; Message file for Cubus OS/2 Class Library ; ; $Header: W:/Projects/OCL/MSG/rcs/OCL0001.TXT 1.50 1996/08/11 23:47:38 B.STEIN Release $ ; ; English Version OCL OCL0001I: OCL 1.50 %1%2 OCL0002I: Borland C++ 2.0 OCL0003I: Watcom C++ 10.5 OCL0004I: IBM VisualAge C++ 3.0 OCL0005I: IBM C-Set++ 2.1 OCL0006I: Metaware HighC/C++ 3.31 OCL0007I: EMX 0.9b / GCC 2.7.0 OCL0008I: (c) Cubus 1996 - All Rights Reserved OCL0009I: Unknow exception. OCL0010I: Cannot select this page. OCL0011I: Invalid page specified. OCL0012I: Application Error OCL0013?: OCL0014?: OCL0015?: OCL0016?: OCL0017?: OCL0018?: OCL0019?: OCL0020I: sizeInBytes to large for OBuffer::TILED. OCL0021I: At least OBuffer::PAGESIZE must be requested. OCL0022I: DosAllocMem failed. %1 OCL0023?: OCL0024?: OCL0025?: OCL0026?: OCL0027?: OCL0028?: OCL0029?: OCL0030I: GpiLoadBitmap failed. OCL0031I: NULLHANDLE passed to OBitmap::OBitmap(const HBITMAP). OCL0032I: OBitmap::OBitmap(const HWND, PCSZ) failed. OCL0033?: OCL0034?: OCL0035?: OCL0036?: OCL0037?: OCL0038I: View: OCL0039?: OCL0040I: OCriticalSec::enter() failed.%1 OCL0041I: OCriticalSec::exit() failed.%1 OCL0042?: OCL0043?: OCL0044?: OCL0045I: Registration of ODragEntryField failed. OCL0046I: Creation of ODragEntryField failed. OCL0047I: Control does not exist. OCL0048?: OCL0049?: OCL0050I: Cannot query function by ordinal.%1 OCL0051I: Cannot query function by name.%1 OCL0052I: Cannot query function type by ordinal.%1 OCL0053I: Cannot query function type by name.%1 OCL0054I: Cannot query module name.%1 OCL0055I: Cannot query application type of module.%1 OCL0056I: Cannot get resource.%1 OCL0057I: Cannot query resource size.%1 OCL0058?: OCL0059?: OCL0060I: Registration of window class OGraphicsButton failed. OCL0061I: Creation of OGraphicsButton failed. OCL0062?: OCL0063?: OCL0064?: OCL0065I: Creation of OHelpPopup failed. OCL0066?: OCL0067?: OCL0068?: OCL0069?: OCL0070I: OIcon::OIcon(const ULONG, const HMODULE) failed. OCL0071I: OIcon::OIcon(const HPOINTER) failed. OCL0072I: OIcon::OIcon(PCSZ) failed. OCL0073?: OCL0074?: OCL0075I: Creation of OHelpPopup failed. OCL0076?: OCL0077I: OS20MEMU device driver not present. OCL0078?: OCL0079?: OCL0080I: OMenu::OMenu(const ULONG, const HWND, const HWND, const pODynamicLib). %1 OCL0081I: OMenu::OMenu(const ULONG, const HWND, const HWND, const HMODULE). %1 OCL0082I: OMenu::OMenu(const ULONG, const OWindow&, const OWindow&, const pODynamicLib). %1 OCL0083I: OMenu::OMenu(const ULONG, const OWindow&, const OWindow&, const HMODULE). %1 OCL0084I: OMenu::OMenu(const ULONG, const pOWindow, const pOWindow, const pODynamicLib). %1 OCL0085I: OMenu::OMenu(const ULONG, const pOWindow, const pOWindow, const HMODULE). %1 OCL0086I: OMenu cannot load menu. OCL0087I: OMenu::enableItem failed. OCL0088I: OMenu::checkItem failed. OCL0089I: OMenu::setItemText failed. OCL0090I: OMenu cannot load string. OCL0091?: OCL0092?: OCL0093?: OCL0094?: OCL0095?: OCL0096?: OCL0097?: OCL0098?: OCL0099I: OMenuItem::OMenuItem(const pOMenuItem). %1 OCL0100I: Information OCL0101I: Error OCL0102?: OCL0103?: OCL0104?: OCL0105?: OCL0106?: OCL0107?: OCL0108?: OCL0109?: OCL0110I: OMuxSem::OMuxSem(HMTX) cannot open semaphore HMTX. %1 OCL0111I: OMuxSem::OMuxSem(PCSZ, ULONG, BOOL) cannot create the semaphore. %1 OCL0112I: OMuxSem::OMuxSem(PCSZ, ULONG, BOOL) cannot open the semaphore. %1 OCL0113?: OCL0114?: OCL0115?: OCL0116?: OCL0117?: OCL0118?: OCL0119?: OCL0120I: OMuxWaitSem::OMuxWaitSem(HMTX) cannot open semaphore HMTX. %1 OCL0121I: OMuxWaitSem::OMuxWaitSem(PCSZ ...) cannot create the semaphore. %1 OCL0122I: OMuxWaitSem::OMuxWaitSem(PCSZ ...) cannot open the semaphore. %1 OCL0123?: OCL0124?: OCL0125I: ONSem::ONSem(HEV) cannot open semaphore HEV. %1 OCL0126I: ONSem::ONSem(PCSZ ...) cannot create the semaphore. %1 OCL0127I: ONSem::ONSem(PCSZ ...) cannot open the semaphore. %1 OCL0128?: OCL0129?: OCL0130I: OPMinit::OPMinit - Initialization of PM failed. OCL0131I: OApp::current - No instance of class OApp exists. OCL0132I: OFrame::OFrame - Registration of window class failed. OCL0133I: OFrame::OFrame - Creation of frame window failed. OCL0134I: OFrame::OFrame - Creation of client window failed. OCL0135?: OCL0136?: OCL0137I: OWindow::initReplace(...) - Control does not exist. OCL0138I: OWindow::inherit(...) - Control does not exist. OCL0139?: OCL0140I: OBook could not set tab dimensions. OCL0141I: OBook::createBook(...) - Creation of notebook failed. OCL0142I: OBook::cNbk() - Creation of notebook control failed. OCL0143I: OBook::cNbk() - Setting notebook colors failed. OCL0144I: OBook::sP(...) - Invalid page. OCL0145I: OBook::sP(...) - Error setting page data. OCL0146I: OBook::sP(...) - Error setting statusline text. OCL0147I: OBook::sP(...) - Error setting tab text. OCL0148I: OBook::createBook(...) - Page list is empty. OCL0149I: OBook::sNBP(...) - Invalid page selected. OCL0150I: OButton::createButton() failed. OCL0151I: OButton::createButton() failed. OCL0152?: OCL0153I: OListBox::OListBox() - Creation of control failed. OCL0154?: OCL0155I: MMPM: WinRegisterCircularSlider() failed. OCL0156I: OCircularSlider::OCircularSlider() - Creation of control failed. OCL0157?: OCL0158I: OEntryField::OEntryField - Creation of control failed. OCL0159?: OCL0160I: ODialog::createDlg() Creation of dialog failed. OCL0161?: OCL0162?: OCL0163I: OValueSet::OValueSet(...) - Creation of control failed. OCL0164?: OCL0165I: OContainerBase::createContainer() - Creation of container window failed. OCL0166I: OContainerBase::createContainer() - Container setup failed. OCL0167I: Registration of class OContainer failed. OCL0168?: OCL0169?: OCL0170I: OSlider::OSlider() - Creation of control failed. OCL0171I: OSlider::setSliderArmSize(...) failed. OCL0172I: OSlider::setSliderArmPos(...) failed. OCL0173I: OSlider::setSliderShaftPos(...) failed. OCL0174I: OSlider::setSliderShaftDim(...) failed. OCL0175I: OSlider::setSliderScaleText(...) failed. OCL0176I: OSlider::setTickSize(...) failed. OCL0177I: OSlider::inclSliderArm(...) failed. OCL0178I: OSlider::declSliderArm(...) failed. OCL0179?: OCL0180I: OHelp::initializeHelp - Creation of help instance failed. OCL0181I: OHelp::initializeHelp could not associate help instance to window. OCL0182I: No help available. OCL0183?: OCL0184?: OCL0185?: OCL0186?: OCL0187?: OCL0188?: OCL0189?: OCL0190I: An exception was thrown. OCL0191I: Module: %1 OCL0192I: Line Number: %1 OCL0193I: Type of Object: %1 OCL0194I: Return Code: %1 OCL0195I: Error Message:%1%2 OCL0196I: No description available. OCL0197I: PM Error: %1 OCL0198I: PM Message: %1 OCL0199?: OCL0200I: Caught object is of type: %1 OCL0201I: Fatal Exception. OCL0202I: Cannot continue. OCL0203I: Exception with unknown state thrown and not handled. OCL0204I: Unknown exception thrown and not handled. OCL0205I: Note! OCL0206?: OCL0207?: OCL0208?: OCL0209?: OCL0210I: Program interrupted by user request or by the operating system. OCL0211I: System Exception OCL0212?: OCL0213?: OCL0214?: OCL0215?: OCL0216?: OCL0217?: OCL0218?: OCL0219?: OCL0220I: Cannot open Syslevel-File %1! OCL0221I: %1 is not a Syslevel-File! OCL0222I: File name not set for Syslevel-File! OCL0223?: OCL0224?: OCL0225I: Monday OCL0226I: Tuesday OCL0227I: Wednesday OCL0228I: Thursday OCL0229I: Friday OCL0230I: Saturday OCL0231I: Sunday OCL0232I: January OCL0233I: February OCL0234I: March OCL0235I: April OCL0236I: May OCL0237I: June OCL0238I: July OCL0239I: August OCL0240I: September OCL0241I: October OCL0242I: Novemver OCL0243I: December OCL0244?: OCL0245?: OCL0246?: OCL0247?: OCL0248?: OCL0249?: OCL0250I: Class ORiffPlay cannot be used in VIO applications. OCL0251I: MMPM/2 not correctly installed. ORiffPlay suspends. OCL0252I: ORiffPlay can not play the sound object. %1 OCL0253?: OCL0254?: OCL0255?: OCL0256?: OCL0257?: OCL0258?: OCL0259?: OCL0260I: Creation of standard file dialog failed. OCL0261?: OCL0262?: OCL0263?: OCL0264?: OCL0265I: Cannot open file for fuzzy search. OCL0266I: Paragraph too long for fuzzy search. OCL0267?: OCL0268?: OCL0269?: OCL0270?: