═══ 1. Help for File ═══ The File dialog allows access calendar databases. The database files are organized as a B-tree database in order to increase the speed in accessing the information. ═══ 2. Help for File Open ═══ The File Open dialog allows one to open alternative database files. The database files consist of two parts: ".CAL" The ".CAL" portion of the database contains the text of the messages. ".IND" The ".IND" portion of the database contains the index of the messages. ═══ 3. Help for File Save ═══ The File Save dialog allows one to save the database to disk. ═══ 4. Help for File About ═══ The File About dialog allows one to view the author of the program. ═══ 5. Help for Delete ═══ The Delete dialog allows one to delete older portions of a calendar database. ═══ 6. Help for Delete ═══ The Delete dialog allows one to delete older portions of a calendar database. The database consists of notes and icons. Icons are associated with a month and a day, but not a year. (i.e., when one deletes a note for any given year, the associated icon will also be deleted.) ═══ 7. Help for Delete All Icon ═══ This dialog allows one to delete all icons in the database. ═══ 8. Help for Search ═══ This dialog allows one to Search the active database. ═══ 9. Help for Find Today ═══ This dialog allows one to go to the current day's daily view. ═══ 10. Help for Find All ═══ This dialog allows one to find all occurences of a keyword in the current database. The results are displayed in a list box. ═══ 11. Help for Preferences ═══ This dialog allows one to change the way PMCAL handles certain operations. ═══ 12. Help for Preferences Configuration ═══ This dialog allows one to change the way PMCAL handles certain operations. Monthly Paint The Monthly Paint options controls whether or not the Monthly View displays icons and count information. When the Monthly Paint option is enabled then when each day is painted, the database is queried to find if there is an icon associated with the day and the total number of entries on the given day. If an icon exists, then the day is painted as an icon, otherwise if entries exist for the day then day is colored depending on the number of entries, (i.e., a day with a lot of events is filled in more than a day with a few events.) otherwise the day is not painted specially. ═══ 13. Help for Icons ═══ This dialog allows one to annotate the monthly view with icons. ═══ 14. Help for Icons Art Gallery ═══ This dialog allows one to annotate the monthly view with icons. The monthly view can display a day as a icon. For example, if one will take a plane trip on Friday, then Friday can be changed into a icon that represents a plane. An example of a icon could be the following: ═══ 15. Help for Load Recurring ═══ This dialog allows one to add an entry to the database that recurs on a weekly basis. That is, if the "RECURRING" menu item is used to add the entry instead of the "ADD" button, then the item is marked as "RECURRING" . The item will appear on every week that matches the given day of the week. For example, if one has a weekly meeting on Wednesday at 1:30p, the proper way to add this item to the database is to fill in the "BEGIN" . and "END" times and the entry information and then click on the "RECURRING" menu item. Recurring items are marked with a special leading character. ═══ 16. Help for Edit ═══ The edit function is used to transfer information from one day to another. ═══ 17. Help for Edit Copy ═══ The "COPY" function places the current entry in the clipboard. ═══ 18. Help for Edit Paste ═══ The "PASTE" function retrieves an entry from the clipboard. This is useful when one wishes to copy event information from one day to another. Note: It is important to note that the "ENTRY" fields that are part of the "PMCAL" daily view also support the "COPY" and "PASTE" . One example where this function is useful is the following: o A note is received that shows that a meeting is scheduled for the 10th of the month. o The meeting information is "COPied" to the Presentation Manager (PM) clipboard. o Then the day view entry field is given the keyboard focus. (i.e. the user clicks the mouse while the pointer is in the entry field in the "PMCAL" daily view. o Then the "Shift-Insert" key is pressed. o The result is that the clipboard information is transferred to the entry field. Why does this operate as it does? ═══ 19. Help for Delete ═══ The "DELETE" function deletes the highlighted item from the current database file. ═══ 20. Help for Add ═══ The "ADD" function adds the current item in the edit area of the daily view to the current current database file. ═══ 21. Help for Cancel ═══ The "CANCEL" function allows one to remove the dialog from the desktop. ═══ 22. Help for Notes ═══ The "NOTES" function allows one to add notes for a given day. The PMCAL.DIR environment variable is used to specify where the notes files should be stored. PMCAL calls the E editor to display and edit the file. The editor chosen is the first E.EXE along the PATH environment variable. ═══ 23. Help for Begin ═══ The "Begin" time is the time that an event starts. ═══ 24. Help for End ═══ The "End" time is the time that an event ends. ═══ 25. Help for Lead ═══ The "Lead" time is the number of minutes before the "Begin" that an alarm should be issued. ═══ 26. Help for Time Selection ═══ The "Time selection" list box allows one to select the begin and end times of a meeting with relative ease. ═══ 27. Help for View Selection ═══ The "VIEW" menu allows one to select view of the database that should be presented. The types of "VIEWs" that are supported are: Term Description "Daily" The "Daily" view shows one the information for a particular day. "Weekly" The "Weekly" view shows one the information for the current week. The current week is determined by the most recent day that has been looked at in the daily view. That is, if one wishes to look at the "Weekly" view of the week of December 25 then one would first look at December 25 in the "Daily" view and then switch to the PMCAL main window and go to the "Weekly" view. "Monthly" The "Monthly" view shows one the information for a particular month. ═══ 28. Help for View Selection ═══ For information, double-click on the following highlighted word ( or press the Tab key to select it and then press Enter.) Daily view. ═══ 29. Help for View Selection ═══ For information, double-click on the following highlighted word ( or press the Tab key to select it and then press Enter.) Weekly view. ═══ 30. Help for View Selection ═══ For information, double-click on the following highlighted word ( or press the Tab key to select it and then press Enter.) Monthly view. ═══ 31. Help for the Alarm Center ═══ The alarm center can be used to schedule periodic program execution and/or reminders. This facility required that the TIMEXEC PACKAGE is installed and executing on the machine in question. The program called REMINDER.EXE should be placed along the PATH in order to allow for proper operation of the reminder facility. Also for PM popup alarms the PMLIST.EXE program should be installed and executing on the machine in question. ═══ 32. Help for the Alarm Center ═══ The control panel is an application that allows one to schedule periodic events. There is one listbox which is labelled the Mode listbox and this controls the type of periodic event that should be added. The supported types of periodic events are: Event Description "one-time" The event will occur only once. "minutely" The event will occur every minute. "hourly" The event will occur every hour. "daily" The event will occur every day. "weekly" The event will occur every week. The day of the week must be selected. "monthly/day" The event will occur once a month. The day of the month must be selected. "monthly/week" The event will occur once a month. The number of the week and the day of the week must be selected. "yearly/day" The event will occur once a year. The day of the month and the month must be selected. "yearly/week" The event will occur once a year. The month and the number of the week and the day of the week must be selected. ═══ 33. Help for Add Icons ═══ The Add dialog allows one to add resources to a PMCAL database. ═══ 34. Help for Add Icons ═══ The Add icon dialog allows one to display a day in the "Monthly View" as an icon. The fast path to reaching the icon dialog is to place the mouse pointer on the day that you are interested in and and single clicking the right button. ═══ 35. Help for Gprint Button ═══ The "Gprint" button should be clicked on when printing using the GPRINT program. The GPRINT options are passed to the GPRINT program. A Postscript printer is required. ═══ 36. Help for Reminder Button ═══ The reminder facility is a way to schedule recurring messages to be sent to your machine. The message will take the form of a pop up message. This can be used to remind you of a weekly meeting. ═══ 37. Help for Program Button ═══ The program execution facility is a way to schedule recurring execution of a program on your machine. This can be used to schedule a daily backup of your machine or any other use that can be performed by a program. ═══ ═══ This icon can be used to annotate a day. (i.e., The icon can be a symbolic representation of the events of the given day.) ═══ ═══ The reason that this function works is that the "Entry field" PM control processes "Shift-Insert" as a "PASTE" request and "Ctrl-Insert" as a "COPY" request.