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gpm - gardens point modula compiler  


gpm [ -options ] file ...  


gpm is a Modula-2 compiler for 32-bit UNIX machines. It provides comprehensive compile-time diagnostics, with explicit error messages, and optional warnings for obsolete syntax or dubious program constructs. In addition, it allows seamless integration with standard UNIX tools such as prof and dbx and a safe interface to libraries such as curses .


Compiling a program module

A program module is the single simplest compilation unit containing all declarations and program statements with perhaps an importation from one or more modules. Assuming you have a source file hello.mod, the simplest command line is 

gpm hello.mod

The output would be an object file, hello.o and a reference file, hello.rfx .


Compiling a definition module

A definition module ( .def ) is a separate compilation unit defining the interface between a module and its environment. Its contains all the information that the compiler needs to verify that another module is correctly using the facilities provided by this module.
  The command

gpm myfile.def

will produce a symbol file, with extension .syx .
  A definition module must be compiled before the corresponding implementation module. The definition module should also be compiled before any program or module that imports objects from that module.


Compiling an implementation module

An implementation module ( .mod ) contains the procedure bodies and initialization statements together with any other hidden procedure or data declarations.

The command     

gpm myfile.mod

will produce an object file, with extension .o , and a reference file, with extension .rfx .

Since an implementation module depends on its own definition module and those other definition modules from which it imports some facility, an implementation module cannot be compiled until all such definition modules have been compiled. During compilation, symbol files for imported modules are accessed, looking first in the current directory and then on the directories of the path $M2SYM . All module names will be moved to lower case before any extension is appended.


Multiple files

gpm accepts multiple filename arguments from the command line. It will repeatedly invoke the compiler to compile each file named. The same options are passed to each invocation of the compiler. It is possible to use the normal shell expansions of filename metacharacters to compile multiple files. For example

gpm `grep -l Terminal *.mod`

would recompile all files in the current directory with filename extension .mod, and which mention the library Terminal .


Command-line Options

gpm provides many options to control the operation of the compiler and the format of messages produced during compilation. The syntax for options flags follows closely the style used by UNIX commands.

If any options are to be passed, they must be in option strings which appear between the command and the filename(s). gpm Option strings must start with a minus sign - and all options may appear in arbitrary order in arbitrary groups. The order of the options is never important, so that gpm -IirOfS foo.mod and gpm -S -Of -irI foo.mod have precisely the same effect.

-a      assertion-off - assertion tests in the source code, invoked by the system
procedure ProgArgs.Assert are ignored by the compiler and generate no code

-d      dangerous - warning messages to the screen and list file (if selected)
are suppressed. However, if a program has both errors and warnings both will go to the screen and listings in spite of the -d option

-f      filename - force the compiler to name reference and object files based
on the source filename rather than the module name. This option is illegal when applied to program modules. This option allows several implementations of the same module to exist in the same directory, and to be selectively linked using the query option -q of build

-g      intermediate code is compiled with markers for the debuggers
adb dbx xdb . This option is not required for simply obtaining a post-mortem procedure call-chain listing

-I      Interactive - the compiler
halts on errors, displays the verbose version of the diagnostic, and prompts the user to continue, quit, or jump into the vi editor

-i      array index tests are turned off (same as
(*$I-*) in the source file)

-l      a list file
name.lst is generated from input file name.def or name.mod

-n      no-code - the compiler
performs syntactic and semantic checking, but no object code is produced. This allows a speedy check of modified code, before a complete recompilation is attempted

-Oc     Optimise so as to produce compact code, even at the price
of small speed loss (same as (*$C+*) in the source file).

-Of     Optimise so as to produce fast code, even at the price of
larger memory size. This flag has a similar effect to the (*$F+*) in the source file, but affects code generation strategy as well as front-end program transformations. Use of this flag is thus preferred to the use of the program switch statement

-p      compile with profiling code so that
bldprf and prof can produce procedure call-counts as well as time statistics. If any modules of a program are compiled with this option, the program must be built with bldprf. See the relevant chapter of the technical reference manual for more on the profiling facilities

-r      range checking of assigned values and actual value parameters is suppressed
(same as (*$R-*) in the source file)

-S      aSsembler - the
C language intermediate code is persistent in the file name.c , no object code is produced. This flag is only of use for debugging mixed language programs

-v      verbose screen messages are produced, and verbose listings also, if
-l is also specified

-V      super-Verbose - the Version date and time of the compiler are displayed,
the key-values of all directly and indirectly imported symbol modules are traced, and verbose messages and listings are produced. Also, the absolute pathnames of imported symbol files are displayed.



Compiling a program module
Compiling a definition module
Compiling an implementation module
Multiple files
Command-line Options

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Time: 23:56:45 GMT, February 15, 2023