OmniBasic Version 1.25 Update: 1) Misc. bug fixes 2) Addition of RANDOMIZE statement RANDOMIZE If IntVar is ommited, the timer is used as the seed 3) Addition of RND() function x=RND() 4) Loop variable optional on NEXT statement 4) 'THEN' optional on IF (is NOT optional on IF Expr THEN Label) 5) 'DO' optional on WHILE statement 6) Addition of SELECT CASE statement (END CASE is optional) SELECT CASE X CASE 1 PRINT "1" END CASE CASE 2 TO 6 PRINT "2 to 6" END CASE CASE ELSE PRINT "No match" END CASE END SELECT 7) The following syntax (keyword substitutions are now allowed: END IF for ENDIF END LOOP for ENDLOOP END WHILE OR WEND for ENDWHILE END EXIT for ENDEXIT END CASE for ENDCASE END SELECT for ENDSELECT #INCLUDE for #USE CONST for #FIX AS for : in DIM statement "DIM x:LONG" = "DIM x AS LONG" * for [] in STRING DIM "DIM StrVar:STRING[32]" = "DIM StrVar AS STRING * 32" SWAP for EXCHANGE ' for REM 7) Addition of CONTINUE statement CONTINUE IF Expr This may be used with: FOR/NEXT LOOP/ENDLOOP REPEAT/UNTIL WHILE/ENDWHILE The effect is to do the next iteration inside the control structure. 8) For Linux version only: xforms support has been added including fdesign 9) Spaces are now allowed on either side of an operator. "c=a+b" = "c = a + b"