═══ 1. Extended help for "Open Image" ═══ This dialog is where the name of the file to open is specified. There are four areas of interest on this dialog: o Format area o Files area o Directories area o Pushbutton area The "format area" is where you select the format of the file you wish to load. If you want the Image Toolkit to determine the format for you, select "(Determine the file format)". The "files area" is where you see the files in the current directory. Double-clicking on a file in this list is the same as selecting the file and then selecting the "Open" pushbutton. The "directories area" is where you see both the subdirectories beneath the current directory and the available drives from which to choose. Double-clicking on a file in this list is the same as selecting the directory and then selecting the "Open" pushbutton. The "pushbutton area" contains the pushbuttons corresponding to the available actions that can be performed on this dialog. "Open" will either opens the currently selected or entered file, refreshes the file list with the specified filename mask, or changes to the specified directory. The order of precedence is as follows: if a filename has been entered or selected and does not contain any "wildcard" characters, this will attempt to open the file and load the image contained therein; if the filename does contain any "wildcard" characters, this will refresh the file list using the specified filename mask; else, this will change the current directory to the one entered or specified. If nothing is entered and nothing is selected, it is taken as though "*.*" were entered in the filename area. "Properties" will display the format-specific properties dialog, allowing you to specify any format-specific options to be used upon loading. It is the decision of the format handler to use the specified options or not. "Cancel" will return you to the previous window with no action taken. "Help" will display this panel. ═══ 2. Extended help for "Save Image" ═══ This dialog is where the name of the file to save is specified. There are four areas of interest on this dialog: o Format area o Files area o Directories area o Pushbutton area The "format area" is where you select the format of the file you wish to save. The "files area" is where you see the files in the current directory. Double-clicking on a file in this list is the same as selecting the file and then selecting the "Save" pushbutton. The "directories area" is where you see both the subdirectories beneath the current directory and the available drives from which to choose. Double-clicking on a file in this list is the same as selecting the directory and then selecting the "Save" pushbutton. The "pushbutton area" contains the pushbuttons corresponding to the available actions that can be performed on this dialog. "Save" will either saves the currently selected or entered file, refreshes the file list with the specified filename mask, or changes to the specified directory. The order of precedence is as follows: if a filename has been entered or selected and does not contain any "wildcard" characters, this will attempt to save the image with the specified filename; if the filename does contain any "wildcard" characters, this will refresh the file list using the specified filename mask; else, this will change the current directory to the one entered or specified. If nothing is entered and nothing is selected, it is taken as though "*.*" were entered in the filename area. "Properties" will display the format-specific properties dialog, allowing you to specify any format-specific options to be used upon saving. It is the decision of the format handler to use the specified options or not. "Cancel" will return you to the previous window with no action taken. "Help" will display this panel. ═══ 3. Extended help for "Print Image" ═══ This dialog is where you specify the printer and the printing options to be used. There are five areas of interest on this dialog: o Printer list o Alignment area o Options area o Printer page o Pushbutton area The "printer list" is where the currently installed printers are listed, with the default printer selected when the dialog is initially displayed. The "alignment area" is where you can "snap" the image to a particular side or the center in both the horizontal and the vertical directions. The "options area" is where you can select any additional options to apply to the print job. Print to file By checking this checkbox, you can enter a file name to which the printer output will be spooled. To obtain a hardcopy from this file, you simply need to copy the file to the printer. The "printer page" is a depiction of the printable area for the printer you have selected. Here you can manipulate the image by using mouse button 1. When the pointer is in the middle of the image, depressing the button will allow you to change the position on the printer page, while depressing the button when the pointer is positioned on one of the image edges allows you to change the size of the image in the direction corresponding to the edge the pointer is on. Selecting a new printer in the printer list automatically resizes the printer page. The "pushbutton area" contains the pushbuttons corresponding to the available actions that can be performed on this dialog. "Print" will attempt to print the image using the options specified on this dialog on the selected printer. "Properties" will display the printer-specific job properties dialog allowing you to specify any printer-specific options to be used when printing. "Cancel" will return you to the previous window with no action taken. "Help" will display this panel. ═══ 4. Extended Help for "Magnify" ═══ The main window is where all actions are performed. There are three areas of interest (annotated in the picture above): o The action bar o The display area o The miniature view The action bar is where all of the actions are selected from. By moving the cursor to an item and pressing F1, you can get help for that menuitem. The display area is where the magnification is displayed. It is this area that is manipulated by subsequently selecting any of the appropriate menuitems. Actions such as saving and printing can be performed. (The miniature view is not used at this moment) The miniature view is used for drag-n-drop purposes. When used with applications that support the private format used by Magnify, you can copy the contents of the display area to other appplications without going through the clipboard. The advantage of doing this is that you don't lose what is currently in the clipboard. ═══ 5. Extended Help for "Set lens size" ═══ This dialog is used to change the current lens size. The lens is considered to be the area underneath the mouse pointer when magnification is in progress. It is a square with each side of the length specified on this panel. Move the scrollbar until the desired side-length is displayed next to the scrollbar, then press "OK" to apply this to the display area. If magnification was in progress when the menuitem was selected, it is paused while this dialog is displayed. ═══ 6. Extended Help for "Set refresh" ═══ This dialog is used to change the automatic refresh settings. The automatic refresh is used when you wish to observe something and do not wish to keep moving the mouse (which is, by default, the only time the display is refreshed). By unchecking the "Disable refresh" checkbox, you can enter a value (in milliseconds) that will be used as the period between refreshes. This must be between 1 and 1000 (inclusive). Checking the checkbox disables the automatic refresh. If magnification was in progress when the menuitem was selected, it is paused while this dialog is displayed. ═══ 7. Keys Help for "Magnify" ═══ The following keys can be used as short cuts for commonly-performed actions: Shift+PrintScrn Toggles starting and stopping of magnification. See also "Start magnification". F3 Exits Magnify Ctrl+Insert Copies the display area to the clipboard. See also "Copy to clipboard". Ctrl+S Saves the display area to disk. See also "Save display area". Ctrl+P Prints the display area to a specified printer. See also "Print display area...". The Shift+PrintScrn short cut can be used at anytime while Magnify is running, while the others will work only when Magnify is the active window. ═══ 8. Help for menu "Magnify" ═══ This pulldown menu contains actions dealing with magnification. ═══ 9. Help for menuitem "Start magnification" ═══ Selecting this menuitem will begin magnification. While active, the area under the mouse is magnified and displayed inside of the Magnify window. However, magnification is fully transparent, meaning the mouse retains its function and can be used as you normally would. The size of the area that is magnified can be changed. See also "Set lens size...". The Magnify window is, by default, refreshed whenever the mouse is moved, but an automatic refresh can be enabled. See also "Set refresh...". ═══ 10. Help for menuitem "Stop magnification" ═══ Selecting this menuitem will stop magnification. ═══ 11. Help for menuitem "Exit" ═══ Selecting this menuitem will exit Magnify. ═══ 12. Help for menu "Display" ═══ This pulldown contains actions dealing with the display area. ═══ 13. Help for menuitem "Copy to clipboard" ═══ Selecting this menuitem copies the display area to the clipboard as a bitmap. The size of the bitmap copied varies according to the size of the display area, not the size of the lens. ═══ 14. Help for menuitem "Save display area" ═══ Selecting this menuitem saves the display area to disk with the last file name entered. If no file name is currently associated with the display, this behaves like "Save display area as...". ═══ 15. Help for menuitem "Save display area as..." ═══ Selecting this menuitem displays a dialog allowing you to specify a file name and file format to save the display area as. ═══ 16. Help for menuitem "Print display area..." ═══ Selecting this menuitem displays a dialog allowing you to print the display area on any local printer queue. Additionally, you can change the destination size and position on the printer page. For LAN printers, the following conditions must be met: There must be defined a local queue associated with a local printer definition. The printer definition must use the same printer driver that is used on the server for the printer in question. The port number (e.g. LPT1, LPT2, etc.) specified in the queue must match that which is used on the "NET USE" command. When PM sees an application spooling a print job to the local queue, it determines that this is to be printed on a LAN printer by the matching port numbers, so it sends the print job over the LAN to the server automatically. ═══ 17. Help for menu "Options" ═══ This pulldown contains actions dealing with the application options. ═══ 18. Help for menuitem "Set lens size..." ═══ Selecting this menuitem displays a dialog allowing you to change the size of the lens when magnifying. Setting it to 32 pels, for example, would magnify the area starting from the point 16 pels to the left and below the mouse pointer to the point 16 pels to the right and above the mouse pointer. ═══ 19. Help for menuitem "Set refresh..." ═══ Selecting this menuitem displays a dialog allowing you to enable or disable the automatic refresh and set the refresh timeout value. ═══ 20. Help for menuitem "Save options" ═══ Selecting this saves the current application options to OS2.INI. ═══ 21. Help for menu "Help" ═══ This pulldown contains actions dealing with online help. ═══ 22. Help for menuitem "Help for help..." ═══ Selecting this menuitem displays help for using the OS/2 Help Manager. ═══ 23. Help for menuitem "Extended help..." ═══ Selecting this menuitem displays extended help for the main window. ═══ 24. Help for menuitem "Keys help..." ═══ Selecting this menuitem displays help for the active keys and their associated actions. ═══ 25. Help for menuitem "Help index..." ═══ Selecting this menuitem displays the help index. ═══ 26. Help for menuitem "About..." ═══ Selecting this menuitem displays the "About" box. ═══ 26.1. Field help ═══ Selecting this will change the lens size to the value indicated. ═══ 26.2. Field help ═══ Enter the value (in milliseconds) that will be used as the time between automatic refreshes of the display area. This value must be between 1 and 1000 (inclusive). ═══ 26.3. Field help ═══ Selecting this will disable automatic refreshing of the display area. ═══ 26.4. Field help ═══ Selecting this will change the automatic refresh facility according to the values entered on the dialog. ═══ 26.5. Field help ═══ Selecting this will return you to the previous dialog or window without taking any action. ═══ 26.6. Field help ═══ Selecting this will display extended help for the current dialog.