═══ 1. Help for TEXTorPS Help ═══ Use these choices to find out how to use help, to get extended help, to go to a list of keys, or to go to the help index. Help for help Provides detailed information on the kinds of help available and how to use help. Extended help Displays general help. Keys help Displays a list of keys. Help index Displays the help index. ═══ 2. Help for Help ═══ Use this choice to obtain information on how to use the Help facility. ═══ 3. Help for Extended Help ═══ Use this choice to obtain general information on the tasks you can perform while you are viewing a help window. ═══ 4. Help for Help Index ═══ Use this choice to display the help index. The help index lists the titles of the help information that is available. ═══ 5. Help for Keys ═══ Use this choice to see a list of keys and a description of the function of the keys. ═══ 6. Extended Help for TEXTorPS ═══ (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1992 TEXTorPS is an application program that can enhance the usability of the OS/2 PostScript Drivers by permitting the user to leave the printer in PostScript mode and still print text sent to the printer spooler by applications which are not PostScript aware. When TEXTorPS is running, PostScript printer jobs are undisturbed, but other text files are modified by the insertion of a PostScript program to interpret the job as ASCII text. The user may specify the font, typesize, line spacing, margins, orientation, page numbers and strings on each page. The ASCII text mode which is supported is not the full PPDS datastream mode, and does not support graphics, control characters other than CR/LF and FF, or the block graphics characters. The National Language Characters of codepage 850 are available as an option. Starting TEXTorPS TEXTorPS uses a character device monitor on any LPTn port device monitor chain and can optionally redirect the output to another printer driver, such as a serial attached PostScript printer or LAN printer. Normally you want to install TEXTorPS for a local printer using the command TEXTORPS lpt1 Alternative installation if problems are observed First, open the settings notebook of your printer icon to the output page, and right mouse button click on the port icon above LPT1 (or the port you are using), select "open settings" and then spin the timeout from 45 seconds to about 600 seconds. Then close the printer icon, and right mouse button click on it, select create another, and install the same printer driver for LPT2, also using the PostScript Driver, as a second printer icon on your desktop. Some drivers will insert printer specific mode selection strings in front of the actual PostScript job, causing Textorps to fail to recognize the job as PostScript and attempt to print it as text. To avoid this problem, setup the LPT2 printer object to use the "Generic PostScript" driver, following this two printer icon technique. This may be necessary with some HP 4M drivers, for example. Set this second printer to be the default printer. Now you will start textorps using the command TEXTORPS lpt2 lpt1 and copy files to lpt2 in order to print them. This technique may be required if false "printer is offline or out of paper" messages are received from the output port. Try just adjusting the output port timeout value first as described above; if that still fails, use the two printer icon method just described. The length of time of display of the program logo with the copyright notice is determined by the System Logo setting on the Logo page of System settings in the Setup icon in the OS/2 System Folder. If you want to install TEXTorPS for a printer on a LAN, you must also define a printer using the PostScript Driver set up for an unused LPTn port. For example, suppose you have issued the command NET USE LPT3 \\server\queue to redirect LPT3 to the LAN. You have also set up a printer (by dragging from the Printer template) for LPT2 (which will not have a physical printer or Port). Make LPT2 the default printer on your system. In this case, the command is TEXTORPS lpt2 lpt3 Output of either text or PostScript may be sent to LPT2. Valid PostScript will be forwarded to LPT3. Files dragged to the Print Manager may be indicated as "printer specific" to obtain the TEXTorPS formatting. Selecting "plain text" will result in the system Courier formatting and will continue to work with TEXTorPS installed. More Information For more help, view the following topics by double clicking the highlighted word: o key assignments o Menu Help (Options) For help about any control on any window, select the control and press F1. Use the tab key to move to controls without activating them. Installing Textorps In addition to copying Textorps to a directory on the path, or installing it on the desktop, you may want to consider automatic startup by shadowing TextorPS to the startup folder. To be able to use the online help information, be sure to place set help = d:\path in config.sys, where path contains the directory in which TEXTORPS.HLP is installed. Press Esc to Close Help Window ═══ 7. Options ═══ The following windows or actions are on the Options Submenu. Click on one for more help. o Margins... o Font... o Pagination... o Other Options... o Save Defaults o Restore Defaults o Exit Press Esc to Close Help Window ═══ 7.1. Margins Window Options ═══ o Paper Size o Edge Margins o Orientation o Folio Mode o 1 Page / Print o 2 Page / Print o 4 Page / Print o Outline pages if 2UP/4UP o OK o Cancel Press Esc to Close Help Window ═══ 7.1.1. Paper Size ═══ Use this List Box to inform the program of the paper size in your printer. Be sure to also set the appropriate paper size on your printer front panel; TEXTorPS does not force the correct size at present for maximum compatibility with printers. You may specify the 7.25x10.5 inch executive size, the 8.5x11 inch, or 8.5x14 inch sizes, or the 182x257 mm or 210x297 mm sizes, or select the A4, A5, B5, letter, or legal size names. It is no longer necessary to specify margins in the same units as the paper size. This option is on the Margins window. Press Esc to Close Help Window ═══ 7.1.2. Edge Margins ═══ Specify the Top, Left, Right and Bottom distances between the printed body text and the paper edges. If landscape orientation is specified, the top margin is the margin above the printed text body along a long edge of the paper. Any page numbers or page label strings are printed outside the body of the text in the margin area. This option is on the Margins window. Press Esc to Close Help Window ═══ 7.1.3. Landscape Orientation ═══ Select this option to rotate printing by 90 degrees. In landscape mode on 8.5 by 11 paper with half inch margins, for example, the lines are 10 inches long and there are fewer lines than in portrait mode (the default, non-landscape mode). This option is on the Margins window. Press Esc to Close Help Window ═══ 7.1.4. Folio Mode ═══ Select this option if the ultimate document will be copied to both sides of each sheet and you wish the margins to be reflected for even numbered pages. For example, to permit binding, you might want large left margins on odd numbered pages. If left margin = 2 inches and right margin = 0.5 inches, and Folio mode is selected, the left margin for even numbered pages will be 0.5 inches and the right margin for those pages will be 2.0 inches. At the same time, text specified for the Top Right corner will be placed in the Top Left corner for even numbered pages, so that it is at the outside edge for all pages. This option is on the Margins window. Press Esc to Close Help Window ═══ 7.1.5. 1 Page/ Print Option ═══ Select this option for the normal printing of one page on each sheet of paper, as contrasted with 2 Pages / Print or 4 Pages / Print These other options allow compressed printing of more than one page per sheet while keeping the page breaks at the normal places. This option is on the Margins window. Press Esc to Close Help Window ═══ 7.1.6. 2 Page/ Print Option ═══ Select this option for the compressed printing of two pages on each sheet of paper, as contrasted with 1 Page / Print (which is normal size output) or 4 Pages / Print. These options allow compressed printing of more than one page per sheet while keeping the page breaks at the normal places. This option is also called "2 UP" printing, and can be used for draft printing or more efficient use of paper. You may want to consider changing the Font Size with 2 UP printing, because the page images are reduced so two fit on a rotated sheet. This option is on the Margins window. Press Esc to Close Help Window ═══ 7.1.7. 4 Page/Print Option ═══ Select this option for the compressed printing of four pages on each sheet of paper, as contrasted with 1 Page / Print (which is normal size output) or 2 Pages / Print. These options allow compressed printing of more than one page per sheet while keeping the page breaks at the normal places. This option is also called "4 UP" printing, and can be used for draft printing or more efficient use of paper. You may want to consider changing the Font Size with 4 UP printing, because the page images are reduced so four fit on a sheet. This option is on the Margins window. Press Esc to Close Help Window ═══ 7.1.8. Outline pages if 2UP/4UP ═══ Deselect this option to eliminate the gray outlines of pages when two or four pages are printed on each sheet of paper. This option has no effect unless either 2 Pages / Print. or 4 Pages / Print. is also selected. This option is on the Margins window. Press Esc to Close Help Window ═══ 7.1.9. OK ═══ Select OK (or press enter with OK selected) to accept the changes you have made and close the window. To save the changes permanently, select Save Defaults from the Options menu. Press Esc to Close Help Window ═══ 7.1.10. Cancel ═══ Select cancel to abandon the changes you have made and close the window. Press Esc to Close Help Window ═══ 7.2. Font Window Options ═══ o Standard Fonts - Courier (The only NON PROPORTIONAL font) - Helvetica - Helvetica Narrow - Times Roman - Symbol (Not normally appropriate) o PostScript Plus Fonts - Helvetica Light - Helvetica Black - ITC Avant Garde Gothic - ITC Bookman - ITC Zapf Chancery - ITC Zapf Dingbats (not normally appropriate) - New Century Schoolbook - Palatino o Size o Lead or line spacing o Oblique/Italic o User Specified Font o OK o Cancel Press Esc to Close Help Window ═══ 7.2.1. Standard Fonts ═══ Select one of these fonts for printing if you have a normal PostScript printer such as a 4019 without a font card. o Courier (The only NON PROPORTIONAL font) o Helvetica o Helvetica Narrow o Times Roman o Symbol (Not normally appropriate) You may also select the fontsize and select either or both of the Oblique/Italic or Bold attributes. If your printer has a font not listed here, you may specify it in the user specified fontname box and select that option. The spelling must be exactly that known to the printer. This option is on the Font window. Press Esc to Close Help Window ═══ 7.2.2. PostScript Plus Fonts ═══ Select one of these fonts for printing if you have an Enhanced PostScript printer such as a 4019 with a PostScript font card. o Helvetica Light o Helvetica Black o ITC Avant Garde Gothic o ITC Bookman o ITC Zapf Chancery o ITC Zapf Dingbats (not normally appropriate) o New Century Schoolbook o Palatino You may also select the fontsize and select either or both of the Oblique/Italic or Bold attributes. If your printer has a font not listed here, you may specify it in the user specified fontname box and select that option. The spelling must be exactly that known to the printer. This option is on the Font window. Press Esc to Close Help Window ═══ 7.2.3. Font Size ═══ Use this control to select the size of the printed characters. The indicated size is approximately the nominal character height in pts, which are about 72 pts per inch. (72pts/25.4mm) Also specify the lead size, which is the distance in pts from the bottom of the first line to the top of the second line. The sum of the font size and lead size is the line pitch in pts. The lines per inch are 72 divided by the line pitch in pts. For 6 lines per inch, 10 pt font size and 2 pt lead can be used, or 11 pt font and 1 pt lead. Earlier versions of TEXTorPS fixed the lead at 20 per cent of the font size. This option is on the Font window. Press Esc to Close Help Window ═══ 7.2.4. Lead Size ═══ Use this control to select the distance in pts from the bottom of the first line to the top of the second line. There are about 72 pts per inch. (72pts/25.4mm) Also specify the font size, which is the size of the printed characters. The sum of the font size and lead size is the line pitch in pts. The lines per inch are 72 divided by the line pitch in pts. For 6 lines per inch, 10 pt font size and 2 pt lead can be used, or 11 pt font and 1 pt lead. Earlier versions of TEXTorPS fixed the lead at 20 per cent of the font size. This option is on the Font window. Press Esc to Close Help Window ═══ 7.2.5. Oblique/Italic Bold Options ═══ Use these controls to modify the style of the printed characters. There may be no effect on certain fonts which are not provided in all forms. This option is on the Font window. Press Esc to Close Help Window ═══ 7.2.6. User Specified Font ═══ If your printer has a font not listed, you may specify it here. The spelling must be exactly that known to the printer. Enter the name in the Edit Box and select the circle to its left. This option is on the Font window. Press Esc to Close Help Window ═══ 7.3. Pagination Window Options ═══ o String 1 o String 2 o Line numbers o Page Numbers o Typesize in margins o TL (Top Left) Text o TC (Top Center) Text o TR (Top Right) Text o BL (Bottom Left) Text o BC (Bottom Center) Text o BR (Bottom Right) Text o OK o Cancel Press Esc to Close Help Window ═══ 7.3.1. String 1 ═══ Use this edit box to define a string to be placed on each page of every printed job. Select where on the paper to place it by selecting S1 in one of the four locations o TL (Top Left) Text o TC (top center) o TR (top right) o BL (Bottom Left) Text o BC (bottom center) o BR (bottom right) This option is on the Pagination window. Press Esc to Close Help Window ═══ 7.3.2. String 2 ═══ Use this edit box to define another string to be placed on each page of every printed job. Select where on the paper to place it by selecting S2 in one of the four locations o TL (Top Left) Text o TC (top center) o TR (top right) o BL (Bottom Left) Text o BC (bottom center) o BR (bottom right) This option is on the Pagination window. Press Esc to Close Help Window ═══ 7.3.3. Number lines in left margin ═══ Check this option to cause source text line numbers to be printed in the left margin of each printed line. This is useful for drafts or program listings. The numbers are printed in the typesize selected below the option. This option is on the Pagination window. Press Esc to Close Help Window ═══ 7.3.4. Page Number ═══ You may number each page of every printed job. Select where on the paper to place the number by selecting N in one of the four locations o TL (Top Left) Text o TC (top center) o TR (top right) o BL (Bottom Left) Text o BC (bottom center) o BR (bottom right) This option is on the Pagination window. Press Esc to Close Help Window ═══ 7.3.5. Top Left ═══ Select one of the following for printing in this location o S1 (First specified String) o S2 (Second specified String) o Page Number o Nothing (blank) o Job (Jobname if available. It is only available if the print command is used or a file is dragged to the printer object or if an application program generates a jobname.) o Date (Format indicated by Country Information is used.) This option is on the Pagination window. Press Esc to Close Help Window ═══ 7.3.6. Top Center ═══ Select one of the following for printing in this location o S1 (First specified String) o S2 (Second specified String) o Page Number o Nothing (blank) o Job (Jobname if available. It is only available if the print command is used or a file is dragged to the printer object or if an application program generates a jobname.) o Date (Format indicated by Country Information is used.) This option is on the Pagination window. Press Esc to Close Help Window ═══ 7.3.7. Top Right ═══ Select one of the following for printing in this location o S1 (First specified String) o S2 (Second specified String) o Page Number o Nothing (blank) o Job (Jobname if available. It is only available if the print command is used or a file is dragged to the printer object or if an application program generates a jobname.) o Date (Format indicated by Country Information is used.) This option is on the Pagination window. Press Esc to Close Help Window ═══ 7.3.8. Bottom Left ═══ Select one of the following for printing in this location o S1 (First specified String) o S2 (Second specified String) o Page Number o Nothing (blank) o Job (Jobname if available. It is only available if the print command is used or a file is dragged to the printer object or if an application program generates a jobname.) o Date (Format indicated by Country Information is used.) This option is on the Pagination window. Press Esc to Close Help Window ═══ 7.3.9. Bottom Center ═══ Select one of the following for printing in this location o S1 (First specified String) o S2 (Second specified String) o Page Number o Nothing (blank) o Job (Jobname if available. It is only available if the print command is used or a file is dragged to the printer object or if an application program generates a jobname.) o Date (Format indicated by Country Information is used.) This option is on the Pagination window. Press Esc to Close Help Window ═══ 7.3.10. Bottom Right ═══ Select one of the following for printing in this location o S1 (First specified String) o S2 (Second specified String) o Page Number o Nothing (blank) o Job (Jobname if available.) o Date (Format indicated by Country Information is used.) This option is on the Pagination window. Press Esc to Close Help Window ═══ 7.3.11. Type Size in Margins ═══ Use this control to select the type size for the page numbers or label strings printed in the margins of each page. The type face is always the same as that used for the text printing. This option is on the Pagination window. Press Esc to Close Help Window ═══ 7.4. Other Options ═══ o Minimize on Startup o Blank Page Suppression o Copy Stream to TEXTORPS.DMP o National Language Characters o Add PS EOF at end of job o OK o Cancel Press Esc to Close Help Window ═══ 7.4.1. Minimize on Startup. ═══ Select this option to cause TEXTorPS to self-minimize on startup in the future. This option is on the Other Options window. Press Esc to Close Help Window ═══ 7.4.2. Supress Blank Pages ═══ Select this option to cause TEXTorPS to supress printing and numbering of any pages which are blank. This option is on the Other Options window. Press Esc to Close Help Window ═══ 7.4.3. Include NLS Characters ═══ Select this option to cause TEXTorPS to generate fonts which contain the accented characters of codepage 850 for European languages. This option increases the font generation time significantly and should be left off if you won't be using those characters. This option is on the Other Options window. Press Esc to Close Help Window ═══ 7.4.4. Copy Stream to TEXTORPS.DMP ═══ Select this option to cause TEXTorPS to generate a file containing the datastream sent to the printer. This option is not compatible with redirected output (LAN). This is for debug and test purposes only. The generated file is TEXTORPS.DMP and is located in the directory in which TEXTorPS is running. This option may not be set as default, it must be turned on after starting the program. The option may be turned off and on to catch selected jobs. The output file may not be viewed until TEXTorPS is closed by choosing the Exit action under Options or pressing F3. This option is on the Other Options window. Press Esc to Close Help Window ═══ 7.4.5. Add PS EOF to end of job ═══ Select this option to cause TEXTorPS to generate a PostScript End Of File character at the end of the job. This option is not compatible with using a separate job to download fonts or set PostScript graphics scaling; it will force a printer logical reset at the end of each job in the printer stream. If this option is selected, jobs already containing an EOF character will have a second one added. This character is useful if certain printable EPS files which fail to reset the printer and fail to contain an EOF character at the end are to be printed sequentially. Try this option if succesive EPS files are increasingly incorrectly scaled or positioned. This option is on the Other Options window. Press Esc to Close Help Window ═══ 7.5. Save Defaults ═══ Select this menu item to save all present selections and entries for use at the next time the program is started. Press Esc to Close Help Window ═══ 7.6. Restore Defaults ═══ Select this menu item to restore all selections and entries to the default values last saved. Press Esc to Close Help Window ═══ 7.7. Exit ═══ Select this menu item or Press F3 to exit the program. It is necessary for the printer to be on and the spooler working for this exit to complete. If you have trouble, try End Task from the task list. That will work for most printer drivers. The normal exit procedure will exit after any job presently being spooled by TEXTorPS is completed. A flush job is sent to permit shutdown with some printer drivers, but will be ignored by PostScript printers. Press Esc to Close Help Window ═══ 8. Help for Keys ═══ The list of keys is arranged in groups. FUNCTION KEYS F1 Context sensitive help, or extended help F2 Extended help F3 Exit program HELP KEYS F1 Get help F2 Get extended help (from within any help window) Alt+F4 End help F9 Go to a list of keys (from within any help window) F11 Go to the help index (from within any help window) Esc Previous Help Panel, or End help if only one panel Alt+F6 Go to/from help and programs Shift+F10 Get help for help SYSTEM KEYS Alt+F6 Switch to the next windowed program Alt+Esc Switch to the next program, including full-screen programs Ctrl+Esc Switch to the Task List WINDOW KEYS F3 Close a window F10 Go to/from the action bar Arrow keys Move among choices End Go to the last choice in a pull-down Esc Cancel a pull-down or the system menu Home Go to the first choice in a pull-down PgUp Scroll the contents of the window up one page PgDn Scroll the contents of the window down one page Underlined letter Move among the choices on the action bar and pull-downs Alt+F10 Go to/from the action bar Alt+F4 or F3 Close the window Alt+F5 Restore the window Alt+F7 Move the window Alt+F8 Size the window Alt+F9 Minimize the window Alt+F10 Maximize the window Shift+Esc or Alt+Spacebar Go to/from the system menu Shift+Esc or Alt Go to/from the system menu of a text window Press Esc to Close Help Window