.TI small MAKEIPF sample text .1 The first heading Here you can see how simple it is to edit a MAKEIPF source file. Look at SAMPLE.TXT first, and compare it with SAMPLE.INF. I have not put the file SAMPLE.IPF produced by MAKEIPF into the ZIP file, it won't be interested. To mark a word, you have only to use the index char defined in the ini file. Now I mark the word #hello. It will be placed into the index and all other occurences of the word hello in other chapters will automatically get a link to this chapter. The links at the end of this window are created automatically. .2 Line drawing, footnotes, bitmap Now I write hello without any mark. It has a link to the first chapter where I marked hello with the index char. But now to other interested functions. .LIXY X X Line drawing can be Y Y so simple X X .LI .FU[] A footnote[content of the footnote] in normal text. And a bitmap. .BM box .BT@ box Several @ boxes @ in the @ normal text. .2 Fonts, unordered list .sfC This is font C, defined in the ini file. .sf again the default font You can define toggle chars in the ini file. italic bold underlined and bold-underlined. þ unordered list; look at the formatting of the text, the next line has got a margin, if the text is big enough to get wrapped into a new line. þ next line of unordered list .WA verti 50 hori 60 I .1 Window arrangement This main chapter gets 50% of the main window. The main window is divided vertically. The remaining part on the right side the subchapter is divided in the subchapter window on the top (60%), and the sub-subchapter window on the bottom gets the remaining 40%. .2 Subchapter without sub-subchapters If the subchapter hasn't got any subchapters itself, the window gets the whole remaining room. .dp3D## This DP dot command duplicates the heading text of heading level 3 with font D, then uses the heading text as target link and places the heading text in the index. .2 Subchapter with several sub-subchapters (The two ID dot commands below are necessary for the external links from the file MAKEIPF.INF to this chapter.) Important Political Institutions in Germany .3 Federal President The President represents the federal republic. In comparison to a lot of other states, he can't make political decisions. .3 Federal Chancellor .ID chapter_chancellor The chancellor is the leader of the government and makes political decisions. .3 Big political Parties in Germany .ID chapter_political_parties CDU: christian democratic union. (More market) SPD: social-democratic party of germany. (More welfare) .1 The End That was a little demonstration of some MAKEIPF functions. Detailed information in MAKEIPF.INF.