Section: HP-UX (1)
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gpmake - smart make utility for gardens point modula compiler  


gpmake [ -options ] basefile ...

gpscript [ -options ] basefile ...



gpmake is a recompilation tool for gpm. It provides for recompilation of the minimum number of files necessary to bring the program into a consistent state. It will check the time stamps on source files to see if they are consistent with the time stamps on the corresponding .o, .rfx, and .syx files. gpmake only checks files in the current directory for consistency, and will only recompile files in this directory. The presence of required files on the paths $M2SYM and $M2LIB are checked, but such library files are assumed to be consistent.

In the case of imported files, the system relies on the cryptographic checksum on the symbol file to verify consistency. It follows that if a definition module has been recompiled, but has not been changed from a previous compilation, all dependent modules will still be consistent.

basefile must be the filename, with or without extension, of a program module. gpmake will complain if asked to compile and build a file which is not the base file of a program. It will prompt for an alternative if either the file is not found, or is invalid.

The program provides for compilation and building operations. In simple cases a program may be completely rebuilt after modification by a single command. gpmake issues messages to standard output so the process of recompilation can be traced.

gpscript performs the same analysis as gpmake, but produces as output a shell file to perform a complete recompilation of all of the modules of the program which are in the current directory. This is particularly useful if different files of a program need to be compiled with different command line options. The command gpscript foo.mod would produce as output an script file foo.mak This file is executable for all users who have read permission on the original .mod file.


Command line options

Command line options are simply passed to the compiler together with each module which is recompiled. Thus if different files require different options, it is necessary to use gpscript and manually edit the output script file.

In the case of the -V (superverbose) option, gpmake and gpscript will output a summary of their string table usage, as well as passing the -V to the compiler.



All these programs assume the standard conventions for the formation of filenames from module names. Thus if the names have been changed from the default, they will not be found by the automatic process.



Command line options

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Time: 23:56:45 GMT, February 15, 2023