.************************************************************** .******* Removing the NetDoor Installation From Servers ***** .************************************************************** The following sections describe the procedure to remove the NetDoor installation from server workstations. This procedure restores system files like before the NetDoor* product was installed. NOTE: Before proceeding to remove the NetDoor product from the server: - Keep trace of system files changes made by other products installed after NetDoor. These changes will be lost when you apply the procedure to remove the NetDoor installation. - Save your private files stored in the product directories. Querying Information on the NetDoor Environment ----------------------------------------------- To have information about the NetDoor environment you can write a CMD file containing the following REXX statements: /**/ call RxFuncAdd 'RxCouInfo','COUENV','RxCouInfo' class = RxCouInfo('GET','CLASS') say 'This workstation is a ---->' class inifile= RxCouInfo('GET','INIFILE') say 'NetDoor Ini file ------> ' inifile local = RxCouInfo('GET','LOCAL') say 'NetDoor product directory ------> ' local remote = RxCouInfo('GET','REMOTE') say 'Netdoor server remote access ------> ' remote oldconf = RxCouInfo('GET','OLDCONFIG') say 'The old configuration files are saved in --->' oldconf exit To run the command file you have created, type its file name from an OS/2 command prompt. It returns the type of the machine (client or server), the NetDoor directory, and the remote disk that allows the access to the remote server. Deleting the NetDoor Product ---------------------------- To perform the procedure to delete the NetDoor product, follow these steps: 1. Log on the server, where you need to remove the NetDoor installation, with an administrator ID. 2. Remove the NetDoor icon on the desktop (the shadow icon of NetDoor in the Startup folder will be removed automatically). 3. From an OS/2 command prompt, type the following commands to restore system files: a. COPY drive:«OS2«INSTALL«CONFIG.COU drive:«CONFIG.SYS b. COPY drive:«OS2«INSTALL«AUTOEXEC.COU drive:«AUTOEXEC.BAT c. COPY drive:«OS2«INSTALL«STARTUP.COU drive«STARTUP.CMD If your access method is NetBIOS, follow the next two steps: d. COPY drive:«OS2«INSTALL«IBMLAN.COU drive:«IBMLAN«IBMLAN.INI e. COPY drive:«OS2«INSTALL«PROTOCOL.COU drive:«IBMCOM«PROTOCOL.INI If your access method is TCP/IP, follow this step: f. COPY drive:«OS2«INSTALL«EXPORTS.COU drive:«EXPORTS.INI where 'drive' is the drive where the OS/2* operating system is installed. 4. Get the alias name of the COUIMAGE directory. 5. Detach the aliases created typing the command: NET ALIAS «alias« /DELETE where, 'alias' is the alias name of the COUIMAGE directory. If the server is a Domain Controller, type the command: NET ALIAS COUDATA /DELETE 6. Create a command file (.CMD extension) that contains the following statements: /**/ call rxfuncadd 'RXOS2INI','RXUTILS','RXOS2INI' call rxos2ini 'USER', 'CREQINST', '$RXDEL' call rxos2ini 'USER', 'COU', '$RXDEL' call rxos2ini 'USER', 'COREADD', '$RXDEL' Run this command file, typing its name from an OS/2 command prompt. It removes, from the OS2.INI file, the changes caused by the NetDoor installation procedure. NOTE: The program requires the RXUTILS.DLL in the LIBPATH. 7. Remove the COUIMAGE directory (you can use DELDIR utility). 8. Reboot the system. 9. Remove the NetDoor directory and the relative subtrees (the name of this directory has been returned by the REXX procedure you ran in the step 6). NOTE: If you are not using a tool that erase the hidden files also, made the NetDoor product directory the current one and type the following command: ATTRIB -h -s -r *.* This command will make visible and erasable all the files in the directory. 10. Delete from the «OS2«INSTALL directory all the files with the '.COU' extension. 11. Delete from the «OS2«DLL directory all the files with '.ICO' extension and that begin with the 'c' character. Trademarks and Service Marks ---------------------------- The following terms, denoted by an asterisk (*) in these sections, are trademarks of the IBM Corporation in the United States and/or other countries: - NetDoor - OS/2