═══ 1. About this guide ═══ Kroni's Classes Version 0.12 -- A class library for lazy PM programmers -- Reference Guide Software requirements: OS/2 Warp and Visual Age C++. Hardware Requirements: none (anything which runs Warp and VAC++ is good enough). Please read the file readme.1st and the copyright notice before you go on! ═══ 1.1. Copyright notice ═══ Kroni's Classes - License. You may:  make and distribute as many copies of the complete archive as you want. When doing this, the archive must always stay complete and may not be changed in any way.  install the software on one computer and run all .exe files. If you are not registered, you may not do anything else with the software, including studying of the source code. To register, you must write your full name and the version number of Kroni's Classes on a postcard and mail it to the author. If you are registered, you get the following additional rights: You may  use the source codes for studying  use and change the software to write your own programs  distribute compiled versions of your own programs  distribute source codes of your programs that include parts or all of Kroni's Classes if you also include the copyright notices that are placed at the top of all original source code files of Kroni's Classes. NOTE THE DISCLAIMERS. ═══ 1.2. DISCLAIMERS ═══ NOTE THESE DISCLAIMERS: I release this software "as is". Use it completely at your own risk. I can not be hold responsible for any damage which is inflicted directly or indirectly to you or other persons or objects in any way by bugs or unexpected behaviour of Kroni's Classes. If you do not accept this, you are not allowed to use the software at all. If these conditions are illegal in your country, it is not allowed to use the software in your country at all. I wrote this software completely on my own. However, in some countries, even simple algorithms might be copyrighted. This means that in some countries I might not have the right to grant you the above rights. If this is indeed the case in your country, it is not allowed to use the software in your country at all. ═══ 1.3. Contacting the author ═══ The author's name and address are: Wolfgang Kronberg Richard-Linde-Weg 16a 21033 Hamburg Germany Please send your registration to this address. Registered users may also contact the author using this e-mail address: vlk@amt.cmlink.de Please keep mails to this account small (<10k). ═══ 1.4. Introduction ═══ This reference guide lists all public classes and functions defined in Kroni's Classes and explaines the meaning of their members and arguments. Since Kroni's Classes are build upon the IBM open class library, this reference guide tries to maintain the open class library's reference guide's "look & feel". This guide should not be used as a general tutorial. Please have a look at the user's guide and the demo software to find out more about that subject. ═══ 2. Classes by Name ═══ KrAntiFrame KrAsyncMain KrAlignment KrBitfield KrBitfieldData KrChoice KrChoiceData KrCommonTextOutput KrCoordSystemTranslator KrDrawingCanvas KrFrame KrGBox KrGLine KrGString KrGraphicList KrMemoryBitmap KrMenuBar KrPoint KrPrinter KrProfile KrRectangle KrTrace KrUserDataField KrWinComm ═══ 3. Carefree main() function ═══ By inheriting from the KrAsyncMain class, you get a new main() function which offers convenient features. ═══ 3.1. KrAsyncMain ═══ Description Derivation Constructors Public Functions Enumerations ═══ 3.1.1. Class Description - KrAsyncMain ═══ #include "krasyncm.hpp" Beginners to OS/2 PM programming usually find this message processing style in which PM programs have to be written highly disturbing. The IBM open class library helps somewhat by providing ICurrentApplication::run(). However, the associated handler concept is not easy to comprehend, and the programmer ist still responsible for not blocking the message queue for more than a few milliseconds. By inheriting from KrAsyncMain, you get a new main() function with the following nice features:  It runs in its own thread on idle priority. This means that you can do whatever you want in this main() function, the system will still be able to multitask as if no system load existed, you'll be able to move around your app's window on the screen etc., but main() will still get as much CPU power as possible under these circumstances (usually, this will be approx. 99.9%).  It will receive commands send to your window, thus benefiting from the advantages of the message system while avoiding its disadvantages (s.a).  It will receive a startup message, i.e. you can now easily write commands which are supposed to be part of the program's initialization, but which also require that the system parts of the application already are fully functional (i.e. that IApplication::current().run() ist already running). ═══ 3.1.2. Derivation - KrAsyncMain ═══ KrAsyncMain inherits both from ICommandHandler and from IThreadFn. ═══ 3.1.3. Constructors - KrAsyncMain ═══ KrAsyncMain is a virtual class. You cannot construct objects of this class. Instead, derive a new class from KrAsyncMain which defines at least a new function main. You can construct one object of a derived class and attach it to your application's main window. Though it might be possible to create more objects and destruct them, this is not recommended. The construction of this object should take place immediately before calling IApplication::current().run(). Overload 1 public: KrAsyncMain (IWindow* mainWindow); ═══ 3.1.4. Public Functions - KrAsyncmain ═══ Constructors KrAsyncMain main() function main ═══ KrAsyncMain::main ═══ You must overwrite this pure virtual function. It is called on program startup and whenever a command is received by your application's main window. This command may come from any source, including having been issued from within this function. The command is passed in the parameter event. Have a look at the enumeration commands to find out what commands are used. public: virtual void main (IEvent & event) = 0; Note: This function is called once at a time only. You don't need to take care of any synchronization issues, but you must be aware that no further commands will be processed by this function while it is still running. However, if commands are received while the function is still running, these commands are not lost. Instead, they are stored in a FIFO (first in, first out) queue and being processed as soon as the function is left. ═══ 3.1.5. Enumerations - KrAsyncMain ═══ commands ═══ KrAsyncMain::commands ═══ public: typedef enum {cmdStartUp = 1, cmdFuncFinished, cmdUser} commands; These command codes are being passed in IEvent::parameter1() to main. These are their meanings: cmdStartUp Used on first call after program startup cmdFuncFinished Reserved for internal use cmdUser This and all subsequent values are free for you to use for your own commands. Be aware, however, that you must avoid conflicts with other commands sent to your application's main window, e.g. IDs of menu items. ═══ 4. Menu support ═══ Use KrMenuBar to add a menu bar (possibly with drop-down menus) to your application. ═══ 4.1. KrMenuBar ═══ #include "krmenu.hpp" KrMenuBar does not provide real new features, but rather a bugfix. It behaves exactely like IMenuBar, from which it inherits, with one exception: when constructed using public: KrMenuBar (IFrameWindow *owner, const Style & style = defaultStyle()); the correct system font for menus is used to build the menu bar and the associated menus (IMenuBar erranously uses the system proportional font). ═══ 5. Screen text output ═══ The class KrCommonTextOutput allows you to easily output text to the screen. ═══ 5.1. KrCommonTextOutput ═══ Description Derivation Constructors Public Functions ═══ 5.1.1. Class Description - KrCommonTextOutput ═══ #include "krcto.hpp" This class contains a ostream object. All output that goes to this object is displayed in an IMultiLineEdit window. You can use this class to redirect output from cout etc. to the screen. ═══ 5.1.2. Derivation - KrCommonTextOutput ═══ KrCommonTextOutput inherits from IMultiLineEdit. ═══ 5.1.3. Constructors - KrCommonTextOutput ═══ You can construct and destruct objects of this class. Overload 1 public: KrCommonTextOutput (unsigned long id, IWindow* parent, IWindow* owner, const IRectangle& initial = IRectangle (), const Style& style = defaultStyle () | readOnly); The constructor works exactly like the corresponding constructor of IMultiLineEdit. ═══ 5.1.4. Public Functions - KrCommonTextOutput ═══ Constructors KrCommonTextOutput Associated stream stream ═══ KrCommonTextOutput::stream ═══ Use this function to access the ostream associated to the KrCommonTextOutput object. public: ostream & stream (); Usually, you will assign it to some other stream like cout using the operator =. Note: The ostream has and needs the property ios::unitbuf. Unfortunately, this is not copied by the operator =. Hence, you must take care of this yourself by calling ios::setf (ios::unitbuf). Do not use this function before the object is properly initialized, i.e. before IApplication::current().run() has been called. ═══ 6. Easy user input ═══ The class KrWinComm provides you with the ability to easily query the user for input for some basic variable types, using the common >> operator. In addition, the following classes let you ask the user for input of more complicated data structures and even of arbitrary types. KrBitfield KrBitfieldData KrChoice KrChoiceData KrUserDataField ═══ 6.1. KrWinComm ═══ Description Derivation Constructors Public Functions Operators Manipulators ═══ 6.1.1. Class Description - KrWinComm ═══ #include "krwc.hpp" This class, in combination with some operators, acts similar to an istream object. It queries data from the user by presenting him a dialog box. Please note that this class does not really inherit from istream, so that not all types which can be input via an istream can also immediately be input via a KrWinComm object. It is possible, however, to provide that support for arbitrary objects in a convenient way. Have a look at the user's guide and the demo programs dialog3 and demo to learn details. ═══ 6.1.2. Derivation - KrWinComm ═══ KrWinComm inherits from IBase. ═══ 6.1.3. Constructors - KrWinComm ═══ You can construct and destruct objects of this class. Overload 1 public: KrWinComm (const IString & aTitle = "Dialog"); The constructor initializes essential object data, but does not create the dialog window. The window is created when the first input is queried from the KrWinComm object. The dialog title can be changed at a later time using setTitle. ═══ 6.1.4. Public Functions - KrWinComm ═══ Appearance setFont setTitle Constructors KrWinComm ~KrWinComm Diagnostics ok Display Dialog run Input addEntryField Output addToNextPrompt setNextPrompt ═══ KrWinComm::setFont ═══ Use this function to change the default font used in the dialog window. public: void setFont (const IFont & aFont); ═══ KrWinComm::setTitle ═══ Use this function to change the dialog window's title. public: void setTitle (const IString & aTitle); ═══ KrWinComm::~KrWinComm ═══ public: ~KrWinComm (); ═══ KrWinComm::ok ═══ Use this function to find out whether the last dialog has been aborted. public: Boolean ok (); This function returns true if the user completed the dialog and pressed the OK button, and false if he aborted it. ═══ KrWinComm::run ═══ This function displays the dialog and waits for the user input. public: Boolean run (); The function returns true if the user completed the dialog and pressed the OK button, and false if he aborted it. Note: It is recommended to use the display modifier instead of this function. ═══ KrWinComm::addEntryField ═══ This function prepares the KrWinComm object to input variables of the corresponding type. Overload 1 public: void addEntryField (IString & s); Overload 2 public: void addEntryField (double & d); Overload 3 public: void addEntryField (unsigned long & l); Overload 4 public: void addEntryField (signed long & l); Overload 5 public: void addEntryField (KrBitfield & b); Overload 6 public: void addEntryField (KrChoice & c); Overload 7 public: void addEntryField (KrUserDataField & f); Overload 8 public: void addEntryField (KrUserDataField * f); The function returns true if the user completed the dialog and pressed the OK button, and false if he aborted it. Note: Do not use any of these functions. Use the corresponding operator >> instead. ═══ KrWinComm::addToNextPrompt ═══ This function appends a string to the introducing line for the next input field. public: void addToNextPrompt (const IString & title); Note: It is recommended to use the operator << instead of this function. ═══ KrWinComm::setNextPrompt ═══ This function sets the introducing line for the next input field. public: void setNextPrompt (const IString & title); Note: It is recommended to use the operator << instead of this function. ═══ 6.1.5. Operators - KrWinComm ═══ For your convenience, overloads to the common input and output operator are provided for the use with KrWinComm operator << operator >> Note: Make sure you do not use any of these operatrs before IApplication::current().run() has been called, since they require the existence of a message queue. ═══ KrWinCom - operator << ═══ This operator lets the programmer add "prompt lines" to the dialog window presented to the user. KrWinComm accumulates all strings directed to it using this operator, until the operator >> is used to input some variable. Then, the accumulated string is used as the prompt line, and its contents is deleted so that the same can be done for the next input variable. Overload 1 public: KrWinComm & operator << (KrWinComm & aWinComm, const IString & aString); ═══ KrWinCom - operator >> ═══ Use the overloads of this operator to query input from the user. Use the last overload, which expects a pointer to a KrUserDataField object, to define the input for objects for which no pre-defined operator exists, and which are not derived from KrUserDataField. The corresponding KrUserDataField will be deleted after the dialog window has been displayed. Have a look at the user's guide and the sample programs display3.cpp and demo.cpp for details on this subject. The other overloads do not delete the objects passed to them as arguments. Overload 1 public: KrWinComm & operator >> (KrWinComm & aWinComm, IString & aString); Overload 2 public: KrWinComm & operator >> (KrWinComm & aWinComm, double & aDouble); Overload 3 public: KrWinComm & operator >> (KrWinComm & aWinComm, unsigned long & aUnsigned); Overload 4 public: KrWinComm & operator >> (KrWinComm & aWinComm, signed long & aSigned); Overload 5 public: KrWinComm & operator >> (KrWinComm & aWinComm, KrBitfield & aBitfield); Overload 6 public: KrWinComm & operator >> (KrWinComm & aWinComm, KrChoice & aChoice); Overload 7 public: KrWinComm & operator >> (KrWinComm & aWinComm, KrUserDataField & aUserData); Overload 8 public: KrWinComm & operator >> (KrWinComm & aWinComm, KrUserDataField* aUserData); ═══ 6.1.6. Manipulators - KrWinComm ═══ The display manipulator will show the dialog on the screen and let the user type his input. Its influence on KrWinComm objects is similar to that of the operator flush on ostream objects. ═══ KrWinComm - manipulator display ═══ This manipulator displays the dialog window defined by previous uses of the operators << and >> on a KrWinComm object and evaluates the user input. public: KrWinComm & display (KrWinComm & aWinComm); ═══ 6.2. KrBitfield ═══ Description Derivation Constructors Public Functions ═══ 6.2.1. Class Description - KrBitfield ═══ #include "krwc.hpp" This class represents a set of options, each of which has a name, and each of which can indpendently be selected or deselected. Its main purpose is to be used as an input data structure for KrWinComm. ═══ 6.2.2. Derivation - KrBitfield ═══ KrBitfield inherits from IBase. ═══ 6.2.3. Constructors - KrBitfield ═══ You can construct and destruct objects of this class. The default constructor creates an empty set of options. Before an object created that way is actually used, add should have been called at least once. Overload 1 public: KrBitfield (); You may also construct a KrBitfield object from an existing KrBitfieldData object. Overload 2 public: KrBitfield (const KrBitfieldData & aData); ═══ 6.2.4. Public Functions - KrBitfield ═══ Adding new options add Constructors KrBitfield Control options isChecked toggle Queries getFirstKey getNextKey getText numberOfEntries ═══ KrBitfield::add ═══ There are to ways to add a new option to the set. Overload 1 public: int add (const IString & newEntry, Boolean checked = false); Use this overload to add an option and assign the next free id to it. This id is returned by the function. The parameter checked lets you control whether the option should initialy be set. Overload 2 public: int add (int id, const IString & newEntry, Boolean checked = false); Use this overload to add an option and assign a predefined id to it. If this id is not free anymore, the call fails, and zero is returned. Otherwise, the predefined id itself is returned. ═══ KrBitfield::isChecked ═══ Use this function to query the status of the option identified by the parameter id. public: Boolean isChecked (int id); ═══ KrBitfield::toggle ═══ Use this function to change the status of an option. There are two overloads. Both return the new status of the option identified by the parameter id. Overload 1 public: Boolean toggle (int id, Boolean check); Use this overload to set the option to the value check. Overload 2 public: Boolean toggle (int id); This overload inverts the current status of the option. ═══ KrBitfield::getFirstKey ═══ This function returns the id of the first option in the set. public: int getFirstKey (); Note: If you call this function when the set is empty, an IEmptyException is thrown. ═══ KrBitfield::getNextKey ═══ This function returns the id of the next option in the set which comes after the id passed as an argument. public: int getNextKey (int id); Note: If you pass an invalid id to this function, an ICursorInvalidException is thrown. If the id passed to the function already belongs to the last option, this same id is returned. ═══ KrBitfield::getText ═══ This function returns the name of the option whose id is passed as an argument. public: IString & getText (int id); Note: If you pass an invalid id to this function, an INotContainsKeyException is thrown. ═══ KrBitfield::numberOfEntries ═══ This function returns the number of options currently in the set. public: int numberOfEntries (); ═══ 6.3. KrBitfieldData ═══ This is a template class derived from IKeySortedSet, which contains the data of the set of options included in a KrBitfield object. Do not use this class in your programs, since it might change or even altogether disappear in a future version of Kroni's Classes. ═══ 6.4. KrChoice ═══ Description Derivation Constructors Public Functions ═══ 6.4.1. Class Description - KrChoice ═══ #include "krwc.hpp" This class represents a set of choices, each of which has a name, and of which exactly one is chosen at a time. Its main purpose is to be used as an input data structure for KrWinComm. ═══ 6.4.2. Derivation - KrChoice ═══ KrChoice inherits from IBase. ═══ 6.4.3. Constructors - KrChoice ═══ You can construct and destruct objects of this class. The default constructor creates an empty set of choices. Before an object created that way is actually used, add should have been called at least once. Overload 1 public: KrChoice (); You may also construct a KrChoice object from an existing KrChoiceData object. Overload 2 public: KrChoice (const KrChoiceData & aData); ═══ 6.4.4. Public Functions - KrChoice ═══ Active choice get set Adding new choices add Constructors KrChoice Queries getFirstKey getNextKey getText numberOfEntries ═══ KrChoice::get ═══ This function returns the id of the currently active choice. public: int get(); ═══ KrChoice::set ═══ Pass a choice's id as an argument to this function to make the choice the active one. public: void set (int id); ═══ KrChoice::add ═══ There are to ways to add a new choice to the set. Overload 1 public: int add (const IString & newChoice); Use this overload to add a choice and assign the next free id to it. This id is returned by the function. Overload 2 public: int add (int id, const IString & newChoice); Use this overload to add a choice and assign a predefined id to it. If this id is not free anymore, the call fails, and zero is returned. Otherwise, the predefined id itself is returned. ═══ KrChoice::getFirstKey ═══ This function returns the id of the first choice in the set. public: int getFirstKey (); Note: If you call this function when the set is empty, an IEmptyException is thrown. ═══ KrChoice::getNextKey ═══ This function returns the id of the next choice in the set which comes after the id passed as an argument. public: int getNextKey (int id); Note: If you pass an invalid id to this function, an ICursorInvalidException is thrown. If the id passed to the function already belongs to the last choice, this same id is returned. ═══ KrChoice::getText ═══ This function returns the name of the choice whose id is passed as an argument. public: IString & getText (int id); Note: If you pass an invalid id to this function, an INotContainsKeyException is thrown. ═══ KrChoice::numberOfEntries ═══ This function returns the number of choices currently in the set. public: int numberOfEntries (); ═══ 6.5. KrChoiceData ═══ This is a template class derived from IKeySortedSet, which contains the data of the set of choices included in a KrChoice object. Do not use this class in your programs, since it might change or even altogether disappear in a future version of Kroni's Classes. ═══ 6.6. KrUserDataField ═══ Description Derivation Constructors Public Functions ═══ 6.6.1. Class Description - KrUserDataField ═══ #include "krwc.hpp" This virtual class is used to provide KrWinComm support for variables of arbitrary types. Refer to the user's guide and the demo programs dialog3.cpp and demo.cpp for inforation on how to use it. ═══ 6.6.2. Derivation - KrUserDataField ═══ KrUserDataField inherits from IBase. ═══ 6.6.3. Constructors - KrUserDataField ═══ This is a virtual class. You cannot construct objects of this class. Instead, use this class as a base to define new classes and overwrite all functions. No constructor is defined for this class. ═══ 6.6.4. Public Functions - KrUserDataField ═══ Pure virtual functions initialize transform ═══ KrUserDataField::initialize ═══ public: virtual int initialize (IMultiCellCanvas & c, int start) = 0; When this function is called, the drawing of the actual dialog window is currently taking place, and this object must now create its own window objects and place them in the IMultiCellCanvas c, starting at row start. Only column 4 of c should be used. As many rows as desired may be used. The number of the first unused row must be returned. For further details, refer to the user's guide and the demo programs dialog3.cpp and demo.cpp ═══ KrUserDataField::transform ═══ public: virtual Boolean transform (Boolean doIt) = 0; To give the user the opportunity to do input, window elements like IEntryField must be used. If doIt is true, this function must transform the data in the window element to the actual user data. If doIt is false, the function may only test whether such a transform is possible with the data in the window element. If successfull transformation is possible or has been performed, true is returned. Otherwise, false is returned. ═══ 7. Graphics Classes ═══ Sorry, no information yet ═══ 8. Printing ═══ To easily print your graphics on any printer, use the KrPrinter class. ═══ 8.1. KrPrinter ═══ Description Derivation Constructors Public Functions ═══ 8.1.1. Class Description - KrPrinter ═══ #include "krprint.hpp" This class is used to output graphics to a printer. Its use is similar to that of IDrawingCanvas. In addition, KrPrinter provides methods to let the user choose the printer and the settings he wants to use. ═══ 8.1.2. Derivation - KrPrinter ═══ KrPrinter inherits from IBase. ═══ 8.1.3. Constructors - KrPrinter ═══ You can construct and destruct objects of this class. Overload 1 public: KrPrinter (); The default constructor does not set any graphics list. Use setList before doing any printing. The printer which is used when print is called is initially the system default printer, using its default settings. ═══ 8.1.4. Public Functions - KrPrinter ═══ Constructors KrPrinter Graphic List setList Printing print Retrieving Information getArea User Interaction printDialog ═══ KrPrinter::setList ═══ Use this function to select an IGList into the KrPrinter object. The contents of the IGList will be printed when print is called. The function returns the previously used IGList. If no IGList has been selected into the KrPronter object so far, 0 is returned. public: IGList* setList (IGList& list); ═══ KrPrinter::print ═══ Use this function to print the contents of the IGList previously selected by setList. The string title is used as the job title which appears in the queue display of the printer object. public: Boolean print (IString title); ═══ KrPrinter::getArea ═══ This function returns the rectangular area in system coordinates on which drawing on the printer takes place. p1 represents the lower left corner, p2 the upper right corner. public: void getArea (IPoint & p1, IPoint & p2); ═══ KrPrinter::printDialog ═══ This function pops up a dialog window in which the user can choose any printer which is to be used on subsequent calls to print. The user is also prompted to define his own printer settings for the print job. The printer and its settings are stored for the lifetime of the KrPrinter object. The only way to change them is to call printDialog again. At the end of his input, the user may either press the OK button or the Cancel button. If he chose the OK button, true is returned. public: Boolean printDialog (); ═══ 9. Ini file access ═══ To easily access data in OS/2 system ini files or in your own ini files, use the KrProfile class. ═══ 9.1. KrProfile ═══ Description Derivation Constructors Public Functions Enumerations Manipulators ═══ 9.1.1. Class Description - KrProfile ═══ #include "krprof.hpp" Using this class, you can read and write data from/to os2.ini, os2sys.ini, or any other OS/2 style ini file that you choose, using the common << and >> operators. ═══ 9.1.2. Derivation - KrProfile ═══ KrProfile inherits from iostream. It also inherits from the non-public class _KrProfileBase, but this is only for technical reasons. ═══ 9.1.3. Constructors - KrProfile ═══ You can construct and destruct objects of this class. Overload 1 public: KrProfile (const IString & aApp, profile aProfile = user, Boolean iBuffered = false); Use this constructor to open the system ini file aProfile for reading and writing data of the application which is identified by the name aApp in the ini file. By default, the object acts like a unit-buffered iostream, i.e. you can simply do your input output using the operators << and >>. If you want to avoid the slight overhead created by unit-buffering, and you want full buffering instead, set iBuffered=true If you do so, however, don't forget that you are now responsible for flushing the stream yourself using the manipulator flush. Overload 2 public: KrProfile (const IString & aApp, const IString & aProfile, Boolean iBuffered = false); This is identical to overload 1, except that aProfile is now not neccessarily a system ini file, but the file name of any ini file. If it doesn't already exist, this constructor creates this ini file. ═══ 9.1.4. Public Functions - KrProfile ═══ Application control exists removeApp Constructors KrProfile ~KrProfile I/O functions clearBuffer readData writeData Key control existsKey key removeKey setKey Retrieving information good size ═══ KrProfile::exists ═══ Returns true if any data of the application already exists in the ini file, and false otherwise. public: Boolean exists (); ═══ KrProfile::removeApp ═══ Removes all data of the application from the ini file. public: void removeApp (); ═══ KrProfile::~KrProfile ═══ public: ~KrProfile (); ═══ KrProfile::clearBuffer ═══ Do not use this function, since it might become private in a later version. Use the manipulator clear instead. public: void clearBuffer (); ═══ KrProfile::readData ═══ This function appends the contents of the ini file associated to the current key to the stream. Its direct use may be confusing; it is recommended to use the >> operator instead, which will call this function only when neccessary. This function may become private in a later version. public: virtual void readData (); ═══ KrProfile::writeData ═══ Do not use this function, since it might become private in a later version. Use the manipulator flush instead. public: virtual void writeData (Boolean callFromBuff); ═══ KrProfile::existsKey ═══ Returns true if any data associated to the current key already exists in the ini file, and false otherwise. public: Boolean existsKey (); ═══ KrProfile::key ═══ Returns the currently set key. public: IString & key (); ═══ KrProfile::removeKey ═══ Removes all data associated to the currently set key from the ini file. public: void removeKey (); ═══ KrProfile::setKey ═══ Clears the stream and sets a new key. Before setKey is called for the first time, the key "Default" is set. public: void setKey (const IString & aKey = "Default"); ═══ KrProfile::good ═══ Returns true if the ini file was successfully opened, and false otherwise. public: Boolean good (); ═══ KrProfile::size ═══ Returns the number of bytes currently stored in the ini file under the current key. public: long size (); ═══ 9.1.5. Enumerations - KrProfile ═══ profile ═══ KrProfile::profile ═══ public: enum profile { system, user, both }; If a system ini file is to be opened, a member of this enumeration should be passed to the constructor. These are their meanings: system Read and write to the OS/2 system ini file (usually called os2sys.ini) user Read and write to the OS/2 user ini file (usually called os2.ini) both Read from both above ini files, write to the OS/2 user ini file. ═══ 9.1.6. Manipulators - KrProfile ═══ Key control clear flush Stream handling remove ═══ clear ═══ Use this manipulator to clear the stream. This is neccessary if you have already read from or written to the stream, but want to discard that data and write completely new data to that key instead of appending to the old data. public: KrProfile & clear (KrProfile & aProfile); ═══ flush ═══ Use this manipulator to flush the stream. This is only neccessary if you have constructed the KrProfile object as a fully buffered stream. public: KrProfile & flush (KrProfile & aProfile); ═══ flush ═══ This manipulator is a convenient way to call removeKey. public: KrProfile & remove (KrProfile & aProfile); ═══ 10. Error handling ═══ The IBM open class library extensively uses exceptions both to inform the programmer about the success of actions performed by classes of the library and to provide comprehensive debugging information. Unfortunately, however, the user of an application will not see any error messages when the program is aborted due to an uncatched exception. Instead, the program will just terminate. The KrTraceclass take care of this and other error handling related issues. ═══ 10.1. KrTrace ═══ Description Derivation Constructors Public Functions Enumerations Macros ═══ 10.1.1. Class Description - KrTrace ═══ #include "krtrace.hpp" This class handles uncatched exceptions. Whenever an uncatched exception occurres, the following is done: 1. Optionally, the exception data is writen to some location 2. Optionally, the user is informed that an error has occurred 3. The program is terminated This class uses and enhances the functionality of ITrace. ═══ 10.1.2. Derivation - KrTrace ═══ KrTrace inherits from IBase. ═══ 10.1.3. Constructors - KrTrace ═══ You cannot construct objects of this class. Instead, make use of its enumerations and of its static member functions. Overload 1 private: KrProfile (); ═══ 10.1.4. Public Functions - KrTrace ═══ Exception handling tellUser traceTo Exception throwing _throw ═══ KrTrace::tellUser ═══ Use this function to determine how detailed (if at all) the user should be informed about a program crash by a message box. public: static void tellUser (userInfo aInfo); ═══ KrTrace::traceTo ═══ Use this function to determine whether trace and exception information should be logged, and if yes, to which destination. Overload 1 public: static void traceTo (traceTarget aTarget); Overload 1 traces to the destination aTarget. Overload 2 public: static void traceTo (const IString & s); Overload 2 traces to a file. Its filename is given by s. Overload 3 public: static void traceTo (); Overload 3 traces to the file progname.log in the current directory, where progname is the name of the exe-file of the program (without the .exe suffix). Note: Overload 3 requires that the IBM open class library has been correctly initialized using IApplication::current().setArgs(). ═══ KrTrace::_throw ═══ You should not call this function directly, but use one of the macros instead. Overload 1 public: static void _throw (const IException & ex, const char* fileName, const char* functionName, unsigned long lineNumber); Overload 2 public: static void _throw (const IException & ex, const char* fileName, const char* functionName, unsigned long lineNumber, const IString & group); ═══ 10.1.5. Enumerations - KrTrace ═══ traceTarget userInfo ═══ KrTrace::traceTarget ═══ public: enum traceTarget {stdout, stderr, file, queue, none}; This enumeration is used to identify the logging destination when calling traceTo. These are the meanings of their members: stdout Write all log information to stdout stderr Write all log information to stderr file Write all log information to a file. If a file name has already been set using traceTo, that name is used. If no file name has been set so far, traceTo is called without arguments to determine a filename. In this case, please note the remarks to traceTo. queue Write all log information to the queue \\QUEUES\\PRINT32. none Do not perform any logging. This is the default until traceTo is called. ═══ KrTrace::userInfo ═══ public: enum userInfo {noMsg, simple, logFile, full}; Use this enumeration with tellUser to tell the system whether the user of your application should recieve information about crashes. The meanings of their members are: noMsg Do not give the user any message and just exit from the program. This is the default until tellUser is called. This is also what the IBM open class library does if Kroi's Classes are not used. simple Just tell the user that an error was encountered and that the program cannot continue. logFile Like "simple", but tell the user also the location of the log file (if any exists). full Like "logFile", but also pop up full information about the exception which caused the crash. ═══ 10.1.6. Macros - KrTrace ═══ For use with the KrTrace class, the following macros are defined: KRTHROW(exc) KRNAMEDTHROW(exc,name) KRTHROW works exactly like ITHROW, but accepts also temporaries as arguments (if you try this with ITHROW, all position information will be lost). KRNAMEDTHROW works like KRTHROW, but expects another parameter name, which should be an IString object and contains the name of the group this exception belongs to. Use this to identify the module the exception was thrown from. ═══ Dummy ═══ ═══ Dummy ═══ ═══ Dummy ═══ ═══ Dummy ═══ ═══ Dummy ═══ ═══ Dummy ═══ ═══ Dummy ═══ ═══ Dummy ═══ ═══ Dummy ═══ ═══ Dummy ═══ ═══ Dummy ═══ ═══ Dummy ═══ ═══ Dummy ═══ ═══ Dummy ═══ ═══ Dummy ═══ ═══ Dummy ═══ ═══ Dummy ═══