═══ 1. System overview ═══ Welcome to MMPM/2's sample captioning system. We call it our sample captioning system because we've provided it, source code and all, as an example of one way to implement captioning with MMPM/2. The system can be used as it's provided, or it can be modified to suit your specific needs. This sample captioning system is made up of three parts. The first part of the system is this application, the Caption Creation Utility. This allows you to synchronize an audio file with a text file. The second part of the system is the Caption DLL. This DLL provides three api's that allow an application to display, manage, and hide a caption window. The third part of the system is Caption Sample Application. It shows programmers how to use the three api's provided by the Caption DLL in order to display a caption window in an application. To add captions to an audio file: 1. Choose an audio file by selecting Open audio... in the File submenu. 2. Choose a text file by selecting Open text... in the File submenu. 3. Select Start timing to start playing the audio. 4. As the audio plays, select Advance line to scroll the text to match the audio. 5. Once the audio has completed, select Review to check the timing. 6. You may repeat steps 3 through 5 above until the timing is satisfactory. 7. If you wish to retime just a portion of the file, use the Audio position slider bars to locate the part you wish to retime, and then follow steps 3 through 5 8. Select Save as... from the File submenu to save the caption file. To review an existing Caption file: 1. Choose an Audio file by selecting Open audio... in the File submenu. 2. Choose a Caption file by selecting Open captions... in the File submenu. 3. Use the Audio position or Text position slider bars to locate the portion of the file you wish to review. 4. Select Play to check the timing. Select Start timing to synchronize the text captions with the audio file. The audio file will begin playing from its current position when this button is selected. As the audio plays, select the Advance line button to scroll new caption lines into the text window. Select Play to review a caption file. While the audio plays, the captions scroll by in the text window just as they would in the target application. This function can be used to check the captioning just after its timing has been set with the Start timing function, or it can be used to review an existing Caption file. Select Advance line to scroll a new line of text into the text window during the Start timing function. The timing of the Advance line events will be stored for subsequent Play, Save and/or Save as... operations. Select Pause to temporarily suspend a Start timing or Play operation before the audio has finished playing. While the audio is paused, the indicator on the button will remain highlighted. A paused operation may be subsequently resumed by selecting the Pause button again, or it can be terminated altogether by selecting Stop. Select Stop to terminate a Start timing or Play operation before the audio has completed playing. Adjust the audio volume to a comfortable level by using the Volume control. The Audio position control provides a graphic display of the current position of the audio file. To change the audio position, drag the slider bar or select the pushbuttons at the left end of the slider. If there is caption text present in the text window, the program will adjust its position to match the new position of the audio file. Select the File submenu to open or save the files used by the application. Select the Open submenu to specify the Audio, Text or Caption file which you wish to open. Select the Audio... menu item to specify the audio file which you wish to caption. You will be promped by a file dialog box showing only those files having an extension of WAV. Select the Text... menu item to specify a text file which you want to use as captions for an audio file. You will be prompted with a file dialog box showing all of the files in your system having the extension of TXT. Select the Caption... menu item to specify a Caption file which was previously created by the Caption Creation Utility. You will be prompted with a file dialog box showing all of the files in your system having the extension of _CC. Select Save to save the current caption file. Select Save as... to save a Caption file after you have timed and reviewed it. Selecting Save as... will allow you to choose a name for the file being saved. Select the Exit menu item when you wish to exit the Caption Creation Utility. Select the Options submenu to control how many caption lines are displayed in the text window. Select the Caption lines menu item to select one of the menu items to control the number of lines of captioning displayed in the text window. A check mark appears to the left of the number which is currently selected. Use the Help submenu to access the help information for this program. ═══ Help for keys ═══ Key Function Alt Highlight menu items. Arrows Move to another menu item. Enter Select a control or a menu item. Tab Move from one dialog box control to another. F1 Display help information for highlighted item. F3 Exit the program. A Advance the text one line while setting timing. Alt + A Open an audio file. Alt + C Open a caption file. E Pause or resume the current operation. P Play the audio file while scrolling the captions. R Rewind the audio and caption files. S Stop the current operation. Alt + S Save the caption file which is currently open. T Start the timing operation. Alt + T Open a text file Alt + V Save captions under a selected name. Alt + 2 Display two lines in the text window. Alt + 3 Display three lines in the text window. Alt + 4 Display four lines in the text window. Alt + 5 Display five lines in the text window. Alt + 6 Display six lines in the text window. ═══ Help for Open Audio ═══ The Drive list box displays the drives on your system. Select the drive that contains the audio files you want to caption. The Directory list box displays the directories on the selected drive. Select a directory to display the list of files from that directory in the File list box. Select an audio file from the File list box or type in a file name that you want to caption. Select the OK pushbutton to load the selected audio file to caption and to remove this pop-up window. Select the Cancel pushbutton to remove this pop-up window. Select the Help pushbutton to view this help panel. ═══ Help for Open Text ═══ The Drive list box displays the drives on your system. Select the drive that contains the text files you want to use. The Directory list box displays the directories on the selected drive. Select a directory to display the list of files from that directory in the File list box. Select a text or caption file from the File list or type in a file name that you want to use. Select the OK pushbutton to load the selected file to use and to remove this pop-up window. Select the Cancel pushbutton to remove this pop-up window. Select the Help pushbutton to view this help panel. ═══ Help for Save Caption ═══ Type the name of the file you want to save in the File name field The program is preset to use the name of the audio file with the extension ._CC The Drive list displays the drives on your system. Select the drive where you want to save the caption file. Select the Save as pushbutton to save the caption data under the selected file name. Select the Cancel pushbutton to remove this pop-up window. Select the Help pushbutton to view this help panel.