═══ 1. About the LVM API Reference ═══ This documentation is derived from the contents of four C header files which define the LVM programming interface. lvm_intr.h This file is also referred to (in some of IBM's LVM source code, not reproduced here) as 'LVM_Interface.h'. It defines the programming interface to LVM.DLL, the actual LVM engine. LVMAPI1.INF describes this file. lvm_cons.h This file defines a number of additional constants used throughout the LVM code. LVMAPI2.INF describes this file. lvm_gbls.h This file defines a number of additional type and macro definitions used throughout the LVM code. LVMAPI3.INF describes this file. lvm_type.h This file contains some additional type definitions used in the declarations of disk structures, and also contains definitions used for LVM plugins and other extensions. Most of this file is specific to LVM version 2 (see note below), and is not likely to be of interest to application developers. LVMAPI4.INF describes this file. A fifth header file, lvm_list.h, is used internally by certain LVM functions; however, it does not seem to be useful to API programmers and so it is not documented here. The source for this information is the OS/2 Reference Code which IBM has made available through the Enterprise Volume Management System project (http://evms.sourceforge.net). Note about LVM versions There is a distinction made between LVM Version 1 and LVM Version 2. All existing versions of LVM for OS/2 (including those found in the Convenience Packages) seem to be LVM Version 1. However, this documentation -- and the published EVMS reference code -- describe LVM Version 2. There are some features specific to Version 2 which are unusable on OS/2 and other platforms which use LVM Version 1 (at least until such a day as LVM Version 2 is released for these platforms). Specifically, the following functions (both 16- and 32-bit versions) are unavailable: Open_LVM_Engine2 Set_Java_Call_Back Issue_Feature_Command Parse_Feature_Parameters Create_Volume2 Convert_Volumes_To_V1 Get_Child_Handles Get_Parent_Handle Get_Features Allocate_Engine_Memory These functions include the notice LVM Version 2 only under their descriptions. There is a function in Version 1 called Export_Configuration (and a corresponding EXPORT_CONFIGURATION16) which does not occur in Version 2. No documentation is available for this function, as it is not referenced anywhere in the EVMS source code. ═══ 1.1. Changes ═══ All descriptions have been taken (verbatim) from the source code, and should be considered copyright IBM Corporation. They have not been altered (with the exception that some typos have been corrected), but some additions have been made:  Some editorial comments have been added where deemed appropriate.  Some additional headings and/or section labels have been added to the IBM comments for the sake of improving clarity.  Function prototypes and descriptions have been re-ordered slightly in the process of converting C code comments into API reference format.  Document formatting has been added in the process of converting ASCII source code into on-line documentation. All of this material is licensed by IBM under the GNU General Public License. The LVM source code is available through CVS on the SourceForge website under the name EVMS. Change History: 2002-06-02  Removed the separate section on 16-bit functions, and consolidated all the function headers into one entry format.  Moved structure field descriptions out of code-comments and into footnotes. This should make reading easier, and is more consistent with the standard OS/2 API reference format.  Set window coordinates so resizing is friendlier.  Reorganized the lvm_type.h documentation and added some notes. 2002-02-17  Added notes on LVM Version 1 versus LVM Version 2.  Reorganized the About and Notices sections.  Some formatting changes. 2001-09-15  Initial release. ═══ 2. Notices ═══ Copyright (c) International Business Machines Corp., 2000 Formatting and editorial content is Copyright (c) 2002 Alexander Taylor. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ═══ 3. LVM Interface (lvm_intr.h) ═══ Module: lvm_intr.h Description This module defines the interface to LVM.DLL, which is the engine that performs all of the disk partitioning & volume creation work. Header files included by lvm_intr.h: lvm_gbls.h BYTE, CARDINAL32, ADDRESS, BOOLEAN, BYTE lvm_cons.h DISK_NAME_SIZE, PARTITION_NAME_SIZE, VOLUME_NAME_SIZE, FILESYSTEM_NAME_SIZE lvm_type.h DoubleWord Functions: void Open_LVM_Engine void Open_LVM_Engine2 void Close_LVM_Engine Drive_Control_Array Get_Drive_Control_Data Drive_Information_Record Get_Drive_Status Partition_Information_Array Get_Partitions Partition_Information_Record Get_Partition_Information void Create_Partition void Delete_Partition void Set_Active_Flag void Set_OS_Flag Volume_Control_Array Get_Volume_Control_Data Volume_Information_Record Get_Volume_Information void Create_Volume void Create_Volume2 void Hide_Volume void Expand_Volume void Assign_Drive_Letter void Set_Installable void Set_Name CARDINAL32 Get_Valid_Options BOOLEAN Boot_Manager_Is_Installed void Add_To_Boot_Manager void Remove_From_Boot_Manager Boot_Manager_Menu Get_Boot_Manager_Menu void Install_Boot_Manager void Remove_Boot_Manager void Set_Boot_Manager_Options void Get_Boot_Manager_Options void New_MBR CARDINAL32 Get_Available_Drive_Letters BOOLEAN Reboot_Required void Set_Reboot_Flag BOOLEAN Get_Reboot_Flag void Set_Min_Install_Size void Start_Logging void Stop_Logging ═══ 3.1. Constants ═══ The following sections describe constants defined in lvm_intr.h. ═══ 3.1.1. Partition_Type constants ═══ The following defines are for use with the Partition_Type field in the Partition_Information_Record. #define FREE_SPACE_PARTITION 0 #define LVM_PARTITION 1 #define COMPATIBILITY_PARTITION 2 ═══ 3.1.2. Partition_Status constants ═══ The following defines are for use with the Partition_Status field in the Partition_Information_Record. #define PARTITION_IS_IN_USE 1 #define PARTITION_IS_AVAILABLE 2 #define PARTITION_IS_FREE_SPACE 0 ═══ 3.1.3. Device_Type constants ═══ The following define the device types used in the Device_Type field of the Volume_Control_Record. #define LVM_HARD_DRIVE 0 #define LVM_PRM 1 #define NON_LVM_CDROM 2 #define NETWORK_DRIVE 3 #define NON_LVM_DEVICE 4 ═══ 3.1.4. Get_Valid_Options constants ═══ The following preprocessor directives define the operations that can be performed on a partition, volume, or a block of free space. These definitions represent bits in a 32 bit value returned by the Get_Valid_Options function. #define CREATE_PRIMARY_PARTITION 1 #define CREATE_LOGICAL_DRIVE 2 #define DELETE_PARTITION 4 #define SET_ACTIVE_PRIMARY 8 #define SET_PARTITION_ACTIVE 0x10 #define SET_PARTITION_INACTIVE 0x20 #define SET_STARTABLE 0x40 #define INSTALL_BOOT_MANAGER 0x80 #define REMOVE_BOOT_MANAGER 0x100 #define SET_BOOT_MANAGER_DEFAULTS 0x200 #define ADD_TO_BOOT_MANAGER_MENU 0x400 #define REMOVE_FROM_BOOT_MANAGER_MENU 0x800 #define DELETE_VOLUME 0x1000 #define HIDE_VOLUME 0x2000 #define EXPAND_VOLUME 0x4000 #define SET_VOLUME_INSTALLABLE 0x8000 #define ASSIGN_DRIVE_LETTER 0x10000 #define CAN_BOOT_PRIMARY 0x20000 #define CAN_BOOT_LOGICAL 0x40000 #define CAN_SET_NAME 0x80000 #define SET_BOOT_MANAGER_STARTABLE 0x100000 ═══ 3.1.5. Error codes returned by the LVM Engine. ═══ Error codes returned by the LVM Engine: #define LVM_ENGINE_NO_ERROR 0 #define LVM_ENGINE_OUT_OF_MEMORY 1 #define LVM_ENGINE_IO_ERROR 2 #define LVM_ENGINE_BAD_HANDLE 3 #define LVM_ENGINE_INTERNAL_ERROR 4 #define LVM_ENGINE_ALREADY_OPEN 5 #define LVM_ENGINE_NOT_OPEN 6 #define LVM_ENGINE_NAME_TOO_BIG 7 #define LVM_ENGINE_OPERATION_NOT_ALLOWED 8 #define LVM_ENGINE_DRIVE_OPEN_FAILURE 9 #define LVM_ENGINE_BAD_PARTITION 10 #define LVM_ENGINE_CAN_NOT_MAKE_PRIMARY_PARTITION 11 #define LVM_ENGINE_TOO_MANY_PRIMARY_PARTITIONS 12 #define LVM_ENGINE_CAN_NOT_MAKE_LOGICAL_DRIVE 13 #define LVM_ENGINE_REQUESTED_SIZE_TOO_BIG 14 #define LVM_ENGINE_1024_CYLINDER_LIMIT 15 #define LVM_ENGINE_PARTITION_ALIGNMENT_ERROR 16 #define LVM_ENGINE_REQUESTED_SIZE_TOO_SMALL 17 #define LVM_ENGINE_NOT_ENOUGH_FREE_SPACE 18 #define LVM_ENGINE_BAD_ALLOCATION_ALGORITHM 19 #define LVM_ENGINE_DUPLICATE_NAME 20 #define LVM_ENGINE_BAD_NAME 21 #define LVM_ENGINE_BAD_DRIVE_LETTER_PREFERENCE 22 #define LVM_ENGINE_NO_DRIVES_FOUND 23 #define LVM_ENGINE_WRONG_VOLUME_TYPE 24 #define LVM_ENGINE_VOLUME_TOO_SMALL 25 #define LVM_ENGINE_BOOT_MANAGER_ALREADY_INSTALLED 26 #define LVM_ENGINE_BOOT_MANAGER_NOT_FOUND 27 #define LVM_ENGINE_INVALID_PARAMETER 28 #define LVM_ENGINE_BAD_FEATURE_SET 29 #define LVM_ENGINE_TOO_MANY_PARTITIONS_SPECIFIED 30 #define LVM_ENGINE_LVM_PARTITIONS_NOT_BOOTABLE 31 #define LVM_ENGINE_PARTITION_ALREADY_IN_USE 32 #define LVM_ENGINE_SELECTED_PARTITION_NOT_BOOTABLE 33 #define LVM_ENGINE_VOLUME_NOT_FOUND 34 #define LVM_ENGINE_DRIVE_NOT_FOUND 35 #define LVM_ENGINE_PARTITION_NOT_FOUND 36 #define LVM_ENGINE_TOO_MANY_FEATURES_ACTIVE 37 #define LVM_ENGINE_PARTITION_TOO_SMALL 38 #define LVM_ENGINE_MAX_PARTITIONS_ALREADY_IN_USE 39 #define LVM_ENGINE_IO_REQUEST_OUT_OF_RANGE 40 #define LVM_ENGINE_SPECIFIED_PARTITION_NOT_STARTABLE 41 #define LVM_ENGINE_SELECTED_VOLUME_NOT_STARTABLE 42 #define LVM_ENGINE_EXTENDFS_FAILED 43 #define LVM_ENGINE_REBOOT_REQUIRED 44 #define LVM_ENGINE_CAN_NOT_OPEN_LOG_FILE 45 #define LVM_ENGINE_CAN_NOT_WRITE_TO_LOG_FILE 46 #define LVM_ENGINE_REDISCOVER_FAILED 47 #define LVM_ENGINE_INTERNAL_VERSION_FAILURE 48 #define LVM_ENGINE_PLUGIN_OPERATION_INCOMPLETE 49 #define LVM_ENGINE_BAD_FEATURE_ID 50 #define LVM_ENGINE_NO_INIT_DATA 51 #define LVM_ENGINE_NO_CONTEXT_DATA 52 #define LVM_ENGINE_WRONG_CLASS_FOR_FEATURE 53 #define LVM_ENGINE_INCOMPATIBLE_FEATURES_SELECTED 54 #define LVM_ENGINE_NO_CHILDREN 55 #define LVM_ENGINE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED_BY_INTERFACE 56 #define LVM_ENGINE_NO_PARENT 57 #define LVM_ENGINE_VOLUME_HAS_NOT_BEEN_COMMITTED_YET 58 #define LVM_ENGINE_UNABLE_TO_REFERENCE_VOLUME 59 #define LVM_ENGINE_PARSING_ERROR 60 #define LVM_ENGINE_INTERNAL_FEATURE_ERROR 61 #define LVM_ENGINE_VOLUME_NOT_CONVERTED 62 ═══ 3.2. Data structures ═══ The follow sections define data structures defined in lvm_intr.h. ═══ 3.2.1. Drive_Control_Record ═══ The following are invariant for a disk drive. typedef struct _Drive_Control_Record { CARDINAL32 Drive_Number; CARDINAL32 Drive_Size; DoubleWord Drive_Serial_Number; ADDRESS Drive_Handle; CARDINAL32 Cylinder_Count; CARDINAL32 Heads_Per_Cylinder; CARDINAL32 Sectors_Per_Track; BOOLEAN Drive_Is_PRM; BYTE Reserved[ 3 ]; } Drive_Control_Record; ═══ 3.2.2. Drive_Control_Array ═══ The following structure is returned by the Get_Drive_Control_Data function. typedef struct _Drive_Control_Array { Drive_Control_Record * Drive_Control_Data; CARDINAL32 Count; } Drive_Control_Array; ═══ 3.2.3. Drive_Information_Record ═══ The following structure defines the information that can be changed for a specific disk drive. typedef struct _Drive_Information_Record { CARDINAL32 Total_Available_Sectors; CARDINAL32 Largest_Free_Block_Of_Sectors; BOOLEAN Corrupt_Partition_Table; BOOLEAN Unusable; BOOLEAN IO_Error; BOOLEAN Is_Big_Floppy; char Drive_Name[ DISK_NAME_SIZE ]; } Drive_Information_Record; ═══ 3.2.4. Partition_Information_Record ═══ typedef struct _Partition_Information_Record { ADDRESS Partition_Handle; ADDRESS Volume_Handle; ADDRESS Drive_Handle; DoubleWord Partition_Serial_Number; CARDINAL32 Partition_Start; CARDINAL32 True_Partition_Size; CARDINAL32 Usable_Partition_Size; CARDINAL32 Boot_Limit; BOOLEAN Spanned_Volume; BOOLEAN Primary_Partition; BYTE Active_Flag; BYTE OS_Flag; BYTE Partition_Type; BYTE Partition_Status; BOOLEAN On_Boot_Manager_Menu; BYTE Reserved; char Volume_Drive_Letter; char Drive_Name[ DISK_NAME_SIZE ]; char File_System_Name[ FILESYSTEM_NAME_SIZE ]; char Partition_Name[ PARTITION_NAME_SIZE ]; char Volume_Name[ VOLUME_NAME_SIZE ]; } Partition_Information_Record; ═══ 3.2.5. Partition_Information_Array ═══ The following structure is returned by various functions in the LVM Engine. typedef struct _Partition_Information_Array { Partition_Information_Record * Partition_Array; CARDINAL32 Count; } Partition_Information_Array; ═══ 3.2.6. Volume_Control_Record ═══ The following items are invariant for a volume. typedef struct _Volume_Control_Record { DoubleWord Volume_Serial_Number; ADDRESS Volume_Handle; BOOLEAN Compatibility_Volume; BYTE Device_Type; BYTE Reserved[ 2 ]; } Volume_Control_Record; ═══ 3.2.7. Volume_Control_Array ═══ The following structure is returned by the Get_Volume_Control_Data function. typedef struct _Volume_Control_Array { Volume_Control_Record * Volume_Control_Data; CARDINAL32 Count; } Volume_Control_Array; ═══ 3.2.8. Volume_Information_Record ═══ The following information about a volume can (and often does) vary. typedef struct _Volume_Information_Record { CARDINAL32 Volume_Size; CARDINAL32 Partition_Count; CARDINAL32 Drive_Letter_Conflict; BOOLEAN Compatibility_Volume; BOOLEAN Bootable; char Drive_Letter_Preference; char Current_Drive_Letter; char Initial_Drive_Letter; BOOLEAN New_Volume; BYTE Status; BYTE Reserved_1; char Volume_Name[ VOLUME_NAME_SIZE ]; char File_System_Name[ FILESYSTEM_NAME_SIZE ]; } Volume_Information_Record; ═══ 3.2.9. Feature_Information_Array ═══ The following structure is used to return the feature information for the installed features, or the features on a volume. typedef struct _Feature_Information_Array { CARDINAL32 Count; Feature_ID_Data * Feature_Data; } Feature_Information_Array; ═══ 3.2.10. Boot_Manager_Menu_Item ═══ The following structure defines an item on the Boot Manager Menu. typedef struct _Boot_Manager_Menu_Item { ADDRESS Handle; BOOLEAN Volume; } Boot_Manager_Menu_Item; ═══ 3.2.11. Boot_Manager_Menu ═══ The following structure is used to get a list of the items on the partition manager menu. typedef struct _Boot_Manager_Menu { Boot_Manager_Menu_Item * Menu_Items; CARDINAL32 Count; } Boot_Manager_Menu; ═══ 3.2.12. LVM_Feature_Specification_Record ═══ The following structure is used to specify an LVM Feature when creating a volume. Since LVM Features may be part of more than one LVM Class, the specific class to be used with the feature must also be specified. typedef struct _LVM_Feature_Specification_Record { CARDINAL32 Feature_ID; LVM_Classes Actual_Class; ADDRESS Init_Data; } LVM_Feature_Specification_Record; ═══ 3.2.13. LVM_Handle_Array_Record ═══ The following structure is used with the Get_Child_Handles function. typedef struct { CARDINAL32 Count; ADDRESS * Handles; } LVM_Handle_Array_Record; ═══ 3.2.14. Allocation_Algorithm ═══ The following enumeration defines the allocation strategies used by the Create_Partition function. typedef enum _Allocation_Algorithm { Automatic, Best_Fit, First_Fit, Last_Fit, From_Largest, From_Smallest, All } Allocation_Algorithm; ═══ 3.3. Functions ═══ Function prototypes exported by LVM.DLL. The function prototype shown at the top of each page is the standard, 32-bit version of the function. All of these prototypes are included under the preprocessor directive #ifndef USE_16_BIT_FUNCTIONS If 'USE_16_BIT_FUNCTIONS' is defined, then 16-bit function prototypes will be enabled instead. 16 Bit Functions Many LVM functions have equivalent 16-bit versions. The function prototypes for these are listed at the bottom of the page. There are two 16-bit function prototypes given. The first is for use with IBM VisualAge C/C++, and is included under the preprocessor directive #ifdef BUILD_LVM_ENGINE The second 16-bit function prototype is for use with other 16-bit compilers. ═══ 3.3.1. Functions relating to the LVM Engine itself ═══ Functions relating to the LVM Engine itself. ═══ Open_LVM_Engine ═══ void _System Open_LVM_Engine( BOOLEAN Ignore_CHS, CARDINAL32 * Error_Code ); Description: Opens the LVM Engine and readies it for use. Input: BOOLEAN Ignore_CHS If TRUE, then the LVM engine will not check the CHS values in the MBR/EBR partition tables for validity. This is useful if there are drive geometry problems, such as the drive was partitioned and formatted with one geometry and then moved to a different machine which uses a different geometry for the drive. This would cause the starting and ending CHS values in the partition tables to be inconsistent with the size and partition offset entries in the partition tables. Setting Ignore_CHS to TRUE will disable the LVM Engine's CHS consistency checks, thereby allowing the drive to be partitioned. CARDINAL32 * Error_Code The address of a CARDINAL32 in which to store an error code should an error occur. Output: *Error_Code will be 0 if this function completes successfully. If an error occurs, *Error_Code will contain a non-zero error code. Error Handling: If this function aborts with an error, all memory allocated during the course of this function will be released. Disk read errors will be reported to the user via pop-up error messages. Disk read errors will only cause this function to abort if none of the disk drives in the system could be successfully read. Side Effects: The LVM Engine will be initialized. The partition tables for all OS2DASD controlled disk drives will be read into memory. Memory will be allocated for the data structures used by the LVM Engine. Notes: This is provided for programs that used LVM Version 1. This function assumes an LVM_Interface_Type of VIO_Interface. 16 Bit Versions: void _Far16 _Pascal _loadds OPEN_LVM_ENGINE16( BOOLEAN Ignore_CHS, CARDINAL32 * _Seg16 Error_Code ); void far pascal _loadds OPEN_LVM_ENGINE16( BOOLEAN Ignore_CHS, CARDINAL32 far * Error_Code ); ═══ Open_LVM_Engine2 ═══ LVM Version 2 only void _System Open_LVM_Engine2( BOOLEAN Ignore_CHS, LVM_Interface_Types Interface_Type, CARDINAL32 * Error_Code ); Description: Opens the LVM Engine and readies it for use. Input: BOOLEAN Ignore_CHS If TRUE, then the LVM engine will not check the CHS values in the MBR/EBR partition tables for validity. This is useful if there are drive geometry problems, such as the drive was partitioned and formatted with one geometry and then moved to a different machine which uses a different geometry for the drive. This would cause the starting and ending CHS values in the partition tables to be inconsistent with the size and partition offset entries in the partition tables. Setting Ignore_CHS to TRUE will disable the LVM Engine's CHS consistency checks, thereby allowing the drive to be partitioned. LVM_Interface_Types Interface_Type Indicate the type of user interface being used: PM_Interface, VIO_Interface, or Java_Interface. This lets the LVM Engine know which interface support routines to call in any plugin modules which may be loaded. CARDINAL32 * Error_Code The address of a CARDINAL32 in which to store an error code should an error occur. Output: *Error_Code will be 0 if this function completes successfully. If an error occurs, *Error_Code will contain a non-zero error code. Error Handling: If this function aborts with an error, all memory allocated during the course of this function will be released. Disk read errors will be reported to the user via pop-up error messages. Disk read errors will only cause this function to abort if none of the disk drives in the system could be successfully read. Side Effects: The LVM Engine will be initialized. The partition tables for all OS2DASD controlled disk drives will be read into memory. Memory will be allocated for the data structures used by the LVM Engine. Notes: None. 16 Bit Versions: void _Far16 _Pascal _loadds OPEN_LVM_ENGINE216( BOOLEAN Ignore_CHS, LVM_Interface_Types Interface_Type, CARDINAL32 * _Seg16 Error_Code ); void far pascal _loadds OPEN_LVM_ENGINE216( BOOLEAN Ignore_CHS, CARDINAL32 far * Error_Code ); ═══ Commit_Changes ═══ BOOLEAN _System Commit_Changes( CARDINAL32 * Error_Code ); Description Saves any changes made to the partitioning information of the OS2DASD controlled disk drives in the system. Input CARDINAL32 * Error_Code The address of a CARDINAL32 in in which to store an error code should an error occur. Output The function return value will be TRUE if all of the partitioning/volume changes made were successfully written to disk. Also, *Error_Code will be 0 if no errors occur. If an error occurs, then the furnction return value will be FALSE and *Error_Code will contain a non-zero error code. Error Handling If an error occurs, the function return value will be false and *Error_Code will be > 0. Disk read and write errors will be indicated by setting the IO_Error field of the Drive_Information_Record to TRUE. Thus, if the function return value is FALSE, and *Error_Code indicates an I/O error, the caller of this function should call the Get_Drive_Status function on each drive to determine which drives had I/O errors. If a read or write error occurs, then the engine may not have been able to create a partition or volume. Thus, the caller may want to refresh all partition and volume data to see what the engine was and was not able to create. Side Effects The partitioning information of the disk drives in the system may be altered. Notes None. 16 Bit Versions: BOOLEAN _Far16 _Pascal _loadds COMMIT_CHANGES16( CARDINAL32 * _Seg16 Error_Code ); BOOLEAN far pascal _loadds COMMIT_CHANGES16( CARDINAL32 far * Error_Code ); ═══ Set_Java_Call_Back ═══ LVM Version 2 only void _System Set_Java_Call_Back( void (* _System Execute_Java_Class) ( char * Class_Name, ADDRESS InputBuffer, CARDINAL32 InputBufferSize, ADDRESS * OutputBuffer, CARDINAL32 * OutputBufferSize, CARDINAL32 * Error_Code), CARDINAL32 * Error_Code ); Description: This function allows the calling Java program to set the call back address. The call back address is used when the LVM Engine or one of its plug-ins, needs to run a Java class to gather information from the user. Input: void (* Execute_Java_Class) ... The address of a function that the LVM engine may call when it needs a Java class to be executed. This is only required if the user interface being used is written in Java CARDINAL32 * Error_Code The address of a CARDINAL32 in which to store an error code should an error occur. Output: If the function completes successfully, then *Error_Code will be set to LVM_ENGINE_NO_ERROR. Otherwise, *Error_Code will be set to a non-zero error code. Error Handling: If an error occurs, the function will abort and *Error_Code will be set to a non-zero error code. Side Effects: The Java call back address is set to point to the specified function. Once the Java call back address is set, LVM plug-ins which require the Java call back will be enabled and can be used during the creation of LVM Volumes. Notes: If a Java interface is in use (as specified on the Open_LVM_Engine call), then this function must be called in order to enable those LVM plug-ins which require initialization information during the creation of an LVM Volume. If these plug-ins are not enabled, then they will not be reported by the Get_Available_Features API, nor can they be used or accessed by any other LVM Engine APIs. Thus, this function should be called immediately after the Open_LVM_Engine API is called. ═══ Close_LVM_Engine ═══ void _System Close_LVM_Engine ( void ); Description Closes the LVM Engine and frees any memory held by the LVM Engine. Input None. Output None. Error Handling N/A Side Effects Any memory held by the LVM Engine is released. Notes None. 16 Bit Versions: void _Far16 _Pascal _loadds CLOSE_LVM_ENGINE16( void ); void far pascal _loadds CLOSE_LVM_ENGINE16( void ); ═══ Get_Available_Features ═══ Feature_Information_Array _System Get_Available_Features( CARDINAL32 * Error_Code ); Description Returns the feature ID information for each of the features that the LVM Engine knows about. Input CARDINAL32 * Error_Code The address of a CARDINAL32 in which to store an error code should an error occur. Output If successful, a Feature_Information_Array structure is returned with a non-zero Count. Also, *Error_Code will be set to LVM_ENGINE_NO_ERROR. If an error occurs, then the Count field in the structure will be 0 and (*Error_Code) will contain a non-zero error code. Error Handling The only expected error is if this function is called while the LVM Engine is not open. This should be the only error condition. Side Effects Memory is allocated using the LVM Engine's memory manager for the array of Feature_ID_Data items being returned. Notes None. ═══ Issue_Feature_Command ═══ LVM Version 2 only void _System Issue_Feature_Command( CARDINAL32 Feature_ID, ADDRESS Handle, BOOLEAN Ring0, ADDRESS InputBuffer, CARDINAL32 InputSize, ADDRESS * OutputBuffer, CARDINAL32 * OutputSize, CARDINAL32 * Error_Code ); Description Issues a feature specific command to either the Ring 0 or Ring 3 portion of the feature. Input CARDINAL32 Feature_ID The numeric ID assigned to the feature which is to receive the command being issued. ADDRESS Handle The handle of the volume, partition, or aggregate to which the feature command is to be directed. BOOLEAN Ring0 If TRUE, then the command will be sent to the Ring 0 portion of the feature. If FALSE, then the command will be sent to the Ring 3 portion of the feature. ADDRESS InputBuffer A buffer containing the command and any necessary information for the feature to process the command. CARDINAL32 InputSize The number of bytes in the InputBuffer. ADDRESS * OutputBuffer The address of a variable used to hold the location of the output buffer created by the feature in response to the command in InputBuffer. CARDINAL32 * OutputSize The address of a variable used to hold the number of bytes in *OutputBuffer. CARDINAL32 * Error_Code The address of a CARDINAL32 in which to store an error code should an error occur. Output If successful, then *Error_Code will be set to LVM_ENGINE_NO_ERROR. If unsuccessful, then *Error_Code will be set to a non-zero error code. *OutputBuffer and *OutputSize are set by the feature. If the feature specified does not exist, then *OutputBuffer will be NULL and *Outputsize will be 0. If the feature does exist, then the value of *OutputBuffer and *OutputSize depend upon the feature. Error Handling If the specified feature does not exist, then *Error_Code will contain a non-zero error code, *OutputBuffer will be NULL, and *OutputSize will be set to 0. All other error conditions are feature dependent. Side Effects Side effects are feature dependent. Notes None. ═══ Parse_Feature_Parameters ═══ LVM Version 2 only void _System Parse_Feature_Parameters( DLIST Tokens, LVM_Feature_Specification_Record * Feature_Data, char ** Error_Message, CARDINAL32 * Error_Code ); Description This function allows access to the parsing function of an LVM Plug-in Feature. The specified feature will be passed a list of tokens to parse, and, if it parses the tokens successfully, will produce a buffer containing initialization data that can be used with the Create_Volume API. If it encounters an error, the current item in the Tokens list will be the offending item, and a pointer to an error message will be returned. Input DLIST Tokens A DLIST of tokens to parse. Parsing will begin with the current entry in the list and proceed until there is an error or until the specified feature has found a complete command. Each feature defines what commands it will accept. LVM_Feature_Specification_Record * Feature_Data A pointer to a record which contains the ID of the feature which is to parse the DLIST of Tokens. The other fields in this record will be filled in by the feature if it successfully parses the tokens. char ** Error_Message The address of a pointer to char. This will be set to NULL if the feature successfully parses the list of tokens, or it will be set to point to an error message if an error occurs. CARDINAL32 * Error_Code The address of a CARDINAL32 variable into which an error code may be placed. The error code will be LVM_ENGINE_NO_ERROR if this function completes successfully, or a non-zero error code if an error occurs. Output If there are no errors, the Actual_Class and Init_Data fields of *Feature_Data will be set, *Error_Message will be set to NULL, and Error_Code will be set to LVM_ENGINE_NO_ERROR. The current item in the Tokens list will be the first token that was not parsed by the feature (i.e. the first token after the command accepted by the plug-in). If an error occurs, the values of Actual_Class and Init_Data in *Feature_Data are undefined. *Error_Code will be set to LVM_ENGINE_PARSING_ERROR if the error is parsing related, or some other non-zero value if the error is not parsing related. If the error is parsing related, then *Error_Message will point to an error message which can be displayed for the user. The current item in the Tokens list will be the token which failed. Error Handling If an parsing related error occurs, i.e. the tokens in the Tokens list do not form a valid command accepted by the specified feature, then the current item in the Tokens list will be the offending token, *Error_Message will be set to point to an error message, and *Error_Code will be set to LVM_ENGINE_PARSING_ERROR. If any other error occurs, the current item in the Tokens list will be the token that was being processed when the error occurs, and *Error_Code will be set to a non-zero value. Side Effects The current item in the Tokens list may change. Notes Each feature defines which commands it will accept, and therefore which commands it will successfully parse. ═══ Refresh_LVM_Engine ═══ void _System Refresh_LVM_Engine( CARDINAL32 * Error_Code ); Description This function causes the LVM Engine to look for changes in the current system configuration and update its internal tables accordingly. Input CARDINAL32 * Error_Code The address of a CARDINAL32 in which to store an error code should an error occur. Output None. Error Handling If an error occurs, *Error_Code will be set to a non-zero value. Side Effects Volumes which represent non-LVM devices may have their handles changed! Notes After calling this function, Get_Volume_Control_Data should be called to get the updated list of volumes. This is necessary as the handles of some volumes may have changed. 16 Bit Versions: void _Far16 _Pascal _loadds REFRESH_LVM_ENGINE16( CARDINAL32 * _Seg16 Error_Code ); void far pascal _loadds REFRESH_LVM_ENGINE16( CARDINAL32 far * Error_Code ); ═══ 3.3.2. Functions relating to Drives ═══ Functions relating to drives. ═══ Get_Drive_Control_Data ═══ Drive_Control_Array _System Get_Drive_Control_Data( CARDINAL32 * Error_Code ); Description This function returns an array of Drive_Control_Records. These records provide important information about the drives in the system and provide the handles required to access them. Input CARDINAL32 * Error_Code The address of a CARDINAL32 in which to store an error code should an error occur. Output A Drive_Control_Array structure is returned. If no errors occur, Drive_Control_Data will be non-NULL, Count will be greater than zero, and *Error_Code will be 0. Error Handling If an error occurs, the Drive_Control_Array returned by this function will have NULL for Drive_Control_Data, and 0 for Count. *Error_Code will be greater than 0. Side Effects None. Notes The caller becomes responsible for the memory allocated for the array of Drive_Control_Records pointed to by Drive_Control_Data pointer in the Drive_Control_Array structure returned by this function. The caller should free this memory when they are done using it. 16 Bit Versions: void _Far16 _Pascal _loadds GET_DRIVE_CONTROL_DATA16( Drive_Control_Record * _Seg16 * _Seg16 Drive_Control_Data, CARDINAL32 * _Seg16 Count, CARDINAL32 * _Seg16 Error_Code ); void far pascal _loadds GET_DRIVE_CONTROL_DATA16( Drive_Control_Record far ** Drive_Control_Data, CARDINAL32 far * Count, CARDINAL32 far * Error_Code ); ═══ Get_Drive_Status ═══ Drive_Information_Record _System Get_Drive_Status( ADDRESS Drive_Handle, CARDINAL32 * Error_Code ); Description Returns the Drive_Information_Record for the drive specified by Drive_Handle. Input ADDRESS Drive_Handle The handle of the drive to use. Drive handles are obtained through the Get_Drive_Control_Data function. CARDINAL32 * Error_Code The address of a CARDINAL32 in which to store an error code should an error occur. Output This function returns the Drive_Information_Record for the drive associated with the specified Drive_Handle. If no errors occur, *Error_Code will be set to 0. If an error does occur, then *Error_Code will be non-zero. Error Handling If an error occurs, then *Error_Code will be non-zero. Side Effects None. Notes None. 16 Bit Versions: void _Far16 _Pascal _loadds GET_DRIVE_STATUS16( CARDINAL32 Drive_Handle, Drive_Information_Record * _Seg16 Drive_Status, CARDINAL32 * _Seg16 Error_Code ); void far pascal _loadds GET_DRIVE_STATUS16( CARDINAL32 Drive_Handle, Drive_Information_Record far * Drive_Status, CARDINAL32 * Error_Code ); ═══ 3.3.3. Functions relating to Partitions ═══ Functions relating to partitions. ═══ Get_Partitions ═══ Partition_Information_Array _System Get_Partitions( ADDRESS Handle, CARDINAL32 * Error_Code ); Description Returns an array of partitions associated with the object specified by Handle. Input ADDRESS Handle This is the handle of a drive or volume. Drive handles are obtained through the Get_Drive_Control_Data function. Volume handles are obtained through the Get_Volume_Control_Data function. CARDINAL32 * Error_Code The address of a CARDINAL32 in which to store an error code should an error occur. Output This function returns a structure. The structure has two components: an array of partition information records and the number of entries in the array. If Handle is the handle of a disk drive, then the returned array will contain a partition information record for each partition and block of free space on that drive. If Handle is the handle of a volume, then the returned array will contain a partition information record for each partition which is part of the specified volume. If no errors occur, then *Error_Code will be 0. If an error does occur, then *Error_Code will be non-zero. Error Handling Any memory allocated for the return value will be freed. The Partition_Information_Array returned by this function will contain a NULL pointer for Partition_Array, and have a Count of 0. *Error_Code will be non-zero. If Handle is non-NULL and is invalid, a trap is likely. Side Effects Memory will be allocated to hold the array returned by this function. Notes The caller becomes responsible for the memory allocated for the array of Partition_Information_Records pointed to by Partition_Array pointer in the Partition_Information_Array structure returned by this function. The caller should free this memory when they are done using it. 16 Bit Versions: void _Far16 _Pascal _loadds GET_PARTITIONS16( CARDINAL32 Handle, Partition_Information_Record * _Seg16 * _Seg16 Partition_Array, CARDINAL32 * _Seg16 Count, CARDINAL32 * _Seg16 Error_Code ); void far pascal _loadds GET_PARTITIONS16( CARDINAL32 Handle, Partition_Information_Record far * * Partition_Array, CARDINAL32 far * Count, CARDINAL32 far * Error_Code ); ═══ Get_Partition_Handle ═══ ADDRESS _System Get_Partition_Handle( CARDINAL32 Serial_Number, CARDINAL32 * Error_Code ); Description Returns the handle of the partition whose serial number matches the one provided. Input CARDINAL32 Serial_Number This is the serial number to look for. If a partition with a matching serial number is found, its handle will be returned. CARDINAL32 * Error_Code The address of a CARDINAL32 in which to store an error code should an error occur. Output If a partition with a matching serial number is found, then the function return value will be the handle of the partition found. If no matching partition is found, then the function return value will be NULL. Error Handling If no errors occur, *Error_Code will be LVM_ENGINE_NO_ERROR. If an error occurs, then *Error_Code will be a non-zero error code. Side Effects None. Notes None. 16 Bit Versions: void _Far16 _Pascal _loadds GET_PARTITION_HANDLE16( CARDINAL32 Serial_Number, CARDINAL32 * _Seg16 Handle, CARDINAL32 * _Seg16 Error_Code ); void far pascal _loadds GET_PARTITION_HANDLE16( CARDINAL32 Serial_Number, CARDINAL32 far * Handle, CARDINAL32 far * Error_Code ); ═══ Get_Partition_Information ═══ Partition_Information_Record _System Get_Partition_Information( ADDRESS Partition_Handle, CARDINAL32 * Error_Code ); Description Returns the Partition_Information_Record for the partition specified by Partition_Handle. Input ADDRESS Partition_Handle The handle associated with the partition for which the Partition_Information_Record is desired. CARDINAL32 * Error_Code The address of a CARDINAL32 in which to store an error code should an error occur. Output A Partition_Information_Record is returned. If there is no error, then *Error_Code will be 0. If an error occurs, *Error_Code will be non-zero. Error Handling If the Partition_Handle is not a valid handle, a trap could result. If it is a handle for something other than a partition, an error code will be returned in *Error_Code. Side Effects None. Notes None. 16 Bit Versions: void _Far16 _Pascal _loadds GET_PARTITION_INFORMATION16( CARDINAL32 Partition_Handle, Partition_Information_Record * _Seg16 Partition_Information, CARDINAL32 * _Seg16 Error_Code ); void far pascal _loadds GET_PARTITION_INFORMATION16( CARDINAL32 Partition_Handle, Partition_Information_Record far * Partition_Information, CARDINAL32 far * Error_Code ); ═══ Create_Partition ═══ ADDRESS _System Create_Partition( ADDRESS Handle, CARDINAL32 Size, char Name[ PARTITION_NAME_SIZE ], Allocation_Algorithm algorithm, BOOLEAN Bootable, BOOLEAN Primary_Partition, BOOLEAN Allocate_From_Start, CARDINAL32 * Error_Code ); Description Creates a partition on a disk drive. Input ADDRESS Handle The handle of a disk drive or a block of free space. CARDINAL32 Size The size, in sectors, of the partition to create. char Name[] The name to give to the newly created partition. Allocation_Algorithm algorithm If Handle is a drive, then the engine will find a block of free space to use to create the partition. This tells the engine which memory management algorithm to use. BOOLEAN Bootable If TRUE, then the engine will only create the partition if it can be booted from. If Primary_Partition is FALSE, then it is assumed that OS/2 is the operating system that will be booted. BOOLEAN Primary_Partition If TRUE, then the engine will create a primary partition. If FALSE, then the engine will create a logical drive. BOOLEAN Allocate_From_Start If TRUE, then the engine will allocate the new partition from the beginning of the selected block of free space. If FALSE, then the partition will be allocated from the end of the selected block of free space. CARDINAL32 * Error_Code The address of a CARDINAL32 in which to store an error code should an error occur. Output The function return value will be the handle of the partition created. If the partition could not be created, then NULL will be returned. *Error_Code will be 0 if the partition was created. *Error_Code will be > 0 if the partition could not be created. Error Handling If the partition can not be created, then any memory allocated by this function will be freed and the partitioning of the disk in question will be unchanged. If Handle is not a valid handle, then a trap may result. If Handle represents a partition or volume, then the function will abort and set *Error_Code to a non-zero value. Side Effects A partition may be created on a disk drive. Notes None. 16 Bit Versions: CARDINAL32 _Far16 _Pascal _loadds CREATE_PARTITION16( CARDINAL32 Handle, CARDINAL32 Size, char * _Seg16 Name, Allocation_Algorithm algorithm, BOOLEAN Bootable, BOOLEAN Primary_Partition, BOOLEAN Allocate_From_Start, CARDINAL32 * _Seg16 Error_Code ); CARDINAL32 far pascal _loadds CREATE_PARTITION16( CARDINAL32 Handle, CARDINAL32 Size, char far Name[ PARTITION_NAME_SIZE ], Allocation_Algorithm algorithm, BOOLEAN Bootable, BOOLEAN Primary_Partition, BOOLEAN Allocate_From_Start, CARDINAL32 far * Error_Code ); ═══ Delete_Partition ═══ void _System Delete_Partition( ADDRESS Partition_Handle, CARDINAL32 * Error_Code ); Description Deletes the partition specified by Partition_Handle. Input ADDRESS Partition_Handle The handle associated with the partition to be deleted. CARDINAL32 * Error_Code The address of a CARDINAL32 in which to store an error code should an error occur. Output *Error_Code will be 0 if the partition was deleted successfully. *Error_Code will be > 0 if the partition could not be deleted. Error Handling If the partition can not be deleted, then *Error_Code will be > 0. If Partition_Handle is not a valid handle, a trap may result. If Partition_Handle is a volume or drive handle, then this function will abort and set *Error_Code to a non-zero value. Side Effects A partition on a disk drive may be deleted. Notes A partition can not be deleted if it is part of a volume! 16 Bit Versions: void _Far16 _Pascal _loadds DELETE_PARTITION16( CARDINAL32 Partition_Handle, CARDINAL32 * _Seg16 Error_Code ); void far pascal _loadds DELETE_PARTITION16( CARDINAL32 Partition_Handle, CARDINAL32 far * Error_Code ); ═══ Set_Active_Flag ═══ void _System Set_Active_Flag ( ADDRESS Partition_Handle, BYTE Active_Flag, CARDINAL32 * Error_Code ); Description Sets the Active Flag field for a partition. Input ADDRESS Partition_Handle The handle of the partition whose Active Flag is to be set BYTE Active_Flag The new value for the Active Flag. CARDINAL32 * Error_Code The address of a CARDINAL32 in which to store an error code should an error occur. Output *Error_Code will be 0 if the Active Flag was successfully set, otherwise *Error_Code will contain a non-zero error code indicating what went wrong. Error Handling If the Active Flag can not be set, this function will abort without changing any disk structures. If Partition_Handle is not a valid handle, a trap may result. If Partition_Handle is a volume or drive handle, then this function will abort and set *Error_Code to a non-zero value. Side Effects The Active Flag for a partition may be modified. Notes None. 16 Bit Versions: void _Far16 _Pascal _loadds SET_ACTIVE_FLAG16( CARDINAL32 Partition_Handle, BYTE Active_Flag, CARDINAL32 * _Seg16 Error_Code ); void far pascal _loadds SET_ACTIVE_FLAG16( CARDINAL32 Partition_Handle, BYTE Active_Flag, CARDINAL32 far * Error_Code ); ═══ Set_OS_Flag ═══ void _System Set_OS_Flag ( ADDRESS Partition_Handle, BYTE OS_Flag, CARDINAL32 * Error_Code ); Description Sets the OS Flag field for a partition. This field is typically used to indicate the filesystem used on the partition, which generally gives an indication of which OS is using that partition. Input ADDRESS Partition_Handle The handle of the partition whose Active Flag is to be set BYTE OS_Flag The new value for the OS Flag. CARDINAL32 * Error_Code The address of a CARDINAL32 in in which to store an error code should an error occur. Output *Error_Code will be 0 if the OS Flag was successfully set, otherwise *Error_Code will contain a non-zero error code indicating what went wrong. Error Handling If the OS Flag can not be set, this function will abort without changing any disk structures. If Partition_Handle is not a valid handle, a trap may result. If Partition_Handle is a volume or drive handle, then this function will abort and set *Error_Code to a non-zero value. Side Effects The OS Flag for a partition may be modified. Notes None. 16 Bit Versions: void _Far16 _Pascal _loadds SET_OS_FLAG16( CARDINAL32 Partition_Handle, BYTE OS_Flag, CARDINAL32 * _Seg16 Error_Code ); void far pascal _loadds SET_OS_FLAG16( CARDINAL32 Partition_Handle, BYTE OS_Flag, CARDINAL32 far * Error_Code ); ═══ 3.3.4. Functions relating to Volumes ═══ Functions relating to volumes. ═══ Get_Volume_Control_Data ═══ Volume_Control_Array _System Get_Volume_Control_Data( CARDINAL32 * Error_Code ); Description This function returns a structure containing an array of Volume_Control_Records. These records contain information about volumes which is invariant - i.e. will not change for as long as the volume exists. One of the items in the Volume_Control_Record is the handle for the volume. This handle must be used on all accesses to the volume. Input CARDINAL32 * Error_Code The address of a CARDINAL32 in which to store an error code should an error occur. Output A Volume_Control_Array structure is returned. If there are no errors, then the Volume_Control_Data pointer in the Volume_Control_Array will be non-NULL, the Count field of the Volume_Control_Array will be >= 0, and *Error_Code will be 0. If an error does occur, then the Volume_Control_Data pointer in the the Volume_Control_Array will be NULL, the Count field of the Volume_Control_Array will be 0, and *Error_Code will be > 0. Error Handling If an error occurs, then any memory allocated by this function will be freed. Side Effects Memory for the returned array is allocated. Notes The caller becomes responsible for the memory allocated for the array of Volume_Control_Records pointed to by Volume_Control_Data pointer in the Volume_Control_Array structure returned by this function. The caller should free this memory when they are done using it. 16 Bit Versions: void _Far16 _Pascal _loadds GET_VOLUME_CONTROL_DATA16( Volume_Control_Record * _Seg16 * _Seg16 Volume_Control_Data, CARDINAL32 * _Seg16 Count, CARDINAL32 * _Seg16 Error_Code ); void far pascal _loadds GET_VOLUME_CONTROL_DATA16( Volume_Control_Record far ** Volume_Control_Data, CARDINAL32 far * Count, CARDINAL32 far * Error_Code ); ═══ Get_Volume_Information ═══ Volume_Information_Record _System Get_Volume_Information( ADDRESS Volume_Handle, CARDINAL32 * Error_Code ); Description This function returns the Volume_Information_Record for the volume associated with Volume_Handle. Input ADDRESS Volume_Handle The handle of the volume about which information is desired. CARDINAL32 * Error_Code The address of a CARDINAL32 in which to store an error code should an error occur. Output This function returns a Volume_Information_Record. If this function is successful, then *Error_Code will be 0. If this function fails, then *Error_Code will be > 0. Error Handling If Volume_Handle is not a valid handle, a trap will be likely. If Volume_Handle is a drive or partition handle, *Error_Code will be > 0. Side Effects None. Notes None. 16 Bit Versions: void _Far16 _Pascal _loadds GET_VOLUME_INFORMATION16( CARDINAL32 Volume_Handle, Volume_Information_Record * _Seg16 Volume_Information, CARDINAL32 * _Seg16 Error_Code ); void far pascal _loadds GET_VOLUME_INFORMATION16( CARDINAL32 Volume_Handle, Volume_Information_Record far * Volume_Information, CARDINAL32 far * Error_Code ); ═══ Create_Volume ═══ void _System Create_Volume( char Name[ VOLUME_NAME_SIZE ], BOOLEAN Create_LVM_Volume, BOOLEAN Bootable, char Drive_Letter_Preference, CARDINAL32 FeaturesToUse, CARDINAL32 Partition_Count, ADDRESS Partition_Handles[ ], CARDINAL32 * Error_Code ); Description This function creates a volume from a list of partitions. The partitions are specified by their corresponding handles. Input char Name[] The name to assign to the newly created volume. BOOLEAN Create_LVM_Volume If TRUE, then an LVM volume is created, otherwise a compatibility volume is created. BOOLEAN Bootable If TRUE, the volume will not be created unless OS/2 can be booted from it. char Drive_Letter_Preference This is the drive letter to use for accessing the newly created volume. CARDINAL32 FeaturesToUse This is currently reserved for future use and should always be set to 0. CARDINAL32 Partition_Count The number of partitions to link together to form the volume being created. ADDRESS Partition_Handles[] An array of partition handles with one entry for each partition that is to become part of the volume being created. CARDINAL32 * Error_Code The address of a CARDINAL32 in which to store an error code should an error occur. Output *Error_Code will be 0 if the volume was created. *Error_Code will be > 0 if the volume could not be created. Error Handling If any of the handles in the partition handles array is not valid, then a trap is likely. If Partition_Count is greater than the number of entries in the partition handles array, then a trap is likely. If any of the handles in the partition array are not partition handles, then *Error_Code will be > 0. If the volume can NOT be created, then *Error_Code will be > 0 and any memory allocated by this function will be freed. If the volume can NOT be created, then the existing partition/volume structure of the disk will be unchanged. Side Effects A volume may be created. Notes (This note applies when the LVM Engine is LVM Version 2.) This function provides limited compatibility for programs written to use the LVM Version 1 interface. Specifically, this function will only allow the creation of compatibility volumes. Any attempt to create an LVM volume will result in an error code being returned. 16 Bit Versions: void _Far16 _Pascal _loadds CREATE_VOLUME16( char * _Seg16 Name, BOOLEAN Create_LVM_Volume, BOOLEAN Bootable, char Drive_Letter_Preference, CARDINAL32 FeaturesToUse, CARDINAL32 Partition_Count, CARDINAL32 * _Seg16 Partition_Handles, CARDINAL32 * _Seg16 Error_Code ); void far pascal _loadds CREATE_VOLUME16( char far Name[VOLUME_NAME_SIZE], BOOLEAN Create_LVM_Volume, BOOLEAN Bootable, char Drive_Letter_Preference, CARDINAL32 FeaturesToUse, CARDINAL32 Partition_Count, CARDINAL32 Partition_Handles[], CARDINAL32 far * Error_Code ); ═══ Create_Volume2 ═══ LVM Version 2 only void _System Create_Volume2( char Name[ VOLUME_NAME_SIZE ], BOOLEAN Create_LVM_Volume, BOOLEAN Bootable, char Drive_Letter_Preference, CARDINAL32 Feature_Count, LVM_Feature_Specification_Record FeaturesToUse[ ], CARDINAL32 Partition_Count, ADDRESS Partition_Handles[ ], CARDINAL32 * Error_Code ); Description This function creates a volume from a list of partitions. The partitions are specified by their corresponding handles. Input char Name[] The name to assign to the newly created volume. BOOLEAN Create_LVM_Volume If TRUE, then an LVM volume is created, otherwise a compatibility volume is created. BOOLEAN Bootable If TRUE, the volume will not be created unless OS/2 can be booted from it. char Drive_Letter_Preference This is the drive letter to use for accessing the newly created volume. CARDINAL32 Feature_Count The number of features to install on the volume being created. This field is ignored if Create_LVM_Volume is FALSE. LVM_Feature_Specification_Record FeaturesToUse[] An array of feature IDs and their associated LVM classes used to designate which features to install on the volume being created and the order in which to install them. This field is ignored if Create_LVM_Volume is FALSE. CARDINAL32 Partition_Count The number of partitions to link together to form the volume being created. ADDRESS Partition_Handles[] An array of partition handles with one entry for each partition that is to become part of the volume being created. CARDINAL32 * Error_Code The address of a CARDINAL32 in which to store an error code should an error occur. Output *Error_Code will be 0 if the volume was created. *Error_Code will be > 0 if the volume could not be created. Error Handling If any of the handles in the partition handles array is not valid, then a trap is likely. If Partition_Count is greater than the number of entries in the partition handles array, then a trap is likely. If any of the handles in the partition array are not partition handles, then *Error_Code will be > 0. If the volume can NOT be created, then *Error_Code will be > 0 and any memory allocated by this function will be freed. If the volume can NOT be created, then the existing partition/volume structure of the disk will be unchanged. Side Effects A volume may be created. Notes None. 16 Bit Versions: void _Far16 _Pascal _loadds CREATE_VOLUME216( char * _Seg16 Name, BOOLEAN Create_LVM_Volume, BOOLEAN Bootable, char Drive_Letter_Preference, CARDINAL32 Feature_Count, LVM_Feature_Specification_Record * _Seg16 FeaturesToUse, CARDINAL32 Partition_Count, CARDINAL32 * _Seg16 Partition_Handles, CARDINAL32 * _Seg16 Error_Code ); void far pascal _loadds CREATE_VOLUME216( char far * Name, BOOLEAN Create_LVM_Volume, BOOLEAN Bootable, char Drive_Letter_Preference, CARDINAL32 Feature_Count, LVM_Feature_Specification_Record far * FeaturesToUse, CARDINAL32 Partition_Count, CARDINAL32 far * Partition_Handles, CARDINAL32 far * Error_Code ); ═══ Delete_Volume ═══ void _System Delete_Volume( ADDRESS Volume_Handle, CARDINAL32 * Error_Code ); Description Deletes the volume specified by Volume_Handle. Input ADDRESS Volume_Handle The handle of the volume to delete. All partitions which are part of the specified volume will be deleted also. CARDINAL32 * Error_Code The address of a CARDINAL32 in which to store an error code should an error occur. Output *Error_Code will be 0 if the volume and its partitions are successfully deleted. Otherwise, *Error_Code will be > 0. Error Handling *Error_Code will be > 0 if an error occurs. If the volume or any of its partitions can not be deleted, then any changes made by this function will be undone. If Volume_Handle is not a valid handle, a trap may result. If Volume_Handle is a partition or drive handle, then this function will abort and set *Error_Code to a non-zero value. Side Effects A volume and its partitions may be deleted. System memory may be freed as the internal structures used to track the deleted volume are no longer required. Notes None. 16 Bit Versions: void _Far16 _Pascal _loadds DELETE_VOLUME16( CARDINAL32 Volume_Handle, CARDINAL32 * _Seg16 Error_Code ); void far pascal _loadds DELETE_VOLUME16( CARDINAL32 Volume_Handle, CARDINAL32 far * Error_Code ); ═══ Hide_Volume ═══ void _System Hide_Volume( ADDRESS Volume_Handle, CARDINAL32 * Error_Code ); Description Hide volume "hides" a volume from OS/2 by removing its drive letter assignment. Without a drive letter assignment, OS/2 can not access (or "see") the volume. Input ADDRESS Volume_Handle The handle of the volume to hide. CARDINAL32 * Error_Code The address of a CARDINAL32 in which to store an error code should an error occur. Output *Error_Code will be 0 if the volume was successfully hidden. If the volume could not be hidden, then *Error_Code will be > 0. Error Handling *Error_Code will be > 0 if the volume can not be hidden. If the volume can not be hidden, then nothing will be altered. If Volume_Handle is not a valid handle, a trap may result. If Volume_Handle is a partition or drive handle, then this function will abort and set *Error_Code to a non-zero value. Side Effects None. Notes None. 16 Bit Versions: void _Far16 _Pascal _loadds HIDE_VOLUME16( CARDINAL32 Volume_Handle, CARDINAL32 * _Seg16 Error_Code ); void far pascal _loadds HIDE_VOLUME16( CARDINAL32 Volume_Handle, CARDINAL32 far * Error_Code ); ═══ Expand_Volume ═══ void _System Expand_Volume( ADDRESS Volume_Handle, CARDINAL32 Partition_Count, ADDRESS Partition_Handles[ ], CARDINAL32 * Error_Code ); Description This function expands an existing volume by linking additional partitions to it. Input ADDRESS Volume_Handle The handle of the volume to be expanded. CARDINAL32 Partition_Count The number of partitions or volumes to be added to the volume being expanded. ADDRESS Partition_Handles[] An array of handles. Each handle in the array is the handle of a partition which is to be added to the volume being expanded. CARDINAL32 * Error_Code The address of a CARDINAL32 in which to store an error code should an error occur. Output *Error_Code will be 0 if the volume is successfully expanded. If the volume can not be expanded, *Error_Code will be > 0. Error Handling If the volume can not be expanded, the state of the volume is unchanged and any memory allocated by this function is freed. If Volume_Handle is not a valid handle, a trap may result. If Volume_Handle is a partition or drive handle, then this function will abort and set *Error_Code to a non-zero value. If any of the partition handles in the Partition_handles array are not valid handles, then a trap may result. If any of the partition handles in the Partition_Handles array are actually drive handles, then this function will abort and set *Error_Code to a non-zero value. If Partition_Count is greater than the number of entries in the Partition_Handles array, a trap may result. Side Effects A volume may be expanded. If the volume is expanded using another volume, the partitions on the second volume will be linked to those of the first volume and all data on the second volume will be lost. Notes None. 16 Bit Versions: void _Far16 _Pascal _loadds EXPAND_VOLUME16( CARDINAL32 Volume_Handle, CARDINAL32 Partition_Count, CARDINAL32 * _Seg16 Partition_Handles, CARDINAL32 * _Seg16 Error_Code ); void far pascal _loadds EXPAND_VOLUME16( CARDINAL32 Volume_Handle, CARDINAL32 Partition_Count, CARDINAL32 far Partition_Handles[], CARDINAL32 far * Error_Code ); ═══ Assign_Drive_Letter ═══ void _System Assign_Drive_Letter( ADDRESS Volume_Handle, char New_Drive_Preference, CARDINAL32 * Error_Code ); Description Assigns a drive letter to a volume. Input ADDRESS Volume_Handle The handle of the volume which is to have its assigned drive letter changed. char New_Drive_Preference The new drive letter to assign to the volume. CARDINAL32 * Error_Code The address of a CARDINAL32 in which to store an error code should an error occur. Output *Error_Code will be 0 if the drive letter was assigned successfully; otherwise *Error_Code will be > 0. Error Handling If the drive letter assignment can not be made, the volume will not be altered. If Volume_Handle is not a valid handle, a trap may result. If Volume_Handle is a partition or drive handle, then this function will abort and set *Error_Code to a non-zero value. Side Effects A volume may have its drive letter assignment changed. Notes If the drive letter being assigned is already in use by volume which does not lie on removable media, then the drive assignment will NOT be made. 16 Bit Versions: void _Far16 _Pascal _loadds ASSIGN_DRIVE_LETTER16( CARDINAL32 Volume_Handle, char New_Drive_Preference, CARDINAL32 * _Seg16 Error_Code ); void far pascal _loadds ASSIGN_DRIVE_LETTER16( CARDINAL32 Volume_Handle, char New_Drive_Preference, CARDINAL32 far * Error_Code ); ═══ Set_Installable ═══ void _System Set_Installable ( ADDRESS Volume_Handle, CARDINAL32 * Error_Code ); Description Marks a volume as being the volume to install OS/2 on. Input ADDRESS Volume_Handle The handle of the volume to which OS/2 should be installed. CARDINAL32 * Error_Code The address of a CARDINAL32 in which to store an error code should an error occur. Output If the volume is successfully marked as installable, *Error_Code will be 0; otherwise *Error_Code will be > 0. Error Handling If Volume_Handle is not a valid handle, a trap may result. If Volume_Handle is a partition or drive handle, then this function will abort and set *Error_Code to a non-zero value. Side Effects The specified volume may be marked as installable. Notes None. 16 Bit Versions: void _Far16 _Pascal _loadds SET_INSTALLABLE16( CARDINAL32 Volume_Handle, CARDINAL32 * _Seg16 Error_Code ); void far pascal _loadds SET_INSTALLABLE16( CARDINAL32 Volume_Handle, CARDINAL32 far * Error_Code ); ═══ Get_Installable_Volume ═══ Volume_Information_Record _System Get_Installable_Volume ( CARDINAL32 * Error_Code ); Description Marks a volume as being the volume to install OS/2 on. Input CARDINAL32 * Error_Code The address of a CARDINAL32 in which to store an error code should an error occur. Output If a volume is mared installable, its information will be returned and *Error_Code will be LVM_ENGINE_NO_ERROR. If there is no volume marked installable, then *Error_Code will be > 0. Error Handling An error code is returned if there is an error. Side Effects None. Notes None. 16 Bit Versions: void _Far16 _Pascal _loadds GET_INSTALLABLE_VOLUME16( Volume_Information_Record * _Seg16 Volume_Information, CARDINAL32 * _Seg16 Error_Code ); void far pascal _loadds GET_INSTALLABLE_VOLUME16( Volume_Information_Record * Volume_Information, CARDINAL32 far * Error_Code ); ═══ Convert_Volumes_To_V1 ═══ LVM Version 2 only CARDINAL32 _System Convert_Volumes_To_V1 ( BOOLEAN * Hidden_Volume_Conversion_Failure, CARDINAL32 * Error_Code ); Description This function attempts to convert all LVM volumes in the system into a format that can be used by LVM Version 1, which was shipped with Warp Server for e-business. This function returns a bitmap of the drive letters corresponding to Volumes that can not be converted. Input BOOLEAN * Hidden_Volume_Conversion_Failure The address of a BOOLEAN variable in which to store a flag indicating if there were hidden volumes that could not be converted. If *Hidden_Volume_Conversion_Failure is TRUE, then there were hidden volumes that could not be converted. If FALSE, then there were no hidden volumes, or the hidden volumes that existed were converted successfully. CARDINAL32 * Error_Code The address of a CARDINAL32 in which to store an error code should an error occur. Output This function returns a bitmap of the drive letters corresponding to volumes that could not be converted to LVM Version 1 format. If this function is successful and all volumes were converted, then *Error_Code will be set to LVM_ENGINE_NO_ERROR and the bitmap returned will have no bits set. If this function failes, *Error_Code will contain a non-zero error code and the bitmap returned by this function may be non-zero. Error Handling If an error occurs, *Error_Code will be > 0. Side Effects All LVM volumes that can be converted to LVM Version 1 format will be. Notes Bit 0 in the bitmap returned by this function represents drive letter 'A'. ═══ 3.3.5. Functions relating to Partitions, Drives, and Volumes. ═══ Functions relating to partitions, drives, and volumes. ═══ Set_Name ═══ void _System Set_Name ( ADDRESS Handle, char New_Name[], CARDINAL32 * Error_Code ); Description Sets the name of a volume, drive, or partition Input ADDRESS Handle The handle of the drive, partition, or volume which is to have its name set. char New_Name[] The new name for the drive/partition/volume. CARDINAL32 * Error_Code The address of a CARDINAL32 in which to store an error code should an error occur. Output *Error_Code will be 0 if the name is set as specified. If the name can not be set, *Error_Code will be > 0. Error Handling If the name can not be set, then drive/volume/partition is not modified. If Handle is not a valid handle, a trap may result. Side Effects A drive/volume/partition may have its name set. Notes None. 16 Bit Versions: void _Far16 _Pascal _loadds SET_NAME16( CARDINAL32 Handle, char * _Seg16 New_Name, CARDINAL32 * _Seg16 Error_Code ); void far pascal _loadds SET_NAME16( CARDINAL32 Handle, char far New_Name[ ], CARDINAL32 far * Error_Code ); ═══ Set_Startable ═══ void _System Set_Startable( ADDRESS Handle, CARDINAL32 * Error_Code ); Description Sets the specified volume or partition startable. If a volume is specified, it must be a compatibility volume whose partition is a primary partition on the first drive. If a partition is specified, it must be a primary partition on the first drive in the system. Input ADDRESS Handle The handle of the partition or volume which is to be set startable. CARDINAL32 * Error_Code The address of a CARDINAL32 in which to store an error code should an error occur. Output *Error_Code will be 0 if the specified volume or partition was set startable. If the name can not be set, *Error_Code will be > 0. Error Handling If the volume or partition could not be set startable, then nothing in the system is changed. If Handle is not a valid handle, a trap may result. Side Effects Any other partition or volume which is marked startable will have its startable flag cleared. Notes None. 16 Bit Versions: void _Far16 _Pascal _loadds SET_STARTABLE16( CARDINAL32 Handle, CARDINAL32 * _Seg16 Error_Code ); void far pascal _loadds SET_STARTABLE16( CARDINAL32 Handle, CARDINAL32 far * Error_Code ); ═══ Get_Valid_Options ═══ CARDINAL32 _System Get_Valid_Options( ADDRESS Handle, CARDINAL32 * Error_Code ); Description Returns a bitmap where each bit in the bitmap corresponds to a possible operation that the LVM Engine can perform. Those bits which are 1 represent operations which can be performed on the item specified by Handle. Those bits which are 0 are not allowed on the item specified by Handle. Input ADDRESS Handle This is any valid drive, volume, or partition handle. CARDINAL32 * Error_Code The address of a CARDINAL32 in which to store an error code should an error occur. Output A bitmap indicating which operations are valid on the item specified by Handle. If no errors occur, *Error_Code will be 0, otherwise *Error_Code will be > 0. Error Handling If Handle is not valid, a trap will be likely. Side Effects None. Notes The values of the various bits in the bitmap returned by this function are defined near the beginning of this file, immediately after all of the structure definitions. 16 Bit Versions: CARDINAL32 _Far16 _Pascal _loadds GET_VALID_OPTIONS16( CARDINAL32 Handle, CARDINAL32 * _Seg16 Error_Code ); CARDINAL32 far pascal _loadds GET_VALID_OPTIONS16( CARDINAL32 Handle, CARDINAL32 far * Error_Code ); ═══ Get_Child_Handles ═══ LVM Version 2 only LVM_Handle_Array_Record _System Get_Child_Handles( ADDRESS Handle, CARDINAL32 * Error_Code ); Description Given the handle of a volume or aggregate, this function will return the handles of the children of the volume or aggregate. This allows the entire tree representation of a volume to be traversed, a level at a time. Input ADDRESS Handle The handle of the volume or aggregate whose children are required. CARDINAL32 * Error_Code The address of a CARDINAL32 in which to store an error code should an error occur. Output If successful, an LVM_Handle_Array_Record is returned with a non-zero Count. Also, *Error_Code will be set to LVM_ENGINE_NO_ERROR. If an error occurs, then the Count field will be 0 and *Error_Code will contain a non-zero error code. Error Handling If Handle is not a valid handle, then a trap is likely. If Handle is the handle of partition, then *Error_Code will be set to LVM_ENGINE_NO_CHILDREN. If Handle is not a volume or aggregate handle, then *Error_Code will be set to LVM_ENGINE_BAD_HANDLE. Side Effects None. Notes None. ═══ Get_Parent_Handle ═══ LVM Version 2 only ADDRESS _System Get_Parent_Handle( ADDRESS Handle, CARDINAL32 * Error_Code ); Description Given the handle of a partition or aggregate, this function will return the handle of the parent of the partition or aggregate. Input ADDRESS Handle The handle of the partition or aggregate whose parent is required. CARDINAL32 * Error_Code The address of a CARDINAL32 in which to store an error code should an error occur. Output If successful, the handle of the parent is returned as the function result and *Error_Code will be set to LVM_ENGINE_NO_ERROR. If an error occurs, then NULL will be the function result and *Error_Code will contain a non-zero error code. Error Handling If Handle is not a valid handle, then a trap is likely. If Handle is the handle of volume, then *Error_Code will be set to LVM_ENGINE_NO_PARENT. If Handle is not the handle of a volume, partition, or aggregate then *Error_Code will be set to LVM_ENGINE_BAD_HANDLE. Side Effects None. Notes None. ═══ Get_Features ═══ LVM Version 2 only Feature_Information_Array _System Get_Features( ADDRESS Handle, CARDINAL32 * Error_Code ); Description Returns the feature ID information for each of the features that are installed on the item specified by Handle. Input ADDRESS Handle The handle of the object to use. CARDINAL32 * Error_Code The address of a CARDINAL32 in which to store an error code should an error occur. Output If successful, a Feature_Information_Array structure is returned with a non-zero Count. Also, *Error_Code will be set to LVM_ENGINE_NO_ERROR. If an error occurs, then the Count field in the structure will be 0 and (*Error_Code) will contain a non-zero error code. Error Handling If Handle is not a valid handle, a trap will be likely. Side Effects Memory is allocated using the LVM Engine's memory manager for the array of Feature_ID_Data items being returned. Notes None. ═══ 3.3.6. Functions relating to Boot Manager ═══ Functions relating to Boot Manager. ═══ Boot_Manager_Is_Installed ═══ BOOLEAN _System Boot_Manager_Is_Installed( BOOLEAN * Active, CARDINAL32 * Error_Code ); Description Indicates whether or not Boot Manager is installed on the first or second hard drives in the system. Input BOOLEAN * Active *Active is set to TRUE if LVM found an active copy of Boot Manager on the system. If LVM could not find an active copy of Boot Manager on the system, but did find an inactive copy of Boot Manager, then *Active will be set to FALSE. CARDINAL32 * Error_Code The address of a CARDINAL32 in which to store an error code should an error occur. Output TRUE is returned if Boot Manager is found. If this copy of Boot Manager is Active, then *Active will be set to TRUE. If the copy of Boot Manager is not currently active, then *Active will be set to FALSE. FALSE is returned if Boot Manager is not found or if an error occurs. In this case, *Active is undefined. *Error_Code will be 0 if no errors occur; otherwise it will be > 0. Error Handling If an error occurs, *Error_Code will be > 0. Side Effects None. Notes None. 16 Bit Versions: BOOLEAN _Far16 _Pascal _loadds BOOT_MANAGER_IS_INSTALLED16( BOOLEAN * _Seg16 Active, CARDINAL32 * _Seg16 Error_Code ); BOOLEAN far pascal _loadds BOOT_MANAGER_IS_INSTALLED16( BOOLEAN far * Active, CARDINAL32 far * Error_Code ); ═══ Get_Boot_Manager_Handle ═══ ADDRESS _System Get_Boot_Manager_Handle( CARDINAL32 * Error_Code); Description Returns the handle of the partition containing Boot Manager. Input CARDINAL32 * Error_Code The address of a CARDINAL32 in which to store an error code should an error occur. Output If Boot Manager is NOT installed, NULL is returned. If Boot Manager is installed, whether it is active or not, the handle of the partition it resides in is returned. Error Handling If an error occurs, *Error_Code will be > 0. Side Effects None. Notes 16 Bit Versions: ADDRESS _Far16 _Pascal _loadds GET_BOOT_MANAGER_HANDLE16( CARDINAL32 * _Seg16 Error_Code); ADDRESS far _pascal _loadds GET_BOOT_MANAGER_HANDLE16( CARDINAL32 far * Error_Code); ═══ Add_To_Boot_Manager ═══ void _System Add_To_Boot_Manager( ADDRESS Handle, CARDINAL32 * Error_Code ); Description Adds the volume/partition to the Boot Manager menu. Input ADDRESS Handle The handle of a partition or volume that is to be added to the Boot Manager menu. CARDINAL32 * Error_Code The address of a CARDINAL32 in which to store an error code should an error occur. Output *Error_Code will be 0 if the partition or volume was successfully added to the Boot Manager menu; otherwise *Error_Code will be > 0. Error Handling If the partition/volume can not be added to the Boot Manager menu, no action is taken and *Error_Code will contain a non-zero error code. If Handle is not a valid handle, a trap may result. If Handle represents a drive, then this function will abort and set *Error_Code to a non-zero value. Side Effects The Boot Manager menu may be altered. Notes None. 16 Bit Versions: void _Far16 _Pascal _loadds ADD_TO_BOOT_MANAGER16( CARDINAL32 Handle, CARDINAL32 * _Seg16 Error_Code ); void far pascal _loadds ADD_TO_BOOT_MANAGER16( CARDINAL32 Handle, CARDINAL32 far * Error_Code ); ═══ Remove_From_Boot_Manager ═══ void _System Remove_From_Boot_Manager( ADDRESS Handle, CARDINAL32 * Error_Code ); Description Removes the specified partition or volume from the Boot Manager menu. Input CARDINAL32 * Error_Code The address of a CARDINAL32 in which to store an error code should an error occur. Output *Error_Code will be 0 if the partition or volume was successfully removed to the Boot Manager menu; otherwise *Error_Code will be > 0. Error Handling If Handle is not a valid handle, a trap may result. If Handle represents a drive, or if Handle represents a volume or partition which is NOT on the boot manager menu, then this function will abort and set *Error_Code to a non-zero value. Side Effects The Boot Manager menu may be altered. Notes None. 16 Bit Versions: void _Far16 _Pascal _loadds REMOVE_FROM_BOOT_MANAGER16( CARDINAL32 Handle, CARDINAL32 * _Seg16 Error_Code ); void far pascal _loadds REMOVE_FROM_BOOT_MANAGER16( CARDINAL32 Handle, CARDINAL32 far * Error_Code ); ═══ Get_Boot_Manager_Menu ═══ Boot_Manager_Menu _System Get_Boot_Manager_Menu( CARDINAL32 * Error_Code ); Description Returns an array containing the handles of the partitions and volumes appearing on the Boot Manager menu. Input CARDINAL32 * Error_Code The address of a CARDINAL32 in which to store an error code should an error occur. Output The function returns a Boot_Manager_Menu structure. This structure contains two items: a pointer to an array of Boot_Manager_Menu_Items and a count of how many items are in the array. Each Boot_Manager_Menu_Item contains a handle and a BOOLEAN variable to indicate whether the handle is for a partition or a volume. If this function is successful, then *Error_Code will be 0. If an error occurs, the Count field in the Boot_Manager_Menu will be 0 and the corresponding pointer will be NULL. *Error_Code will be > 0. Error Handling If an error occurs, *Error_Code will be > 0. any memory allocated by this function will be freed. Side Effects None. Notes None. 16 Bit Versions: void _Far16 _Pascal _loadds GET_BOOT_MANAGER_MENU16( Boot_Manager_Menu_Item * _Seg16 * _Seg16 Menu_Items, CARDINAL32 * _Seg16 Count, CARDINAL32 * _Seg16 Error_Code ); void far pascal _loadds GET_BOOT_MANAGER_MENU16( Boot_Manager_Menu_Item ** Menu_Items, CARDINAL32 * Count, CARDINAL32 * Error_Code ); ═══ Install_Boot_Manager ═══ void _System Install_Boot_Manager ( CARDINAL32 Drive_Number, /* Only drives 0 and 1 are acceptable. */ CARDINAL32 * Error_Code ); Description This function installs Boot Manager. It can be used to replace an existing Boot Manager as well. Input CARDINAL32 Drive_Number The number of the drive to install Boot Manager on. Must be 1 or 2. CARDINAL32 * Error_Code The address of a CARDINAL32 in which to store an error code should an error occur. Output If this function is successful, then *Error_Code will be 0; otherwise it will be > 0. Error Handling If an error occurs, *Error_Code will be set to a non-zero value. Depending upon the error, it is possible that the Boot Manager partition can be left in an unusuable state (such as for a write error). Side Effects Boot Manager may be installed on drive 1 or 2. The MBR for drive 1 may be altered. Notes None. 16 Bit Versions: void _Far16 _Pascal _loadds INSTALL_BOOT_MANAGER16( CARDINAL32 Drive_Number, CARDINAL32 * _Seg16 Error_Code ); void far pascal _loadds INSTALL_BOOT_MANAGER16( CARDINAL32 Drive_Number, CARDINAL32 far * Error_Code ); ═══ Remove_Boot_Manager ═══ void _System Remove_Boot_Manager( CARDINAL32 * Error_Code ); Description Removes Boot Manager from the system. Input CARDINAL32 * Error_Code The address of a CARDINAL32 in which to store an error code should an error occur. Output *Error_Code will be 0 if Boot Manager was successfully removed from the system; otherwise *Error_Code will be 0. Error Handling If an error occurs, *Error_Code will be > 0. Side Effects Boot Manager will be removed from the system. Notes None. 16 Bit Versions: void _Far16 _Pascal _loadds REMOVE_BOOT_MANAGER16( CARDINAL32 * _Seg16 Error_Code ); void far pascal _loadds REMOVE_BOOT_MANAGER16( CARDINAL32 far * Error_Code ); ═══ Set_Boot_Manager_Options ═══ void _System Set_Boot_Manager_Options( ADDRESS Handle, BOOLEAN Timer_Active, CARDINAL32 Time_Out_Value, BOOLEAN Advanced_Mode, CARDINAL32 * Error_Code ); Description Sets the Boot Managers Options. The options that can be set are: whether or not the time- out timer is active, how long the timer-out is, the partition to boot by default, and whether or not Boot Manager should display its menu using default mode or advanced mode. Input ADDRESS Handle The handle of the partition or volume to boot if the time-out timer is active and the time-out value is reached. BOOLEAN Timer_Active If TRUE, then the time-out timer is active. CARDINAL32 Time_Out_Value If the time-out timer is active, this is the time-out value, in seconds. BOOLEAN Advanced_Mode If TRUE, then Boot Manager will operate in advanced mode. If FALSE, then normal mode will be in effect. CARDINAL32 * Error_Code The address of a CARDINAL32 in which to store an error code should an error occur. Output *Error_Code will be 0 if no errors occur. If an error does occur, then *Error_Code will be > 0. Error Handling If an error occurs, no changes will be made to Boot Manager and *Error_Code will be set a non-zero error code. Side Effects Boot Manager may be modified. Notes None. 16 Bit Versions: void _Far16 _Pascal _loadds SET_BOOT_MANAGER_OPTIONS16( CARDINAL32 Handle, BOOLEAN Timer_Active, CARDINAL32 Time_Out_Value, BOOLEAN Advanced_Mode, CARDINAL32 * _Seg16 Error_Code ); void far pascal _loadds SET_BOOT_MANAGER_OPTIONS16( CARDINAL32 Handle, BOOLEAN Timer_Active, CARDINAL32 Time_Out_Value, BOOLEAN Advanced_Mode, CARDINAL32 far * Error_Code ); ═══ Get_Boot_Manager_Options ═══ void _System Get_Boot_Manager_Options( ADDRESS * Handle, BOOLEAN * Handle_Is_Volume, BOOLEAN * Timer_Active, CARDINAL32 * Time_Out_Value, BOOLEAN * Advanced_Mode, CARDINAL32 * Error_Code ); Description This function returns the current Boot Manager settings for the various Boot Manager options. Input ADDRESS * Handle The handle for the default boot volume or partition. BOOLEAN * Handle_Is_Volume If TRUE, then Handle represents a volume. If FALSE, then Handle represents a partition. BOOLEAN * Timer_Active If TRUE, then the time-out timer is active. If FALSE, then the time-out timer is not active. CARDINAL32 * Time_Out_Value If the time-out timer is active, then this is the number of seconds that Boot Manager will wait for user input before booting the default volume/partition. BOOLEAN * Advanced_Mode If TRUE, the Boot Manager is operating in advanced mode. If FALSE, then Boot Manager is operating in normal mode. CARDINAL32 * Error_Code The address of a CARDINAL32 in which to store an error code should an error occur. Output *Handle, *Handle_Is_Volume, *Timer_Active, *Time_out_value, *Advanced_Mode, and *Error_Code are all set by this function. If there are no errors, then *Error_Code will be set to 0. If any errors occur, then *Error_Code will be > 0. Error Handling If any of the parameters are invalid, then a trap is likely. If Boot Manager is not installed, then *Error_Code will be > 0. Side Effects None. Notes None. 16 Bit Versions: void _Far16 _Pascal _loadds GET_BOOT_MANAGER_OPTIONS16( CARDINAL32 * _Seg16 Handle, BOOLEAN * _Seg16 Handle_Is_Volume, BOOLEAN * _Seg16 Timer_Active, CARDINAL32 * _Seg16 Time_Out_Value, BOOLEAN * _Seg16 Advanced_Mode, CARDINAL32 * _Seg16 Error_Code ); void far pascal _loadds GET_BOOT_MANAGER_OPTIONS16( CARDINAL32 far * Handle, BOOLEAN far * Handle_Is_Volume, BOOLEAN far * Timer_Active, CARDINAL32 far * Time_Out_Value, BOOLEAN far * Advanced_Mode, CARDINAL32 far * Error_Code ); ═══ 3.3.7. Other Functions ═══ Other functions. ═══ Allocate_Engine_Memory ═══ LVM Version 2 only ADDRESS _System Allocate_Engine_Memory( CARDINAL32 Size ); Description Allocates a block of memory using LVM.DLL's memory management functions. Input CARDINAL32 Size The number of bytes of memory to allocate. Output The address of the block of memory which was allocated, or NULL if the requested amount of memory could not be allocated. Error Handling None. Side Effects The specified number of bytes is allocated from the memory manager imbedded in LVM.DLL. Memory allocated by this function must be freed using Free_Engine_Memory function. The use of any memory manager to free the memory could result in Bad Things Happening! Notes None. ═══ Free_Engine_Memory ═══ void _System Free_Engine_Memory( ADDRESS Object ); Description Frees a memory object created by LVM.DLL and returned to a user of LVM.DLL. Input ADDRESS Object The address of the memory object to free. This could be the Drive_Control_Data field of a Drive_Control_Record, the Partition_Array field of a Partition_Information_Array structure, or any other dynamically allocated memory object created by LVM.DLL and returned by a function in LVM.DLL. Output None. Error Handling None. Side Effects None. Notes A trap or exception could occur if a bad address is passed into this function. 16 Bit Versions: void _Far16 _Pascal _loadds FREE_ENGINE_MEMORY16( ADDRESS _Seg16 Object ); void far pascal _loadds FREE_ENGINE_MEMORY16( CARDINAL32 Object ); ═══ New_MBR ═══ void _System New_MBR( ADDRESS Drive_Handle, CARDINAL32 * Error_Code ); Description This function lays down a new MBR on the specified drive. Input ADDRESS Drive_Handle The handle of the drive on which the new MBR is to be placed. CARDINAL32 * Error_Code The address of a CARDINAL32 in which to store an error code should an error occur. Output *Error_Code will be 0 if the new MBR was successfully placed on the specified drive. If the operation failed for any reason, then *Error_Code will contain a non-zero error code. Error Handling If an error occurs, then the existing MBR is not altered and *Error_Code will be > 0. Side Effects A new MBR may be placed on the specified drive. Notes None. 16 Bit Versions: void _Far16 _Pascal _loadds NEW_MBR16( CARDINAL32 Drive_Handle, CARDINAL32 * _Seg16 Error_Code ); void far pascal _loadds NEW_MBR16( CARDINAL32 Drive_Handle, CARDINAL32 far * Error_Code ); ═══ Get_Available_Drive_Letters ═══ CARDINAL32 _System Get_Available_Drive_Letters ( CARDINAL32 * Error_Code ); Description This function returns a bitmap indicating which drive letters are available for use. Drive letter A is represented by the right-most bit. Input CARDINAL32 * Error_Code The address of a CARDINAL32 in which to store an error code should an error occur. Output This function returns a bitmap of the available drive letters. If this function is successful, then *Error_Code will be set to 0. Otherwise, *Error_Code will be > 0 and the bitmap returned will have all bits set to 0. Error Handling If an error occurs, *Error_Code will be > 0. Side Effects None. Notes A drive letter is available if it is not associated with a volume located on a disk drive controlled by OS2DASD. 16 Bit Versions: CARDINAL32 _Far16 _Pascal _loadds GET_AVAILABLE_DRIVE_LETTERS16( CARDINAL32 * _Seg16 Error_Code ); CARDINAL32 far pascal _loadds GET_AVAILABLE_DRIVE_LETTERS16( CARDINAL32 far * Error_Code ) ; ═══ Get_Reserved_Drive_Letters ═══ CARDINAL32 _System Get_Reserved_Drive_Letters ( CARDINAL32 * Error_Code ); Description This function returns a bitmap indicating which drive letters are reserved for use by devices NOT under the control of LVM. Drive letter A is represented by the right-most bit. Input CARDINAL32 * Error_Code The address of a CARDINAL32 in which to store an error code should an error occur. Output This function returns a bitmap of the drive letters which are being used by devices which are NOT controlled by LVM. While a Volume CAN be assigned a drive letter from this list, a reboot will almost always be required in order for the assignment to take place. If this function is successful, then *Error_Code will be set to 0. Otherwise, *Error_Code will be > 0 and the bitmap returned will have all bits set to 0. Error Handling If an error occurs, *Error_Code will be > 0. Side Effects None. Notes Devices which are assigned drive letters but which are NOT under LVM control include: CD-ROM, Network drives, parallel port attached devices, and any DASD devices not controlled by OS2DASD. 16 Bit Versions: CARDINAL32 _Far16 _Pascal _loadds GET_RESERVED_DRIVE_LETTERS16( CARDINAL32 * _Seg16 Error_Code ); CARDINAL32 far pascal _loadds GET_RESERVED_DRIVE_LETTERS16( CARDINAL32 far * Error_Code ) ; ═══ Reboot_Required ═══ BOOLEAN _System Reboot_Required ( void ); Description This function indicates whether or not any changes were made to the partitioning of the disks in the system which would require a reboot to make functional. Input None. Output The function return value will be TRUE if the system must be rebooted as a result of disk partitioning changes. Error Handling None required. Side Effects None. Notes None. 16 Bit Versions: BOOLEAN _Far16 _Pascal _loadds REBOOT_REQUIRED16( void ); BOOLEAN far pascal _loadds REBOOT_REQUIRED16( void ); ═══ Changes_Pending ═══ BOOLEAN _System Changes_Pending ( void ); Description This function indicates whether or not any changes were made to the partitioning of the disks in the system which have not yet been comitted to disk. Input None. Output The function return value will be TRUE if there are uncomitted changes to the partitioning of one or more of the drives in the system. Error Handling None required. Side Effects None. Notes None. 16 Bit Versions: BOOLEAN _Far16 _Pascal _loadds CHANGES_PENDING16( void ); BOOLEAN far pascal _loadds CHANGES_PENDING16( void ); ═══ Set_Reboot_Flag ═══ void _System Set_Reboot_Flag( BOOLEAN Reboot, CARDINAL32 * Error_Code ); Description This function sets the Reboot Flag. The Reboot Flag is a special flag on the boot disk used by the install program to keep track of whether or not the system was just rebooted. It is used by the various phases of install. Input BOOLEAN Reboot The new value for the Reboot Flag. If TRUE, then the reboot flag will be set. If FALSE, then the reboot flag will be cleared. CARDINAL32 * Error_Code The address of a CARDINAL32 in which to store an error code should an error occur. Output *Error_Code will be set to 0 if there are no errors. *Error_Code will be > 0 if an error occurs. Error Handling If an error occurs, then the value of the Reboot Flag will be unchanged. Side Effects The value of the Reboot Flag may be changed. Notes None. 16 Bit Versions: void _Far16 _Pascal _loadds SET_REBOOT_FLAG16( BOOLEAN Reboot, CARDINAL32 * _Seg16 Error_Code ); void far pascal _loadds SET_REBOOT_FLAG16( BOOLEAN Reboot, CARDINAL32 far * Error_Code ); ═══ Get_Reboot_Flag ═══ BOOLEAN _System Get_Reboot_Flag( CARDINAL32 * Error_Code ); Description This function returns the value of the Reboot Flag. The Reboot Flag is a special flag on the boot disk used by the install program to keep track of whether or not the system was just rebooted. It is used by the various phases of install. Input CARDINAL32 * Error_Code The address of a CARDINAL32 in which to store an error code should an error occur. Output The function return value will be TRUE if no errors occur and the Reboot Flag is set. *Error_Code will be 0 under these conditions. If an error occurs, the function return value will be FALSE and *Error_Code will be > 0. Error Handling If an error occurs, *Error_Code will be > 0. The value of the reboot flag will be unchanged. Side Effects None. Notes None. 16 Bit Versions: BOOLEAN _Far16 _Pascal _loadds GET_REBOOT_FLAG16( CARDINAL32 * _Seg16 Error_Code ); BOOLEAN far pascal _loadds GET_REBOOT_FLAG16( CARDINAL32 far * Error_Code ); ═══ Set_Install_Flags ═══ void _System Set_Install_Flags( CARDINAL32 Install_Flags, CARDINAL32 * Error_Code ); Description This function sets the value of the Install Flags. The Install Flags reside in a 32 bit field in the LVM dataspace. These flags are not used by LVM, thereby leaving Install free to use them for whatever it wants. Input CARDINAL32 Install_Flags The new value for the Install Flags. CARDINAL32 * Error_Code The address of a CARDINAL32 in which to store an error code should an error occur. Output *Error_Code will be set to 0 if there are no errors. *Error_Code will be > 0 if an error occurs. Error Handling If an error occurs, then the value of the Install Flags will be unchanged. Side Effects The value of the Install Flags may be changed. Notes None. 16 Bit Versions: void _Far16 _Pascal _loadds Set_Install_Flags16( CARDINAL32 Install_Flags, CARDINAL32 * _Seg16 Error_Code ); void far pascal _loadds SET_INSTALL_FLAGS16( CARDINAL32 Install_Flags, CARDINAL32 far * Error_Code ); ═══ Get_Install_Flags ═══ CARDINAL32 _System Get_Install_Flags( CARDINAL32 * Error_Code ); Description This function returns the value of the Install Flags. The Install Flags reside in a 32 bit field in the LVM dataspace. These flags are not used by LVM, thereby leaving Install free to use them for whatever it wants. Input CARDINAL32 * Error_Code The address of a CARDINAL32 in which to store an error code should an error occur. Output The function returns the current value of the Install Flags stored in the LVM Dataspace. *Error_Code will be LVM_ENGINE_NO_ERROR if the function is successful. If an error occurs, the function will return 0 and *Error_Code will be > 0. Error Handling If an error occurs, *Error_Code will be > 0. Side Effects None. Notes None. 16 Bit Versions: void _Far16 _Pascal _loadds Get_Install_Flags16( CARDINAL32 * _Seg16 Install_Flags, CARDINAL32 * _Seg16 Error_Code ); void far pascal _loadds GET_INSTALL_FLAGS16( CARDINAL32 far * Install_Flags, CARDINAL32 far * Error_Code ); ═══ Set_Min_Install_Size ═══ void _System Set_Min_Install_Size ( CARDINAL32 Min_Sectors ); Description This function tells the LVM Engine how big a partition/volume must be in order for it to marked installable. If this function is not used to set the minimum size for an installable partition/volume, the LVM Engine will use a default value of 300 MB. Input CARDINAL32 Min_Sectors The minimum size, in sectors, that a partition must be in order for it to be marked as installable. Output None. Error Handling None required. Side Effects None. Notes None. 16 Bit Versions: void _Far16 _Pascal _loadds SET_MIN_INSTALL_SIZE16( CARDINAL32 Min_Sectors ); void far pascal _loadds SET_MIN_INSTALL_SIZE16( CARDINAL32 Min_Sectors ); ═══ Set_Free_Space_Threshold ═══ void _System Set_Free_Space_Threshold( CARDINAL32 Min_Sectors ); Description This function tells the LVM Engine not to report blocks of free space which are less than the size specified. The engine defaults to not reporting blocks of free space which are smaller than 2048 sectors (1 MB). Input CARDINAL32 Min_Sectors The minimum size, in sectors, that a block of free space must be in order for the LVM engine to report it. Output None. Error Handling None required. Side Effects None. Notes None. 16 Bit Versions: void _Far16 _Pascal _loadds SET_FREE_SPACE_THRESHOLD16( CARDINAL32 Min_Sectors ); void far pascal _loadds SET_FREE_SPACE_THRESHOLD16( CARDINAL32 Min_Sectors ); ═══ Read_Sectors ═══ void _System Read_Sectors ( CARDINAL32 Drive_Number, LBA Starting_Sector, CARDINAL32 Sectors_To_Read, ADDRESS Buffer, CARDINAL32 * Error ); Description This function reads one or more sectors from the specified drive and places the data read in Buffer. Input CARDINAL32 Drive_Number The number of the hard drive to read from. The drives in the system are numbered from 1 to n, where n is the total number of hard drives in the system. LBA Starting_Sector The first sector to read from. CARDINAL32 Sectors_To_Read The number of sectors to read into memory. ADDRESS Buffer The location to put the data read into. CARDINAL32 * Error The address of a variable to hold the error return code. Output If Successful, then the data read will be placed in memory starting at Buffer, and *Error will be LVM_ENGINE_NO_ERROR. If Unsuccessful, then *Error will be > 0 and the contents of memory starting at Buffer is undefined. Error Handling *Error will be > 0 if an error occurs. Side Effects Data may be read into memory starting at Buffer. Notes None. 16 Bit Versions: void _Far16 _Pascal _loadds READ_SECTORS16( CARDINAL32 Drive_Number, LBA Starting_Sector, CARDINAL32 Sectors_To_Read, ADDRESS _Seg16 Buffer, CARDINAL32 * _Seg16 Error ); void far pascal _loadds READ_SECTORS16( CARDINAL32 Drive_Number, LBA Starting_Sector, CARDINAL32 Sectors_To_Read, void far * Buffer, CARDINAL32 far * Error ); ═══ Write_Sectors ═══ void _System Write_Sectors ( CARDINAL32 Drive_Number, LBA Starting_Sector, CARDINAL32 Sectors_To_Write, ADDRESS Buffer, CARDINAL32 * Error ); Description This function writes data from memory to one or more sectors on the specified drive. Input CARDINAL32 Drive_Number The number of the hard drive to write to. The drives in the system are numbered from 1 to n, where n is the total number of hard drives in the system. LBA Starting_Sector The first sector to write to. CARDINAL32 Sectors_To_Read The number of sectors to be written. ADDRESS Buffer The location of the data to be written to disk. CARDINAL32 * Error The address of a variable to hold the error return code. Output If Successful, then the data at Buffer will be placed on the disk starting at the sector specified, and *Error will be LVM_ENGINE_NO_ERROR. If Unsuccessful, then *Error will be > 0 and the contents of the disk starting at sector Starting_Sector is undefined. Error Handling *Error will be > 0 if an error occurs. Side Effects Data may be written to disk. Notes None. 16 Bit Versions: void _Far16 _Pascal _loadds WRITE_SECTORS16( CARDINAL32 Drive_Number, LBA Starting_Sector, CARDINAL32 Sectors_To_Write, ADDRESS _Seg16 Buffer, CARDINAL32 * _Seg16 Error ); void far pascal _loadds WRITE_SECTORS16( CARDINAL32 Drive_Number, LBA Starting_Sector, CARDINAL32 Sectors_To_Write, void far * Buffer, CARDINAL32 far * Error ); ═══ Rediscover_PRMs ═══ void _System Rediscover_PRMs( CARDINAL32 * Error_Code ); Description Causes OS2LVM and OS2DASD to check PRMs for new or changed media. Input CARDINAL32 * Error_Code The address of a CARDINAL32 in which to store an error code should an error occur. Output If the Rediscover PRM operation was successful, then *Error_Code will be LVM_ENGINE_NO_ERROR. If there was an error, then *Error_Code will be > 0. Error Handling None. Side Effects New volumes may be discovered and assigned drive letters by OS2LVM and OS2DASD. Notes The LVM Engine must be CLOSED when this function is called as this function is disabled while it is open! 16 Bit Versions: void _Far16 _Pascal _loadds REDISCOVER_PRMS16( CARDINAL32 * _Seg16 Error_Code ); void far pascal _loadds REDISCOVER_PRMS16( CARDINAL32 far * Error_Code ); ═══ Get_LVM_View ═══ BOOLEAN _System Get_LVM_View( char IFSM_Drive_Letter, CARDINAL32 * Drive_Number, CARDINAL32 * Partition_LBA, char * LVM_Drive_Letter, BYTE * UnitID ); Description This function gets the OS2LVM data for the specified drive letter. The intent is to allow the determination of what drive letter a volume really has given the possibilities of conflict or a drive preference of '*'. Input char IFSM_Drive_Letter The drive letter for which the OS2LVM data is requested. CARDINAL32 * Drive_Number The address of a variable to hold the OS/2 drive number of the drive containing the first partition of the volume currently assigned to the requested drive letter. CARDINAL32 * Partition_LBA The address of a variable to hold the LBA of the first partition of the volume currently assigned to the requested drive letter. char * LVM_Drive_Letter The address of a variable to hold the drive letter that OS2LVM thinks the volume assigned to the requested drive letter should have. BYTE * UnitID The address of a variable to hold the OS2LVM unit ID for the volume associated with the requested drive letter. Output The function return value will be TRUE if the function completed successfully. Error Handling If this function fails, the specified drive letter is either not in use, or is in use by a device not controlled by OS2LVM. Side Effects None. Notes This function can be used with the LVM Engine open or closed. 16 Bit Versions: BOOLEAN _Far16 _Pascal _loadds GET_LVM_VIEW16( char IFSM_Drive_Letter, CARDINAL32 * _Seg16 Drive_Number, CARDINAL32 * _Seg16 Partition_LBA, char * _Seg16 LVM_Drive_Letter, BYTE * _Seg16 UnitID ); BOOLEAN far pascal _loadds GET_LVM_VIEW16( char IFSM_Drive_Letter, CARDINAL32 far * Drive_Number, CARDINAL32 far * Partition_LBA, char far * LVM_Drive_Letter, BYTE far * UnitID ); ═══ Start_Logging ═══ void _System Start_Logging( char * Filename, CARDINAL32 * Error_Code ); Description Enables the LVM Engine logging. Once enabled, the LVM Engine logging function will log all LVM Engine activity to the specified log file. The data is logged in a binary format for compactness and speed. Input char * Filename The filename of the file to use as the log file. CARDINAL32 * Error_Code The address of a CARDINAL32 in which to store an error code should an error occur. Output If the logging file was successfully created, then *Error_Code will be 0. If the log file could not be created, then *Error_Code will be > 0. Error Handling If the log file can not be created, then *Error_Code will be > 0. Side Effects A file may be created/opened for logging of LVM Engine actions. Notes None. 16 Bit Versions: void _Far16 _Pascal _loadds START_LOGGING16( char * _Seg16 Filename, CARDINAL32 * _Seg16 Error_Code ); void far pascal _loadds START_LOGGING16( char far * Filename, CARDINAL32 far * Error_Code ); ═══ Stop_Logging ═══ void _System Stop_Logging ( CARDINAL32 * Error_Code ); Description This function ends LVM Engine logging and closes the log file. Input CARDINAL32 * Error_Code The address of a CARDINAL32 in which to store an error code should an error occur. Output *Error_Code will be 0 if this function completes successfully; otherwise it will be > 0. Error Handling If the log file is not currently opened, or if the close operation fails on the log file, then *Error_Code will be > 0. Side Effects The log file may be closed. Notes None. 16 Bit Versions: void _Far16 _Pascal _loadds STOP_LOGGING16( CARDINAL32 * _Seg16 Error_Code ); void far pascal _loadds STOP_LOGGING16( CARDINAL32 far * Error_Code ); ═══ ═══ If a primary is created from this block of free space, then it can be made bootable. ═══ ═══ If a logical drive is created from this block of free space, then OS/2 can boot from it by adding it to the boot manager menu. ═══ ═══ OS/2 Drive Number for this drive. ═══ ═══ The total number of sectors on the drive. ═══ ═══ The serial number assigned to this drive. For info. purposes only. ═══ ═══ Handle used for operations on the disk that this record corresponds to. ═══ ═══ The number of cylinders on the drive. ═══ ═══ The number of heads per cylinder for this drive. ═══ ═══ The number of sectors per track for this drive. ═══ ═══ Set to TRUE if this drive is a PRM. ═══ ═══ Alignment. ═══ ═══ An array of drive control records. ═══ ═══ The number of entries in the array of drive control records. ═══ ═══ The number of sectors on the disk which are not currently assigned to a partition. ═══ ═══ The number of sectors in the largest contiguous block of available sectors. ═══ ═══ If TRUE, then the partitioning information found on the drive is incorrect! ═══ ═══ If TRUE, the drive's MBR is not accessible and the drive can not be partitioned. ═══ ═══ If TRUE, then the last I/O operation on this drive failed! ═══ ═══ If TRUE, then the drive is a PRM formatted as a big floppy (i.e. the old style removable media support). ═══ ═══ User assigned name for this disk drive. ═══ ═══ The handle used to perform operations on this partition. ═══ ═══ If this partition is part of a volume, this will be the handle of the volume. If this partition is NOT part of a volume, then this handle will be 0. ═══ ═══ The handle for the drive this partition resides on. ═══ ═══ The serial number assigned to this partition. ═══ ═══ The LBA of the first sector of the partition. ═══ ═══ The total number of sectors comprising the partition. ═══ ═══ The size of the partition as reported to the IFSM. This is the size of the partition less any LVM overhead. ═══ ═══ The maximum number of sectors from this block of free space that can be used to create a bootable partition if you allocate from the beginning of the block of free space. ═══ ═══ TRUE if this partition is part of a multi-partition volume. ═══ ═══ True or False. Any non-zero value here indicates that this partition is a primary partition. Zero here indicates that this partition is a "logical drive" - i.e. it resides inside of an extended partition. ═══ ═══ 80 = Partition is marked as being active. 0 = Partition is not active. ═══ ═══ This field is from the partition table. It is known as the OS flag, the Partition Type Field, Filesystem Type, and various other names. Values of interest If this field is: (values are in hex) 07 = The partition is a compatibility partition formatted for use with an installable filesystem, such as HPFS or JFS. 00 = Unformatted partition 01 = FAT12 filesystem is in use on this partition. 04 = FAT16 filesystem is in use on this partition. 0A = OS/2 Boot Manager Partition 35 = LVM partition 84 = OS/2 FAT16 partition which has been relabeled by Boot Manager to "Hide" it. ═══ ═══ 0 = Free Space 1 = LVM Partition (Part of an LVM Volume.) 2 = Compatibility Partition All other values are reserved for future use. ═══ ═══ 0 = Free Space 1 = In Use - i.e. already assigned to a volume. 2 = Available - i.e. not currently assigned to a volume. ═══ ═══ Set to TRUE if this partition is not part of a Volume yet is on the Boot Manager Menu. ═══ ═══ Alignment. ═══ ═══ The drive letter assigned to the volume that this partition is a part of. ═══ ═══ User assigned name for this disk drive. ═══ ═══ The name of the filesystem in use on this partition, if it is known. ═══ ═══ The user assigned name for this partition. ═══ ═══ If this partition is part of a volume, then this will be the name of the volume that this partition is a part of. If this record represents free space, then the Volume_Name will be "FREE SPACE xx", where xx is a unique numeric ID generated by LVM.DLL. Otherwise it will be an empty string. ═══ ═══ An array of Partition_Information_Records. ═══ ═══ The number of entries in the Partition_Array. ═══ ═══ The serial number assigned to this volume. ═══ ═══ The handle used to perform operations on this volume. ═══ ═══ TRUE indicates that this volume is compatible with older versions of OS/2. FALSE indicates that this is an LVM specific volume and can not be used without OS2LVM.DMD. ═══ ═══ Indicates what type of device the Volume resides on: 0 = Hard Drive under LVM Control 1 = PRM under LVM Control 2 = CD-ROM 3 = Network drive 4 = Unknown device NOT under LVM Control ═══ ═══ Alignment. ═══ ═══ An array of volume control records. ═══ ═══ The number of entries in the array of volume control records. ═══ ═══ The number of sectors comprising the volume. ═══ ═══ The number of partitions which comprise this volume. ═══ ═══ 0 indicates that the drive letter preference for this volume is unique. 1 indicates that the drive letter preference for this volume is not unique, but this volume got its preferred drive letter anyway. 2 indicates that the drive letter preference for this volume is not unique, and this volume did NOT get its preferred drive letter. 4 indicates that this volume is currently "hidden" - i.e. it has no drive letter preference at the current time. ═══ ═══ TRUE if this is for a compatibility volume, FALSE otherwise. ═══ ═══ Set to TRUE if this volume appears on the Boot Manager menu, or if it is a compatibility volume and its corresponding partition is the first active primary partition on the first drive. ═══ ═══ The drive letter that this volume desires to be. ═══ ═══ The drive letter currently used to access this volume. May be different than Drive_Letter_Preference if there was a conflict ( i.e. Drive_Letter_Preference is already in use by another volume ). ═══ ═══ The drive letter assigned to this volume by the operating system when LVM was started. This may be different from the Drive_Letter_Preference if there were conflicts, and may be different from the Current_Drive_Letter. This will be 0x0 if the Volume did not exist when the LVM Engine was opened (i.e. it was created during this LVM session). ═══ ═══ Set to FALSE if this volume existed before the LVM Engine was opened. Set to TRUE if this volume was created after the LVM Engine was opened. ═══ ═══ 0 = None. 1 = Bootable 2 = Startable 3 = Installable. ═══ ═══ The user assigned name for this volume. ═══ ═══ The name of the filesystem in use on this partition, if it is known. [Known values include 'HPFS', 'JFS', 'FAT16', 'FAT32', 'NTFS', 'UDF', 'CDFS', 'Linux' and '????'. Note that there is an apparent bug in the current LVM.DLL which causes partition type 0x83 (Linux native) to be reported as '????' while type 0x82 (Linux swap) is be reported as 'Linux'.] ═══ ═══ A Volume or Partition handle. ═══ ═══ If TRUE, then Handle is the handle of a Volume. Otherwise, Handle is the handle of a partition. ═══ ═══ The feature ID of the feature to use. ═══ ═══ The LVM Class (supported by the specified feature) to use. ═══ ═══ The address of a buffer containing initialization data for this feature. NULL if there is no initialization data being provided for this feature. ═══ ═══ Let LVM decide which block of free space to use to create the partition. ═══ ═══ Use the block of free space which is closest in size to the partition being created. ═══ ═══ Use the first block of free space on the disk which is large enough to hold a partition of the specified size. ═══ ═══ Use the last block of free space on the disk which is large enough to hold a partition of the specified size. ═══ ═══ Find the largest block of free space and allocate the partition from that block of free space. ═══ ═══ Find the smallest block of free space that can accommodate a partition of the size specified. ═══ ═══ Turn the specified drive or block of free space into a single partition.