LDAP SDK for OS/2 0.00 based on OpenLDAP 2.0.15 (http://www.openldap.com) YANO Takashi (tyano@tk.airnet.ne.jp) History: 2001-11-16 0.00: Initial release files: h/ include files for OS/2 lib/ static and import library files for OS/2 liblldap.lib (static link library for IBM VisualAge C/C++ 3.0) libllber.lib (static link library for IBM VisualAge C/C++ 3.0) liblldif.lib (static link library for IBM VisualAge C/C++ 3.0) ldapdll.lib (import library to use with IBM TCP/IP 4.0) ldapdll41.lib (import library to use with IBM TCP/IP 4.1) dll/ dynamic library files for OS/2 ldapdll.dll (dynamic link library to use with IBM TCP/IP 4.0) ldapdll41.dll (dynamic link library to use with IBM TCP/IP 4.1) src/ modified SDK *.c files for OS/2 include/ OpenLDAP 2.0.15 source tree's (no change) libraries/ OpenLDAP 2.0.15 source tree's (no change) doc/ OpenLDAP 2.0.15 source tree's (no change) makefile build.cmd ldapdll.def ldapdll41.def How to use: icc -C -Gm -I\ldapsdl\h yourprog.c icc yourprog.obj libldap.lib liblber.lib libldif.lib tcp32dll.lib so32dll.lib icc yourprog.obj ldapdll.lib icc yourprog.obj ldapdll41.lib Note: OS/2 Warp 4 and later OS/2s have TCP/IP 4.0 runtime. OS/2 Warp Server for e-business and later OS/2s have TCP/IP 4.1 runtime. If you want for your LDAP programs to work on any OS/2s, I recommend you to use ldapdll.lib or libldap.lib/liblber.lib/libldif.lib. The programs linked with ldapdll.lib must work with ldapdll.dll. The programs linked with ldapdll41.lib must work with ldapdll41.dll. How to build: build clean clean up files build tcpip41 build ldapdll41.dll and ldapdll41.lib build tcpip40 build ldapdll.dll and ldapdll.lib build build libldap.lib and liblber.lib and libldif.lib