MKMSGF p"6# %M&T'P) -y.Q/T/ 4Q5b6 9.:Z; G8HEI I@J4KPK L$L@L\LxL M M = ". Action: Correct the statement in the response file. ICause: An argument outside the range 100 - 9999, inclusive, was supplied for the MAXFILES keyword in the response file. Action: Change the MAXFILES argument to a supported value. The value for the MAXFILES keyword must be between 100 and 9999. ICause: An invalid path was specified as the argument for either the PATH keyword or the ALIAS keyword in the response. The specified path must exist to be considered valid. Action: Change the argument to a valid path specification. ICause: An invalid argument was specified for the NAME keyword. Action: Specify a valid NetBIOS name of 1-15 characters for the NAME parameter in the response file. ICause: An invalid argument was specified for the GROUPNAME keyword. Action: Specify either Yes or No as the value for the GROUPNAME parameter in the response file. ICause: The AuthList file specified as the argument of the AUTHLIST keyword in the response file could not be opened. Action: Ensure the response file or the command line invocation identifies the correct source authorization file. If the /U: parameter was not specified on the ThinSRV invocation, ensure the file that the AUTHLIST parameter refers to in the response file is valid. ICause: An invalid argument was specified for the PERMITWRITE keyword in the response file. Action: Specify either Yes or No as the value for the PERMITWRITE statement in the response file. ICause: An invalid argument was specified for the CLIENTWORKERS keyword in the response file. Action: Specify a number between 2 and 12, inclusive, as the value for CLIENTWORKERS in the response file. ICause: An invalid argument was supplied for one or more of the values for the ALIAS keyword. Action: Specify either ALIAS statement in the response file in the following syntax: ALIAS = READTYPE, ACCESSTYPE, ALIASNAME, ALIASPATH. READTYPE will be either ReadOnly or ReadWrite, ACCESSTYPE will be set to either Single or PerClient, ALIASNAME is 1-8 character name identifying the alias and ALIASPATH must be a currently valid drive:\ pathname. ICause: The response file does not contain a PATH keyword. Action: Add a valid PATH = statement to the response file. ICause: An incorrect entry was supplied in the AuthList file. Action: Correct the entry. A valid AuthList entry consists of a name (between 1 and 15 characters, inclusive), which may be followed by a period (.) and a string of 12 hexadecimal characters. ICause: Either the filespec supplied is invalid or the file could not be opened. Action: Verify that the drive specified in the value provided with the "/L1:" parameter is valid. If the filespec does not exist, verify that one can be created. Verify that the log file is not already in use by another process. If it is that, perform the necessary actions to allow the log file to be released or select another log file name. Verify that there is sufficient disk space on the target specified. ICause: The argument for the MAXCLIENTS keyword in the response file is invalid. Action: Change the value specified for the MAXCLIENTS in the response file so that it is between 1 and 99. ICause: SRVIFS server file SERVICE.EXE already existed and was not re-installed. Action: Erase SERVICE.EXE and rerun THINSRV if necessary. ICause: The path specified did not exist and could not be created. ThinIFS and ThinSRV support "/T:" and "/L1:" parameter values that require subdirectories to be created. This error is as a result of an unsuccessful attempt to create the specified path. Action: Supply a valid drive/path (directories will be created if necessary) as argument for the "/T:" or "/L1:" parameters. ICause: Incorrect THINSRV program invocation. Action: See program invocation documentation ICause: Incorrect THINIFS invocation. Action: Reference invocation documentation. ICause: The source parameter provided on the program invocation is not valid. Action: Ensure that the value for the source parameter is correct and refers to a valid OS/2 location. ICause: The source parameter provided on the program invocation line does not refer to a valid OS/2 path. Action: Ensure that the value for the source parameter is correct and refers to a valid OS/2 location. ICause: The target parameter provided on the program invocation line does not refer to a valid OS/2 path. Action: Ensure that the value for the target parameter is correct and refers to a valid OS/2 location. ICause: An attempt to write the specified file to disk was not successful. The return code from the OS/2 request is provided. Action: Verify that there was sufficient disk space to perform the write. Determine more information from an OS/2 programmers reference based on the return code provided. ICause: An attempt to read the file specified was not successful. The OS/2 return code is returned. Action: Verify the file specified exists. Determine more information from the OS/2 Programmers Reference regarding the return code. ICause: The specified program did not complete successfully. Action: See associated error messages. ICause: The number of parameters entered was incorrect.ICause: The *P parameter was specified for the server name. Action: Specify a valid name for the Server to be used by the client. ICause: The drive letter is not valid for one of the following reasons: An A or B was entered. The colon was missing. More than a single character and colon were used. Action: Specify the drive by entering a letter other than A or B followed by a colon. ICause: The SRVATTCH command did not complete because the SRVIFS redirector is not started. Action: Ensure that the system has been set up properly. NetBIOS must be loaded, and THINIFS must have completed successfully. ICause: SRVIFS cannot be run because its LAN Adapter has been closed. Action: Shut down the system from the OS/2 desktop to reset the adapter. Then restart the command. ICause: THINIFS has not been installed properly, or the system was not rebooted after CONFIG.SYS was updated. Action: Ensure that the DEVICE= and IFS= statements for SRVIFS are in CONFIG.SYS. Shut down the system from the OS/2 desktop. Then restart the command. ICause: Either the SRVATTCH command was issued with an incorrect server name, or the server is not running. Action: Verify the server name and ensure that it is running. ICause: The specified alias does not exist. Action: Specify an alias that is defined at the server. ICause: The adapter specified in the IFS= statement for SRVIFS in the CONFIG.SYS file is not configured for NetBIOS. Action: Ensure that the /A: parameter of the IFS= statement in CONFIG.SYS specifies the number of an adapter that is configured for NetBIOS. If no adapter is currently configured for NetBIOS, use the MPTS installation program to perform the necessary configuration. ICause: The drive letter specified is not currently attached. Action: If desired, retry the command using a drive that is currently redirected. ICause: The drive specified is already redirected by a previous SRVATTCH command. Action: Specify a drive letter that is not being used. ICause: The attach failed because the current client name is not authorized. Action: Check the .LST file on the server machine to ensure that the client name is authorized. If no use of authorizations is intended, the .LST file should be NULL, containing only comments with no blank lines. ICause: The server already has the maximum number of clients attached. Action: Detach from the server one or more clients that are no longer active, and retry the command. ICause: The maximum number of connections is already active. Action: Close any inactive LAN sessions so that an entry will become available. Retry the SRVATTCH command. ICause: The client name specified in the IFS= statement in CONFIG.SYS file is a duplicate of another system already started on the network. Action: Ensure that the name specified is unique. An asterisk (*) may be used instead of a name, which causes SRVIFS to assign a unique name. ICause: There are not enough system resources available. Action: Stop any applications that are no longer in use, and retry the command. ICause: ATTACH or DETACH failed for an undetermined reason. Action: Contact your IBM service representative. ICause: An asterisk (*) was specified for the drive letter. Action:No action is necessary. ICause: An *p was used in the IFS= statement in the CONFIG.SYS file . Therefore, SRVIFS prompted for a client name. Action: Ensure that a unique client name is entered. ICause: An incorrect client name was used. Action: If SRVIFS prompts for a requester name, enter a name that is alphanumeric. Otherwise, specify an alphanumeric name in the IFS= statement in the CONFIG.SYS file. ICause: An invalid client name was specified. Action: If SRVIFS prompts for a client name, enter a name that is 1-15 alphnumeric characters in length. Otherwise specify a name 1-15 alphanumeric characters long in the IFS= statement in the CONFIG.SYS file. ICause: The adapter number specified in the IFS= statement, for SRVIFS, in the CONFIG.SYS file has an adapter number other than 0 or 1. Action: Ensure that the adapter number (A:x) is 0 or 1 in the IFS= statement in CONFIG.SYS. ICause:None Action:None ICause: A NetBIOS error has occurred during an IFS call. A possible problem is that a disconnect occurred. Action: Shut down the system from the OS/2 desktop. Try to restart the command. If the problem persists contact your IBM service representative. ICause:None Action:None ICause: A NetBIOS error occurred during InitListen. SRVIFS cannot function. Action: Try to restart SERVICE. ICause: A NetBIOS error occurred during InitListen. SRVIFS cannot function. Action: Try to restart SERVICE. ICause: The DosCall DosAllocShrSeg failed. Action: Contact your IBM service representative. ICause: The area needed to hold the configuration defined in the SRVIFS .INI is larger than the maximum allowable size. The sum of the config- uration parameters exceeded 64kb. Action: Reduce the Maxclients, Adapters, or number of Alias in the .INI file for SRVIFS, or use the default values; then retry the operation. ICause: An OS/2 error occurred during DosCreateSem. Action: Contact your IBM service representative. ICause: The PATH= statement, in the .INI file for SRVIFS, is missing or is incorrect. Action: Add the PATH= statement to the .INI file. The path should specify a directory to use if the client does not specify an alias. ICause: A "?" was entered as an argument. Action: Enter a valid command statement. ICause: One of the arguments passed on the SERVICE command was not correct, too long, or not alphanumeric. Action: The syntax for SERVICE is: SERVICE [ /Quit | /Force | /Status | /Authlist | /ini=name ]. Where name must be 1-8 characters long and alphanumeric. ICause: NetBIOS resources are not currently available. Action: Stop any inactive LAN sessions. Try to restart SERVICE. ICause: An error occurred during the attempt to start communications. Action: Contact your IBM service representative. ICause: The server name specified in the .INI file for SRVIFS is already in use. Action: Change the server name in the current .INI file to a name that is not in use , or use an .INI file that specifies a server name that is not in use. ICause:None Action:None ICause: The specified server is not active. Action: Specify an active server for the request. ICause:None Action:None ICause:None Action:None ICause:None Action:None ICause:None Action:None ICause:None Action:None ICause:None Action:None ICause:None Action:None ICause:None Action:None ICause:None Action:None ICause:None Action:None ICause:None Action:None ICause:None Action:None ICause:None Action:None ICause:None Action:None ICause:None Action:None ICause:None Action:None ICause:None Action:None ICause: A NetBIOS reset failed because not enough sessions were available at the time of the call. Action: Stop any inactive LAN sessions. Try to restart SERVICE. ICause: A NetBIOS reset failed because not enough commands were available at the time of the call. Action: Stop any inactive LAN sessions. Try to restart SERVICE. ICause: A NetBIOS reset failed because not enough names were available at the time of the call. Action: Stop any inactive LAN sessions. Try to restart SERVICE. ICause: NetBIOS failed to reset the adapter. Action: Contact your IBM service representative. ICause:None Action:None ICause: NetBIOS failed to add a name to the specified adapter for an undetermined reason. Action: Contact your IBM service representative. ICause: NetBIOS is not correctly installed on the system. Action: Use the MPTS installation program to specify NetBIOS for the adapter(s) to be used by SRVIFS. ICause: The server failed to register with the network. The reason for the failure is undetermined. Action: Contact your IBM service representative. ICause:None Action:None ICause:None Action:None ICause:None Action:None ICause: The client name is not authorized. Action: Check the .LST file on the server to ensure that the client name is authorized. If no use of authorizations is intended, the .LST file should be NULL, containing only comments with no blank lines. ICause: The session ended abnormally for the specified adapter. The cause cannot be determined. Action: Try to restart SERVICE. If the problem persists, contact your IBM service representative. ICause:None Action:None ICause: An unexpected software error occurred. The cause cannot be determined. Action: Call your IBM service representative. ICause: An external factor interrupted the semaphore. Its cause cannot be determined. Action: Contact your IBM service representative. ICause: An error occurred during the RECEIVE command on the specified adapter. Its cause cannot be determined. Action: Contact your IBM service representative. ICause: An undetermined and unrecoverable error occurred in NetBIOS. Action: Contact your IBM service representative. ICause:None Action:None ICause: An incorrect value was specified for ADAPTER. Action: Change the value for ADAPTER in the .INI file for SRVIFS to 0, 1, or BOTH. ICause: An incorrect value was specified for the MAXCLIENTS parameter. Action: Change the MAXCLIENTS value in the .INI file for SRVIFS to an integer between 1 and 100. ICause: The value for MAXCLIENTS exceeded the maximum. Action: Change the MAXCLIENTS value in the .INI file for SRVIFS to a number within the range specified in the message. ICause: The value for MAXCLIENTS exceeded the maximum. Action: Change the MAXCLIENTS value in the .INI file for SRVIFS to be an integer between 1 and 100. ICause: The value for MAXFILES exceeded the maximum. Action: Change the MAXFILES value in the .INI file for SRVIFS to a number within the range specified in the message. ICause: The specified directory does not exist. Action: Specify a directory that exists for the PATH= statement in the .INI file for SRVIFS. ICause: The syntax was incorrect for the PATH= parameter. Action: Specify an existing value for PATH= in the .INI file for SRVIFS. ICause: An incorrect value was used for NAME. Action: Change the value for NAME in the .INI file for SRVIFS to be alphanumeric. ICause: The string value for NAME exceeded the maximum. Action: Change NAME in the .INI file for SRVIFS to a value no longer than 15 characters. ICause: An incorrect value was specified for GROUPNAME. Action: Change the value for GROUPNAME in the .INI file for SRVIFS to either Yes or No. ICause: The authorization list was specified incorrectly. Action: Change the AUTHLIST parameter in the .INI file for SRVIFS to a name that exists. ICause: AUTHLIST contained an incorrect parameter. Action: Change the AUTHLIST statement in the .INI file for SRVIFS to contain only valid parameters. ICause: LOGEXEC contained a non-existent parameter. Action: Change LOGEXEC in the .INI file for SRVIFS so that it contains an existing parameter. ICause: A nonexistent directory name was specified. Action: Change the directory name in the .INI file for SRVIFS to one that exists. ICause: An incorrect value was specified for the alias path. Action: Specify a valid path, at least 3 characters in length, for the alias in the .INI file for SRVIFS. ICause: An incorrect value was specified for alias style. Action: Change the read_style parameter in the .INI file for SRVIFS to either perclient or single. ICause: An incorrect value was specified for alias access. Action: Change the alias access parameter in the .INI file for SRVIFS to either readonly or readwrite. ICause: A duplicate value was specified for the alias name. Action: Change the alias name in the .INI file for SRVIFS to a unique name. ICause: A value that exceeded the maximum length was specified for alias name. Action: Change the Alias name in the .INI file for SRVIFS to a name less than or equal to 8 characters. ICause: An alias syntax error occurred. Action: Change the syntax of the specified line in the .INI file for SRVIFS. ICause: A syntax error occurred. Action: Change the syntax of the line specified in the .INI file for SRVIFS. ICause: Either the .INI file for SRVIFS was specified with a non-existent name, or the file is damaged. Action: Try to restart SERVICE with an .INI file for SRVIFS that exists. If the file does exist, ensure that it is not damaged. ICause: The directory search failed because the file does not exist or the path is incorrect. Action: Ensure that the .INI file name exists. If the file exists, ensure the PATH= statement in the CONFIG.SYS file is correct. ICause: Insufficient memory is available for the authorization entry. Action: Stop any applications that are no longer active, and retry the command. ICause: The value specified for the authorization ID was too long. Action: Change the authorization ID in the .INI file for SRVIFS to a value less than or equal to 15 characters. ICause: An incorrect value was specified for the authorization address. Action: Change the authorization address in the .INI file for SRVIFS to a value less than or equal to 12 characters. ICause: An blank line was incorrectly specified in the .LST file for SRVIFS. Action: Remove the blank line from the .LST file for SRVIFS before you use SERVICE again. ICause: Either the .LST file for SRVIFS does not exist, or it is damaged. Action: Ensure that the .LST file for SRVIFS exists. If the file exists, ensure that it is not damaged. ICause:None Action:None ICause:None Action:None ICause:None Action:None ICause: The operation failed because the server name already exists, and AdapterCard = BOTH, and GroupName = NO in the .INI file for SRVIFS. Action: Change the GROUPNAME parameter in the .INI file for SRVIFS to Yes, because both adapters are in the same network. ICause:None Action:None ICause: An incorrect value was specified for MAXFILES. Action: Change the MAXFILES parameter in the .INI file for SRVIFS to an integer between 100 and 9999. ICause: The string value for MAXFILES exceeded the maximum. Action: Change the MAXFILES parameter in the .INI file for SRVIFS to an integer between 100 and 9999. ICause: An incorrect value was specified for PERMITWRITE. Action: Change the PERMITWRITE parameter in the .INI file for SRVIFS to either Yes or No. ICause: An incorrect value was specified for PERCLIENT. Action: Change the PERCLIENT parameter in the .INI file for SRVIFS to either Yes or No. ICause: An incorrect value was specified for CLIENTWORKERS. Action: Change the CLIENTWORKERS parameter in the .INI file for SRVIFS to an integer between 2 and 12. The default is 6. ICause: An incorrect value was specified for CLIENTWORKERS. Action: Change the CLIENTWORKERS parameter in the .INI file for SRVIFS to a number within the range specified. The default is 6. ICause: The string value specified for CLIENTWORKERS exceeded the maximum. Action: Change the CLIENTWORKERS parameter in the .INI file for SRVIFS to an integer between 1 and 12. ICause:None Action:None ICause:None Action:None ICause:None Action:None ICause:None Action:None ICause:None Action:None ICause:None Action:None ICause:None Action:None ICause:None Action:None ICause:None Action:None ICause:None Action:None ICause:None Action:None ICause:None Action:None ICause:None Action:None ICause:None Action:None ICause:None Action:None ICause: The system's resources are exhausted. Action: Stop any applications that are no longer in use, and retry the command.