═══ 1. VndAdmin Main Window ═══ Welcome to the VndAdmin Help Facility! The Vendor Administration Program, also known as VNDADMIN is a general purpose vendor administrator program providing the following functions: o Vendor Server Installation o Vendor Server Update o Creation or update of all Vendor Server profiles, including: - Vendor Control file (VENDOR.CTL) - Vendor Catalog file - Vendor Package file(s) - Vendor License file (VNDSRVR.LIC) o Vendor Messaging Facility The use of VNDADMIN for the installation of Vendor Servers and the creation and maintenance of Vendor Server profiles will help to ensure that the Vendor Server environment is configured correctly. Press here for additional help. The VNDADMIN main window has the following controls: o File Menu o Servers Menu o Help Menu o Messages List Box o Clear Button o Send Message Button ═══ 1.1. File Menu ═══ The File menu item contains the Open... and Exit submenu items. ═══ 1.1.1. Open... ═══ The Open... submenu item brings up a File Selection dialog which allows you to edit any control, license, catalog, or package file on any of the defined Vendor Servers. ═══ 1.1.2. Exit ═══ The Exit submenu item exits VNDADMIN ═══ 1.2. Servers Menu ═══ The Servers menu item contains the following submenu items: o Access Method... o Define Servers... o Install Server... ═══ 1.2.1. Access Method... ═══ The Access Method... submenu item brings up the Vendor InterProcess Communications Method dialog which allows you to choose between NETBIOS or TCP/IP interprocess communications when managing the Vendor Servers. ═══ 1.2.2. Define Servers... ═══ The Define Servers... submenu item brings up the Vendor Servers dialog which allows you to add, delete or redefine Vendor Servers. ═══ 1.2.3. Install Server... ═══ The Install Server... submenu item brings up the Vendor Server Installation Panel which allows you to install a vendor server. ═══ 1.3. Help Menu ═══ The Help Menu allows you to get help panels for VNDADMIN. Select the help you are looking for from the help menu. ═══ 1.4. Messages List ═══ The Messages List Box contains messages sent by the Vendor Servers. The Vendor Servers send messages to all administrators when significant events happen. ═══ 1.5. Clear Button ═══ The Clear button clears the Messages List Box in the main window. ═══ 1.6. Send Message Button ═══ The Send Message button brings up the Send Message Dialog which allows you to send messages to users and administrators. ═══ 1.7. Additional Help ═══ You may obtain help on any window of VNDADMIN at any time by pressing the F1 function key on the keyboard or by selecting a "Help" button. Each window of the VNDADMIN application has different help information associated with it. If you are unclear what a particular control does, press the F1 function key or the "Help" button to obtain information on all the controls in the current window. ═══ 1.7.1. Control ═══ A Control is any device within a window which gives information or allows you to select or edit options. It is a general term for describing such devices as list boxes, buttons, entry fields, radio buttons, check boxes, etc. ═══ 2. Vendor Admin Message Facility ═══ Use the Vendor Admin Message Facility to send messages to machines on the current domain which are running the VENDOR or VNDADMIN programs. It is often helpful to send a message to a user whom is having difficulty (as seen by incoming error messages) or to all users when you are about to bring down a Vendor server. The VNDADMIN icon looks like the VENDOR icon with the addition of a pencil. The gauge turns red when messages are received while VNDADMIN is minimized. The Send Message dialog has the following controls: o Machine Name Field o Message Field o Send to Administrators Only Check Box o Send Button o Cancel Button o Help Button ═══ 2.1. Machine Name Field ═══ This edit field is used to enter the Machine Name in which to send the message to. A machine name of * sends the message to all machines running the VENDOR or VNDADMIN program on the current domain. ═══ 2.2. Message Field ═══ Enter the message to be sent in this edit field. ═══ 2.3. Send to Administrators Only Check Box ═══ If checked, the message will be sent to machines running the VNDADMIN program on the current domain only. ═══ 2.4. Send Button ═══ When the Send button is pressed, the message is sent. ═══ 2.5. Cancel Button ═══ Press the Cancel button to exit without sending a message. ═══ 3. Vendor Servers Dialog ═══ Use the Vendor Servers dialog to add, delete or redefine Vendor Server Definitions. To define or redefine a server, select the server from the list, or type the name of a new server in the Vendor Server field, and fill in the appropriate information in the Server Details section of the dialog box. At least one Vendor Server must be defined before selecting the Open... submenu item from the File pull-down. If only one Vendor Server is defined, it must also be the License Server. The Vendor Servers dialog has the following controls: o Vendor Server List o Drive with Vendor Resource Field o Path to Control File Field o This is a License Server Check Box o Save Button o Add Button o Delete Button o Cancel Button o Help Button ═══ 3.1. Vendor Server List ═══ The Vendor Server list shows all the currently defined servers. To define a new server, type the name of the new server in the Vendor Server field, and fill in the appropriate information, and press the Add Button. To change a Vendor Server, select it from the list, and fill change the information in the Server Details section of the dialog box, and press the Add Button. To delete a Vendor Server, select if from the list, and press the Delete Button. ═══ 3.2. Drive with VENDOR Resource Field ═══ Enter the drive letter on which the Vendor Resource (alias) will be created in the edit field. If the alias does not exist, it will be created when you press the Save button. ═══ 3.3. Path to Control File Field ═══ Enter the fully qualified filename of the control file in this edit field. The filename must end with the file name VENDOR.CTL. If the control file does not exist, it will be created when you press the Save button. ═══ 3.4. This is a License Server Check Box ═══ Check this checkbox to indicate that the server is a License Server. ═══ 3.5. Save Button ═══ When the Save button is pressed, the Vendor Server information is saved in the VNDADMIN.INI file. At this time, control, license, catalog, and package files will be created for each server, if needed. If any server information has been created or changed, the Install Servers dialog will appear. This dialog allows you to install or reinstall one or more of the servers, if necessary. o Directory structure required on server will be created. o Vendor Server programs will be copied to server. o VENDOR alias will be created and shared. Note: You will have to manually start the Vendor Server program, VNDSRVR, on each Vendor Server, if needed. ═══ 3.6. Add Button ═══ Press the Add button to add or change the current Vendor Server information. This change will not be permanently saved until you press the Save button. ═══ 3.7. Delete Button ═══ Press the Delete button to remove the selected Vendor Server definition. This change will not be permanently saved until you press the Save button. ═══ 3.8. Cancel Button ═══ Press the Cancel button to leave without making any changes to the Server Definitions. ═══ 4. Vendor Admin File Selection Dialog ═══ Use the Vendor Admin File Selection dialog to select a file to edit. The dialog contains a listbox of all defined Vendor Servers and the various files associated with each server. Types of files you can edit: 1. Control File (CTL) The Control File is used by the VENDOR.EXE client program. It must be named VENDOR.CTL and be stored somewhere along the users DPATH. This file tells VENDOR the name of the Vendor Server to use as well as the name of the Catalog File on the server. If VNDADMIN does not have access to the same VENDOR.CTL file which the user population will be using (or if the file must exist in multiple places) make sure to manually copy it wherever needed. 2. License File (LIC) The License File is read by the VNDSRVR.EXE program. This file must be named VNDSRVR.LIC and must reside in the \\server\d$\VENDOR\USEDATA subdirectory along with the VNDSRVR.EXE program. This file must be created on every Vendor Server, regardless if the server is a License Server or not. The license file is read when you start the Vendor Server; if it is changed, you can stop the Vendor Server program using VNDKILL and restart it. VNDADMIN also sends a message to the Vendor Server telling it to reread the license file dynamically. 3. Catalog File (CAT) The Catalog File is read by the VENDOR.EXE client program. This file lists all the package categories available. Like packages should be categorized and grouped into one package file. The Catalog File is a listing of all package files and their associated descriptions. The Catalog File may be named anything, but will be created in the directory specified by the VENDOR alias (ie \\server\d$\VENDOR\PACKDATA). Note: The Catalog File name of CATALOG.CAT is recommended. 4. Package Files A Package File is read by the Vendor Client program. This file lists all the packages contained within a certain package category. Like packages should be categorized and grouped into one package file. Package files may be named anything, but will be created in the directory specified by the VENDOR alias (ie \\server\d$\VENDOR\PACKDATA). Note: It is recommended that Package Files end with the .PKG extension. The Vendor Admin File Selection dialog has the following controls: o Vendor Servers List o Control, License, and Catalog File List o Package File List o Edit Button o Cancel Button o Help Button ═══ 4.1. Vendor Servers List ═══ This list contains all the Vendor Servers which have been defined from the Vendor Servers dialog. When you select a server from this list, the files associated with the selected server are displayed in the Control, Licence and Catalog File List and Package File List ═══ 4.2. Control, License, and Catalog files List ═══ This list box contains the control, license, and catalog file for the selected Vendor Server (in the order specified). You may edit any one of these three files by selecting it and pressing the Edit button, or by double-clicking on it. ═══ 4.3. Package File(s) List ═══ This list box contains the various package files for the selected Vendor Server. You may edit any one of the files by selecting it and pressing the Edit button, or by double-clicking on it. ═══ 4.4. Edit Button ═══ Press the Edit button to edit the currently selected file. ═══ 4.5. Cancel Button ═══ Press the Cancel button to leave without editing any file. ═══ 5. Vendor Admin Control File Editor ═══ Use the Vendor Admin Control File Editor dialog to edit a Vendor Server control file. The VENDOR program running on user workstations requires that a control file be accessible along the DPATH. The control file provides the VENDOR program with the following information: o The name of the Vendor Server to use. o The name of catalog file to use. The Vendor Admin Control File Editory dialog has the following controls: o Server Field o Catalog File Field o Save Button o Cancel Button o Help Button ═══ 5.1. Server Field ═══ Enter the appropriate Vendor Server name in this edit field. ═══ 5.2. Catalog File Field ═══ Enter the appropriate catalog file in this edit field. The catalog file will reside in the directory shared by the VENDOR Alias of the specified server. If the file does not exist, it will be created when you press the Save button. A default name of CATALOG.CAT is recommended. ═══ 5.3. Save Button ═══ The control file will be written when the Save button is pressed. ═══ 5.4. Cancel Button ═══ Press the Cancel button to leave without making changes to the control file. ═══ 6. Vendor Admin License File Editor ═══ Use the Vendor Admin License File Editor dialog to edit a Vendor Server License file. The VNDSRVR program running on the Vendor Server requires the License File to determine two things: 1. Who is my License Server? 2. If I am a License Server, how many licenses do I have for each of the packages which I know about? The Vendor Admin License File Editor has the following controls: o License Server Field o All Packages List o Package Field o Count Field o Update Button o Delete Button o Save Button o Cancel Button o Help Button ═══ 6.1. License Server Field ═══ This edit field contains the name of the License Server for the currently selected Vendor Server. If the name of the License Server and the Vendor Server are the same (ie, the Vendor Server is also its own License Server) then you will not be able to make changes to this field. Note: It is assumed that the License Server specified has been previously defined as such by the Vendor Servers dialog. ═══ 6.2. All Packages List ═══ This list box shows all packages known to the Vendor Server. This is determined by enumerating all the packages found in each of the package files described in the Vendor Server's catalog file. When you select a package from the list, the information in the Selected Package box is changes to show the current information about the selected package. Update the information as desired and press the Update button to refresh the new information in the listbox. To delete a license count for a package press the Delete button. Changes will not be permanently saved until you press the Save button. ═══ 6.3. Package Field ═══ The name of the selected package may be viewed here. You cannot change the name. ═══ 6.4. Count Field ═══ The license count for the selected package may be changed here. Valid ranges include numerical values in the range 0-999 or * if there are no license restrictions. Update the information as desired and press the Update button to save the new information in the package list. Changes will not be permanently saved until you press the Save button. ═══ 6.5. Update Button ═══ Update the information as desired and press the Update button to refresh the new information in the package list. Changes will not be permanently saved until you press the Save button. ═══ 6.6. Delete Button ═══ To delete a license count for a package press the Delete button to refresh the information in the package list. Changes will not be permanently saved until you press the Save button. ═══ 6.7. Save Button ═══ The updated license count information will be saved to the license file when you press the Save button. ═══ 6.8. Cancel Button ═══ Press the Cancel button to leave without making any license file changes. ═══ 7. Vendor Admin Catalog File Editor ═══ Use the Vendor Admin Catalog File Editor dialog to edit a Vendor Server Catalog file. The Catalog file contains a list of package files and descriptions. It is a good idea to group like applications into one package file which is described by a meaningful description such as "Compilers", or "Drawing Applications". Note: It is recommended that Package Files end with the .PKG extension. The Vendor Admin Catalog File Editor dialog has the following controls: o Package File List o Description Field o Save Button o Add Button o Delete Button o Cancel Button o Help Button ═══ 7.1. Package File List ═══ The Package File list shows all the package files on the server. The package files reside in the directory shared by the VENDOR Alias of the specified server. If a package file does not exist, it will be created when you press the Save button. It is suggested that you create a different package file for all similar packages. For example, 123/G, 123R3 and Excel might all be contained in the package file SPREAD.CAT or SPREAD.PKG. To create a new package file, type the name of the new package file in the Package File field, fill in the Description field, and press the Add button. To delete a package file, select it from the list, and press the Delete button. To change a package file description, select the package from the list, fill in the Description field, and press the Add button. ═══ 7.2. Description Field ═══ Enter or update the description of the package file in this entry field. Note: The description should be meaningful and descriptive to users of the type of applications defined in the package file. ═══ 7.3. Save Button ═══ The updated catalog information will be saved to the catalog file when you press the Save button. The catalog file reside in the directory shared by the VENDOR Alias of the specified server. ═══ 7.4. Add Button ═══ Press the Add button to add the package file information to the Package File listbox. Changes will not be permanently saved until you press the Save button. ═══ 7.5. Delete Button ═══ Press the Delete button to delete the selected package file from the Package File list. Changes will not be permanently saved until you press the Save button. ═══ 7.6. Cancel Button ═══ Press the Cancel button to leave without making catalog file changes. ═══ 8. Vendor Admin Package File Editor ═══ Use the Vendor Admin Package File Editor dialog to edit a Vendor Server Package file. A package file contains a list of applications along with all the required information for each application. It is a good idea to group like applications into one package file which is described by a meaningful description such as "Compilers", or "Drawing Applications". The Vendor Admin Package File Editor dialog has the following controls: o Package File Field o Package Name List o Name Field o Desc (Description) Field o Vendor Field o Path Field o Server Field o Access Field o Cost Field o Version Field o Date Field o Bill Field o Install Program Field o Install Program Window Type o Install 2.0 Setup Button o Reboot After Install Required Check Box o Run Program Field o Run Program Window Type o Run Program 2.0 Setup Button o Drive Dependency Radio Buttons o Operating environment Radio Buttons o Save Button o Add/Change Button o Delete Button o Cancel Button o Help Button ═══ 8.1. Package Name List ═══ This list box contains all the currently defined packages in the given package file. To add a new package, enter its name in the entry field, fill in all the necessary information, and press the Add button. To change information about a currently defined package, select the package from the list, change the necessary information, and press the Change button. To delete a package, select the package from the list, and press the Delete button. Note: The short package name is used as a convenience to both users and the VENDOR program. For each package, a directory of the same name will be created in the directory shared by the VENDOR Alias on the specified server. This directory will be the repository of the license, information, and optional warning file for this package. ═══ 8.2. Package File Field ═══ The name of the package file currently being edited. If desired, you may change this name before pressing the Save button to make a backup copy or a new version of a package file without overwriting the original. ═══ 8.3. Name Field ═══ The full, descriptive name of the package. This should include the application title as specified by the vendor whenever applicable. ═══ 8.4. Desc Field ═══ A short description of the package. Examples: o C Compiler o PM Word Processor o Drawing and CAD Application ═══ 8.5. Vendor Field ═══ The name of the vendor which supplies the package. ═══ 8.6. Path Field ═══ The drive and path on the Vendor Server in which the actual package has been installed. This directory will be shared by the Vendor Server whenever the VENDOR program requests use of the package. Note: See the Server field for a description of the server which will share the path specified. ═══ 8.7. Server Field ═══ The name of the server on which the package is installed. The server specified may be any server which the Vendor Server has administrative privileges on. Usually, however, it will be the Vendor Server itself. If this is the case, you may use the name of the Vendor Server, or * interchangeably. Note: .See the Path field for a description of the path on the Server in which the package is installed. ═══ 8.8. Access Field ═══ The access permissions to use when creating the alias. Possible permissions: R - Read access. W - Write access. C - Create access. X - Execute access. D - Delete access. A - Alter access. P - Permissions access. * - All of above. Note: Usually, all that is required (and desired) for a given application is RX permissions. It is generally undesirable to give users write, delete, alter, or permissions access, since it is then possible for them to make the package unusable, or delete it altogether. ═══ 8.9. Cost Field ═══ The cost of the package to the user. When defining a new package, this field is set to a default amount which represents a cost of nothing. In the USA this would be $0.00. This field can contain any string up to 9 characters. However, if the package is to be considered free this field must be exactly equal to the default amount which represents a cost of nothing. ═══ 8.10. Bill Field ═══ The billing category for this package. This may be any number or string which may be processed by some sort of billing software. As a sample, the billing numbers might be: are: 0 - Free, non-tracked uses 1 - Free, tracked uses 2 - Pay first use 3 - Pay each use 4 - Execute TOOLS register command 5 - Pay and execute TOOLS register command Note: The actual billing of vendor software is not addressed by VENDOR. It will be up to the LAN administrators to make sure the daily usage statistics are processed, and that software is billed for as needed. ═══ 8.11. Version Field ═══ The version number of the package. ═══ 8.12. Date Field ═══ The date the package was installed or upgraded on the Vendor Server. ═══ 8.13. Install Program Field ═══ The installation program for the package. The executable or command file specified must reside in the directory indicated by the Path field. If this field contains None then there is no installation program for the package. Some applications do not contain any type of install program while other applications do. However, it is often required that some installation tasks be performed before the user may use a specific application through VENDOR. These tasks often include: o Creation of local directories. o Installation of local components. o Configuration of local profiles. o Configuration of application defaults. o Modification of users CONFIG.SYS; which might include the addition of a remote directory to the LIBPATH statement, etc. o etc. Note: See the IBM NetDoor/2 Programming Guide for additional information on writing program installation files. The Vendor installation diskette contains several samples that can assist in writing Package Installation REXX programs. The samples are provided in A:\FRNTENDS ═══ 8.14. Install Program's Window Type List ═══ The type of OS/2 session the Install program should run in. The selections in the drop down list have the following meanings: Default Allow OS/2 on the user's machine decide what type of session to use. FS Run in a Full Screen OS/2 or DOS session. Win Run in a Windowed OS/2 or DOS session. PM Run in Presentation Manager session. FS/Win Use either a Full Screen or Windowed OS/2 or Dos session, allow the user to choose which. Note: Selecting the wrong session can cause VENDOR to hang when running the program. ═══ 8.15. Install 2.0 Setup Button ═══ The 2.0 Setup Button for the Install program, allows you to specify 2.0 Setup data to use when running the install program on the user's machine. See the OS/2 2.0 Setup Data dialog for more info. ═══ 8.16. Reboot After Install Required Check Box ═══ The Reboot After Install Required check box is used to specify whether the user should reboot their machine after installing the package. If the check box is checked, the user will get a message box stating that the machine should be rebooted after installing the pacakge. ═══ 8.17. Run Program Field ═══ The program or command file to be run when executing the package. If this field contains None then there is no program for the package. For many packages, this will be an executable provided by the vendor as part of the application. However, for many various reasons, it may be desired that you front-end the regular executable with a REXX exec. This exec is often needed for the following reasons: o Certain command parameters are required by the application to be run. o Other remote resources are required for the application to run and said resources must be NET USEd. o A local directory must be the current directory or the correct directory when running a package is the root directory of the drive assigned for the package access. o Environment variables must be set. This may include modifications to the current PATH and/or DPATH, etc. o Files may need to be copied locally. o Output devices may need initialization. o etc. Note: Many packages may run from with the root directory of the remote drive as the current directory (this is the default). It may be required that you place the packages DLLs in this directory and ensure that the current directory entry, . is in the LIBPATH statement of the users CONFIG.SYS. Note: See the IBM NetDoor/2 Programming Guide for additional information on writing program execution files. The Vendor installation diskette contains several samples that can assist in writing package run REXX programs. The samples are provided in A:\FRNTENDS ═══ 8.18. Run Program's Window Type List ═══ The type of OS/2 session the Run program should run in. The selections in the drop down list have the following meanings: Default Allow OS/2 on the user's machine decide what type of session to use. FS Run in a Full Screen OS/2 or DOS session. Win Run in a Windowed OS/2 or DOS session. PM Run in Presentation Manager session. FS/Win Use either a Full Screen or Windowed OS/2 or Dos session, allow the user to choose which. Note: Selecting the wrong session can cause VENDOR to hang when running the program. ═══ 8.19. Run Program 2.0 Setup Button ═══ The 2.0 Setup Button for the Run program, allows you to specify 2.0 Setup data to use when running the package on the user's machine. See the OS/2 2.0 Setup Data dialog for more info. ═══ 8.20. Drive Dependency Radio Buttons ═══ The drive dependency indicates how sensitive the package is to the drive letter it will be assigned on the users machine. There are three categories: Independent The package can be attached to any free drive on the user's system. Same Drive The user can choose the drive letter during package installation, but the package must always use that drive letter thereafter. Use Drive: The package must use the drive letter specified for all users. Valid drive letters are between C: and Z:. It is advisable to use drive letters below G: to avoid conflicts for users with many devices attached to their workstations. ═══ 8.21. Operating environment Radio Buttons ═══ These radio buttons allow the administrator to define in which type of machine the package that he/she is defining will be used. If both radio buttons are checked this means that the package will run on a OS/2 Win Window. OS/2 The package is an OS/2 operating system package, this mean that it can run in a OS/2 machine. In a OS/2 vendor client will be shown only the packages that have this button checked. Win The package is a Dos Windows package, it can only run in this kind of machine. On a Windows machine will be shown only the packages that have this button checked. ═══ 8.22. Save Button ═══ Pressing the Save button writes all modifications to the package file. ═══ 8.23. Add/Change Button ═══ Pressing the Add button adds the new package description to the package file. Pressing the Change button changes the current package description. The actual text of the button changes, depending on whether the package already exists. Changes will not be permanently saved until you press the Save button. ═══ 8.24. Delete Button ═══ Pressing the Delete button removes the currently selected package from the Package Name list. Changes will not be permanently saved until you press the Save button. ═══ 8.25. Cancel Button ═══ Press the Cancel button to leave without making package file changes. ═══ 9. Vendor Server Installation Panel ═══ Use the Vendor Server Installation Panel dialog to specify what server you would like to be installed as a Vendor Server. The Server list box contains a list of all servers accessible under the current logon domain. You may choose a server from the drop-down list or you may enter your own. You will also have to specify the Drive on the Server in which you would like to install the Vendor Server software. You must also specify the Path to Control File. The Vendor Server Installation Panel contains the following controls: o Server List Box o Drive on Server Field o Path to Control File Field o OK Button o Cancel Button o Help Button ═══ 9.1. Server List ═══ The Server list box contains a list of all servers accessible under the current logon domain. If you are running the installation program from a server then it will be this server that the Vendor Server program will be installed on by default. You may choose a server from the drop-down list or you may enter your own. The workstation that you are running the installation program on must have administrative privileges on the Vendor Server to be installed. ═══ 9.2. Drive on Server Field ═══ Enter the drive letter on the Vendor Server in which to install the Vendor Server software and on which to create the Vendor Resource in the Drive on Server edit field. The workstation that you are running the installation program on must have administrative privileges on the Vendor Server to be installed. ═══ 9.3. Path to Control File Field ═══ Enter the fully-qualified Vendor Control File name in this edit field. The Vendor Server Control File may reside anywhere, but inevitably must be accessible along the DPATH of workstations running the VENDOR.EXE client program. It is the Control File that tells the Vendor Client program which Vendor Server to access and which Catalog file to load. The workstation that you are running the installation program on must have administrative privileges on the Vendor Server to be installed. ═══ 9.4. OK Button ═══ When you press the OK button the Vendor Server software will be installed on the specified drive of the specified server. The workstation that you are running the installation program on must have administrative privileges on the Vendor Server to be installed. ═══ 9.5. Cancel Button ═══ If you press the Cancel button the installation will be aborted. ═══ 10. OS/2 2.0 Setup Data Dialog ═══ The OS/2 2.0 Setup Data dialog box allows you to specify setup data that should be used when running the package or the package installation on the users machine. The list box shows all the current settings for the package. To add a new value, type the setting name and value into the setting and value entry fields respectively, and press the add button. To change a value, select it from the list, edit the value, and press the change button. To delete a setting, select it from the list, and press the delete button. The OS/2 2.0 Setup Data o Setup List Box o Setting Entry Field o Value Entry Field o Add/Change Button o Delete Button o OK Button o Cancel Button o Help Button Following is a list of useful setup values: ┌─────────────┬───────────────┬────────────────────┐ │KEYNAME │VALUE │Description │ ├─────────────┼───────────────┼────────────────────┤ │PARAMETERS │params │Sets the parameters │ │ │ │list, which may │ │ │ │include substitution│ │ │ │characters │ ├─────────────┼───────────────┼────────────────────┤ │STARTUPDIR │pathname │Sets the working │ │ │ │directory │ ├─────────────┼───────────────┼────────────────────┤ │PROGTYPE │FULLSCREEN │Sets the session │ │ │ │type to OS/2 full │ │ │ │screen │ ├─────────────┼───────────────┼────────────────────┤ │ │PM │Sets the session │ │ │ │type to PM │ ├─────────────┼───────────────┼────────────────────┤ │ │SEPARATEWIN │Sets the session │ │ │ │type to WIN-OS2 │ │ │ │window running in a │ │ │ │separate VDM. │ ├─────────────┼───────────────┼────────────────────┤ │ │VDM │Sets the session │ │ │ │type to DOS full │ │ │ │screen │ ├─────────────┼───────────────┼────────────────────┤ │ │WIN │Sets the session │ │ │ │type to WIN-OS2 full│ │ │ │screen │ ├─────────────┼───────────────┼────────────────────┤ │ │WINDOWABLEVIO │Sets the session │ │ │ │type to OS/2 │ │ │ │windowed │ ├─────────────┼───────────────┼────────────────────┤ │ │WINDOWEDVDM │Sets the session │ │ │ │type to DOS windowed│ ├─────────────┼───────────────┼────────────────────┤ │ │WINDOWEDWIN │Sets the session │ │ │ │type to WIN-OS2 │ │ │ │windowed │ ├─────────────┼───────────────┼────────────────────┤ │MINIMIZED │YES │Start program │ │ │ │minimized │ ├─────────────┼───────────────┼────────────────────┤ │MAXIMIZED │YES │Start program │ │ │ │maximized │ ├─────────────┼───────────────┼────────────────────┤ │NOAUTOCLOSE │YES │Leaves the window │ │ │ │open upon program │ │ │ │termination. │ ├─────────────┼───────────────┼────────────────────┤ │ │NO │Closes the window │ │ │ │when the program │ │ │ │terminates. │ ├─────────────┼───────────────┼────────────────────┤ │ASSOCFILTER │filters │Sets the filename │ │ │ │filter for files │ │ │ │associated to this │ │ │ │program. Multiple │ │ │ │filters are │ │ │ │separated by commas.│ ├─────────────┼───────────────┼────────────────────┤ │ASSOCTYPE │type │Sets the type of │ │ │ │files associated to │ │ │ │this program. │ │ │ │Multiple filters are│ │ │ │separated by commas.│ ├─────────────┼───────────────┼────────────────────┤ │MINWIN │HIDE │Views of this object│ │ │ │will hide when their│ │ │ │minimize button is │ │ │ │selected. │ ├─────────────┼───────────────┼────────────────────┤ │ │VIEWER │Views of this object│ │ │ │will minimize to the│ │ │ │minimized window │ │ │ │viewer when their │ │ │ │minimize button is │ │ │ │selected. │ ├─────────────┼───────────────┼────────────────────┤ │ │DESKTOP │Views of this object│ │ │ │will minimize to the│ │ │ │Desktop when their │ │ │ │minimize button is │ │ │ │selected. │ ├─────────────┼───────────────┼────────────────────┤ │VEWBUTTON │HIDE │Views of this object│ │ │ │will have a hide │ │ │ │button as opposed to│ │ │ │a minimize button. │ ├─────────────┼───────────────┼────────────────────┤ │ │MINIMIZE │Views of this object│ │ │ │will have a minimize│ │ │ │button as opposed to│ │ │ │a hide button. │ └─────────────┴───────────────┴────────────────────┘ DOS Settings To change these values you use SET keyname= Example: SET DOS_FILES=45;SET DOS_HIGH=1 Also for some use values of 1 for ON, 0 for off Example: SET COM_HOLD=1; (on, default is off) List of DOS Setting fields COM_HOLD DOS_BACKGROUND_EXECUTION DOS_BREAK DOS_DEVICE DOS_FCBS DOS_FCBS_KEEP DOS_FILES DOS_HIGH DOS_LASTDRIVE DOS_RMSIZE DOS_SHELL DOS_STARTUP_DRIVE DOS_UMB DOS_VERSION DPMI_DOS_API DPMI_MEMORY_LIMIT DPMI_NETWORK_BUFF_SIZE DPMI_DOS_API EMS_FRAME_LOCATION EMS_HIGH_OS_MAP_REGION EMS_LOW_OS_MAP_REGION EMS_MEMORY_LIMIT HW_NOSOUND HW_ROM_TO_RAM HW_TIMER IDLE_SECONDS IDLE_SENSITIVITY KBD_ALTHOME_BYPASS KBD_BUFFER_EXTEND KBD_RATE_LOCK MEM_INCLUDE_REGIONS MEM_EXCLUDE_REGIONS MOUSE_EXCLUSIVE_ACCESS PRINT_TIMEOUT VIDEO_FASTPASTE VIDEO_MODE_RESTRICTION VIDEO_ONDEMAND_MEMORY VIDEO_RETRACE_EMULATION VIDEO_ROM_EMULATION VIDEO_SWITCH_NOTIFICATION VIDEO_WINDOW_REFRESH VIDEO_8514A_XGA_IOTRAP XMS_HANDLES XMS_MEMORY_LIMIT XMS_MINIMUM_HMA ═══ 10.1. Setup List ═══ The Setup List Box contains a list of all the current settings. Selecting a setting from the list, will enter the setting name in the Setting Entry Field and the value in the Value Entry Field ═══ 10.2. Setting Entry Field ═══ To change or add a new setting, you need to enter the setting name into the Setting Entry Field and the value into the Value Entry Field and press the Add/Change button. ═══ 10.3. Value Entry Field ═══ To change or add a new setting, you need to entry the setting name into the Setting Entry Field and the value into the Value Entry Field and press the Add/Change button. ═══ 10.4. Add/Change Button ═══ The Add/Change button allows you to add or change a setting value in the Setup List Box The text of the button changes depending on what appears in the Setting Entry Field If the Setting Entry Field contains a setting name for a value that is not in the list, the button will say Add. If the Setting Entry Field contains a setting name already in the list, the button will say Change. Pressing the Add button will add the setting name, and value specified in the Setting Entry Field and Value Entry Field into the Setup List Box Pressing the Change button will change the value of the setting in the Setup List Box to the value specified in the Value Entry Field ═══ 10.5. Delete Button ═══ The Delete button allows you to delete the setting specified in the Setting Entry Field from the Setup List Box ═══ 10.6. OK Button ═══ Pressing the OK button will accept the settings for the selected package. The settings won't be saved permanently until you press the Save button in the Package File Editor ═══ 10.7. Cancel Button ═══ Pressing the Cancel button will discard any changes you made to the settings for the package. ═══ 11. Vendor Admin Install Servers Dialog ═══ The Vendor Admin Install Servers dialog appears when you make changes to the server definitions in the Vendor Servers dialog. It allows you to install or reinstall one or more of the vendor servers if necessary. To install one or more servers, select the servers you wish to install from the Server List and press the Install button. The Vendor Admin Install Servers dialog has the following controls: o Server List o Install Button o Don't Install Button o Help Button ═══ 11.1. Server List ═══ The Server List shows all the servers that are currently defined. To install any of the servers, select them from the list, and press the Install button. ═══ 11.2. Install Button ═══ Press the Install button to install the selected servers. The installation involves the following: o Directory structure required on server will be created. o Vendor Server programs will be copied to server. o VENDOR alias will be created and shared. Note: You will have to manually start the Vendor Server program, VNDSRVR, on each Vendor Server, if needed. ═══ 11.3. Don't Install Button ═══ Press the Don't Install button if you don't want to install or reinstall any of the servers. ═══ 12. Vendor InterProcess Communications Method Dialog ═══ The Vendor InterProcess Communications Method dialog allows you to select the communications method the VNDADMIN program will use to install and manage the Vendor Server program, VNDSRVR, on each Vendor Server. Once you have chosen a method, the VNDADMIN program will save this information for future instances of the program. This dialog can also be used to change the IPC method dynamically. Choose one of the radio buttons to select the communications method to use for the current Vendor installation and management session. o NETBIOS o TCP/IP The Vendor InterProcess Communications Method dialog has the following controls: o OK Button o Cancel Button o Help Button ═══ 12.1. OK Button ═══ The communications method will be stored when the Save button is pressed. ═══ 12.2. Cancel Button ═══ Press the Cancel button to leave without making changes to the interprocess communications method. ═══ 12.3. NETBIOS InterProcess Communications ═══ The NETBIOS protocol can be selected as the message communication that the VNDSRVR, Vendor Server, and the VENDOR, Vendor Client, use to exchange license and package information. ═══ 12.4. TCP/IP InterProcess Communications ═══ The TCP/IP protocol can be selected as the message communication that the VNDSRVR, Vendor Server, and the VENDOR, Vendor Client, use to exchange license and package information.