Amsterdam, Saturday 22-Jun-1996 ModemEngine, what is it, and what does it do -------------------------------------------- The ModemEngine (ME for short) is a C++ interface to voice modems with the Rockwell RC14V***** chipsets. At this point of time it supports the voice AT command set (AT#****) but it was intended to support fax AT commands (AT+fclass****) as well. However, this is left as an exercise for the reader. The C++ interface makes it possible to record and play audio data with the modem making it suitable for e.g. answering machine pur- poses. ModemEngine, the specification ------------------------------ There is none. I have yet to find the time to write it, therefore the working of the ME is illustrated in the supplied sample, and the voice modem's working is documented in the supplied documentation (DOC.ZIP). The included sample is the new answering machine in progress, but it is far from done. It shows the use of the ME in some routines (e.g. testing the modem's compatibility). ModemEngine, who made it, and why --------------------------------- ME is made by me, Sacha Prins. I can be reached by mail: or Once upon a time I got a 14.4 voice/fax modem and found out that there wasn't any OS/2 software for it. Being a university student with time to spare, I made an OS/2 prototype of an answering machine (distributed as ANS106p.ZIP) that did just that, answer calls. Since it really is a prototype I found out that is wasn't expandable, due to the `spaghetti' nature of the code. Therefore I started from scratch and made a C++ class to encapsulate the modems control. In the meantime I graduated. I also have to work for my money nowadays, and since I have my own business, my time is very scarce. ModemEngine, who is it for -------------------------- Anyone interested in making his/her voice modem work with OS/2 that has programming experience with C++. Since the documen- tation is very thin (this is it) some investigation is also required. Sample programs in this package should illustrate the working of ME. ModemEngine, the package ------------------------ The package is a source distribution only. The reason is that ME is intended for developers only. The package consists of the following files: DEF.DEF the DLL definition file Rockwell voice modem docs license.txt Licence of this package readme.txt This file Makefile Makefile of the DLL ModemEngine.cpp C++ source of ME.DLL ModemEngine.Dep dependencies file of the makefile ModemEngine.h header file used by the C++ source ModemEngine.hpp ME class interface, to be #included in your sources. Answering machine to be. Illustrates the use of ME.DLL file_id.diz BBS info file ModemEngine, the hard/software requirements -------------------------------------------- Hardware: Anything running OS/2 (Warp) + a compatible voice modem Software: compiler: VAC++ OS: /2 Warp