the number of objects in the folder and the size, in bytes, of all those objects. Extended attributes indicates the size, in bytes, of additional information about the object. You cannot change the size information. ═══ File ═══ You can type text about the selected object in the Comments and Key Phrases fields. The History field displays a chronological record of the object. Any information on Page 3 is part of the extended attributes for the object. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below:  Comments  Key phrases  History  Undo ═══ Comments ═══ Record notes and details about the selected object in the Comments field. The information you type becomes part of the extended attributes for the object. ═══ Key Phrases ═══ Type any words you want to use to identify the selected object in the Key phrases field. The information you type becomes part of the extended attributes for the object. ═══ History ═══ The History field is the record of an object that is provided by the program or the operating system. You cannot change this information. Any information in this field is part of the extended attributes for the object. ═══ General ═══ Use General to change the appearance of an OpenDoc folder or object . You may change the name of the Desktop folder by typing a new name in the Title field. You can change the picture that represents the Desktop by using the Create another, or Edit push buttons. Or you can change the icon by dragging and dropping the icon of another object onto the Desktop icon in the Current icon field of this page. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below:  Title  Current icon  Create another  Edit  Template  Undo  Default ═══ Title ═══ The Title field displays the name of the selected object. This name is displayed with the icon. Type in this field to change the title. Your new title can be displayed on one or more lines below the icon. You can use any characters, including spaces, except the backslash (\). Note: If you select Default, the title is removed and replaced with the name of the object type, for example, Folder, Program, or Data File. ═══ Current Icon ═══ The Current icon field shows which picture is being displayed with this object. You can use the push buttons to the right of this field to change the current icon or to select a different one. Or, you can change the icon by dragging and dropping the icon of another object onto the icon in the Current icon field. ═══ Create another ═══ Select Create another to display the Icon Editor. Select Help in the Icon Editor for more information. ═══ Icon Editor Display ═══ Select Icon Editor Display if you want to change the icon that is displayed in the Current icon field. You will be shown the Icon Editor screen from which you may edit the appearance of your icon. ═══ Template ═══ Select this check box to use the selected object to create a new object with the same settings. After you set the template option, you can drag a copy of the selected object and drop it in a new location (in the Command Prompts folder, on the Desktop, or in any other folder). Then you can change the name of the object and add an icon. Whenever you create a template object, the name of the object is added to the menu of all objects that have a Create another option. ═══ 43. Drafts - Properties ═══ Use OpenDoc - Properties Drafts notebook to change the displays and settings in the Draft history window. You can choose either an Icon view or a Details view of draft information in the Draft history window. For a detailed explanation of each view option, select from the list below:  Icons  Details ═══ 44. Icons ═══ Use Drafts - Icons to choose an Icon View of the Draft history window. Drafts - Icons also allows changes in the display of document draft icons and their text. Use the Format field to change the arrangement of icons within an Icon view of the Draft dialog box. Use the Icon Display field to select the size of the icons. Use the Icon Text field to select the font size and style for the text that appears below or beside an icon. You can also choose to display the icons with or without text. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below:  Format  Icon display  Icon text  Undo  Default ═══ Format ═══ Use this field to change the arrangement of icons within the Draft dialog function. Non-grid is the function default setting. Select Flowed if you want the icons arranged in horizontal columns. Select Non-flowed if you want the icons arranged in a vertical column. Select Non-grid if you want the icons displayed without columns. ═══ Icon Display ═══ Use this field to select the size of the icons when they are displayed in the Draft history window. Select Normal size to display icons as the default size. Select Small size for icons to be displayed smaller than the default size. Select Invisible for no icons to be displayed on your screen. ═══ Icon Text ═══ Use this field to change the text that appears below or beside an icon. Select Change font to display the Edit Font window which enables you to specify the font and size of the icon text. Select Visible to display text below or beside the icons. If this check box is not selected, then icons will be displayed without text. ═══ 45. Details ═══ Use OpenDoc - Properties Drafts-Details settings to change the type of document-specific information displayed when the Draft history is seen in a Details View outline. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below:  Object type  Details to display  Details text  Undo  Default ═══ Object Type ═══ Use Object Type to change the display of object classification data for your file. The OS/2 system will detect and display the current type. The object type that you select determines the type of files that will be shown in the Draft history window. For example, if you select bitmap from the Object Type window, only bitmap files will be shown in the Draft history. ═══ Details to Display ═══ Use Details to Display to select the type of information you want in a Details View of the Drafts Dialog box. Select Category to display the category of data in your file. Select Kind to display the specific kind of data in your file. Select Create Date to display the date on which your file was first created. Select Create Time to display the time at which your file was first created. Select Last Modify to display the date on which your file was last changed. Note: You can include as few or as many of these details as you wish in the Draft history. ═══ Details Text ═══ Use this field to change the text that appears in a Details View. Select Change Font to display the Edit Font window. This enables you to specify the font and size of the icon text. Select Change Text Color to display the OS/2 color palette. This enables you to specify the color of the icon text. Select Change Background Color to display the OS/2 color palette. This enables you to specify the color of the icon text background block. Select Transparent Background to hide the background block underneath the icons Details text. When this check box is not selected, the text is displayed with a background block.