═══ 1. Main Window ═══ Vendor allows you to access licensed application products from the network, while maintaining license requirements. Many software vendors will allow you to purchase a license for a certain number of concurrent uses of their product. Vendor allows you to install the software for the user community, and will maintain the legal requirements of the concurrent use license. The major feature of the Vendor Main Window is the Application List. The Application List is a list of all the available applications from Vendor. Select the application you are interested in from this list. Once you have selected an application from the Application List, you can use the application on your system, check the application's usage, check if you have used the application before, or get more info about the application by pressing the Use Button, Usage Button, Previous Use Button, or Info Button respectively. When an application is selected from the Application List, the Vendor, Version, Date, and Cost fields will be filled in with information about the application. For information about the menus in the main window, select one of the following: o File Menu o Search Menu o Help Menu ═══ 1.1. Application List ═══ The Application List contains all the applications that you can run from Vendor. Applications are categorized into groups. Application names within groups are initially hidden from view. The control allows you to expand a group to show all the applications in that group. The control will collapse the applications in a group so they are not visible in the application list. Each application listed has a short name, a long name and a short discription. ═══ 1.2. Use Button ═══ Press the Use Button when you want to use the application selected in the Application List. The Use Button will show you the Run Application Window which shows you information about installing and using the application. ═══ 1.3. Usage Button ═══ Pressing the Usage Button will show you the Application Usage Window for the application selected in the Application List. The Application Usage Window will show you the total number of licenses, number of licenses used, and the user id's of all the users using the selected application. ═══ 1.4. Previous Use Button ═══ Pressing the Previous Use Button will query the Vendor Server to determine if you have used the application selected in the Application List before. Since some applications cost money for first time use, it can be useful to know if you have used an application, and will be charged for using it. ═══ 1.5. Info Button ═══ Pressing the Info Button will show you more information about the application selected in the Application List. The information window will show you infomation about what the application is used for, as well as installation and license requirements. ═══ 1.6. Vendor Field ═══ The Vendor Field will contain the name of the company that produces the application selected in the Application List. ═══ 1.7. Version Field ═══ The Version Field will contain the version number of the application selected in the Application List. ═══ 1.8. Date Field ═══ The Date Field will contain the date that the application selected in the Application List was installed on the Vendor Server. ═══ 1.9. Cost Field ═══ The Cost Field will show you how much it costs to use the package. To find out how you will be billed for using Vendor applications, contact the vendor administrator. ═══ 1.10. File Menu ═══ The File Menu contains the Exit menu item. Select the Exit menu item to exit Vendor. ═══ 1.10.1. Exit ═══ The Exit menu item exits VENDOR when selected. ═══ 1.11. Search Menu ═══ The Search Menu allows you to search the Application List for a word or phrase, and expand or collapse all groups in the Application List. The Find... menu item will show the Find Window. The Find Next menut item will find the next occurence of the word or phrase you entered in the Find Window and the Find Previous menu item will find the previous occurence. The Expand Groups menu item will expand all the groups in the Application List and the Collapse Groups menu item will collapse all the groups. ═══ 1.11.1. Find... ═══ The Find... menu item will show the Find Window. The Find Window allows you to search the Application List for a word of phrase. ═══ 1.11.2. Find Previous ═══ The Find Previous menu item will find the previous occurence of the word or phrase you entered in the Find Window. ═══ 1.11.3. Find Next ═══ The Find Next find next will find the next occurence of the word or phrase you entered in the Find Window. ═══ 1.11.4. Expand Groups ═══ The Expand Groups menu item will expand all the groups in the Application List so that all applications are visible. ═══ 1.11.5. Collapse Groups ═══ The Collapse Groups menu item will collapse all the groups in the Application List so that all the applications are hidden. ═══ 1.12. Help Menu ═══ The Help Menu will show you various help windows. Select one of the items in the help menu to bring up this help window, with the kind of help you would like. Help is available for each window in Vendor, by pressing a help button or by pressing F1. The Help Menu also has the Product Information... menu item, which will show you product information for Vendor ═══ 1.12.1. Product Information... ═══ The Product Information... menu item will show you product information for Vendor. ═══ 2. Run Application Window ═══ The Run Application Window allows you to install the application, set options for running the application, and to run the application. The name of the application you are working with will always appear at the top of the window. The window is divided into three sections: Installation, Add Object To Folder/Group, and Options. Installation The installation section tells you if the application needs to be installed, has been installed, or has no installation procedure. If the package has been installed, the Reinstall Button allows you to reinstall the package if you wish. Add Object To Folder/Group The Add Object To Folder or Group section allows you to create a desktop object for this vendor application, which you can use to directly access the application. The actual text of this section changes, depending on the version of OS/2 that you are running. Select one of the following for more info on the items in this section: o Title Field o Folder/Group List o Add Button Options The options section allows you to change various options for running the application. Select one of the following for more info: o Parameters Field o Run in a Full Screen Session Check Box o OS/2 2.0 Settings Button o Drive Selection Section Press the Run Application/Install Button to run or install the application. Press the Info Button to get more information about the applicaiton. Press the Cancel Button to leave the Run Application Window without running the application or saving changes to options. ═══ 2.1. Reinstall Button ═══ Pressing the Reinstall button will run the installation program for the application. It is often useful to run the installation program a second time to change any options that you must choose at install time, or to change the access drive letter for applications that require you to use the same drive each time. ═══ 2.2. Title Field ═══ Enter the title of the desktop object you want to create in the Title Field. The default title is the application name, and has been filled in for you. The title must be filled in for you to create a desktop object. Press the Add Button to add a desktop object to a group or folder. ═══ 2.3. Folder/Group List ═══ If you are running OS/2 1.3, the group list shows you the names of all the groups in the desktop manager window. Select the group that you would like to add a desktop object to from this list. If you are running OS/2 2.0, the folder list shows the names of all the folders on your desktop. Select the folder that you would like to add a desktop object to from this list. Press the Add Button to create the desktop object. ═══ 2.4. Add Button ═══ When you have entered a title in the Title Field and selected a folder or group from the Folder/Group List, press the Add Button to create a desktop object. The desktop object allows you to run the Vendor application a with simple click of the mouse. ═══ 2.5. Parameters Field ═══ The Parameters Field allows you to specify parameters for vendor to give to the application program. Many programs accept options or file names as parameters, which you can type here. You should check the documentation for the application to find out what parameters the application will accept. ═══ 2.6. Run in a Full Screen Session Check Box ═══ If the Run in a Full Screen Session Check Box is checked, then the application will run in a Full Screen OS/2 or DOS session. If it is not checked then the application will be run in an OS/2 Windowed session. Some applications require a window, or full screen session, and you will not be able to check or uncheck the check box. ═══ 2.7. OS/2 2.0 Settings Button ═══ Pressing the OS/2 2.0 Settings button will allow you to set the application setup, including DOS settings for DOS programs. See the 2.0 Setup Window help for more info. This option is only available if you are running OS/2 version 2.0 or higher. Warning: Don't alter the 2.0 Setup if you don't know what you are doing. Vendor does not check the values you set, and the application may not run if they are set incorrectly. ═══ 2.8. Drive Selection Section ═══ Vendor runs applications by attaching a logical network drive to your workstation. The network drive needs a drive letter, just like any hard drives in your machine. The Drive Selection section allows you to specify which drive letter to attach to use the application. The Drive Selection section will tell you what the drive letter requirement for the package is. Some packages can use any free drive letter on your machine, some allow you to choose which drive letter to use, but must use that drive every time, and others require a specific drive letter. Choose one of the following for more information on drive selection: o Use Any Free Drive Radio Button o Use Drive: Radio Button o Drive Letter List ═══ 2.8.1. Use Any Free Drive Radio Button ═══ If you select the Use Any Free Drive Radio Button, Vendor will choose the drive letter to use for you. Many packages are not flexible enough for this option, and the Use Drive: Radio Button will be selected for you. ═══ 2.8.2. Use Drive: Radio Button ═══ Select the Use Drive: Radio Button to tell vendor which drive letter to use. You will need to select the drive letter from the Drive Letter List. For packages that can use any drive, you have the option of selecting which drive to use every time you run the package, or you can allow Vendor to choose which drive to use by selecting the Use Any Free Drive Radio Button. ═══ 2.8.3. Drive Letter List ═══ For applications that must use the same drive every time, you will need to select a drive letter to use from the Drive Letter List before you install the application. Once the application is installed, you must run the application from that drive. It is often helpful to select different drive letters for different applications you use from vendor, so that you will be able to run them at the same time. For packages that must use a specific drive letter, the selection will be made for you, and you will not be able to change the drive letter. ═══ 2.9. Run Application/Install Button ═══ Pressing the Run Application Button will run the Vendor application with the options specified. Pressing the Install Button will run the installation program for the application. For applications that must use the same drive each time, you need to select which drive to use from the Drive Letter List before you can run the installation for the application. The actual text of this button will change, depending on whether you need to install the application. The Installation section of the Run Application Window will tell you if you need to install the package. ═══ 2.10. Info Button ═══ Pressing the Info Button will display useful information about installing, and using the application. ═══ 2.11. Cancel Button ═══ Pressing the Cancel Button will close the Run Application Window without running the application, or saving options changes. ═══ 3. Application Usage Window ═══ The Application Usage Window displays which users are currently using the application selected in the Application List. The Current Number of Users and the Maximum Concurrent Users will be displayed. The List of Current Users will show a list of all the users currently using the application. If all the licenses are in use, you will not be able to access the application. You can have the Vendor server notify you when a license is free by pressing the Call-Back When Free Button. Press the Cancel Button to close the Application Usage Window. ═══ 3.1. Current Number of Users Field ═══ The Current Number of Users Field displays the number of users currently using the application. ═══ 3.2. Maximum Concurrent Users Field ═══ The Maximum Concurrent Users Field displays the maximum number of concurrent users that the Vendor server will allow. Note: If this field contains *, then there is no maximum. ═══ 3.3. List Of Current Users ═══ The List Of Current Users displays all the users that are currently using the application. The list will show the date and time each user started using the application, as well as their user id, machine name, and the Vendor Server they are attached to. ═══ 3.4. Call-Back When Free Button ═══ If the Current Number Of Users is equal to the Maximum Concurrent Users then you may press the Call-Back When Free button to have the Vendor Server notify you when a license for the application available. Note: Messages from the Vendor Server may only be received while Vendor is running. If you are waiting for a notification from the server, do not close Vendor. ═══ 3.5. Cancel Button ═══ Press the Cancel Button to close the Application Usage Window. ═══ 4. Find Window ═══ The Find Window allows you to enter a string to search for in the Application List. Since Vendor may display information about many applications, it is often helpful to search for a particular program if you know the name of the application, or a short phrase that describes what it does. The string you want to search for should be entered in the Search String Field. The Search Options box in the Search window, allows you to choose search options. Check the Case Sensitive Search Check Box if you want to search for a word or phrase only in the case you enter in the Search String field. Check the Search Through Program Titles Only Check Box if you don't want to search the application descriptions. Press the Find Button to start the search. Press the Cancel Button to close the Find Window without searching. ═══ 4.1. Search String Field ═══ Enter the string you want to find in the Application List in the Search String Field. Press the Find Button to start the search. ═══ 4.2. Case Sensitive Search Check Box ═══ If the Case Sensitive Search Check Box is checked, the search will be case sensitive. For example, if you enter a string in the Search String Field in all lower case, the search will only find a match that is all lower case. If this is not checked, it will find matches that are upper case as well. ═══ 4.3. Search Through Program Titles Only Check Box ═══ If the Search Through Program Titles Only check box is checked, only the application titles in the Application List will be searched. If this is not checked, the application descriptions will be searched as well. ═══ 4.4. Find Button ═══ Press the Find Button to start the search. ═══ 4.5. Cancel Button ═══ Press the Cancel Button to close the Find Window without searching for a string. ═══ 5. 2.0 Setup Window ═══ The 2.0 Setup Window allows you to change the program setup, including DOS settings for DOS programs. Warning: Don't alter the 2.0 Setup if you don't know what you are doing. Vendor does not check the values you set, and the application may not run if they are set incorrectly. If you accidentally change the settings, press the Defaults Button to get your system administrators' setup values. The current setup for the application will appear in the Setup List. To change the value of an item in the list, select it, then edit the value in the Value Field and press the Change Button. To add a new value to the list, edit the Setting Field and Value Field and press the Add Button. Press the OK Button to close the 2.0 Setup Window and save the setup values. Press the Cancel Button to close the 2.0 Setup Window without saving the setup values. Following is a list of some useful setup values: ┌─────────────┬───────────────┬────────────────────┐ │KEYNAME │VALUE │Description │ ├─────────────┼───────────────┼────────────────────┤ │PARAMETERS │params │Sets the parameters │ │ │ │list, which may │ │ │ │include substitution│ │ │ │characters │ ├─────────────┼───────────────┼────────────────────┤ │STARTUPDIR │pathname │Sets the working │ │ │ │directory │ ├─────────────┼───────────────┼────────────────────┤ │PROGTYPE │FULLSCREEN │Sets the session │ │ │ │type to OS/2 full │ │ │ │screen │ ├─────────────┼───────────────┼────────────────────┤ │ │PM │Sets the session │ │ │ │type to PM │ ├─────────────┼───────────────┼────────────────────┤ │ │SEPARATEWIN │Sets the session │ │ │ │type to WIN-OS2 │ │ │ │window running in a │ │ │ │separate VDM. │ ├─────────────┼───────────────┼────────────────────┤ │ │VDM │Sets the session │ │ │ │type to DOS full │ │ │ │screen │ ├─────────────┼───────────────┼────────────────────┤ │ │WIN │Sets the session │ │ │ │type to WIN-OS2 full│ │ │ │screen │ ├─────────────┼───────────────┼────────────────────┤ │ │WINDOWABLEVIO │Sets the session │ │ │ │type to OS/2 │ │ │ │windowed │ ├─────────────┼───────────────┼────────────────────┤ │ │WINDOWEDVDM │Sets the session │ │ │ │type to DOS windowed│ ├─────────────┼───────────────┼────────────────────┤ │ │WINDOWEDWIN │Sets the session │ │ │ │type to WIN-OS2 │ │ │ │windowed │ ├─────────────┼───────────────┼────────────────────┤ │MINIMIZED │YES │Start program │ │ │ │minimized │ ├─────────────┼───────────────┼────────────────────┤ │MAXIMIZED │YES │Start program │ │ │ │maximized │ ├─────────────┼───────────────┼────────────────────┤ │NOAUTOCLOSE │YES │Leaves the window │ │ │ │open upon program │ │ │ │termination. │ ├─────────────┼───────────────┼────────────────────┤ │ │NO │Closes the window │ │ │ │when the program │ │ │ │terminates. │ ├─────────────┼───────────────┼────────────────────┤ │ASSOCFILTER │filters │Sets the filename │ │ │ │filter for files │ │ │ │associated to this │ │ │ │program. Multiple │ │ │ │filters are │ │ │ │separated by commas.│ ├─────────────┼───────────────┼────────────────────┤ │ASSOCTYPE │type │Sets the type of │ │ │ │files associated to │ │ │ │this program. │ │ │ │Multiple filters are│ │ │ │separated by commas.│ ├─────────────┼───────────────┼────────────────────┤ │MINWIN │HIDE │Views of this object│ │ │ │will hide when their│ │ │ │minimize button is │ │ │ │selected. │ ├─────────────┼───────────────┼────────────────────┤ │ │VIEWER │Views of this object│ │ │ │will minimize to the│ │ │ │minimized window │ │ │ │viewer when their │ │ │ │minimize button is │ │ │ │selected. │ ├─────────────┼───────────────┼────────────────────┤ │ │DESKTOP │Views of this object│ │ │ │will minimize to the│ │ │ │Desktop when their │ │ │ │minimize button is │ │ │ │selected. │ ├─────────────┼───────────────┼────────────────────┤ │VEWBUTTON │HIDE │Views of this object│ │ │ │will have a hide │ │ │ │button as opposed to│ │ │ │a minimize button. │ ├─────────────┼───────────────┼────────────────────┤ │ │MINIMIZE │Views of this object│ │ │ │will have a minimize│ │ │ │button as opposed to│ │ │ │a hide button. │ └─────────────┴───────────────┴────────────────────┘ DOS Settings To change these values you use SET keyname= Example: SET DOS_FILES=45;SET DOS_HIGH=1 Also for some use values of 1 for ON, 0 for off Example: SET COM_HOLD=1; (on, default is off) List of DOS Setting fields COM_HOLD DOS_BACKGROUND_EXECUTION DOS_BREAK DOS_DEVICE DOS_FCBS DOS_FCBS_KEEP DOS_FILES DOS_HIGH DOS_LASTDRIVE DOS_RMSIZE DOS_SHELL DOS_STARTUP_DRIVE DOS_UMB DOS_VERSION DPMI_DOS_API DPMI_MEMORY_LIMIT DPMI_NETWORK_BUFF_SIZE DPMI_DOS_API EMS_FRAME_LOCATION EMS_HIGH_OS_MAP_REGION EMS_LOW_OS_MAP_REGION EMS_MEMORY_LIMIT HW_NOSOUND HW_ROM_TO_RAM HW_TIMER IDLE_SECONDS IDLE_SENSITIVITY KBD_ALTHOME_BYPASS KBD_BUFFER_EXTEND KBD_RATE_LOCK MEM_INCLUDE_REGIONS MEM_EXCLUDE_REGIONS MOUSE_EXCLUSIVE_ACCESS PRINT_TIMEOUT VIDEO_FASTPASTE VIDEO_MODE_RESTRICTION VIDEO_ONDEMAND_MEMORY VIDEO_RETRACE_EMULATION VIDEO_ROM_EMULATION VIDEO_SWITCH_NOTIFICATION VIDEO_WINDOW_REFRESH VIDEO_8514A_XGA_IOTRAP XMS_HANDLES XMS_MEMORY_LIMIT XMS_MINIMUM_HMA ═══ 5.1. Setup List Box ═══ The Setup List Box contains a list of all the current settings. Selecting a setting from the list, will enter the setting name in the Setting Field and the value in the Value Field. ═══ 5.2. Setting Field ═══ To change or add a new setting, you need to enter the setting name into the Setting Field and the value into the Value Field and press the Add/Change Button. ═══ 5.3. Value Field ═══ To change or add a new setting, you need to enter the setting name into the Setting Field and the value into the Value Field and press the Add/Change Button. ═══ 5.4. Add/Change Button ═══ The Add/Change button allows you to add or change a setting value in the Setup List Box. The text of the button changes depending on what appears in the Setting Field. If the Setting Field contains a setting name for a value that is not in the list, the button will say Add. If the Setting Entry Field contains a setting name already in the list, the button will say Change. Pressing the Add Button will add the setting name, and value specified in the Setting Field and Value Field into the Setup List Box. Pressing the Change Button will change the value of the setting in the Setup List Box to the value specified in the Value Field. ═══ 5.5. Delete Button ═══ The Delete button allows you to delete the setting specified in the Setting Entry Field from the Setup List Box ═══ 5.6. Defaults Button ═══ Pressing the Defaults Button will fill the Setup List Box with the package's default setup. ═══ 5.7. OK Button ═══ Pressing the OK Button will save the settings you have specified, and will be used when you run the package. ═══ 5.8. Cancel Button ═══ Pressing the Cancel Button will discard any changes you made to the settings. ═══ 6. Message Code Numbers ═══ All the messages and errors presented by Vendor have a message number of the form COUxxxx. Following is a list of messages in numerical order with some explanation, and possible solutions for errors. COU5004 Can't open the VENDOR.INI file. Possibly caused by a corrupt VENDOR.INI file. VENDOR.INI file should be located in the \OS2 directory or the NETDOOR\USERDATA directory. COU5005 The VENDOR.CTL file could not be found. This file must be in the Vendor directory or somewhere along the DPATH for Vendor to run. The VENDOR.CTL file is not along the DPATH. This file should be created by administrator and placed somewhere, so that all clients have access to a VENDOR.CTL file. COU5006 The VENDOR.CTL file is invalid. The VENDOR.CTL file is missing information or has incorrect information, and Vendor can not run. VENDOR.CTL file is invalid. See Vendor documentation for correct format. COU5007 The version of SOM.DLL in your system is too old for Vendor to use OS/2 2.0 objects. Programs will be launched using OS/2 1.3 methods. You should apply the SOM fix or Service Pack to your system. The user is running OS/2 2.0 csd level 5000. The machine should be upgraded with the Service Pack or OS/2 2.1. Vendor should continue to work correctly. COU5008 Unable to load the DLL: xxx.DLL. Contact the Vendor Administrators for assistance. Missing VENDOR.DLL, VNDTCP.DLL, or VNDNET.DLL. VENDOR.DLL must be along the LIBPATH for 2.x users. VNDTCP.DLL must be along the LIBPATH for the tcpip version of Vendor. VNDNET.DLL must be along the LIBPATH for the Lan Requester version of Vendor. COU5009 Unable to load functions from xxx.DLL. Contact the Vendor Administrators for assistance. Corrup or downlevel VENDOR.DLL, VNDTCP.DLL or VNDNET.DLL. The file specified should be replaced with a working copy. COU5010 An error occured attempting to create the help window. Help will be unavailable. Possibly caused by a missing VENDOR.HLP or the VENDOR.HLP file is not along the HELP path. The VENDOR.HLP file must be along the HELP path for help to work correctly. COU5013 Vendor cannot access the Vendor Server xxx. The server may be temporarily unavailable. If the problem persists, contact the Vendor Administrator. The server listed in the VENDOR.CTL file is incorrect, the user is not known on the domain, has a different password on the server's domaint, or the server is not running correctly. COU5014 Vendor cannot access the Vendor Server xxx. The server may be temporarily unavailable or you may not have access to it due to a changed or expired password. If this problem persists, please contact the Vendor Administrator. The server listed in the VENDOR.CTL file is incorrect, the user is not known on the domain, has a different password on the server's domain, or the server is not running correctly. COU5015 VENDOR cannot create a required Mailslot. You will not be able to use the 'Call-Back' feature. This is a system error, or the mailslot is in use by another program such as VNDADMIN.EXE. A reboot may help. COU5016 The application 'xxx' could not be found. You attempted to run Vendor from the command line with a package name as a parameter, or from an icon, and the package does not exist. COU5017 Terminating VENDOR will also terminate all running vendor applications. Do you really want to quit? You attempted to close Vendor while running one or more Vendor packages. COU5025 xxx has never used the xxx package before. You check previous use on a package that you have not used before. COU5026 xxx used the xxx package for the first time on xxx. You checked previous use on a package that you have used before. COU5027 An error occurred while trying to determine your userid and machine name. Please notify the Vendor Administrator if this problem persists. Usually caused when Lan Requestor is not running correctly. This happens occasionally on LS 3.0 client machines. Possible solution is to reboot and restart Lan Requester. COU5046 This package requires that you use the same drive every time you run it. You will need to reinstall to use a different drive. Do you want to use a different drive? You selected a new drive for a package that requires the use of the same drive every time it runs. If you select Yes, you will need to re-install the application. COU5047 You will have to end the currently running 'xxx' session before running this application. You attempted to start an application that is already running. If you are not running the application, stopping and restarting Vendor may solve the problem. COU5048 You will be charged xxx for the 'first-time' use of xxx if you continue. Would you like to continue? You are about to use a package that costs money for the first time use. A license agreement will be shown. If you continue, you will be billed for the use of the application. Contact your administrator for information on billing. COU5049 An error occurred trying to create the desktop object. Vendor could not create a desktop object. The object may already exist, or the OS2.INI may be corrupted. Rebuilding the desktop may help. COU5050 Desktop object created. Vendor created a desktop object successfully. COU5051 You need to specify a title for the desktop object. You attempted to create a desktop object without specifying a title. COU5052 The Vendor Server was unable to create a resource for the application you are trying to run. If this error continues please contact your Vendor Administrator. The Vendor server had a network problem. The Vendor server error file should be consulted for an error and error code. This can be caused by invalid data in the package files pointing to the wrong or non-existent directory on the server. COU5054 The vendor server indicates that you are running the xxx application already. If this is the case, please terminate it before trying to run it again. If this is not the case, please contact your Vendor Administrator. You attempted to run a package but you already have a license. This can be caused when the server is not notified when you stop using a package which can happen when the vendor client ends abnormally, such as a crash or power off. The server will realize that an abnormal condition occurred, and will release the license after approximately 15 minutes, at which time you can try to use the package again. COU5055 You need to select a drive to use for this package. You attempted to run a package that requires the same drive to be used for each run, but havn't selected a drive letter. COU5056 All drives are in use. You will need to drop network drives or stop other running VENDOR programs before using this package. You attempted to run a package that can use any drive letter, but all drives are in use. You will need to release a drive to continue. COU5057 It is required that the xxx package always use the xxx drive, however this drive is in use. Please free the drive then try again. You attempted to run a package that requires a specific drive, but the drive is in use. You will need to free the drive before you can use this application. COU5058 The xxx drive which the xxx software used last time is in use. It is required that you always use the same drive for this package. You attempted to run a package that requires the same drive letter for each run, but the drive is in use. You will have to free the drive, or select a new drive and re-install the application. COU5059 The xxx drive is already in use. Please drop the drive or select another drive for the xxx package to use. You attempted to run a package that requires the same drive letter for each run for the first time, but the drive is in use. You will have to free the drive, or select a new drive to use. COU5060 System error xxx occurred while assigning the network drive. If this problem persists please note the above error number and contact your Vendor Administrator. An error occured attempting to attach the network drive. Possibly a network problem or permissions problem on the server. The server log should be consulted to determine if user was correctly given permissions to the application directory list. COU5061 An error occured trying to run the package. A session could not be created to run the package. You may have to close some other programs or reboot and try again. This occurs on OS/2 1.3 machines and OS/2 2.0 machines without Service Pack. Possibly too many sessions, or an invalid run program was specified in the vendor package files on the server. COU5062 An error occured trying to run the package. A program object could not be created to run the package. You may have to reboot and try again. This occurs on OS/2 2.x machines with OS/2 2.0 and Service Pack or higher. This can be caused by a corrupted OS2.INI file. Rebuilding the desktop may help. COU5063 You may run the vendor program now if a reboot is not required by the installation program. Do you want to run the vendor program now? A package was installed. You can run the application at this point if the installation says that a reboot is not required. COU5064 Installation complete. You need to reboot your machine before you can use this package. A package was installed, and a reboot is required before it can be used. COU5065 The installation is complete, and the package is ready to run. Do you want to run the Vendor program now? A package was installed, and can be run immediatly. COU5066 Could not create a thread to monitor installation program. Please press OK ***AFTER*** the installation program finishes. This occurs on OS/2 1.3 machines. Internal error. Don't press OK until the installation program for the application finishes. COU5069 You are already using the xxx package, so you cannot be added to the 'Call-Back' queue. You attempted to get added to the call-back queue for a package that you are already using. COU5070 The Vendor server has already filled it's 'Call-Back' list for this application. Please try again later. This is for vendor server version 1.7 only. Server's call-back list is full. COU5071 You have been added to the 'Call-Back' list for this application. When a license is available, you will be notified by the Vendor server. You have been added to the call-back list for this application successfully. COU5072 You have already been added to the 'Call-Back' list for this application. When a license is available, you will be notified by the Vendor server. Please be patient. You attempted to add yourself to a call-back queue that you have already been added to. COU5075 The VENDOR Server indicates that you no longer have a valid license for the use of the xxx program. You may change to xxx and terminate it normally if desired. xxx will be terminated when you press the OK button. You have held a package over night and your license was terminated. This error can occur when the server has no license information about this application (the license file has no listing or the license file was not read correctly). This can also occur if there are network problems and the client cannot communicate with the server for a period of time. COU5078 An error occurred trying to load PMBROWSE. Please make sure that the PMBROWSE.DLL file is located in a subdirectory specified in the LIBPATH statement of your CONFIG.SYS file. PMBROWS.DLL is corrupt, or not in the LIBPATH. PMBROWSE.DLL must be in the LIBPATH for Vendor to run correctly. COU5079 The NFS Client program has not been started on this workstation. Please start NFSC and restart Vendor. The NFSC program has not been started on the machine. You must run NFSC if you are using the TCPIP version of Vendor for Vendor to work correctly. COU5080 The NFS Daemon program has not been started on the Vendor Server, please contact your Vendor Administrator. The NFSD program has not been started on the Vendor Server. The Vendor Server requires the correct version of NFSD to be running on the server for the server to run correctly. COU5081 An error occurred trying to load the catalog files. The main Vendor catalog cannot be found. The catalog file cannot be found on the server. This may be caused by a missing catalog file on the server, or an incorrectly specified catalog file in the VENDOR.CTL file. COU5082 No application titles or descriptions containing the string 'xxx' were found. The search string was not found. COU5083 No application titles containing the string 'xxx' were found. The search string was not found. COU5084 No additional application titles or descriptions containing the string 'xxx' were found. The search string was not found on a find next or find previous. COU5085 No additional application titles containing the string 'xxx' were found. The search string was not found on a find next or find previous.