MAYHEM README FILE -------------------------------------------------------------------- Mayhem is a game where two tanks shoot at each other in a ramdomly generated landscape! Each tank's gun is aimed by inputting an angle from the horizon, and a number of pounds of TNT to propell a shell with. Note: There is nothing to force the players to take turns while playing. Requirements -------------------------------------------------------------------- This game will work with: Liberty BASIC v1.2 for Windows Liberty BASIC v0.7 for OS/2 How to shoot -------------------------------------------------------------------- Pick an angle from 1 to 90 degrees of the horizon and input it. Then pick a quantity of pounds of TNT to use 1 - 20 (more or less) and input that. Then click on the fire button! Now if you miss, give the other chap a shot at you! And round you go!!! Modifying the game -------------------------------------------------------------------- When you get bored of Mayhem, add features to make it interesting. Try making it three players, or four! Make the ground invisible so that you have to hit it with a shell to 'feel' your way around it! Try giving each player a limited number of shells, or a limited quantity of TNT. Or all of the above with a setup screen! Use your imagination, and then share your code with all of us! Special thanks to Steve Woodward for inspiring me to write this! Carl Gundel, author of Liberty BASIC (The Liberty BASIC Home Page) 508-872-5315