/* WarpMesaGL samples readme.txt */ How to build WarpMesaGL samples ? -------------------------------------------------------- 1. unzip examples 2. ren \TOOLKIT\H\gl \TOOLKIT\H\gl_old 3. run \Samples\makeAll.cmd 4. in case of problems look run single \Samples\makeOne.cmd SampleDirName How to convert any OpenGL samples to WarpMesaGL samples ? -------------------------------------------- Example: source file - MesaCVS\samples\line.c build Warp OpenGL sample: (a) copy line.c and tkmap.c to selected directory, copy MAIN.C and basis.h from \Samples\OGL_SAMPLES to the same directory: Directory of G:\MESA\OS2_port\Samples\LINE 27.02.00 14:12 0 . 27.02.00 14:12 0 .. 13.02.00 2:33 391 0 basis.h 19.08.99 3:55 4266 0 line.c 13.02.00 2:32 1473 0 MAIN.C 19.08.99 3:55 1212 0 tkmap.c 27.02.00 16:43 77 0 makeitOGL.cmd 27.02.00 16:13 30 0 runit32.cmd (b) change in line.c name of main to mainint: //int main(int argc, char **argv) int maininit(int argc, char** argv) (b1) change includes #include #include to #include "basis.h" (b2) delete, if there is #include "aux.h" and change all aux* functions to its glut analogs (c1) to compile with from command line (makeitOGL.cmd): icc -Ss -Ms line.c MAIN.C -B" /st:1000000 /nop OPENGL.lib GLUT.lib" (c2) to compile from VAC++ 3 WorkFrame rename tkmap.c to tkmap.h. and change in line.c #include "tkmap.c" to #include "tkmap.c" Deselect "Use Optlink linkage" in compiler options, set stack size to 1000000 and add OPENGL.lib GLUT.lib libraries (c3) To run line.exe at some videodrivers & videmodes with 32bits per pixel make runit32.cmd: SET OGL_BIT_COUNT=32 line.exe ===================================== build WarpMesaGL sample: (a1) copy line.c and tkmap.c to selected directory, (a2) copy MAIN.C,basis.h,GL_TEST.H,GL_TEST.RC,MesaGL.ico from \Samples (not from \Samples\OGL_SAMPLES !) to the same directory; (a3) copy MesaGL2.LIB and MesaGLUT.LIB to the same directory, or somewhere at LIB enviroment path (a4) copy MESA\OS2_port\GL directory to MESA\OS2_port\Samples\LINE or adjust path to GL in basis.h (a5) copy MesaGL2.DLL, MesaGLUT.dll to the same directory if you have "." in your LIBPATH, or copy somewhere at LIBPATH You will have something like that: Directory of G:\EVGEN\MESA\OS2_port\Samples\LINE 19.01.00 11:57 0 gl 27.02.00 16:51 4302 0 line.c 27.02.00 17:00 1407 0 MAIN.C 19.08.99 3:55 1212 0 tkmap.c 27.02.00 16:22 385 0 basis.h 23.01.00 17:41 6375 0 GL_TEST.H 23.01.00 17:42 1011 176 GL_TEST.RC 16.02.99 14:24 3428 0 MesaGL.ico 28.02.00 10:56 34816 0 MesaGL2.LIB 28.02.00 10:58 3584 0 MesaGLUT.LIB 28.02.00 10:56 1023606 61 MesaGL2.DLL 28.02.00 10:58 62464 61 MesaGLUT.dll 17.06.97 1:18 63564 0 DIVE.DLL 27.02.00 16:13 30 0 runit.cmd 27.02.00 16:43 77 0 makeit.cmd 27.02.00 16:43 99 0 makeitMesa.cmd (b) change in line.c name of main to mainint: //int main(int argc, char **argv) int maininit(int argc, char** argv) (b1) change includes #include #include to #include "basis.h" (b2) delete, if there is #include "aux.h" and change all aux* functions to its glut analogs (c1) to compile with from command line (makeitMesa.cmd): icc -Ss line.c MAIN.C -B" /st:1000000 /nop MesaGL2.LIB MesaGLUT.LIB" rc GL_TEST.RC line.exe (c2) to compile from VAC++ 3 WorkFrame rename tkmap.c to tkmap.h. and change in line.c #include "tkmap.c" to #include "tkmap.c" Set stack size to 200000, application type as "Window" and add MesaGL2.LIB MesaGLUT.LIB libraries