Welcome to NetDoor for Windows ! ŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽ This file contains helpful hints found in our testing as well as updated information that did not make our printed publications. It is divided into the following categories: o General Information o Documentation o Trademarks and Service Marks GENERAL INFORMATION ŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽ The NetDoor installation creates a group icon labelled 'NetDoor' on your desktop. Here's a brief summary of what you will find in your NetDoor group: o README This is the file you are reading now. It was opened automatically when you started NetDoor for the first time. o Open NetDoor "Open NetDoor" (OPENDOOR) connects you to the NetDoor environment. It runs automatically when you restart your system unless you removed the OPENDOOR icon from the StartUp group. In this case, you can start Open NetDoor by double-clicking on its icon in the NetDoor group. o NetDoor Catalog The "NetDoor Catalog" (CATALOG) shows all the available applications stored on servers. Using NetDoor you can easily use these applications without installing them on your workstation. Using the "NetDoor Catalog" you can: - Search for an application in the Catalog. - Browse information about an application. - Add applications from the NetDoor environment to your workstation. When you add an application, NetDoor creates a program icon on your desktop for accessing the application, and configures your workstation for using it. - Start applications directly from the catalog. This is possible only for those applications that do not require special workstation configuration. o NetDoor Maintenance "NetDoor Maintenance" (MAINT) is a facility which allows the NetDoor environment to keep your system up to date automatically. When something is upgraded or changed in the NetDoor environment, your administartor uses MAINT to apply these changes, called fixes, to your workstation. MAINT starts automatically when Open NetDoor starts. If you do not want MAINT to run, set the Open NetDoor options accordingly. o Change Password "Change Password" allows you to change your network password on multiple domains, or to query the password age on any of the domains. o NetDoor Startup "NetDoor Startup" is a folder, not a program object. It allows you to control which NetDoor programs are automatically started when you connect to NetDoor. (It works in much the same way as the Windows StartUp group.) If there are NetDoor applications that you would like to have started automatically each time you connect to NetDoor, place a shadow of the object in this folder and NetDoor will start the program automatically for you in the future. o NetDoor User's Guide for Windows This icon refers to the Library Reader for Windows to access the online copy of the User's Guide. You may use CATALOG to install Library Reader to view all of the online books provided with NetDoor. DOCUMENTATION ŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽ The online versions of the NetDoor manuals can be read with Library Reader for Windows, which is shipped with NetDoor. The hardcopy versions are included in the NetDoor package. Additional hardcopy versions are available from IBM. The part numbers are as follows: IBM Network Door/2 User's Guide SH19-5022 Administrator's Guide SH19-5023-01 Progamming Guide SH19-5024-01 User's Guide for Windows SH19-4059 TRADEMARKS AND SERVICE MARKS ŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽ The following terms, denoted by an asterisk (*) in this file, are trademarks or registered trademarks of the IBM Corporation in the United States or other countries: IBM ------------------------------------------ NetDoor ------------------------------------------ Network Door/2 ------------------------------------------ The following terms, denoted by double asterisk (**) in this file, are trademarks or other comapnies as follows: Windows Microsoft Corporation ------------------------------- IBM DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES OF FITNESS AND MERCHANTABILITY WITH RESPECT TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT. BY FURNISHING THIS DOCUMENT, IBM GRANTS NO LICENSES TO ANY RELATED PATENTS OR COPYRIGHTS. Copyright IBM Corporation, 1994, all rights reserved.