IBM Books

Problem Determination Guide

Messages and Codes

This section lists the OpenDoc error messages and codes.

Severity Level and Description

There are three levels of OpenDoc message severity:
A Assert error.
E Exception error.
D Debug error.

Codes and Messages

The following are the codes and messages produced by OpenDoc:

CPPOD0021 Property already exists.

Severity: Information

Explanation: The Property that is to be added already exists in the specified storage unit. It will not be added, but the storage unit will be focused at this property after this call.

User Response: No action needs to be taken.

CPPOD0022 Value already exists.

Severity: Information

Explanation: The valuetype that is to be added already exists in the specified storage unit. It will not be added, but the storage unit will be focused at this valuetype after this call.

User Response: No action needs to be taken.

CPPOD0036 No session.

Severity: Information

Explanation: This is an OpenDoc internal error.

User Response: Verify your code. If the problem persists, use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0037 No file container.

Severity: Information

Explanation: This is an OpenDoc internal error.

User Response: Verify your code. If the problem persists, use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0038 No target value.

Severity: Information

Explanation: This is an OpenDoc internal error.

User Response: Verify your code. If the problem persists, use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0045 Frame has kODPropWindowProperties but unable to retrieve Identifier for strong storage unit Reference from the Frame.

Severity: Information

Explanation: The current frame is reported to have properties, but OpenDoc was unable to retrieve an identifier for a strong storage unit reference from the frame.

User Response: Look at how the frame was coded. If it has kODPropWindowProperties set, it should also have an identifier for a strong storage unit reference.

CPPOD0046 Docshell: Window to be closed does not belong to OpenDoc.

Severity: Information

Explanation: This is most likely an internal error.

User Response: Restart OpenDoc. If the problem persists, use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0047 Docshell: Window to be closed has no draft in it.

Severity: Information

Explanation: This is most likely an internal error.

User Response: Restart OpenDoc. If the problem persists, use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0048 Docshell: Trying to delete open draft.

Severity: Information

Explanation: The draft selected to be deleted is open somewhere on the Desktop.

User Response: Close the open draft window. If you cannot locate the draft window, close the document window and reopen it. This automatically closes all opened drafts.

CPPOD0049 ODShell: A subclass should have overridden this method.

Severity: Information

Explanation: A shell subclass did not provide a required method override.

User Response: Implement the method override in the shell subclass.

CPPOD0050 Docshell: Error allocating document memory container

Severity: Information

Explanation: OpenDoc has run out of memory.

User Response: Close down some applications to release memory.

CPPOD0051 Docshell: Exception %d returned to main.

Severity: Information

Explanation: An exception was thrown by an OpenDoc object that was not caught.

User Response: Use the exception number to diagnose the problem. If you cannot diagnose the problem, use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0052 ODFocusOwnerIterator: A subclass should have overridden this method.

Severity: Information

Explanation: ODFocusOwnerIterator is an abstract superclass. Foci may be exclusive or nonexclusive. All of the standard foci defined by OpenDoc are exclusive, meaning that only one frame at a time can own a focus. If you create a new kind of focus, you can make it nonexclusive, meaning that several frames can share ownership of it. You must create a focus-owner iterator if you create a focus module for a nonexclusive focus. It must be derived from ODFocusOwnerIterator. The focus module keeps a list of all the individual frames that own the nonexclusive focus. It also contains a reference to the focus module that manages the nonexclusive focus and provides access to all of the owner frames.

User Response: If a nonexclusive focus module has been defined, you must create a class derived from ODFocusOwnerIterator and implement the required methods.

CPPOD0053 ODFocusModule: A subclass should have overridden this method.

Severity: Information

Explanation: ODFocusModule is an abstract superclass that you can subclass to create a focus module. OpenDoc supplies an exclusive Focus Module for handling of exclusive focus types, meaning that only one frame at a time can have ownership. For nonexclusive focus, you must subclass ODFocusModule and create your own implementation.

User Response: If you are using exclusive focus types, then use the ODExclusiveFocusModule class instead of ODFocusModule. If you are using nonexclusive focus types, you must subclass ODFocusModule and create your own implementation.

CPPOD0054 ODCanvas: A subclass should have overridden this method.

Severity: Information

Explanation: Every child of the ODBaseCanvas class must override the HasPlatformCanvas method, the GetPlatformCanvas method, and the SetPlatformCanvas method. One of these methods has not been overridden by a child.

User Response: Discover the child of ODBaseCanvas that has not overridden one of these methods, and correct it.

CPPOD0055 RealShape: A subclass should have overridden this method.

Severity: Information

Explanation: Every child of the RealShape class must override the SetPlatformShape method. This method has not been overridden by a child.

User Response: Discover the child of the RealShape class that has not overridden the SetPlatformShape method, and correct it.

CPPOD0056 Docshell: Could not load part kind list

Severity: Information

Explanation: OpenDoc was not able to retrieve a list of registered part kinds from the bento registry.

User Response: Ensure that the ODCFG environment variable is set to the directory that contains the Part Registry. Use the odDumpRg utility to view what is in the registry. Register part handlers using the odRegPrt utility.

CPPOD0057 Docshell: Error %d returned during closing down of the document. Document may not save correctly.

Severity: Information

Explanation: A method invoked in the process of closing down the document threw an exception.

User Response: Use the exception number to diagnose the problem. If you cannot diagnose the problem, use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0058 Docshell: Error opening a new session.

Severity: Information

Explanation: There is a problem starting another docshell session. This problem may occur if docshell was started as a detached process or if it is unable to create another process.

User Response: Close down unnecessary applications to free up processes. Start docshell in the foreground.

CPPOD0059 Illegal Shape operation

Severity: Information

Explanation: The Combine method encountered an operation that is not kShapeIntersection, kShapeUnion, or kShapeDifference.

User Response: Correct the code that is passing an operation that is not valid into the Combine method.

CPPOD0060 Out of memory

Severity: Information

Explanation: OpenDoc has run out of memory.

User Response: Close down applications to free memory.

CPPOD0061 Facet change to or from on screen dynamic

Severity: Exception

Explanation: A root Facet cannot ChangeCanvas() to an onscreen canvas.

User Response: Change to an offscreen canvas or onscreen-static canvas instead.

CPPOD0062 Invalid parameter

Severity: Exception

Explanation: An parameter that is not valid was passed to a method.

User Response: The error message should have included the file name reporting the error. Use that information to identify the parameter that is not valid and the method to which it was being passed.

CPPOD0063 Only owner can change canvas

Severity: Exception

Explanation: Only the part that owns the canvas can change it.

User Response: The part that owns the canvas must remove or change it.

CPPOD0064 docshell.exe could not be started.

Severity: Information

Explanation: The docshell (docshell.exe) process could not be started.

User Response: Ensure that the docshell.exe file is in your path.

CPPOD0065 Undefined error

Severity: Exception

Explanation: An error has occurred and there is no available information on exactly what the error is or why it occurred.

User Response: The error message should have included the file name reporting the undefined error. Contact IBM for help, being sure to include the file name.

CPPOD0067 Illegal null input

Severity: Exception

Explanation: A method was passed null for a parameter that cannot be null.

User Response: The error message should have included the file name reporting the error. Use that information to determine which parameter to which method was null.

CPPOD0068 Illegal null dispatch module input

Severity: Exception

Explanation: One of the Dispatcher object's methods expected a valid dispatch module as a parameter, but was given a null instead.

User Response: Ensure that a valid dispatch module is available, before calling any Dispatcher object methods that expect a dispatch module parameter.

CPPOD0069 Illegal null facet input

Severity: Exception

Explanation: A facet method was passed null for the facet node parameter that cannot be null.

User Response: Make sure a valid facet node is available.

CPPOD0070 Illegal null frame input

Severity: Exception

Explanation: A facet method was passed null for the frame parameter that cannot be null.

User Response: Make sure the frame pointer is NOT null.

CPPOD0071 Illegal null part input

Severity: Exception

Explanation: A method was passed a null part pointer.

User Response: Ensure your code passes a valid part pointer to the method.

CPPOD0072 Illegal null transform input

Severity: Exception

Explanation: A null transform pointer was passed to a frame method.

User Response: Ensure your code passes a valid transform pointer to the method.

CPPOD0073 Illegal null storage system input

Severity: Exception

Explanation: InitContainer for ODBentoContainer was passed null for the storage system parameter.

User Response: Make sure to pass the Storage System when creating a container.

CPPOD0074 Illegal null token input

Severity: Exception

Explanation: A null ODTypeToken pointer was passed to a frame method.

User Response: Ensure your code passes a valid ODTypeToken pointer to the method.

CPPOD0075 Illegal null shape input

Severity: Exception

Explanation: A null shape pointer was passed to a frame method.

User Response: Ensure your code passes a valid ODShape pointer to the method.

CPPOD0076 Illegal null storage unit input

Severity: Exception

Explanation: A method was passed null for a storage unit parameter that cannot be null.

User Response: The error message should have included the file name reporting the error. Use that information to determine which storage unit parameter to which method was not valid.

CPPOD0077 Illegal null property input

Severity: Exception

Explanation: The storage unit method AddProperty was passed null for a property parameter that should not be null.

User Response: Ensure that the property to add is not null.

CPPOD0078 Illegal null storage unit cursor input

Severity: Exception

Explanation: A storage unit method was passed null for a storage unit Cursor parameter that should not be null.

User Response: Ensure that a storage unit Cursor is passed that is not null.

CPPOD0079 Illegal null container input

Severity: Exception

Explanation: A container that is passed to the InitDocument is null.

User Response: Ensure that the container is not null.

CPPOD0080 Illegal null document input

Severity: Exception

Explanation: A method was passed with a null document.

User Response: Ensure that the document passed to the method is not null.

CPPOD0081 Illegal null draft input

Severity: Exception

Explanation: A method was passed with null draft.

User Response: Ensure that the draft passed to the method is not null.

CPPOD0082 Illegal null Value type input

Severity: Exception

Explanation: A null valuetype was passed to the AddValue method in storage unit.

User Response: Ensure that the valuetype passed to the method is not null.

CPPOD0083 Illegal null ID input

Severity: Exception

Explanation: A method was passed with a null ID.

User Response: Ensure that the ID passed to the method is not null.

CPPOD0084 Value out of range

Severity: Exception

Explanation: The value of a parameter was outside the expected range. This error can occur under the following conditions:

User Response: Correct the code that is passing the value that is out of range.

CPPOD0085 Insufficient information in parameters

Severity: Exception

Explanation: A method was passed with insufficient parameters.

User Response: Ensure that all the required parameters are passed to the method.

CPPOD0087 Out of memory

Severity: Exception

Explanation: There is not enough memory to perform the specified operation, which involves an allocation.

User Response: If memory is short on your system, other applications will experience similar problems. Look into the usual causes for lack of memory on your system.

CPPOD0088 Not implemented

Severity: Exception

Explanation: The called method has not been implemented.

User Response: You tried to call a method that has not been implemented. Remove the offending method call from your code.

CPPOD0089 Invalid persistent format

Severity: Exception

Explanation: Storage unit data does not exist for some property.

User Response: Ensure that all necessary properties have been saved in the storage unit prior to the failing call.

CPPOD0090 Subclass responsibility

Severity: Exception

Explanation: The called method should have been overridden by the subclass of the class that defines the method, but was not; or the object that is used to call this method is an abstract class.

User Response: Ensure that one of the subclasses is used to instantiate the object instead of an abstract class.

CPPOD0091 Unsupported extension

Severity: Exception

Explanation: A procedure to acquire an object's extension failed, because the object does not support the specified extension.

User Response: Use the object's HasExtension method first to determine if the object supports the extension before attempting to acquire the extension.

CPPOD0092 Invalid extension

Severity: Exception

Explanation: The specified extension object is not valid in the context in which it is used.

User Response: Do not attempt to use the extension in this context.

CPPOD0094 Invalid object type

Severity: Exception

Explanation: The specified object type is not valid in the context in which it is used.

User Response: Ensure that a valid object type is passed to the method. If the problem persists, use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0095 Invalid persistent object identifier

Severity: Exception

Explanation: The specified identifier for a persistent object is not valid.

User Response: Try it again. If the problem persists, use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0096 Invalid persistent object

Severity: Exception

Explanation: The specified persistent object is not valid.

User Response: Verify the persistent object that was passed. If the problem persists, use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0097 Zero reference count

Severity: Exception

Explanation: You attempted to decrement an object's reference count that is already zero.

User Response: You must ensure that you acquire the object before you release it. Acquiring the object increments its reference count.

CPPOD0098 Reference count greater than zero

Severity: Exception

Explanation: You are trying to remove an object whose reference count is more than zero.

User Response: Decrement the object's reference count to zero before removing it. If the problem persists, use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0099 Reference count not equal to one

Severity: Exception

Explanation: You made an attempt to delete a global object while it is being used. (When a global object is not being used, only the session object has a reference to it, so its reference count is one.)

User Response: Discover the object that has the reference and release it.

CPPOD0100 Iterator out of synchronization

Severity: Exception

Explanation: This iterator is not valid because its linked list or hash table was changed after the iterator was created.

User Response: When you modify a linked list or hash table, the existing Iterator is no longer valid. After you modify the linked list or hash table, either create a new Iterator or use the First method to reset the existing iterator and start over. In the case of the linked list, you also have the option of using the Last method to reset the existing iterator.

CPPOD0101 Iterator not initialized

Severity: Exception

Explanation: A method was called on an uninitialized iterator.

User Response: Invoke the IteratorFirst method to initialize the iterator.

CPPOD0103 Cannot embed

Severity: Exception

Explanation: You made an attempt to access embedded frames for a part that does not support embedding.

User Response: Do not request embedded frame operations from this part.

CPPOD0104 Does not undo

Severity: Exception

Explanation: This part does not support undo or redo operations.

User Response: Do not request undo or redo operations from this part.

CPPOD0105 No promises

Severity: Exception

Explanation: This part does not fulfill promises.

User Response: Do not request promise operations from this part.

CPPOD0106 Does not drop

Severity: Exception

Explanation: This part does not support drag and drop.

User Response: Do not request drag and drop operations from this part.

CPPOD0107 Does not link

Severity: Exception

Explanation: This part does not support linking.

User Response: Do not request linking operations from this part.

CPPOD0108 Part not wrapper

Severity: Exception

Explanation: A call to the GetRealPart or ReleaseRealPart method has been made, but the object is not a PartWrapper object (it is probably an ODPart object).

User Response: Do not invoke PartWrapper object methods on this object.

CPPOD0109 Key already exists

Severity: Exception

Explanation: A name-space object could not be created because a name-space with the specified name already exists.

User Response: Choose a different name for the prospective name-space object.

CPPOD0110 Part in use

Severity: Exception

Explanation: The part for a specified wrapper is currently in use.

User Response: Access to the real ODPart object related to a PartWrapper object is serialized. This error means that some other object has already made the GetRealPart method call and has not yet called ReleaseRealPart. Try to locate the object still holding the lock to the real ODPart and force it to call ReleaseRealPart, or delay your request for the part until later when the other object has released it.

CPPOD0111 Invalid IText format

Severity: Exception

Explanation: During an operation on an IText object, a text format that is not valid was found. The operation could not be performed.

User Response: Ensure that the operation that created the IText object completed properly and that the process creating the IText is correctly setting the IText format.

CPPOD0112 Invalid graphics system

Severity: Exception

Explanation: This implementation of OpenDoc does not support the specified graphics system, or there is no drawing structure or print job associated with that graphics system.

User Response: Use an ODGraphicsSystem value that is supported on your platform.

CPPOD0113 No shape geometry

Severity: Exception

Explanation: A shape that is being used as a polygon lacks geometric information (its polygonal representation).

User Response: Use the SetGeometryMode method of the ODShape class to set the geometry mode to kODLoseGeometry.

CPPOD0114 Transform error

Severity: Exception

Explanation: There was an attempt to perform an illegal operation on a transform object. This error can occur under the following conditions:

User Response: Determine the problem and correct the code.

CPPOD0115 Invalid platform shape

Severity: Exception

Explanation: SetPlatformShape or SetRegion was passed a NULL value where it was expecting a valid ODPlatformShape.

User Response: Correct the call to SetPlatformShape or SetRegion that is passing a NULL value.

CPPOD0116 Canvas not found

Severity: Exception

Explanation: There is no canvas associated with this facet or with any parent facet.

User Response: Ensure that (at least) the root facet has a canvas.

CPPOD0117 Unsupported frame position code

Severity: Exception

Explanation: The frame position code specified for a new facet is not recognized.

User Response: The only valid positions are kODFrameBehind and kODFrameInFront.

CPPOD0118 Invalid facet

Severity: Exception

Explanation: The specified facet is not valid in the context in which it is used. For example, it is not the child or parent of the facet whose method is being called. Also, RemoveFacet() may have been invoked with a null facet pointer.

User Response: Check invocation of the RemoveFacet(), MoveBefore(), or MoveBehind() methods.

CPPOD0119 Facet not found

Severity: Exception

Explanation: The facet Invalidate() method encountered an offscreen canvas without a containing facet.

User Response: Do not call facet Invalidate() on an offscreen canvas.

CPPOD0120 Canvas has no owner

Severity: Exception

Explanation: A facet method was invoked with a canvas that has no owner.

User Response: Ensure that canvas SetOwner() is called.

CPPOD0121 Not root frame

Severity: Exception

Explanation: Only the root frame can be associated with an ODWindow.

User Response: Do not invoke frame SetWindow() method for an embedded frame.

CPPOD0122 Illegal recursive embedding

Severity: Exception

Explanation: There was an attempt to embed a frame in its own part or in a containing part of its part.

User Response: Only embed child frames into this frame.

CPPOD0123 Invalid frame

Severity: Exception

Explanation: The specified frame is not valid in the context in which it is used. For example:

User Response: Ensure the frame parameter is valid for the part method invocation.

CPPOD0124 Frame has facets

Severity: Exception

Explanation: You attempted to set the containing frame to null when it has facets.

User Response: SetContainingFrame() cannot set the frame to null when it has facets.

CPPOD0125 Invalid link status

Severity: Exception

Explanation: The changed link status is not one of the following:

User Response: ChangeLinkStatus() must pass a status of one of the following:

CPPOD0129 Unsupported position code

Severity: Exception

Explanation: The specified position code is not supported in the context in which it is used.

User Response: Refer to the documentation for the supported position codes.

CPPOD0130 Invalid permissions

Severity: Exception

Explanation: The attempted action is not consistent with existing draft permissions. If you are trying to acquire a read-only draft with exclusive write permissions and the draft is not the topmost draft, it throws this exception.

User Response: Ensure that a draft with correct permissions is passed. Refer to the OpenDoc Programming Reference for valid permissions.

CPPOD0131 Cannot create container

Severity: Exception

Explanation: The attempt to create a container failed because its specified type is not valid.

User Response: Ensure that you are passing the right type to create the container.

CPPOD0132 Cannot open container

Severity: Exception

Explanation: An attempt to open the physical container failed.

User Response: Ensure that:

CPPOD0133 Fatal container error

Severity: Exception

Explanation: This is an OpenDoc internal error.

User Response: Verify your code. If the problem persists, use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0134 Container does not exist

Severity: Exception

Explanation: An attempt to get a container object failed because no container exists with the specified identifier.

User Response: Ensure that you are passing an existing container ID.

CPPOD0135 Document does not exist

Severity: Exception

Explanation: The document ID that is passed to this method is not valid.

User Response: Ensure that you are passing a valid document ID.

CPPOD0136 Draft does not exist

Severity: Exception

Explanation: You are trying to open a bento file that is not an OpenDoc document file.

User Response: Ensure that the file you are trying to open is an OpenDoc document file.

CPPOD0137 Draft has been deleted

Severity: Exception

Explanation: This is an OpenDoc internal error. The draft may not have been properly written to the file when it was saved.

User Response: Use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0138 Invalid storage unit

Severity: Exception

Explanation: This is an OpenDoc internal error. The specified storage unit is not valid or the specified persistent object has no storage unit.

User Response: Use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0139 Illegal operation on storage unit

Severity: Exception

Explanation: This is an OpenDoc internal error. The storage unit that is passed to the RemoveStorageUnit method is not the right one.

User Response: Verify your code. If the problem persists, use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0140 Storage unit value does not exist

Severity: Exception

Explanation: You are trying to focus at a location of the storage unit where there is no value.

User Response: Ensure that the right parameters are passed to the Focus call.

CPPOD0141 Illegal non-topmost draft

Severity: Exception

Explanation: This is an OpenDoc internal error. The error occurs when OpenDoc is trying to create a new draft.

User Response: Verify your code. If the problem persists, use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0142 No system data translation facility

Severity: Exception

Explanation: The underlying system facility is not present.

User Response: Do not call Translate() or TranslateView() on this platform.

CPPOD0144 Cannot add property

Severity: Exception

Explanation: Unable to add the given property to a storage unit. It could be an allocation problem or you could be trying to add a property name that is same as the existing value type name in the specified storage unit.

User Response: Ensure that there is no value type with the same name as the property name you are trying to add. If the problem persists, use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0145 Unfocused storage unit

Severity: Exception

Explanation: You made an attempt to perform an operation on a storage unit that is not properly focused.

User Response: Focus the storage unit at the desired location.

CPPOD0146 Invalid storage unit reference

Severity: Exception

Explanation: The specified persistent storage unit reference is not valid.

User Response: Before making this call, ensure that you are passing a valid reference by calling the IsValidStorageUnitRef method.

CPPOD0147 Invalid storage unit key

Severity: Exception

Explanation: You made an attempt to lock or unlock a storage unit with a key that is not valid.

User Response: Ensure that you are passing a valid key to lock or unlock the storage unit. If the problem persists, use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0148 Storage unit not locked

Severity: Exception

Explanation: The LockCount for this storage unit is zero. That means it is not locked.

User Response: Ensure that you locked the storage unit in your code before attempting to use it. If the problem persists, use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0149 Invalid draft key

Severity: Exception

Explanation: The specified draft key is not the draft key for the current cloning transaction.

User Response: Ensure that you are passing the key returned by the BeginClone method for this cloning operation. If the problem persists, use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0150 Cloning in progress

Severity: Exception

Explanation: You get this error if you call BeginClone for cloning and call it again before an EndClone call.

User Response: After calling the BeginClone method, call the draft object's Clone method to clone a particular persistent object. To commit a successful cloning transaction, call this draft object's EndClone method. Ensure that you end the current cloning transaction by doing EndClone before starting another cloning transaction.

CPPOD0151 Value index out of range

Severity: Exception

Explanation: The specified property has no value at the specified index.

User Response: Ensure that you are passing the correct index to the Focus method, or use 0.

CPPOD0152 Invalid value type

Severity: Exception

Explanation: A value parameter is unknown or null. It can be an allocation problem or you are trying to add a value type that is the same as the existing Property name in the specified storage unit.

User Response: Ensure that there is no Property with the same name as the value type name you are trying to add. If the problem persists, use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0153 Illegal property name

Severity: Exception

Explanation: An property name that is not valid was used either when attempting to focus a storage unit or when checking for the existence of a value.

User Response: Ensure that you are passing the correct property name. If the problem persists, use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0154 Property does not exist

Severity: Exception

Explanation: The position code passed to the Focus method is not correct. No property exists at this position.

User Response: Ensure that you are passing the correct position code or kODPosUndefined.

CPPOD0155 No draft properties

Severity: Exception

Explanation: An attempt to create the storage unit to store draft properties failed. This error occurs if you acquire the draft with read-only permission.

User Response: Ensure that you acquire the draft with exclusive write permissions before making this call.

CPPOD0156 Cannot create frame

Severity: Exception

Explanation: An attempt to create the requested frame failed. This is an allocation problem.

User Response: Close down some applications and try the procedure again.

CPPOD0157 Cannot acquire frame

Severity: Exception

Explanation: An attempt to recreate the frame object from the specified storage unit failed. This is an allocation problem.

User Response: Close down some applications and try the procedure again.

CPPOD0158 Cannot create part

Severity: Exception

Explanation: An attempt to create the requested part object failed. This is an allocation problem.

User Response: Close down some applications and try the procedure again.

CPPOD0162 Cannot acquire link

Severity: Exception

Explanation: An attempt to recreate the link source or link object from the specified storage unit or link specification failed. This is an allocation problem.

User Response: Close down some applications and try the procedure again.

CPPOD0163 Invalid identifier

Severity: Exception

Explanation: The specified draft identifier is not valid in the context in which it is used.

User Response: Ensure that you are passing a valid ID to the method.

CPPOD0164 Inconsistent clone kind

Severity: Exception

Explanation: The specified clone kind is used inconsistently. For example, a paste or drop clone kind can occur only following a copy or cut operation.

User Response: Ensure that you are passing a valid clone kind.

CPPOD0165 Invalid clone kind

Severity: Exception

Explanation: The specified clone kind is not valid.

User Response: Ensure that you are passing a documented Clone kind.

CPPOD0166 Invalid destination draft

Severity: Exception

Explanation: The specified destination draft is not valid for the specified clone kind. This error occurs when the destination draft is the same as the draft that is to be cloned.

User Response: Ensure that you are passing a destination draft different from the draft that is to be cloned.

CPPOD0167 Move into self

Severity: Exception

Explanation: This clone transaction attempted to move a part into one of its embedded frames or attempted to embed one of the part's display frames into another of its display frames. You are attempting to move a part in such a way that it would become embedded within itself.

User Response: Verify your code. If the problem persists, use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0169 Invalid below draft

Severity: Exception

Explanation: The document has previous drafts. The draft specified for the below parameter of the CreateDraft method is not the most recent draft of the document.

User Response: Ensure that the current draft is passed to the CreateDraft method.

CPPOD0171 Cannot collapse drafts

Severity: Exception

Explanation: The fromDraft parameter is older than the toDraft parameter for a CollapseDrafts method call.

User Response: Ensure that the fromDraft parameter is more recent than the toDraft parameter in the CollapseDrafts method.

CPPOD0172 Not an empty draft

Severity: Exception

Explanation: This error occurs if the fromDraft parameter passed to the CollapseDrafts method is not empty. A draft is empty if it contains no changes from its previous draft.

User Response: Save changes to the fromDraft parameter before making this call.

CPPOD0173 No previous draft

Severity: Exception

Explanation: There is no previous draft for this document. This error occurs if there is only one draft and if you call any of the CollapseDrafts, AcquireDraft, or SaveToPreviousDraft methods.

User Response: Ensure that you have more than one draft.

CPPOD0174 Outstanding draft

Severity: Exception

Explanation: The attempted action would invalidate an outstanding draft (that is, one that is currently being referenced by some object).

User Response: Discover the object that has the reference and release it.

CPPOD0175 Invalid draft identifier

Severity: Exception

Explanation: The specified draft ID is not valid in the context in which it is used.

User Response: Ensure that you are passing the correct draft ID.

CPPOD0176 Cannot change permissions

Severity: Exception

Explanation: You made an attempt to change permissions for a draft that has already been retrieved with different permissions.

User Response: To acquire this draft with the specified permissions, you must release the other reference.

CPPOD0177 Container exists

Severity: Exception

Explanation: An attempt to create a container object failed because a container with the specified identifier already exists.

User Response: Specify a different ID to the CreateContainer method.

CPPOD0180 Unknown link specification version

Severity: Exception

Explanation: The version of the link specifier is unknown.

User Response: Ensure that the link source and target can interpret the same version of a link specification.

CPPOD0181 Corrupt link specification value

Severity: Exception

Explanation: The focused storage unit contains a link specification value that is not valid. The availability server object could not be created from the value.

User Response: Check the DSOM implementation repository (pregimpl.exe or regimpl.exe) for the availability server name on this machine (for example, MYHOSTNAME_AS). It may not be installed correctly. The availability server is the "OpenDoc Link Manager" (avsshell.exe).

CPPOD0183 Broken link

Severity: Exception

Explanation: This is an internal error. The link source disconnected from its destinations.

User Response: Try to re-establish the link. If you are using OS/2, check to see if the availability server is running "OpenDoc Link Manager" (avsshell.exe).

CPPOD0185 Corrupt link

Severity: Exception

Explanation: A link object is corrupt.

User Response: Try to re-establish the link.

CPPOD0187 No link content

Severity: Exception

Explanation: The link contents storage unit has no contents property.

User Response: Verify that the source link specification is externalized correctly.

CPPOD0190 Invalid link key

Severity: Exception

Explanation: The specified link key is not valid.

User Response: Verify that the source link specification is externalized correctly.

CPPOD0191 Broken link source

Severity: Exception

Explanation: The link has been broken at the source.

User Response: Verify that the source part is still running.

CPPOD0196 Unknown update identifier

Severity: Exception

Explanation: The specified update ID is the reserved value kODUnknownUpdate.

User Response: The source must specify a valid update ID.

CPPOD0199 Document not saved

Severity: Exception

Explanation: A link could not be created because the source document has never been saved.

User Response: Ensure that the source document has been saved before using it as a link source.

CPPOD0200 Null facet input

Severity: Exception

Explanation: A data interchange failed because a specified facet was null.

User Response: Verify that facet pointers being passed are valid.

CPPOD0201 Null link information input

Severity: Exception

Explanation: The specified parameter of type ODLinkInfo is null.

User Response: Verify that ODLinkInfo pointers being passed are valid.

CPPOD0202 Null link information result input

Severity: Exception

Explanation: The specified parameter of type ODLinkInforResult is null.

User Response: Verify that ODLinkInforResult pointers being passed are valid.

CPPOD0203 Null paste as result input

Severity: Exception

Explanation: The ShowPasteAsDialog method passed a null ODPasteAsResult pointer.

User Response: Provide a non-null ODPasteAsResult pointer.

CPPOD0207 Cannot allocate drag item

Severity: Exception

Explanation: The drag-and-drop object cannot allocate storage for the item to be dragged.

User Response: Close all applications and reboot your machine; check for memory leaks.

CPPOD0208 Unknown drag image type

Severity: Exception

Explanation: The drag-and-drop object does not recognize the specified drag-image type on the current platform.

User Response: Provide an appropriate image type for the platform.

CPPOD0210 Background clipboard clear

Severity: Exception

Explanation: The clipboard belongs to a background process.

User Response: Retry when the application is in the foreground.

CPPOD0211 Illegal clipboard clone kind

Severity: Exception

Explanation: The specified clone kind was not kODDCloneCopy, kODDCloneCut, or kODDClonePaste.

User Response: Specify a valid clone kind.

CPPOD0212 Focus already registered

Severity: Exception

Explanation: The specified focus has already been registered.

User Response: Because the specified focus is already registered, it should not be registered again.

CPPOD0213 Focus not registered

Severity: Exception

Explanation: The requested focus is not registered.

User Response: Because the requested focus is not registered, it must be registered by calling the Arbitrator's RegisterFocus method.

CPPOD0214 Cannot mark action

Severity: Exception

Explanation: An attempt to start a subhistory by placing a mark at the beginning of the undo and redo stacks failed; the undo object was never initialized properly.

User Response: Use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0215 Empty stack

Severity: Exception

Explanation: The undo or redo stack is empty; the undo object was never initialized properly.

User Response: Use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0216 No begin action

Severity: Exception

Explanation: The undo object cannot find the begin action for this end action.

User Response: Ensure that a call to AddActionToHistory with ActionType of kODBeginAction is made before calling AddActionToHistory with ActionType of kODEndAction.

CPPOD0217 Cannot add action

Severity: Exception

Explanation: An add operation to the undo stack occurred during an undo or redo stack operation.

User Response: Ensure any undo or redo transaction has completed before calling undo or redo again.

CPPOD0218 Cannot create window

Severity: Exception

Explanation: The WindowState object cannot create a window because a platform window is not valid.

User Response: Ensure the platform window passed in to WindowState methods was created using the WindowState::CreatePlatformWindow method.

CPPOD0219 Invalid name space name

Severity: Exception

Explanation: A attempt was made to create a name space object without supplying a name for it.

User Response: Supply a name for the name space object.

CPPOD0224 Not enough submenu identifiers

Severity: Exception

Explanation: The menu bar object cannot add a menu due to an internal error.

User Response: Use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0225 Duplicate identifier

Severity: Exception

Explanation: The menu bar object cannot add a menu because another menu is already using the same menu ID.

User Response: Ensure that each menu has a unique menu ID.

CPPOD0226 Unknown identifier

Severity: Exception

Explanation: The menu bar object cannot find a menu with the specified ID.

User Response: Ensure that the menu you want is currently in the menu bar (by using the menu bar's Exists method) before attempting to pass the menu ID as a parameter to other menu bar methods.

CPPOD0250 No document properties

Severity: Exception

Explanation: Normally, if there is no document properties object, an attempt it made to create the object. This error occurs while creating the object, if the container has already been opened for reading.

User Response: Ensure that the container is not opened for reading.

CPPOD0251 Cannot get draft version

Severity: Exception

Explanation: This is an OpenDoc internal error.

User Response: Verify your code. If the problem persists, use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0270 Not a promise

Severity: Exception

Explanation: The GetPromiseValue method has been called on a StorageUnit or StorageUnitView, but there is no promise data in the value being read.

User Response: Do not call the GetPromiseValue method to read nonpromise data.

CPPOD0272 A draft exists with a different identifier

Severity: Exception

Explanation: This is an OpenDoc internal error.

User Response: Verify your code. If the problem persists, use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0273 Bento found an invalid object

Severity: Exception

Explanation: This is an OpenDoc internal error.

User Response: Verify your code. If the problem persists, use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0276 Bento cannot create a new value

Severity: Exception

Explanation: This is an OpenDoc internal error.

User Response: Verify your code. If the problem persists, use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0277 Bento cannot create a new object

Severity: Exception

Explanation: This is an OpenDoc internal error.

User Response: Verify your code. If the problem persists, use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0278 Bento found an invalid type

Severity: Exception

Explanation: A value type parameter is unknown or null. This is an OpenDoc internal error.

User Response: Verify your code. If the problem persists, use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0279 Bento found an invalid property

Severity: Exception

Explanation: A property parameter is unknown or null. This is an OpenDoc internal error.

User Response: Verify your code. If the problem persists, use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0280 Invalid identifier list

Severity: Exception

Explanation: This is an OpenDoc internal error.

User Response: Verify your code. If the problem persists, use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0281 Semaphore released

Severity: Exception

Explanation: This is an OpenDoc internal error.

User Response: Verify your code. If the problem persists, use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0283 Cannot create a draft version

Severity: Exception

Explanation: This is an OpenDoc internal error.

User Response: Verify your code. If the problem persists, use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0285 Bento error

Severity: Exception

Explanation: This is a generic bento error.

User Response: For more information see the message stored in the exception structure.

CPPOD0286 Bento has no session

Severity: Exception

Explanation: This is an OpenDoc internal error.

User Response: Verify your code. If the problem persists, use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0300 Shape too complex

Severity: Exception

Explanation: The number of vertices in the ODContour multiplied by the sizeof(Point) exceeds the maximum allowable size available to determine the polygon. This polygon information is put into an array. The first element contains the number of vertices. The remaining elements contain the vertices converted to Points by calling AsWinPoint. This message is associated with the kODErrShapeTooComplex exception thrown from the ODContour::AsWinPolygon method.

User Response: Determine if it is possible to represent the ODContour with fewer vertices. If it is possible, simplify the object.

CPPOD0301 Invalid key

Severity: Exception

Explanation: The StringHashTable was given a string length of zero in either the Insert, Remove, or Find methods. This string length is used as the key into the hash table and cannot be zero.

User Response: Correct the call giving a valid string length to be used as the hash key.

CPPOD0303 Write error

Severity: Exception

Explanation: An error occurred while writing to a file or value.

User Response: Verify the file, file name, byte array, or storage unit.

CPPOD0304 Read error

Severity: Exception

Explanation: An error occurred while reading a storage unit value.

User Response: Verify the storage unit, property, and value specified.

CPPOD0305 Assertion failed

Severity: Exception

Explanation: An unacceptable condition has occurred. There should be an additional message following this message that provides more information.

User Response: Correct the condition. Additional information should have been displayed in a message following this message to help you diagnose the problem. If no additional information was displayed, contact the owner of the file mentioned in the message header. That person should be able to help you with the meaning of the message. In addition, request that the file owner update the file to provide additional information for this type of problem.

CPPOD0306 Cannot load SOM class

Severity: Exception

Explanation: An attempt to dynamically load a SOM object has failed.

User Response: Verify that the SOM object's interface (IDL) exists in the Interface Repository and that the object's DLL file exists in one of the LIBPATH directories.

CPPOD0307 File opened

Severity: Exception

Explanation: You are attempting to open a file for update that is already open in another session. Multiple sessions may open the same file only if they open the file in read-only mode.

User Response: If other sessions have the file open in read-only mode, you can also open the file as read-only. However, a read-only file cannot be updated. If you need to update a file that one or more other sessions already have open (in either read-only or update mode), all other sessions that have the file open must first close the file.

CPPOD0308 File closed

Severity: Exception

Explanation: This is an OpenDoc internal error.

User Response: Use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0309 SOM exception

Severity: Exception

Explanation: This exception is thrown if the ev->major is set (an exception has occurred). However, the exception is not an ODException; therefore this is not an OpenDoc error. This message is associated with the kODErrSOMException thrown in the CHECKENV(ev) function.

User Response: For additional information, review messages displayed just previous to this message.

CPPOD0310 Internal error: End of file

Severity: Exception

Explanation: This is an OpenDoc internal error.

User Response: Use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0311 Error occurred in ODDraft::Release: %d %s

Severity: Information

Explanation: An error occurred in releasing the draft.

User Response: Refer to the error message and error code for more information.

CPPOD0312 Exception thrown by object %x ID %x error %d

Severity: Information

Explanation: An error occurred while releasing all the persistent objects of this draft.

User Response: Refer to the error message and error code for more information.

CPPOD0313 ODContainer: A subclass should have overridden this method.

Severity: Information

Explanation: ODContainer and ODBentoContainer are abstract classes.

User Response: ODFileContainer, ODMemContainer, ODEmbeddedContainer or ODUpdateContainer should be used in place of the preceding abstract classes. A new class should be created subclassing from ODBentoContainer and overriding the methods in it.

CPPOD0314 Error occurred in ODContainer::Release: %d %s

Severity: Information

Explanation: An error occurred in releasing the container.

User Response: Refer to the error message and error code for more information.

CPPOD0315 Error occurred in ODDocument::Release: %d %s

Severity: Information

Explanation: An error occurred in releasing the document.

User Response: Refer to the error message and error code for more information.

CPPOD0317 Error occurred in ODStorageUnit::Release: %d %s

Severity: Information

Explanation: An error occurred in releasing the storage unit.

User Response: Refer to the error message and error code for more information.

CPPOD0318 EmbeddedContainer does not have a name

Severity: Information

Explanation: The name was not set when creating the container.

User Response: Make sure to set the name when creating the container.

CPPOD0319 ODDocument: A subclass should have overridden this method.

Severity: Information

Explanation: ODDocument is an abstract class.

User Response: Use CMDocument instead.

CPPOD0320 ODDraft: A subclass should have overridden this method.

Severity: Information

Explanation: ODDraft is an abstract class.

User Response: Use CMDraft instead.

CPPOD0321 ODStorageUnit: A subclass should have overridden this method.

Severity: Information

Explanation: ODStorageUnit is an abstract class.

User Response: Use CMStorageUnit instead.

CPPOD0322 ODStorageUnitRefIterator: A subclass should have overridden this method.

Severity: Information

Explanation: ODStorageUnitRefIterator is an abstract class.

User Response: Use CMStorageUnitRefIterator instead.

CPPOD0323 ODEmbeddedFramesIterator: A subclass should have overridden this method.

Severity: Information

Explanation: ODEmbeddedFramesIterator is an abstract class.

User Response: Use a subclass of ODEmbeddedFramesIterator instead.

CPPOD0324 ODObject: A subclass should have overridden this method.

Severity: Information

Explanation: ODObject is an abstract class.

User Response: Use a subclass of ODObject instead.

CPPOD0326 ODPart: A subclass should have overridden this method.

Severity: Information

Explanation: ODPart methods should be overridden by part handler implementations.

User Response: Override this method in the part handler code and do not call the parent method of the part handler.

CPPOD0327 %s %s released one too many times

Severity: Information

Explanation: A subclass of ODRefCntObject has been released when its reference count is already zero.

User Response: Do not invoke the release method on an object when its reference count is already zero. The reference count can be checked using the GetRefCount method.

CPPOD0328 Docshell: You specified a file that does not exist.

Severity: Information

Explanation: The file name specified on the command line does not exist.

User Response: Either specify an existing file or invoke "docshell" without any arguments. This produces the Select Part Kind dialog. Select the Open button to display a list of existing OpenDoc files.

CPPOD0329 Tried to externalize composite transform %p

Severity: Information

Explanation: Composite transforms (that is, Pre-transforms, Post-transforms, or both) cannot be written out.

User Response: Correct the code that is attempting to write the transform to persistent storage.

CPPOD0330 GetRegionRects - X Server does not support the X11 Nonrectangular Window Shape Extension.

Severity: Information

Explanation: This implementation of OpenDoc requires the X11 Nonrectangular Window Shape Extension to the X Server. This extension was not found.

User Response: Install the X11 Nonrectangular Window Shape Extension and restart the X Server with the Shape Extension.

CPPOD0331 GetRegionRects - Cannot read attributes of root window.

Severity: Information

Explanation: The attributes of the root window could not be read. If you see this error message, you could be experiencing a serious problem with your X-Windows system.

User Response: Try rebooting your machine and restarting the X Server. If that fails, contact your X-Windows support person.

CPPOD0332 GetRegionRects - Cannot create temporary window.

Severity: Information

Explanation: X-Windows was unable to create a temporary window. Either you ran out of resources, or your X-Windows system has become corrupted.

User Response: Try rebooting your machine and restarting the X Server. If that fails, contact your X-Windows support person.

CPPOD0333 Docshell: File is not readable or not a regular file.

Severity: Information

Explanation: The file name specified on the command line either is not readable or is not a standard file.

User Response: Check the permissions on the file. Make sure it is a valid OpenDoc file.

CPPOD0334 Docshell: Problem opening file. Error %d returned.

Severity: Information

Explanation: The file name specified in the command is not a valid file.

User Response: To determine the possible problems that may exist, refer to the stat command documentation and error information documented in the errno.h file.

CPPOD0335 Docshell: Problem creating file %s. File or path name may not be valid.

Severity: Information

Explanation: The file that is specified is not a valid file. Most likely the pathname listed does not exist.

User Response: Specify a file that exists.

CPPOD0336 StdTypIO: Failed to iconv_open %s to %s.\n

Severity: Information

Explanation: The call to open the code page converter failed. Either the code page does not exist or the library was not correctly installed.

User Response: Check to see that the code page converters are correctly installed and that the requested codes are available in the library. More details on iconv can be found in the Visual Age C++ C Library Reference document.

CPPOD0337 StdTypIO: An input byte does not belong to the input codeset.

Severity: Information

Explanation: An invalid character was detected in the input.

User Response: Correct the input or use a different input codeset. More details on iconv can be found in the Visual Age C++ C Library Reference document.

CPPOD0338 StdTypIO: Outbuf is not large enough to hold the converted value.

Severity: Information

Explanation: The data from the input is too large for the designated output buffer,

User Response: Specify a larger output buffer, or reduce the size of the input. More details on iconv can be found in the Visual Age C++ C Library Reference document.

CPPOD0339 StdTypIO: Incomplete character shift sequence at the end of the input buffer.

Severity: Information

Explanation: The converter expected another byte from a multibyte character and instead found the end of the buffer.

User Response: Check that the input data and input code page are correct. More details on iconv can be found in the Visual Age C++ C Library Reference document.

CPPOD0340 StdTypIO: cd is not a valid conversion descriptor.\n

Severity: Information

Explanation: The conversion descriptor is bad.

User Response: Check that the iconv libraries are correctly installed and that the input and output code sets are correctly specified. More details on iconv can be found in the Visual Age C++ C Library Reference document.

CPPOD0341 StdTypIO: Fail to convert the characters to unicode set.\n

Severity: Information

Explanation: The code page conversion failed.

User Response: Check that the iconv libraries are correctly installed and that the input and output code sets are correctly specified. More details on iconv can be found in the Visual Age C++ C Library Reference document.

CPPOD0342 StdTypIO: iconv_close failed.\n

Severity: Information

Explanation: The code page converter failed to close properly.

User Response: Check that the iconv libraries are correctly installed and that the input and output code sets are correctly specified. More details on iconv can be found in the Visual Age C++ C Library Reference document.

CPPOD0343 Docshell: Problem creating file %s. Directory may be full or write-protected.

Severity: Information

Explanation: The file cannot be created because either there is not enough space on the file system or the directory is write-protected.

User Response: Increase disk free space and ensure that the directory is writable.

CPPOD0344 Docshell: Cannot save a copy of file onto current document.

Severity: Information

Explanation: You are attempting to save on top of file containing currently opened document.

User Response: You must specify a different file name.

CPPOD0345 Docshell: File %s is already in use. Select a new name or close the file in use by another application.

Severity: Information

Explanation: You are attempting to save on top of a file that is currently in use.

User Response: Select a new file name or close the document that is being replaced, then attempt to save the file again.

CPPOD0346 Clipboard: Last clipboard change did not clone.

Severity: Information

Explanation: Changes to the OpenDoc clipboard were not performed between calls to BeginClone and EndClone.

User Response: All reads or writes to or from the OpenDoc clipboard should be framed inside calls to BeginClone and EndClone. For examples, see the clipboard recipes in the OpenDoc Programming Guide.

CPPOD0347 Docshell: Error opening file %s.

Severity: Information

Explanation: There is a problem opening the file. The file may not be a valid OpenDoc document. If it is a valid OpenDoc document, the document is currently being edited.

User Response: Make sure a valid OpenDoc file is used as input or close the opened document first.

CPPOD0348 Docshell: Error creating file from stationery.

Severity: Information

Explanation: This error can occur because the file system does not have write permission, or there is a lack of memory.

User Response: Make sure the file system is writable. Close down applications to release memory.

CPPOD0349 Missing environment variable.

Severity: Information

Explanation: The displayed environment variable was not set.

User Response: Set the specified environment variable.

CPPOD0350 ODWarning: A warning occurred at line %d in file %s.

Severity: Information

Explanation: A warning was issued. At this time, no additional information is known about the warning.

User Response: Contact the owner of the file mentioned in the header of the Warning message, who can help you with the meaning of the warning message. In addition, request that a correct WARN_INDEX be added to the WARNMSG call so that more information about the warning is known.

CPPOD0351 Due to condition (%s) not being met.

Severity: Information

Explanation: An unacceptable condition has occurred. The unacceptable condition is given in the message. Depending on the severity of the condition, OpenDoc also issued either an OpenDoc warning (which gives you information but allows the program to continue) or an OpenDoc exception (which throws an exception and halts the program).

User Response: You should correct this condition.

CPPOD0352 The ODZ file could not be expanded.

Severity: Information

Explanation: The ODZ package file being registered could not be expanded.

User Response: Contact the provider of the ODZ file.

CPPOD0353 The ODCFG directory structure was incorrect.

Severity: Information

Explanation: The directory structure pointed to by the ODCFG environment variable was not as expected.

User Response: Ensure that your ODCFG structure has the required subdirectories. For example: DLL, INC, LIB, WORK\STATIONERY, WORK\EDITORS, and so on.

CPPOD0354 The package you tried to install is only valid for %s.

Severity: Information

Explanation: The ODZ file being registered was created for use on another operating system platform.

User Response: Obtain the correct ODZ package file for the platform.

CPPOD0355 Facet receiving drop undetermined.

Severity: Exception

Explanation: A part called GetDataFromDragManager before receiving a drop.

User Response: GetDataFromDragManager should only be called when a drop is received.

CPPOD0400 Part returned error %d removing frame.

Severity: Information

Explanation: The part returned an error code when the display frame is removed.

User Response: The action depends on the error code returned by the part. Refer to the part documentation for possible error code values.

CPPOD0401 Part returned error %d closing frame.

Severity: Information

Explanation: The part returned an error code when the display frame was closed.

User Response: The action depends on the error code returned by the part. Refer to the part documentation for possible error code values.

CPPOD0402 Unable to open draft.

Severity: Information

Explanation: This is an OpenDoc internal error.

User Response: Use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0403 Unable to delete draft.

Severity: Information

Explanation: There is a problem deleting the draft.

User Response: Check to see if the draft is open. If it is not, use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0404 Docshell: File %s is not a valid OpenDoc file.

Severity: Information

Explanation: The file you specified was not a valid OpenDoc file and could not be opened.

User Response: Ensure that the file you specify was created by OpenDoc.

CPPOD0405 Part properties cannot be displayed until document is saved.

Severity: Information

Explanation: A part storage unit could not be accessed.

User Response: Save the document before attempting to access a part property. This applies primarily to embedded parts, whose storage needs to be externalized before access is available.

CPPOD0406 The SOM Compiler (sc.exe) could not be started.

Severity: Information

Explanation: The SOM Compiler (sc.exe) process could not be started. sc.exe is run against your IDL as part of the registration process.

User Response: Ensure that sc.exe is in your path.

CPPOD0407 Error %ld trying to purge in CMStorageUnitPurge

Severity: Information

Explanation: An error occurred while releasing the CMObjects. This does not effect the document execution.

User Response: Verify your code. If the problem persists, use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0409 Existing dispatch module

Severity: Exception

Explanation: A part editor is trying to register a dispatch module when there is already another dispatch module registered for that event type.

User Response: Part editors should remove any existing dispatch module before registering a new dispatch module for that event type.

CPPOD0410 Invalid dispatch module

Severity: Exception

Explanation: A part editor is trying to register a dispatch module, but has not passed a valid dispatch module object to the dispatcher.

User Response: Verify that the dispatch module is valid before registering it.

CPPOD0411 Document Manager: Error opening memory container

Severity: Exception

Explanation: OpenDoc has run out of memory.

User Response: Close down some applications to release additional memory.

CPPOD0412 Document Manager: Error closing non-OpenDoc window

Severity: Exception

Explanation: This is most likely an internal error.

User Response: Restart OpenDoc. If the problem persists, use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0413 Document Manager: No draft in window

Severity: Exception

Explanation: This is most likely an internal error.

User Response: Restart OpenDoc. If the problem persists, use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0414 Registration error

Severity: Exception

Explanation: An error with OpenDoc part registration has occurred.

User Response: Use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0415 Registration: Start process failed

Severity: Exception

Explanation: An error occurred while trying to start a child process in the odinst.exe file.

User Response: Check to see that the docshell.exe and SC.EXE files are defined in the PATH. If the problem persists, use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0416 Environment variable not set

Severity: Exception

Explanation: An expected environment variable has not been set.

User Response: Ensure that ODPARTS, ODCFG, TMP, SOMBASE, and other required OpenDoc variables are correctly set.

CPPOD0419 Link source is empty

Severity: Exception

Explanation: The link source object has not properly initialized.

User Response: The InitILinkSource method must be followed by the CompleteInitIlinkSource method.

CPPOD0420 Link source already initialized

Severity: Exception

Explanation: The link source object has already initialized.

User Response: An already initialized link source object is being initialized again. Ensure that the CompleteInitILinkSource method is called after the InitIlinkSource method.

CPPOD0421 Link source connected

Severity: Exception

Explanation: The link target object is already connected to a link source object.

User Response: The tracking mode of a link target object cannot be changed after it is connected to a link source object.

CPPOD0422 Invalid target ID

Severity: Exception

Explanation: This is an OpenDoc internal error.

User Response: Use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0423 Request Mutex timed out

Severity: Exception

Explanation: This is an OpenDoc internal error.

User Response: Use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0424 Request Mutex interrupt

Severity: Exception

Explanation: This is an OpenDoc internal error.

User Response: Use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0425 Request Mutex invalid handle

Severity: Exception

Explanation: This is an OpenDoc internal error.

User Response: Use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0426 Request Mutex too many requests

Severity: Exception

Explanation: This is an OpenDoc internal error.

User Response: Use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0427 Request Mutex owner died

Severity: Exception

Explanation: This is an OpenDoc internal error.

User Response: Use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0428 Release Mutex invalid handle

Severity: Exception

Explanation: This is an OpenDoc internal error.

User Response: Use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0429 Release Mutex not owner

Severity: Exception

Explanation: This is an OpenDoc internal error.

User Response: Use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0430 Document not registered

Severity: Exception

Explanation: This is an OpenDoc internal error.

User Response: Use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0431 Document not opened

Severity: Exception

Explanation: This is an OpenDoc internal error.

User Response: Use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0432 Link not registered

Severity: Exception

Explanation: This is an OpenDoc internal error.

User Response: Use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0433 Link not opened

Severity: Exception

Explanation: This is an OpenDoc internal error.

User Response: Use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0434 Invalid document path name

Severity: Exception

Explanation: This is an OpenDoc internal error.

User Response: Use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0435 Document already opened

Severity: Exception

Explanation: This is an OpenDoc internal error.

User Response: Use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0436 Invalid document ID

Severity: Exception

Explanation: This is an OpenDoc internal error.

User Response: Use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0437 Invalid link ID

Severity: Exception

Explanation: This is an OpenDoc internal error.

User Response: Use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0438 Invalid avl server

Severity: Exception

Explanation: This is an OpenDoc internal error.

User Response: Use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0439 Invalid link source

Severity: Exception

Explanation: This is an OpenDoc internal error.

User Response: Use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0440 Invalid aux state

Severity: Exception

Explanation: This is an OpenDoc internal error.

User Response: Use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0441 Link ID not in document

Severity: Exception

Explanation: This is an OpenDoc internal error.

User Response: Use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0442 Invalid shell

Severity: Exception

Explanation: This is an OpenDoc internal error.

User Response: Use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0443 Link already opened

Severity: Exception

Explanation: This is an OpenDoc internal error.

User Response: Use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0444 Waiting unlock

Severity: Exception

Explanation: This is an OpenDoc internal error.

User Response: Use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0445 Document open failed

Severity: Exception

Explanation: This is an OpenDoc internal error.

User Response: Use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0446 Link open failed

Severity: Exception

Explanation: This is an OpenDoc internal error.

User Response: Use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0447 Invalid link

Severity: Exception

Explanation: This is an OpenDoc internal error.

User Response: Use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0448 No link source

Severity: Exception

Explanation: This is an OpenDoc internal error.

User Response: Use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0449 Source document remote

Severity: Exception

Explanation: This is an OpenDoc internal error.

User Response: Use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0450 Source document not open

Severity: Exception

Explanation: This is an OpenDoc internal error.

User Response: Use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0451 Invalid draft

Severity: Exception

Explanation: This is an OpenDoc internal error.

User Response: Use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0452 Cannot load part kind list

Severity: Information

Explanation: A part registry list for part kinds or part handlers could not be accessed.

User Response: Verify that that part is correctly registered with appropriate part kinds and part handlers.

CPPOD0453 The ODZ package file cannot be used on this platform.

Severity: Exception

Explanation: The ODZ file being registered was created for use on another operating system platform.

User Response: Obtain the correct ODZ package file for the platform.

CPPOD0454 Docshell: Error saving a copy of draft into a new document

Severity: Information

Explanation: This error can occur because there is not enough space on the filesystem.

User Response: Increase disk free space.

CPPOD0455 Script extension not properly initialized, Base Object is null

Severity: Information

Explanation: A script extension object was not properly initialized with a call to either InitScriptExtension or InitScriptFromStorage. One of these methods needs to be called after creating the ScriptExtension object.

User Response: The routine that creates the script extension should be modified to include an appropriate call to one of the initialization routines.

CPPOD0456 Inconsistent naming applied to contained scripting parts. Original name = %s, New name = %s

Severity: Information

Explanation: A script extension object, after it is restored from persistent storage, must use the same name as when it was saved.

User Response: The naming algorithm used for contained scriptable parts must be consistent. The getExtName method can be used to get the previously assigned name from the ScriptExtension object.

CPPOD0457 Unable to create scripting component for class %s using DLL %s

Severity: Information

Explanation: The indicated class could not be created by SOM using the code in the specified DLL.

User Response: Ensure that:

CPPOD0458 No component registered meets requirement of - Type = %s, Flags = 0x%x and FlagsMask = 0x%x

Severity: Information

Explanation: There was no Script Component in the Component Registry that matched the requirements specified. The 'type' code must match exactly and the flags of the component must match the flags specified where the mask is set on.

User Response: This can be caused by loading a part that has attached scripts or by requesting script editing. Use the command 'cmgrcmd -l' to view the contents of the component registry. Continuing ignores any attached scripts, or does not allow creation or editing of scripts, or both.

CPPOD0459 Docshell: Error %d returned when saving document. Document may not save correctly.

Severity: Information

Explanation: A method invoked in the process of saving the document threw an exception.

User Response: Use the exception number to diagnose the problem. If you cannot diagnose the problem, use the procedure detailed in the README file to report the problem to IBM.

CPPOD0460 Docshell: Shell plug-in %s detected an error.

Severity: Information

Explanation: A shell plug-in returned an error from its entry point. The plug-in will be unloaded regardless of the returned action value.

User Response: Remove the plug-in from the plug-ins directory or folder until the error is resolved.

CPPOD0461 Docshell: Error loading resource file %s.

Severity: Information

Explanation: The named resource file failed to load.

User Response: Make sure the path to the resource file is included in the PATH environment variable (Windows platform) or in the LIBPATH environment variable (OS/2 platform).

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