MKMSGF COUH.MSG HCATALOG.DLL is missing, corrupt, or is not along the LIBPATH. CATALOG.DLL must be somewhere along the LIBPATH for all OS/2 2.x users. (CATALOG.DLL is not necessary for OS/2 1.3 users.) HCATALOG.DLL is corrupt, or downlevel, but does exist along the LIBPATH. CATALOG.DLL needs to be replaced with a working copy. HThis is an internal error. HCOUENV.DLL returned an error while attempting to query directory names. COUENV.DLL may be downlevel, or the NETDOOR.INI file may be corrupt or missing. A re-installation of NetDoor may solve the problem. HThis is an internal error. Catalog should continue to work without problems. HThis can by caused by a missing CATALOG.HLP file, or if CATALOG.HLP is not along the HELP path. The CATALOG.HLP file must be along the HELP path for help to work properly. HThis happens when you pass an invalid program name as a parameter to coreadd. Also can be a configuration backend attempting to recursivly add another program through RXCADD which is missing from the data file(s). HA configuration backend attempted to recursivly remove another program through RXCADD which is missing from the data file(s). HCatalog successfully started a simple configuration program. HCatalog successfully started a simple configuration program. HCatalog successfully added an application. HCatalog successfully added an application. HCatalog successfully started a simple backend configuration program to remove an application. HCatalog successfully removed an application. HA session could not be started for the configuration backend. Can be caused by a missing configuration program, or if the configuration program is incorrectly specified. HThis is an internal error. HAn extended configuration program returned an error to RXCADD. The error code will be displayed. The administrator or author of the configuration program should know the meaning of the error code. HAn extended configuration program returned an error to RXCADD. The error code will be displayed. The administrator or author of the configuration program should know the meaning of the error code. HThis occurs on OS/2 2.x machines. Possibly caused by a corrupted OS2.INI file. The OS2.INI file may need to be rebuilt. HThis occurs on OS/2 2.x machines. Possibly caused by corrupted extended attributes on the desktop directory structure. The CHKDSK utility may help, or the desktop can be rebuilt. HThis occurs on OS/2 2.x machines. The NetDoor Startup folder was deleted or is missing. If the folder does exist, it may be setup incorrectly or the OS2.INI file may be corrupted. A re-installation of NetDoor may fix the problem. HThis occurs on OS/2 2.x machines. Possibly caused by a broken connection object in the NetDoor Startup folder with the same name as the new object being added. Can also be a corrupted OS2.INI. HYou pressed OK in the Find.. window without entering a search string. HThe search string couldn't be found. HThe search string couldn't be found. HYou attempted to add a program object without specifying a title, in the Add Program to Group/Folder window. HThis occurs on OS/2 1.3 machines. You attempted to add a program object without specifying a group name in the Add Program to Group window. HYou attempted to select the Plus bitmap in the Colors window. HAn extended configuration program is running, hung or exited without calling the exit function and the user attempted to close Catalog. Answering Yes will close catalog, and any backends currently running will be terminated automatically by OS/2. HThe file could not be read. The file or path may not exist, or could not be opened due to sharing violation. HThe subdirectory was not found. The application will attempt to create the subdirectory. HThe file could not be opened for output. The path may not exist, or may not be opened due to sharing violation. Messages will not be logged to disk. The return code contains the open error code. HOS/2 may not have enough space on your swap disk (ie. SWAPPER.DAT) to meet system requirements. HA warning or error message was issued earlier that asked whether you wanted to halt or continue processing. You did not respond, so the application continues by default. HA warning or error message was issued earlier that asked whether you wanted to halt or continue processing. You did not respond, so the application halts by default. HYou are already logged on, and you can only log on to one domain at a time. Processing will continue, and an attempt will be made to connect you to an OPENDOOR fileserver. HAn error occurred during the network logon attempt. OPENDOOR will attempt to log you on to an alternate domain (if any were entered in the "Set Connections" dialog). The return code contains the IBM LAN logon return code; see the "Return Codes" help text in the OpenDoor help for further information. HAn error occurred during the network logon attempt. You may have entered an incorrect userid or password. The logon panel will be displayed in order to give you an opportunity to re-enter the userid and password. The return code contains the IBM LAN logon return code; see the "Return Codes" help text in the OpenDoor help for further information. HAn error occurred while trying to mount the remote drive that contains the OPENDOOR nicknames file (SERVERS.COR). OPENDOOR will attempt to connect to an alternate data server (if any were entered in the "Set Connections" dialog). HAn attempt to attach (ie. NET USE) an OPENDOOR fileserver failed. OPENDOOR will attempt to connect to an alternate file server (if any were entered in the "Set Connections" dialog). You may not be authorized to use the fileserver alias. Chec k with your local LAN administrator. HAn attempt to attach (ie. NET USE) an OPENDOOR fileserver failed. OPENDOOR will attempt to connect to an alternate file server (if any were entered in the "Set Connections" dialog). The server may not be available. Check with your local LAN administrator. HAn attempt to attach (ie. NET USE) an OPENDOOR fileserver failed. OPENDOOR will attempt to connect to an alternate file server (if any were entered in the "Set Connections" dialog). The domain or server may not be available, or the alias may not be defined to current domain. Check with your local LAN administrator. HAn attempt was made to attach (ie. NET USE) a drive, using a drive letter that is already in use. HOnline help file could not be found. The OPENDOOR.HLP file must be along the HELP path for help to work correctly. HYou asked to copy to the clipboard, but OS/2 could not find enough memory to hold the clipboard data. HAn error occurred while trying to attach the NetDoor drive from the fileserver. An earlier error or warning message should provide further details about the access failure(s). If you do not wish to try to attach the drive again, press the Halt button. HYou asked to perform a function before the necessary DLL has been loaded. If you try again a little later, it will probably work. HAn attempt was made to attach (ie. MOUNT) a drive, using a drive letter that is already in use. HYou either pressed the "Halt" button on the main window, or the "Cancel" button on the Network Logon dialog. Processing has paused, and will not resume until you press the "Continue" button. If you press "Halt" again, the application will terminate. HUnable to logon to any of the domains listed in the "Set Connections" dialog. An earlier error or warning message should provide further details about the logon failure(s). If you do not wish to try to logon again, press the Halt button. HUnable to connect to any of the domains (NFS dataservers) listed in the "Set Connections" dialog. An earlier error or warning message should provide further details about the failure(s). If you do not wish to try again, press the Halt button. HOPENDOOR attempts to verify the existence of certain NetDoor subdirectories. If they do not exist, it attempts to create them. This error is issued when the directory could not be created. If you continue, you may experience other errors, later in the process. HTwo interdependent modules are at incompatible release levels. Processing cannot continue. Possible causes: try to verify that you do not have multiple copies of the modules. There may have been a failure during NetDoor installation. Contact your local NetDoor administrator. OPENDOOR keeps a backup of it's files in the NETDOOR\OLDCONFG directory. You may be able to run OPENDOOR from there. HOpenDoor creates an OS/2 "semaphore" to coordinate its activity. It was unable to do so, and cannot continue. An OS/2 error has occurred. HOpenDoor uses LAN functions from the UPM.DLL library in order to perform a LAN Requester logon. UPM.DLL may be corrupt or missing. UPM.DLL must be along the LIBPATH for LAN Requester version of OPENDOOR to run. HOpenDoor uses functions from DLLs in order to access the network. It was unable to load the necessary DLL. Either the DLL could not be found within the LIBPATH, or else there was an error while loading it. The DLL specified must be along the LIBPATH for OPENDOOR to run. HOpenDoor reads configuration information from its .INI file. If this file cannot be located, or opened, the application terminates. There may be an error in your OS2.INI file. A re-installation of NetDoor may solve the problem. Hthe network logon attempt failed because your password has expired. Contact your LAN admininistrator to have your password reset. HNo NetDoor domain server was available. Can be caused when none of the domains listed in the "Set Connections" dialog are NetDoor servers, or else all of the NetDoor domains listed are offline or inaccessible. HNo NetDoor file server was available. Earlier warning or error messages should provide additional details about the failure(s). HOpenDoor reads a nickname file (SERVERS.COR) to determine the names of eligible fileservers. The nickname file either could not be located, or the nickname could not be found. See the logfile for additional information. Possibly caused by nickname file contents in error, or nickname file not found. HUser has requested termination by pressing the "Halt" button. HMemory for an internal data structure could not be obtained. HAnother instance of the application may have started earlier (this can happen if it is started via both STARTUP.CMD and the startup folder). HMost OpenDoor processing occurs in a secondary OS/2 thread. The thread could not be created. HMaint was started from the command line and a background process was already running, but the background process did not respond. If this happens continuously, the background maint process may be hung. HMaint was started from the command line and a background process was already running, but the background process did not respond. Most likely the background process is busy, and this will work later. If this happens continuously, the background maint process may be hung. HThis is an internal or system error. HThis is an internal or system error. HMaint was run from the command line, but it could not start the backround maint process. There may be too many sessions running on the system. Maint will not continue to run when this error occurs. HThis is an internal or system error. HThis is an internal or system error. HThis is an internal or system error. HThis is an internal error. Maint will not continue to run when this error occurs. HThis is an internal error. Maint will not continue to run when this error occurs. HThis is an internal or system error. Maint will not be able to apply any fixes when this message appears. HThis is an internal error. Maint will continue to run normally, but the Priority Delta option in the Options Window will be ignored. HPossibly caused by a missing MAINT.HLP file, or the MAINT.HLP file is not along the HELP path. The MAINT.HLP file must be along the HELP for help to work correctly. HThis is an internal error. HThis is an internal error. HAn error was returned from COUENV.DLL. The NETDOOR.INI file may be corrupt or missing. A re-installation of NetDoor may solve the problem. HYou attempted to apply a fix from the :link reftype=hd res=002.Status Window:elink. that was not intended for your class of machine. HYou attempted to apply a fix from the :link reftype=hd res=002.Status Window:elink. before the start date, or after the end date for the fix. HYou attempted to apply a fix from the :link reftype=hd res=002.Status Window:elink. that has prerequisite fixes that have not been applied. HThe fix was applied successfully. HThe fix has been deferred. HThe fix has been bypassed. HThere are two fixlist files that contain the same tag on the first line. Maint is unable to load the indicated file because it would cause a conflict in fix names. The fixlist file must be modified by the adminstrator so that all fixlist files have unique tags. HThe fix executable is missing or incorrectly specified in the fixlist file. HThis is an internal or system error. Possibly caused by too many sessions running on the system. HThe prerequisite fixes for this fix are missing or incorrectly specified in the fixlist file. HA fix returned an error code to Maint. The error number is shown. This happens when the fix fails. The author of the fix should know what the error code means. HIf a fix program does not return within 1 hour of launch time, Maint kills it and posts this error. Either the fix expected user interaction and the user was not responding, the fix was in an infinite loop, or waiting on an event that doesn't occur. HThis is an internal or system error. Maint ran the fix, but was unable to get the return code, so maint will assume the fix failed, and run it again at the appropriate time. HAn internal or system error trying to update local files. COUCOPY documentation should be consulted to determine the cause of this particular error. HAn internal or system error trying to update local files. COUCOPY documentation should be consulted to determine the cause of this particular error. HInternal or system error trying to update local files. COUCOPY documentation should be consulted to determine the cause of this particular error. HThe fixlist file could not be opened for read. Possibly caused when the file is in use by another process or a file system error occurs. HUnable to write to the NETDOOR.INI file. Possibly caused by a corrupt NETDOOR.INI file or the file is set as read-only. HThe NETDOOR.INI file could not be opened. The NetDoor installation may have failed, or the NETDOOR.INI file is corrupt. A re-install of NetDoor may fix the problem. HThis may be caused by a corrupt NETDOOR.INI file or the file may be set as read-only. HThe NETDOOR.INI file could not be opened. The NetDoor installation may have failed, or the NETDOOR.INI file is corrupt. A re-install of NetDoor may fix the problem. HThis is an internal error. Maint will not continue to run when this error occurs. HThis is an internal error. Maint will not continue to run when this error occurs. HThe NETDOOR.INI file could not be found. Error returned by COUENV.DLL. Possibly caused by a failed NetDoor installation, or corrupt OS2.INI. A re-install of NetDoor may solve the problem. HAn error was returned by COUENV.DLL. COUENV documentation should be consulted to determine the cause of this particular error. HA COUCOPY.DLL error occured. Local files could not be updated. Check for full disk, and COUSTAGE directory in NetDoor directory for strange files or file attributes. Deleting the COUSTAGE directory may help. A re-installation of NetDoor may help. HA COUCOPY.DLL error occured. Local files could not be updated. Check for full disk and existence of OLDCONFG directory in the NetDoor directory. A re-installation of NetDoor may help. HA COUCOPY.DLL error occured. Local files could not be updated. The config.sys file may be locked or in use by another process. The disk may be full. HA COUCOPY.DLL or COUENV.DLL error occurred. Can be caused by a failed NetDoor installation, or a corrupt OS2.INI file. A re-installation of NetDoor may help. HA COUCOPY.DLL error occurred. The NETDOOR\SYSTEM directory may have been deleted. Possibly caused by a corrupt NETDOOR.INI file or a corrupt OS2.INI file. A re-installation of NetDoor may help. HA COUCOPY.DLL error occurred. Possibly caused by a corrupt NETDOOR.INI file. HA COUCOPY.DLL error occurred. Possibly caused by a corrupt NETDOOR.INI or the NETDOOR.INI file is set as read-only. HCheck for a full disk. Check for unusual files in the COUSTAGE directory in the NetDoor directory. Deleting the COUSTAGE directory may help. HMay be caused by corrupt NETDOOR.INI file. A re-installation of NetDoor may help. For 99% of machines, this message will not affect the machine, because most machines are CLIENT's, but this may be an indication of something else wrong. HPossibly caused by a corrupt VENDOR.INI file. VENDOR.INI file should be located in the \OS2 directory or the NETDOOR\USERDATA directory. HThe VENDOR.CTL file is not along the DPATH. This file should be created by administrator and placed somewhere, so that all clients have access to a VENDOR.CTL file. HVENDOR.CTL file is invalid. See Vendor documentation for correct format. HThe user is running OS/2 2.0 csd level 5000. The machine should be upgraded with the Service Pack or OS/2 2.1. Vendor should continue to work correctly. HMissing VENDOR.DLL, VNDTCP.DLL, or VNDNET.DLL. VENDOR.DLL must be along the LIBPATH for 2.x users. VNDTCP.DLL must be along the LIBPATH for the tcpip version of Vendor. VNDNET.DLL must be along the LIBPATH for the Lan Requester version of Vendor. HPossibly caused by a missing VENDOR.HLP or the VENDOR.HLP file is not along the HELP path. The VENDOR.HLP file must be along the HELP path for help to work correctly. HThe server listed in the VENDOR.CTL file is incorrect, the user is not known on the domain, has a different password on the server's domaint, or the server is not running correctly. HThe server listed in the VENDOR.CTL file is incorrect, the user is not known on the domain, has a different password on the server's domain, or the server is not running correctly. HThis is a system error, or the mailslot is in use by another program such as VNDADMIN.EXE. A reboot may help. HYou attempted to run Vendor from the command line with a package name as a parameter, or from an icon, and the package does not exist. HYou attempted to close Vendor while running one or more Vendor packages. HYou check previous use on a package that you have not used before. HYou checked previous use on a package that you have used before. HUsually caused when Lan Requestor is not running correctly. This happens occasionally on LS 3.0 client machines. Possible solution is to reboot and restart Lan Requester. HYou selected a new drive for a package that requires the use of the same drive every time it runs. If you select Yes, you will need to re-install the application. HYou attempted to start an application that is already running. If you are not running the application, stopping and restarting Vendor may solve the problem. HYou are about to use a package that costs money for the first time use. A license agreement will be shown. If you continue, you will be billed for the use of the application. Contact your administrator for information on billing. HVendor could not create a desktop object. The object may already exist, or the OS2.INI may be corrupted. Rebuilding the desktop may help. HVendor created a desktop object successfully. HYou attempted to create a desktop object without specifying a title. HThe Vendor server had a network problem. The Vendor server error file should be consulted for an error and error code. This can be caused by invalid data in the package files pointing to the wrong or non-existent directory on the server. HYou attempted to run a package but you already have a license. This can be caused when the server is not notified when you stop using a package which can happen when the vendor client ends abnormally, such as a crash or power off. The server will realize that an abnormal condition occurred, and will release the license after approximately 15 minutes, at which time you can try to use the package again. HYou attempted to run a package that requires the same drive to be used for each run, but havn't selected a drive letter. HYou attempted to run a package that can use any drive letter, but all drives are in use. You will need to release a drive to continue. HYou attempted to run a package that requires a specific drive, but the drive is in use. You will need to free the drive before you can use this application. HYou attempted to run a package that requires the same drive letter for each run, but the drive is in use. You will have to free the drive, or select a new drive and re-install the application. HYou attempted to run a package that requires the same drive letter for each run for the first time, but the drive is in use. You will have to free the drive, or select a new drive to use. HAn error occured attempting to attach the network drive. Possibly a network problem or permissions problem on the server. The server log should be consulted to determine if user was correctly given permissions to the application directory list. HThis occurs on OS/2 1.3 machines and OS/2 2.0 machines without Service Pack. Possibly too many sessions, or an invalid run program was specified in the vendor package files on the server. HThis occurs on OS/2 2.x machines with OS/2 2.0 and Service Pack or higher. This can be caused by a corrupted OS2.INI file. Rebuilding the desktop may help. HA package was installed. You can run the application at this point if the installation says that a reboot is not required. HA package was installed, and a reboot is required before it can be used. HA package was installed, and can be run immediatly. HThis occurs on OS/2 1.3 machines. Internal error. Don't press OK until the installation program for the application finishes. HThis is for vendor server version 1.7 only. Server's call-back list is full. HYou have been added to the call-back list for this application successfully. HYou attempted to add yourself to a call-back queue that you have already been added to. HYou have held a package over night and your license was terminated. This error can occur when the server has no license information about this application (the license file has no listing or the license file was not read correctly). This can also occur if there are network problems and the client cannot commu- nicate with the server for a period of time. HPMBROWS.DLL is corrupt, or not in the LIBPATH. PMBROWSE.DLL must be in the LIBPATH for Vendor to run correctly. HThe NFSC program has not been started on the machine. You must run NFSC if you are using the TCPIP version of Vendor for Vendor to work correctly. HThe NFSD program has not been started on the Vendor Server. The Vendor Server requires the correct version of NFSD to be running on the server for the server to run correctly. HThe catalog file cannot be found on the server. This may be caused by a missing catalog file on the server, or an incorrectly specified catalog file in the VENDOR.CTL file. HThe search string was not found. HThe search string was not found. HThe search string was not found on a find next or find previous. HThe search string was not found on a find next or find previous.